Plastics. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1959, 51 (9), pp 1204–1212. DOI: 10.1021/ie51397a029. Publication Date: September 1959. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Ch...
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success of the distinctive American pavilion a t the Worlds Fair convinced even the most conservative of the importance of plastics in building. American plastics producers have supplied another unique structure for the national exhibition at Moscow’s Sopolniki Park. This pavilion consists of a series of interlocked reinforced plastic umbrellalike shapes supported by hollow plastic columns which also serve as drains for rain water. T h e construction of this free-form structure sheltering 15,000 square feet would have been impractical with classical materials of construction. Less glamorous, large functional structures in chemical processing plants are becoming commonplace. For example, a 65-foot tower in a London chemical plant \vas constructed from rigid vinyl

RAYMOND 6.SEYMOUR, author of our annual review of developments in plastics since 1949, is president of Alcylite Plastics and Chemical Corp. Prior industrial experience was as president of Loven Chemical of California; president of Atlas Mineral Products; director special products research, Johnson and Johnson; director industrial research Institute of the University of Chattanooga; group leader in plastics research, Monsanto Chemical Co., and research chemist, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. His work has resulted in many patents and technical publications. He was the first chairman of the Thermoplastics Structures Division of the Society of the Plastics Industry, f i r s t chairman of the NACE Plastics Materials of Construction Committee, a member of the executive committee of the Paint, Plastics and Printing Ink Division of ACS, and a director of the Society of the Plastics Industry. He i s president of the Southern California Section of the Society of the Plastics Industry. Seymour received his B.S. and M.S. degrees a t the University of New Hampshire and Ph.D. a t the University of Iowa.

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sheet supported by a steel angle frame. An 84-foot reinforced polyester stack was installed in Canada for exhausting acid fumes. Large scale applications of plasiics are now routine in highway and bridge construction. Over 180 miles of polyethylene film over 12 feet wide was used as an underlay for concrete on the Montreal-Laurentian Autoroute. Educational facilities for the raining of plastics engineers are provided at Stevens Institute of Technology. The Newark College of Engineering, Princeton University: and Lowell Technological Institute. Lowell has granted degrees in plastics engineering to several graduates. Princeton is offering a master’s degree in plastic engineering. Of particular interest was the report of the use of plastics in the home building round table conference in thc Januaq1959 issue of House and Home. T h e Society of the Plastics Industry published a 61-page report of the visit to the Russian plastics industry in June 1958. More technical conferences on plastics were scheduled during the past 18 months than in the preceding 18 years. Forty three new standards for plastics were developed by A S T M Committee D-20. Special seminars on plastic were held a t M I T and Penn State University during the summer of 1959. T h e Society of Plastics Engineers has sponsored professional activity groups on plastics in building and reinforced plastics, and scheduled a technical conference on plastics in construction at Los Angeles in November 1958. Apparently: overzealous promotion of flame-resistant polyester has created the impression that conventional plastics are unsafe. When it was demonstrated that the incidences of fires in electrical appliances were insignificant statistically, the Underwriters’ Laboratories agreed to permit the use of slow-burning plastics for certain exterior uses in electrical applicances. if no combustible materials were used in thr interior of such equipment. As a result of large scale tests by Factory Mutual, the use of reinforced plastic panels is permitted in up to 2 5 7 , of the roof area in unsprinkled buildings. Reinforced plastic panels are nokv per-


mitted Lvithin area limitations in buildings equipped with automatic sprinklers. The re-entry of plastic nose cones carrying live monkeys should help dispel suggestions that all plastics are combustible. Demonstrations in housrs destroyed to make way for the St. Lawrence River project showed that most plastics are no more hazardous than conventional building materials. I n spite of 5,000.000 pounds of high density polyethylene used in hula hoops. the industry was plagued by excess production capacity ranging from 100% for spoxy resins to 25% for vinyls. Recent trends suggest that continuing increased consumption of plastics will help correct these problems. H u m p h r e y of U.S. Rubber has predicted that the world’s plastic production will triple to 27 billion pounds annually by 1968. Kropa has suggested that the volume of plastics manufactured might serve as an index of the standard of living in any nation. Russia is producing about one billion pounds of plastics annually. Japan, which now ranks as the world’s fourth largest producer of plastics, has set an annual target of 400,000 tons. Japan is already producing 150,000 tons of vinyl plastics for local and foreign markets. Over 4 billion pounds of plastics were produced in the United States in 1958. World production was 9 billion pounds. About 5 billion pounds will be consumed in this country in 1959. General T h e plastics industry has demonst1 ated unusual maturity, in spite of its newness and heterogeneity. T h e importance of plastics in space research has made unsound criticism of these materials less popular and has assured even the earthbound consumer of the importance of plastics as functional materials. Almost 1 billion pounds of plastics were used by the building industry in the 12 months preceding July 1> 1959. An increase of 500% in the use of plastics in building has been predicted by Goggin ( ~ 5 ~ 4 ) . Some progress in the simplification of nomenclature has been noted. ASTM

