PLASTICIZERS Additions and Corrections
he following additions have been received to the list of plasticizers published January, 1942, pages 68-73, and are given here along with several corrections. Further suggestions for incorporation and betterment of the list are sought by the AND ENGINEERING CHPMISTRY. author, F. J. Van Antwezpen, Associate Editor, INDUSTRIAL
Type or Chemical Name Acetylbenzene Diamyl phthalate
Name Acetophenone Amyl phthalate Amyl salicylate Benzophenone Benzyl acetate Benzyl alcohol Benzyl benzoate Benzyl cinnamate Benzyl salicylate Benzyl stearate Butyl phthalate Dibenzyl ether Dibenzyl phthalate Dibenzyl tartrate Ethyl phthalate Fenchone Methyl phthalate Urethan
Name Acetophenone
Diphenyl ketone
............ ............ ............
Dibutyl phthalate
............ ............
Diethyl phthalate Fenchone Dimethyl phthalate Ethyl carbonate
Consistency Color Liquid Colorless
Amyl phthalate
Amyl salicylate
Benzophenone Benzyl acetate Benzyl alcohol Benzyl benzoate Benzyl cinnamate Benzyl salicylate Benzyl stearate Butyl phthalate
Dibenzyl ether Dibenzyl phthalate Dibenzyl tartrate Ethyl phthalate
Fen ch on e Methyl phthalate
Liquid Liquid
Same Same
l.O43/d"," 1.122 (liq.)
278 198
1,047-1.051/20 1.036/15
... ...
222 152 194 89
...... ......
Melting Soly.1 in Flash Point, Water, % Point, "C. byWt./OC. OC. 20.5 S. S. ... .. Insol. 357 Insol. ... 4815 Insol. ...
203/50 193-198 190/60 180
Compatibility2 C. A., N. C.
B.C.,C.A.,C.A.B.,C.A.P.,Cl.R.,E.C., N. C., S., V. B., V. F., 8.R., V. C.-A. N. C.
..................... N. C.
Boiling Point, " C./Mm. 202 261/50 265 305.4 215.7 205.8 323-4 244/25 208/26 220-230/1.5 240/50 295-8 260/3.4
1.117-1.121/20 0.9470/d154 1.192-1.194/20 1 ,06/48.2(lis.)
108 212 238 228
C. A., N. C. N. C.
Sp. Gr./O C. 1.033/15 1.022-1.026/2O 1.065/15 1.083/54
Liquid Solid Solid Liquid
Mol. Wt. 121 306 208 182
B. C., C.A., C.A. B., C . A . P., C1. R., E. C., N. C., S., V. B., V. F., 8. R., V. C.-A. C. A., N. C.
..................... .....................
B. C., C. A., C.A. B., C.A. P., C1. R., E. C., N. C., S.,V. B., V. F., S. R.,V. C. -A. C.A., K.G., N. C.,V. C.,Vg. B.C.,C.A.,C.A.B.,C.A.P.,Cl.R.,E.C., N. C., S., V. B., V. F., 9. R., V. C.-A. N. C.
-15.3 21 39 24.5 30
.. 37 50
4/17 Insol.
s. s. ...
Insol. Insol.
Insol. 69
5. 8 .
... ... ... ... ...
352 135
Vapor Pressure, Mm./OC.
....... ....... .......
....... ....... ....... ....... .......
325 68 310
0.01/25 10/68 0.01/25 54/103
Manufacturer George G. Fries & Co., 68 Beekman St., New York U. 8. Industrial Chemicals, Inc., BO E. 42nd St., New York Harold L. Simons, Inc., 11 44th Rd., Long Island City, N. Y . George G. Fries & Co. Harold L. Simons, Inc. Same Same George G. Fries & Co. Same Same U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc. Harold L. Simons, Inc. George G. Fries & Co. Same U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc. Newport Industries, Inc., Pensacola, Fla. U. S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc. Same
S. 8. = slightly soluble, not otherwise specified; Insol. = insoluble. B. C. = benzylcellulose; C. A. = cellulose acetate: C. A. B. = cellulose acetobutyrate; C. A .P. = cellulose acetopropionate; C1. R. = chlorinated rubber: E. C. = ethylcellulose: K. G. = kauri gum; N. C. = nitrocellulose: S = polystyrene; V. B. = polyvinyl butyral; V. C. = polyvinyl chloride; V. F. = polyvinyl formal; S. R. = synthetic rubber: Vg. = vegetable oil; V. C.-A. = vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers. 1
* Plasticsin which products can be used:
The following boiling points should be corrected: Compound Acetyl tributyl citrate Butyl acetyl ricinoleate Methyl oleate
Page 68 68 72
Boiling Point, " C./Mm. Incorrectly reptd. Corrected 169 169/0.7 230 25&260/13 200-215 ' 190-200/15
The melting point of dibutyl phthalate (page 70) should be -35' C., not 35' as reported. The solubility of tributyl citrate (page 72) of Charles Pfizer & Co., Inc., is