Plasticity in Relation to Gelatin

In view of the very close relation between gelatin and glue it is evident that a considerable degree of overlap is possible where the plasticity of th...
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Introduction I n view of the very close relation lietwceii gelatin ant1 glue it is evident that a considerable clegree of overlap is possililc where the plasticity of the two inaterials is discussed separately. Piiicr, this paper is to he folloir-ed hy one on the plasticity of glue by Dr. Rogue. I hai-c oniittetl tliecussioii of h!drolytic effects and Iiii~it~ed the matter to Iwiilts ohtainc~ln-ith straight gelatin solutions. Sols and Gels I n this antl another paper icellulosr) I h a w introtlucetl a certain aillourit of matt,er dealing formally with clrrsticitg, hecauw in trcatiiip the iiiechaiiical properties of the colloid gels we encounter h t h plastic ant1 elastic phenonim a . I do riot propose t o traverse at any length the v r w d ground of clefinitions of solids aiid liquids, of elast,icit\-, plasticit>. and 1 k e n discussed w r y ably in a recent paper by Professor Hinghainl. It is in general agreetl that in "perfect elasticity'' the strain (tleformat,ion) is proportional t o the st8ress (Hooke's law). and disappcws iiiinietliatel>- (siiiiiiltaneously) with the removal of the stress. Ringhain points out that t'wo cases are possible on working at' shearing force of constant value ( I . I . So fur-ther cleforination as the $tress continues t o tic applied up to thc point of rupture (perfect elasticity). ( I I . ) S o further tleforination so long as t h c shearing stress does riot esceetl a certain value (yield point i . The suhstance follows Hoolie's laTv 1111to the yield point. and thcii sudtlenlj- 1 ) r c a k do~viiantl shows t,rw plastic flow. He points out further that actual solids never shoTv "perfect elasticity" : these two types are only approsiniately rcalizetl antl Hooke's law is never csactly obeyed even I t very lon strtlsws so that' there is a certain amount of yielding long tiefore the elastic liinit. Practically, under given conditions we can n w a s ~ i r ( a~ i primary c r elastic strain [Ringham's inst,antmeouY elastici.&y]i. c., the instantaneous elastic cleformation which disappears simultaneously with thc siippressiun of the stress (b) the secondary strain or subpermanent tleforinatioii. a reversihle deformation which is a function of time ic) the viscow flow which is irreversible, with time, and produced at a constant rate. lla,rdles' speaks of (c) "viscous or plastic." flon. a s if thesc were equivalent. In view of the definite differentiation of "plastic" from "viscous" flow, this appears unsatisfact,ory, am1 it i s i'u the r q i o i i ( b ) flint the 1jio.d pronotimed

* Paper presented at the 1'l:isticity Symposium. I,uf:i?-ettc C'oll(ye. O p t . 17 1924). '"Communication S o . 2 2 7 from thc Iirscarch 1,:itiorntory of the, Eiistmnn Ihrlak Cornpany. J. Franklin Inst., 194, 99 ( 1 9 2 4 ) . '' cf. E. IY, J . RIardles: T m w . F:iratlny S o ( ... 19. I 18 i 1923 I .



p l w t i c eflects qf solids are shotcn. iPseutlo-pIast,ic flon-! Ringliani et :tl). The> iiiipc~rfectionof elasticity, or elastic tleficieiicy, is therefore closely ri?latccl to I)l:?,.,ant1 plastic measiireiiients g i r t ~ - d u a i ) indications I~ of t h c plasj.ici[J- of niaterials, once the liiiiit of elasticit>- is passetl. ?‘his liiiiit is not :i\)solute but depends upon the rate atr which stress is applied. :is well :xs on prcvious loatling of the materia.1. t




Fluidity and Plasticity of Gelatin Sols

X good deal of time has been wast,ed in the past i n t h e endeavor l o iiiwktl i,c!atively precise viscosity measurements of gelatin sols. It vas o I ~ s ~ r r e ! l that the “viscosities”, whether measured 11)- capillary pipettes or otlicr iiie.tliads, generally shon-et1 ( a ) great variations depending upon t h e iiiethotl of preparation and pretreatnient (h) showed markecl progressive (or regressive i variations with time. For a while these were cheerfully chronicled as outstanding characteristics of those mysterious colloids-everythiiig not understood being magnificent in colloid chemistry. Thanks largely t o O a k s and Tlavis. Ropiie ant1 others! t h e following fects ma\- he reparc!etl as estahlishd :