Committee D-20 has proposed a standard abbreviation for plastics using P F for phenolformaldehyde, PS for polystyrene, etc. (72%). The phrase “selling foams to Eskimos” has taken on ne\v significance. Standard plastic foam igloos, 9 feet high and 18 feet in diameter, are now considered the better homes in several areas on Baffin Island. Modified geodesic-type domes u p to 55 feet in diameter have been built. These structures are dwarfed by large air-supported plastic structures. A manufacturing plant in Northfield, Minn., 340 feet long and 30 feet wide was constructed by the low pressure inflation of a heat-sealed nylon-reinforced polyester film. \’ariation of these techniques has resulted in an 80-ton-capacity portable vinyl plastic silo ( 7 A ) , plastic barges for thr transportation of oil and chemicals, and plastic liners for storage lagoons. I t was estimated that $44,000 was saved through the use of polyethylene film liners for sewerage storage lagoons at Edmonton. .4lberta. T h e 9-foot-wide strips of film lvere heat-sealed before installation. I n an application with greater h u m a n interest. polyethylene mesh has been used for surgical prosthesis and polyurcthane foam has been used both to

Reviews and Books Subject Plastics in building History of plastics indiistr! Plastics reviews

unite broken bones and to replace them. Plastics are also being used to hurl torpedoes ( 7 4 A ) . Harrington (7.4) investigated the effect of y-radiation on many plastics. H e concluded that aromatic polycarbonates, polyesters, and polystyrenes were the least affected, while the polyfluorocarbons were vulnerable to these rays. .4s a result of an investigation of plastic films, Thinius (77A) concluded that polyamides, polyterephthalates, and phosphate ester-plasticized poly(viny1 chloride) were practically nonflammable. A \vide variety of commercial vinyl compounds have been approved by Underwriters’ Laboratories for electrical applications. Flame-resistant thermoplastics have been produced by copolymerization with 3 . 3 , 3 -trichloro-lpropene and by compounding with tri(2-bromoethyl) phosphate or pentabromophenol.

Design and Engineering Information McGary (77B) has stated that the mechanical properties of glass-reinforced plastics are influenced by both the properties of the resin and the conditions of loading. By use of strain gages, Chambers (4B) demonstrated that when reinforced plastics fail, it is the result of cracking of the resin in tension at levels far belo\\ the ultimate strength.

Carey (3B) studied the creep and stress rupture behavior of polyethylene and developed long-time load-bearing potentials which he related to the relative crystallinity of the resin. Juillard (9B) developed information on ultimate strengths of plastic pipe by observing breaking strengths under high stress and through relaxation tests. Faupel (6B) predicted creep and stressrupture behavior of rigid vinyl pipe through the use of stress relaxation data. Equations for relationg creep, strain, temperature, time, and stress of plastic pipe have been developed by Sansome

(76B). As a result of numerous tests Richard (73B, 74B) showed that log-log coordinate data could be used to predict long-time behavior of high density polyethylene pipe from short-term tests. H e predicted that under normal \vater line service a t 68’F. the expansion of plastic pipe after 50 years would be less than 3’34. Data on the creep of various types of polyethylene at elevated temperatures were provided by Dixon (5B). -4s a result of a study of cold flow, LMillard (72B) concluded rhat the Boltzman principle did not apply to polytetrafluoroethvlene.

Reinforced Plastics

As a result of a survey of a cross section of the reinforced plastics industry,


Design information Reinforced plastics Reinforced panels Plastic sheet forming Plastic welding Cellular plastics Hiqh temperature applications

Fluidized bed process Hot applications of plastics Polyethylene markets Polyethylene propertirs


Vinyl resins

Risid vinyls Polystyrene Polyacetals Polycarbonates Epoxv resins Polyesters Phenolic resins


(5.t.21) ( 7P)

(34) ( 76R) (7s) ( 3 T ,5 7 ’ )



General Ref. Stereospecific and graft polymerization ( 73’4) Newer commercial plastics ( 4 46‘4) Japan’s plastics industry (78A) Soviet plastics technology ( 7 7-4)

Courtesy, Filon Plastics Gorp.

