Plastics from Sugar - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 11, 2010 - PLASTICS MAY BECOME a major outlet for one of mankind's basic foodstuffs-sugar. If research at Bjorksten Research Laboratories for Indu...
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Resins from'Sucrose ·' . ,

^ f ^ S l -h HgCO": V > : - H 6 H 2 C ^ f ^ > ^ - C H 2 0 H , - > ^ v.:

y t h e and h a v e properties almost identical t o cautions, more clinical work must b e Sugar Research Foundation, show t h a t resins containing m u c h less sugar. done, particularly where prolonged u s ­ the properties of a family of sucrose When t h e sucrose content exceeds age is involved. phenol-formaldehyde resins (C&EN, 60%, t h e resin is too sensitive to mois­ Schering started to market t h e n e w March 4 , page 7) compare favorably ture t o b e of m u c h practical value. drug last month. I m m e d i a t e market • Resin P r o p e r t i e s . On t h e basis of with conventional phenol-aldehyde targets will b e people suffering mental resins. A n d t h e cost of making t h e their properties, t h e sugar-derived and emotional disturbances brought on resins m a y he used as laminating ad- by anxiety, tension, agitation, panic, sucrose resins promises t o b e markedly lower, says H e n r y B. Hass of SRF, w h o hesives. Their flexural strength a p ­ confusion, and restlessness. It can also described t h e resin to t h e ACS Chi­ proaches that of conventional phenol- be used to treat anxiety associated with aldehyde resins, a n d color ranges from organic disorders such as tuberculosis, cago Section. According to Bjorksten's Robert P. colorless t o a light t a n in thin films. colitis, tension headache, a n d asthma. Cox, t h e resin i s obtained b y reacting Thicker sections range from yellow t o The drug can b e used on both ambu­ red. Another plus—the sucrose resins lant and confined cases. O n e particu­ sucrose with a phenolic compound and formaldehyde. T h e sugar used n o w is won't build u p a static electrical larly promising area is in geriatric charge. granulated, refined sucrose. Phenols therapy. The plastics-from-sugar research include phenol itself, rn-cresols, and Schering market research people program sprang from a n S R F project at figure t h e tranquilizer market to b e resorcinol. As with conventional p h e ­ Herstein Labs. There, chemists found worth about $ 1 5 0 million a year. If nolic resins, choice of chemical affects that sucrose, urea, a n d formaldehyde present trends continue, t h e market cure cycles a n d some physical proper­ form a clear, colorless, and hard resin ties. Reaction conditions for each (C&EN, June 1 1 , 1956, page 2 8 6 3 ) . phenol are about t h e same, says Cox, The project w a s then transferred to with slight modifications necessary with the polyhydroxy compounds "because Bjorksten, where work h a s been in -Cl progress for a b o u t t w o years. of their greater reactivity. An alkaline catalyst is used. Although sucrose urea-formaldehyde N- • C H : - C H r - O H CH 2 —CRV- CH 2 —^ Tests to date indicate one impor­ resins c a n also b e made, t h e phenolics Trilafon (perphenazine) give a better product at this time for tant difference between these sugar

Plastics from Sugar



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