a. the “viscosity“ of gelatin sols below a certain teinpcrature tends to increase steadily n ith time. due t o gelation. b. the “viscosity” of gelatin sols above a certain temperature may f::ll off with time till a fairly constant value is reached, c. at still higher temperatures (aboir i o o (‘.) the “ ~ i s c o s i t ‘j’ falls stta,tlily, due t o hydrolysis, d. with change of pH. the rate of ch,znge nith tiiiic is leait (Coguri at the isoelectric point 4. j - 4.8. The “viscosity” figures here were uwally tlc terniiried from tiiiies of flonat one rate of shear. C‘omparison of such figure- A. Bzegvari (108.I i j ) the flow of colloidal solutions under varying shearing stress is discussed. I n particular the theory is dealt with by the last named. S o mcntion is made of the ~ v o r l iof Bingham. Buckingham antl others in this country. Pzegvsri dewlops a theory of "plastic" flow on the simple assumption of superposition of elastic resistunw on \+coiiR flow, the theoretical viscosity heing supposed independent of the sh JJlth these assumptions he obtains ia) for the Couette (AIaclIirhael. e t c . ) the cxpressicn inre (apparent viscosity) A =elastic constant \v=A(i+q G = velo(rity gradient 7) = thcoretical viscosity


4 =angle of deflcrtion w=velocity of rotation

this becomes 4


w =


A w


which gives a function identical ivith Bingham's for simple plastic flow. dimi1ar:y for ( 1 ) ) it capillary, in this case he adds a const.ant to the vrlocit>--gradientt o tali(. ciire of the assumed reduction of diameter of free flow tiy the elastica elements. This gives \v



__ G +k

f q

hencc.. i f v =volume of flow per unit time p =pressure A

I \-=-

P+k -

A7 +71=



P +h


giving again a curve of similar tFpc for the flow: pressur(' curvc. Thprp does not appcmr to lie any advancc in this upon Bingham'a primar>. conclusion. :ind furthermore no notice is taken of the failure of this relation at low rates of shear. J. Am. Chem. Sor.. 41, Igj (1919j.



tained. Between these values, the rotation was found to take intermediate values according t o the temperature. Smith conqictereti this indicated the existence of two distinct f o r m of gelatin, onc. the sol form stable at 3 jo C. and above, the othcr the gel form stable at I;’ ( ‘ . and below. ,It teniperatures between an equilibriuiii lietn een the tn-o forms existed. The esistence of TWO critical temperatures of tliic type, or a t e m p e r n t i i r e rririge instead of a transition temperature for th~i~iiiod~-iiaiiiicall~ tlistirict forriis of a suhstance did not appear prohuhle. ( h k e s ant1 I)avisl froni an investigation of the change of “apparent viccwity” with time a t cliii’erent temperatiires con-

cluded that at a teiiipcrature of 38.03’ c‘. gelatin qol and pel were in equilibrium. that is. that this is a true transition temperature, hut generally masked by phenoniena of retarded transition-analogous t o superqaturation. Comparative invariance of “apparent viscosity” for a 2 percent gelatin at 38’ C. was observed alw in this laboratory hut later work of Loeb? and Bogue3 showed that this teiiiperature is n function of the hydrion concentration. In general the variation is, least at pH = i . j r the isoelectric point, but, as shown by Bopue. other factors influence it, and there is not sufficient evidence for a definite transition temperature. This leaves th-n the former view that the sol or gel transition is continuous as most probable, and it is likely t h a t , as in soaps. the particles oi the sol and the gel are identical. The continuity J. Am. Chem. SOC.,44, 464 (19221. J . C h . Physiol. 4, IO; ( 1 9 2 1 ) . J. -1m. Chem. Soc.. 44. 13-13 (192-1



of this change. and the existence of a region in which plusticity is preeminently tlcveloped is then illust,rated in comparing. 11y the saiiie. if arbitrary. mctliod, a wries of so-called meltirzg and s e t t i ~ ypoints at, tliflererit conccntration9 of gelatin. Thr general form of these curves ir; shon-n i n Fig. 4.

Frc:. C;



l l e l t i n g Points

G z Setting Points

7‘hc enclosed rcgion is one of imperfect temperature equilihriim~hut also :1 region in which plnsticify is well dcvelopetl. A%lbovc the upper curve, the ~ 0 1 . s c~xaiiiinerlivoultl skiow little plasticitmy:hut hehare as viscoiix liquids, helow the lou-er curve we have elastic gels.

Plasticity of Jellies Gelatin jellies subjectcd to increasing qtresses helon- a certain temperaturc show a high degree of elasticity’. This is illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6 where the elastic resistance to torsion and t o stretch is shown graphically. \\-hen an increasing load is applied fairly rapidl>-, the jelly follows Hoolte’q law practically up to the breaking point. The volimie of jelly reiliains con-

* Cf.

S, E:, Shcppartl ant1 S . ,