Installation of translucent reinforced plastic panels VOL. 51, NO. 9, P A R T II




Improved communications among producers and potential end users of plastics, educational programs and an unprecedented number of technical conferences has assured a continuing growth for the structural plastics industry

the editors of Industrial Design concluded that the reinforced plastics industry cannot afford to delay solving its probems, for it is with these unknown questions that the future of this new industry will be either won or lost. Oder ( 7 IC) has attributed the slowness of growth of the reinforced plastics industry to a lack of technical knowledge by plastic fabricators. Sales of reinforced plastics increased 10% in 1958 over the previous year. A still greater increase to 210,000,000 pounds is predicted for 1959. Sales of reinforced panels were reported to be 60,000,000 square feet. Approximately 75y0 of reinforced plastics are used for boats. Over 70,000 reinforced plastics boats were produced in 1958 and over 200,000 are now in service. It is expected that 50yc of all small boats manufactured in 1960 will be plastic T h e U. S. Navy has specified reinforced plastic construction for all its boats under 50 feet. All ships carrying the American flag now use plastic life boats made from a flame-retardant polyester. Over 200 companies were represented a t the reinforced plastics conference at Brighton, England, October 22, 1958. This meeting was considered a n official recognition of the coming of age of this industry in England.

Reinforced Plastics Survey Properties SPI Chicago conference Properties of glass-reinforced polyester, epoxy, ethyl, phenol, and melamine resins Postformed phenolic laminates Laminated plastics Glass fibers as reinforcement Inorganic fillers Glass flake paper Aggregates Metal fibers Versatility in corrosion control Effect of wetting on glass fibers

Ref ( 7C) (20C)

( 7ZC)

(74C) ( 78C) (3C) (4C, 8 C ) (9C) ( 7C) (20

( 70c)

(76C) (77C)

Schepers (75C) has studies the health hazards inherent in the application of resins? hardeners, and fibers. A threeway spray gun for application of all three components is available. Huisman (5C) has described quality control in the production of reinforced panels. Specification MIL-P-25374.4 has been proposed for modified laminated plastic sheet. Improved weather

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resistance has been secured through the use of acrylic esters in place of polyesters now in general use ( 73C). Toner (79C) has suggested that the ultimate properties were independent of molding conditions. but low temperature cures are preferred ( E ) .

Plastic Pipe Sales of plastic pipe exceeded $50,Over 7570 of all pipe sold was used in water supply systems. Sales of $90.000,@@0and $250,000,000 have been predicted for 1960 and 1966: respectively. Over two thirds of the thermoFlastic pipe used is polyethylene. Acrylonitrile - butadiene styrene (ABC) and rigid vinyl account for 20 and 10% of the present market. Comprehensive market reports on plastic pipe have been published ( 7 5 0 ) ; with statistical data ( 7 7 0 ) , reports of progress, and comparative costs ( 6 0 ) . Sore11 (76D) has supplied engineering data and information of advantages of plastic pipe. A tentative commercial standard for plastic drain and sewer pipe has been developed. U. S. Commercial Standard 197-59 has been established for flexible polyethylene pipe. Damerham has discussed installation techniques and advocated adhering to IPS and BSS pipe sizes (5D). T h e use of slotted ',/z-inch polyethylene tubing has been proposed for termite control in buildings. Perforated polyethylene pipe weighted with lead wire has been laid on the ocean bottom to function as a fish barrier when air is forced through the system. A similar technique was used as a pneumatic breakwater (770). As a result of 5 years of successful experience, the water department of the city of Odense, Denmark, installed an additional 8 miles of 8-inch rigid vinyl pipe in its water supply system. Wavin NV, Holland, has installed over 230 miles of plastic water mains and 30,000 house connections without major difficulty. Nine thousand feet of 4-inch solvent-welded rigid vinyl pipe was installed as a water main in Oulton, Cheshire, England. Water lines are also being laid with continuous lengths of extruded polyethylene. A 1500-feet 6-inch water main was constructed by joining 125foot lengths of pipe with insert-type metal couplings (40). T h e city of Cleveland, Ohio, has approved plastic pipe for street to house water service lines.

000,000 in 1958.


More than 50 miles of Schedule 120 Type 2 rigid vinyl chloride pipe has been installed for wash-down systems on ships of the U. S. Navy. Cooling water for the air conditioning system of the Cherry Plaza Hotel a t Orlando, Fla.: is piped through 6-inch rigid vinyl chloride pipe. More than 25,000 feet of Type 2 rigid vinyl chloride pipe was installed in the sprinkling system of the parks a t San Antonio, Tex. Similar pipe is being used in a 15-mile irrigation system at Santa Paula, Calif. Florida's largest power company is using rigid vinyl pipe exclusively for cable conduit. T h e city of Welland, Ontario. has installed 10,000 feet of 2-inch polyethylene tubing for the same purpose. A chemical plant in Ashtabula, Ohio, installed 6200 feet of polyethylene pipe. Atkinson ( 7 0 ) has reported a savings of $60,000 through the use of 8000 feet of rigid vinyl on two chemical plant projects. Up-to-date information on the fabrication of rigid vinyl pipe has been compiled (730). A special trade school for instruction in the properties and fabrication of plastic pipe has been established. Mottram ( S D ) has discussed the molding of fittings for plastic pipe. T h e advantages of nylon-6 pipe and fittings for process applications have been outlined by Duncan ( 7 0 ) . V a n der Wal ( 7 0 ) has described experience with poly(viny1 chloride) water service pipe. H e recommends a factor of safety of 2 . 5 . Richard ( 7 2 0 ) has concluded that the following allowable pressure values are usable for cold water service line after 50-year service: low density polyethylene 356 p.s.i.. rigid poly(viny1 chloride) 640 p.s.i., and high density polyethylene 71 1 p.s.i. Numann ( 7 0 0 ) has suggested that all plastic pipe used in water mains have a 50-year service life at 20' C . O n e American pipe manufacturer is now supplying a 20year bonded guarantee with its 2-inch high density polyethylene pipe Saran-lined pipe u p to 8 inches in Steeldiameter is now available. jacketed rigid vinyl chloride pipe is being produced. Polyethylene-coated steel pipe is being used in oil wells (80). Reinforced plastic pipe progress has been reported ( 3 0 ) . Boggs ( 2 0 ) has supplied additional information on applications of reinforced epoxy pipe. O n e mile of 3l/r-foot reinforced poly-

.................___--.....---------------...~-~...-.--.---------. PLASTICS

chemical processing plant waste. Prestressed reinforced plastic screens 26l/2 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 8 inch thick are being used in a salt \rater screening system a t Huntington Beach, Calif. ( 2 3 E ) . Cheremisinoff suggests that corrugated reinforced polyester sheets be used for covering insulation on cylindrical tanks and columns ( 6 E ) . Glass fiber reinforced polycthylene film: 2 to 4 mils thick, is being produced. Nonblocking film has been obtained by blending polyethylene and chlorosulfonated polyethylene (2E). Steel coated with 10-mil vinyl plastisol is available ( I € ) . Over 25,000,000 square feet of this composite material was used in 1958.

Cellular Plastics Courtesy, Chemtrol Division, Rexall Drug & Chemical Corp.

Plastic pipes and plastic valves in Air Force Missile Test Center ester pipe was installed for discharging acid waste water in Monsteros. Sweden.

Plastic Structures T h e almost universal acceptance of reinforced plastic boats has stimulated considerable interest in other applications. T h e 26-foot boat seating 40 persons and the successful .4tlantic crossing of a 22-foot boat propelled by a n outboard motor should convince even the most critical of the potential of plastic structures. T h e 40,000-ton Oriana now under construction will be equipped with reinforced plastic life boats 36344 feet long with a beam of 1 2 feet. O n e piece reinforced polyester glass housing is being used for outboard motors. T h e USS Nautilis, ivhich cruised under the North Pole, was equipped with a glass-reinforced resin sonar dome. A reinforced epoxy radome 40 feet high and 55 feet in diameter has been erected a t the DEW line ( J E ) . Dry ice is being transported in reinforced plastic containers. A hand layu p plastic cab is being used by trucks in Alaska ( 2 2 9 . T h e 300-pound cab on the White Highway tractor is made from reinforced polyester resin. T h e hood and cab roof of the S e w Haven Railroad's Roger LVilliams diesel locomotove is made from reinforced plastic. The cabin floor supports of the Douglas DC-8 are 10-foot reinforced epoxy rmin sections. T h e advancement of the reinforced plastics industry has been retarded by lack of automation and inability to approach the ultimate strength inherent in resin-glass combinations. At present five firms are supplying equipment for the spray u p of reinforced plastics

(7 E ) . Spherical vessels designed to withstand pressures u p to 3000 p.s.i. have been fabricated by the filament irinding of resin impregnated glass roving (24E). Even reinforced plastic springs are superior in some respects to their metal counterparts (71E). O n e manufacturer of translucent reinforced corrugated plastic panels is now offering a 10-year guarantee. Flame retardant translucent panels are available (79E). .4 plastic structure 42 feet high consisting of corrugated plastic sheets has been used to oxidize large quantities of

Plastic Structures hTaval applications of reinforced plastics Physical properties and chemical resistance of translucent reinforced plastic panels Reinforced plastics for transporting chemicals Problems of glass-reinforced laminates in the chemical industry Molded reinforced polyester filter plates Forming plastic sheets Laminates of rigid poly(viny1 ch1oride)and hardboard of steel Properties of vinyl-metal laminates Rigid vinyl sheet and vinylmetal laminates for corrosion resistance Nondestructive magnetic force welding technique for joining vinyl-clad steel Dent welding process for vinyl-metal laminates Heat sealing and high frequency welding Flame spraying techniques


I n spite of overcapacity for the production of cellular plastics, optimism pervades this industry. O'Neil has predicted sales of 300.000,000 pounds of polyurethane foams in 1964. Sales in 1958 were less than 50,000,000 pounds, about 75y0 consumed by the furniture and automotive industries. A session on cellular plastics was held a t the SPI conference in conjunction with the National Plastics Exposition in Chicago in November 1958. T h e highly sensitive recording instruments in the T h o r and Atlas missiles are sealed within a sphere of polyurethane foam. This type of foam was used to fill nonfunctional cavities and structural voids in the U.S. S a v y atomic submarines. As a result of the comparison of several available cellular products. Phillips (77F) concluded that polyurethane offered the greatest possibility for the building industry. Alzner ( 7F) observed that increased catalyst concentration increased the compression set of polyurethane foams. Ferrari (8F)has shown that the resistance of these products to accelerated aging can be improved by the use of a dimer acid polyester or polypropylene glycol instead of a n adipate polyester in the reaction with tolylene diisocyanate. Superior polyurethane foams have been obtained by adding gases to the reactants (23F). Frensdorff ( 9 F ) has proposed the addition of silicones for the stabilization of the structure of foams. W. M. B. International A.B. of Sweden has developed a continuous process for the production of foamed polystyrene board ( I @ ) . Expanded polystyrene panels 18 X 4 feet X 4 inch weighing 190 pounds each were used in a test house in South Bend, Ind. Foamable polystyrene can be produced by addition of carbon dioxide and

VOL. 51, NO. 9, P A R T II



MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION pentane during the bulk polymerization of styrene (75F), of petroleum ether to polystyrene beads (27F), or of pentane to mixtures of polystyrene and polyisobutylene ( 3 F ) . High density cellular vinyl plastics have been produced on conventional extrusion equipment (73F). Winifield (24F) has proposed the use of epoxy resin foams as a replacement for wood in pattern making.

Cellular Plastics Properties and design Economics of flexible polyurethane and latex rubber foams Vses of rigid plastic foams in building, costs L-ses in construction Potential markets Polyurethane industry Properties of polyurethane foams Uses ofpolyurethane foams Recipes for one-shot polyethertype foams Techniques for minimizing defects in resilient polyurethane foams Potential applications for cellular polystyrene Cellular Plastics Divison, SPI, methods for typical vinyl foams llanufacture of vinyl foams, and formulations and properties of foams from vinyl plastisols Phenolic resin foams

High Temperature Application The continued development of missiles has focused attention on the characteristic resistance of phenolic resins to high temperatures. This observation was based on many years of successful use of phenolic resins in grinding ivheels and brake linings. As the result of an investigation of the effect of heat on the mechanical properties of glass fabric-reinforced resins, Read (7G) selected silicons resins for temperatures of 250' to 300" C., melamine resins for 200' to 250' C. and phenolic. polyester, and epoxy resins for lower temperatures. The nose cone of the English Thunderbird ground-to-air missile is constructed of a knitted glass fiber reinforced polyester resin. Black phenolic resins have also been used as a protective coating for metal nose cones. Gruntfest (2G), concluded that the optimum high temperature material depends on the specific application. For example, nylon-reinforced phenolic resin is relatively more durable at 7000" than a t 2000" C. Higher resin content results in higher erosion rates at 4000° F. but lower erosion rates at 23,400" F. H e (3G) observed that



reinforced phenolic plastics with a high resin content performed best, while those with high inorganic content were superior below 6000" F.

High Temperature Application Characteristics of phenolic, melamine, polyester, epoxy, and silicone laminates Phenolic molding compounds f o ~ missiles Reinforced phenolic resins as rocket components Behavior of phenolic laminates u p to 3000" F.



(W (XG)


Plastics are being used as the binder in solid propellents as well as for nose cones and other parts of ballistic missiles (6G). Phosphonitrile polymers having a decomposition temperature above 500' C. are available (5G). Phosphinborines. available in limited quantities, can be used at temperatures above 500" F.

plastic levees have proved advantageous in California rice fields. Techniques for spraying a 10-mil film of polyethylene for use as tank linings have been described (5H). Best results have been reported when the deposited film is heat-treated. Goodman (7H) has advocated the use of baked polyurethane coatings in oil field equipment. Five years' successful experience with buried pipe wrapped with poly(viny1 chloride) or polyethylene tape has been reported (74Z-I). Dorman (6H) has discussed the use of epoxy resins as road surfacing materials, concrete sealants, adhesives, patching compounds, and concrete pipe coatings. Epoxy cements are being used in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to reduce skidding. Matting (8")has endeavored to stimulate interest in the bonding of plastics to light metals. He has supplied considerable data on the effect of temperature, impact, and radiation o n the bond of these materials.

Industrial Applications As a result of many years' successful experience, interest in plastics as materials of construction has increased. Reinforced plastic filter plates and plastisol-metal-paper air fillers for carburetors have been described.

Industrial Applications Kef. Specialty plastisol as tanklining material (13H) All-plastic rotary filler presses ( 4 H ) Reinforced plastics in chemical plants (IUH) Construction and lone-term performance of reinforced (72Hl polyester sectional tanks Case histories of 8-year continuous service with reinforced polvester structures (1Hi in chemical industry Apolication of plastics in fluidized bed process 13H) (l5H) Hot applications of plastic Plastics for packaging in the chemical industry (77Hj Plastics in the electronics in(YH, 76H) dustry

An asbestos-reinforced phenolic fume stack 4 feet in diameter and 179 feet tall has replaced a steel stack which failed after 8 months of service. Battery acid is now being shipped in cardboard boxes lined with polyethylene film and 31-gallon tanks are being injection molded from polyethylene. The Commodity Credit Corp. is saving $7,000,000 annually by shipping dried milk in plastic bags. Polyethylene bags in wire-bound boxes have been proposed to replace carboys. Plastic carboys have been approved by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. (ZH).Polyethylene



Polyolefins The billion-pound prediction for sales of polyethylene is now within striking distance. The industry has been plagued by overcapacity and tragedies resulting from misapplication of film. Yet maturity or at least determination of purpose has been demonstrated by the three firms which already have capacity for most of the 820,000,000 pounds used in 1958. These firms are planning additional production capacity. The tragedies resulting from attempts to substitute plastic bags for toys have recalled similar accidents with outmoded refrigerators. The plastics industry is planning an educational program to encourage intelligent use and suggest proper precautions with plastic film after it has served its purpose. Polyethylene film is one of the most economical transparent packaging materials. The annual production capacity for high density (linear) polyethylene of approximately 300,000,000 pounds is shared by 10 firms. Sales for 1958 represented less than 20% of the capacity, yet increased facilities are planned and will be needed. I t has been predicted that 400,000,000 pounds of linear polyethylene will be consumed in 1962. Sales of polypropylene in this country are relatively small when compared to the 1-billion-pound target for polyethylene, yet additional facilities are being built and optimism continues to pervade the industry. British Standard 3021 : 1958 has been established for low density polyethylene sheet. Polyethylene molding and extrusion materials are described by A S T M Standard D 1248-58T. The following

PLASTICS types have been proposed by XSTR.1. Type I drnsity 0.910-0.925, Type I1 0.926-0.940, and Type I11 0.941-0.965. McTigue ( S J ) has demonstrated the superior resistance of high density polyethylene to stress cracking. Imig (6J)has maintained that there was no evidence of a relationship between polymer density and heat embrittlement of polyethylene. Polymers with lower melt indices and products processed a t high temperatures shelved improved resistance to heat embrittlement. Flameretardant polyethylene is available. Sheets of polyethylene 4 feet wide and u p to 11!‘2 inches thick are being extruded continuously. T h e investigation of cross linking of polyethylene by compounding with peroxide catalysts and carbon black has been continued (3J. 7 J ) . Sulfurcontaining antioxidants are effective for polyethylene-carbon black compositions.

Vinyls Sales of domestic vinyl resins dccreased to 790.000,000 pounds in 1358. This type of plastic still accounted for almost 20% of the total annual plastic sales in U . S . A . T h e sealing of a rigid vinyl time capsule in the spot where Stephen Foster wrote “ M y Old Kentucky Home” should assure even the most skeptical of the permanence of vinyl plastics. I n most uses, vinyls must compete with polyethylene. Sales of these two products, which cost about the same on a volume basis, represent almost 50% of the nation‘s total plastics market. Fowles ( 3 K ) has discussed present and future uses of rigid vinyl chloride plastics. M o r e than 10,000,000 pounds

of rigid vinyl pipe and shccting was used in 1958. Sales of 6O.OOO.OOC pounds have been forecast for 1365. Interest in vin!.l plastisols continues. Compositions or h i s type are being used for the production of carbon paper. Magnrtic strips have been produced by compounding plastisols with barium ferrite.

Polyolefins Production and propcrtirs o f polyethylene Present and potential markets for linear polyethylene Properties and uses of polyethylenr Properties of mrdium dcnsity polyethylene Procrssing techniqurs and properties Properties of polymrrs o f ethylene and propylenc Stress cracking of polyethylcnc Chemical resistancc of polyethylene Polyethylene powder for flamr spraying and cold spraying of hot articles Cross linking by atomic radiation Predicting Lveather resistance. based on relative degree of dispersion of carbon black in polyethylene Fundamentals of adhesion of polvethylene and poly(viny1 chloride) ‘I’rchniques for bonding polyethylene to rubber and brass-plated metals

Vinyls Vinyl film for agricultural purposes Difficulties in molding rigid poly (vinyl chloride) Advantages of using small amounts of dioctyl adipate plasticizer in rigid vinyls Vinyl resins Principles and practice in polymerization of vinyl chloride Production of vinyl acetate-vinyl chloride copolymer Effectiveness of plasticizers in plastisols Production of plastisols by spray drying

shown no wear after 120,ODO miles of service. Fitzsimmons (2L) has recommended thin films of polyfluorocarbon resins for lubricating and preserving industrial equipment. Such film can be provided by flame spraying of compounded resin. Fluorinated telomers useful as fluid lubricants have been prepared by the copolymerization of isobutylene and retrafluoroethylene (9L). .A more readily extrudable form of polytetrafluoroethylene is available. Solutions of copolymers of hexafluoroethylene and tetrafluoroethylene have been recommended as adhesives for polyfluorocarbon resins (7L). T h e surface of this type of plastic may be made bondable and acceptable to dyes by radiation.

Polytluorocarbons Considerable interest hds been shown in polyfluorocarbon resins because of their low coefficient of friction (4L). Plastic bearings o n railroad cars have

Polyfluorocarbons Recent advances New applications Films applied by spraying followed by curing at low temperature Dielectric properties of polymonochlorotrifluoroethylene

Polystyrene Engineering design information New book Thermoforming of polystyrene sheet Battery containers molder from polystyrene Film 1 mil thick and biaxial polystyrene film Nylon Present status of nylon plastics Properties of nylon-6 and nylon6,6 Water absorption and swelling of nylon-6 at various temperatures Xylon-molybdenum disulfide blends for machine parts Polycarbonates Present knowledge Courtesy,

E. I. du Pont

de Nemours & C o . , Inc.

Chemical properties General properties

Filled polyfluorocarbon resin piston ring VOL. 51, NO. 9, PART II



Further studies on the toxicity of heated polytetrafluoroethylene have shown that when mixtures with chromium or phosphate salts are heated ahove 350' C.?fluorine and hydrofluoric acid are evolved. T h e pure polymer is more stable and does not release toxic gases at 300 "C. Polystyrene

Sales of 670,000,000 pounds of polystyrene in 1958 gave polystyrene a rating among the top three plastics. Polyethylene, poly(viny1 chloride), and polystyrene account for almost 60% of this nation's plastics production. Polystyrene is now being produced from natural ethylbenzene in a n integrated plant which ships its annual output of 20,000,000 pounds in bulk from a loading hopper (7'44). British Standard 1493:1958 has been established for polystyrene molding material. High impact polystyrene has been prepared by blending chlorosulfonated polyethylene and polystyrene (6M). High impact styrene sheet 5 feet wide and up to 3,'16 inch thick is being produced. Self-extinguishing expandable polystyrene beads are available. Polyacetalt

Polyacetal resins became available in commercial quantities in 1959. Nogare (5P)and MacDonald (3P, 4P) have discussed production. Experimental polyacetals have been produced by the addition of triphenyl phosphide to solutions of formaldehyde in dimethyl ether a t -100' C. Lindegren (IF', 2P) has described the properties of these materials and has proposed that they be used as replacements for zinc, aluminum, and brass die casting alloy. Polycarbonates

T h e use of separate headings for polyacetals and polycarbonates may be questioned because of the newness and limited use of these materials to date. T h e distinct properties and potential use of these products justify this consideration. Epoxy Resins

T h e outlook is for increased sales as a result of a price reduction and development of new applications. At present over 60% of this product is used in coatings. Several new fast-curing epoxy resins have been announced. A one-day seminar on plastics for tooling was sponsored by S P I at Chicago in February 1959. Details on epoxy resin tooling have been supplied by hlalempre (72R). Equipment consist-

1 2 10

ing of a proportioning device and a spray gun for the application of fast-curing epoxy systems is available.

Epoxy Resins New book Review of chemistry Use as adhesives Details on tooling Flexible epoxy resins Corrosion-resistant applications hfixture of powdered metal with 2070 resin to repair chemical plant equipment Techniques for improving electrical properties Effect of composition and cure on creep characteristics Specific tertiary amines as curing agents Bromotrifluoride room temperature catalyst system Effect of aging on resins cured with phthalic anhydride Polyesters Heat-resistant styrene-modified polyesters Handling techniques Self-extinguishing polyester resins based on chlorendic acid Patents for chlorine-containing flame-resistant polyesters 15y, hexachloroethane added to improve flame resistance Chemical resistance of polyester plastics Fluorinated polyester resins High melting copolyesters of phthalic acid Mixtures of polyesters and molybdenum disulfide for hearings Acrylic resins (book) Polyesters (book) Miscellaneous Yew polymers based on aromatic polyanhydrides (7T) Casting polyurethanes (2T) Structural adhesives (7T) Hydrogenated polybutadiene as a bonding agent (8T) Chlorinated polyethers (67.1 Review of use of liquid and solid phenolic resins for shell molding (4T) Phenolic resin chemistry (5T) Phenolic resins (book) (3T)

Molding compounds have been produced from mixtures of epoxy resins. fillers, and hexamethylenetetramine. Bloom (3R) has recommended a mixture of diamines and the reaction product of a resorcinol and a glycidyl polyether. Polyesters

T h e use of polyester resins continues to increase. Over 100,000,000 pounds were consumed in 1958. Plans have been announced for additional plant capacity for the production of linear polyester resins.


Parklyn (70s) concluded that selfextinguishing resins did not necessarily reduce the fire hazard. According to Scott (74.9, the choice of pigment is more important than the resin in reducing fading of polyesters. Keller (6s)has discussed the molding of diallyl phthalate compositions. H e has reported impact resistance values as high as 8 foot-pounds per inch of notch for glass-filled and 4 foot-pounds for polyester fiber-filled compounds. Weisert (753) has supplied general information on fabrication procedures and application techniques for acrylic plastics. Two new acrylic copolymers are available commercially. Miscellaneous

Silicone resin sales in 1958 were 312,000,000 pounds, a 10% increase over 1957. Filled silicone compositions have been used for several high temperature applications. Much of the recent work on phenolic resins has been associated with missile applications and is restricted. Yet general reports prove that these resins have been a n important element in every major missile development. I n spite of unfortunate a n d tragic misuse of polyethylene film as baby toys or suicide masks and attempts to discredit plastics on the basis of lack of resistance to flame, these products continue to gain in stature. Fortunately, the industry is now sufficiently mature to admit mistakes, to correct misunderstandings, and to develop performance data when necessary. This approach assures continued growth of plastics in a wide variety of applications. Yet. if all other users except functional ones such as applications as materials of construction were abandoned. plastics would still continue to be one of the more important engineering materials. Acknowledgment

T h e assistance of I n a M a e Stewart is gratefully acknowledged. T h e cooperation of firms which supplied photographs of appropriate new applications is also appreciated. literature Cited General

( I A ) Birnbaum, P. P., Clarke, A. D , Rrzt. P/aStlcs 31, 241 (1958). (2A) Burns, R.. IND. END. CHEM.50, No. 10, 58A (1958). 134) Dickinson, T. A., Plastics (London) 24,

257 (1959). (44) Du Bois, J. H.. Modern Plastics 36, S o . 4. 102 (1958). ( j A ) Eden, H . .4. K., Plasttca 11, 122, 188 (1958).

PLASTICS (6-4) Goggin, W. C., Ziegler, E. E., Chern. E n g . Progr. 54, No. 11, 39 (1958). (7.4) Harrington. R., Giberson, R., M o d ern Plastzcs 36, No. 3, 199 (1958). (84) Hermack, G. R., Western Plastics 5, No. 12, 33, (1958). (9A) Kline , G. M,,Modern Plastics 36, No. 5, 135 (1959). (10.4) Kropa, E. L., McSweeney, E. E., IND.ENG.CHEM.51 , S o . 1, 36A (1959). (11.4) Mark, H. F., Modern Plastics 35, No. 11, 111 ( I o q S i (12A) Modprn Pinstiis 36, KO.6, 103 (1959). (13.4) Natta, G.: S P E Journal 15, 373 I,__

(1 ,-36 (1958); 10, KO.2, 41 (1952). (6Ci Ind. plastiques mod. 41, 36, (February (1958). (7C) Insulation 4, No. 6, 8 ; No. 7, 26; Xo. 8, 54; No. 9, 52 (1958). ( 8 C ) Kiselev, B. -4.,Usflekhi Khin. 27, 14 (1957). (9C) Knewstubb, N. W., Plastics Inst. (London) Trans. 26, 10 (1958). (1OC) Mazzuchelli, A. P., SPE Journal 13, No. 8, 23 (1957). (11C) Oder, G., Phipp, B. J., Plastics 24, 172 (1959). (12C) Oleesky, S., Western Plastics 6 , No. 2, 17 (1959).

(13C) Ross, J. A., hlead, B., Rundquist, J. T., Modern Plastics 35, No. 12, 109 (1958). (14C) Sauer, H., Kunststoje 48, 205 (1958). (15C) Schepers, S. W. H., A . M . A. Arch. Ind. Health 18, No. 7 , 34 (1958). (16C) Severance, W. A , , Corrosion 14,459T (1958). (l7C) Sonkeep, V. G., Batton, F. H., Reinforced Plastics 2, No. 6, 11 (1958). (18C) Storch, H., Product Eng. 29, 66 (Feb. 17, 1958). (19C) Toner, S. D., Woloch, I., Reinhardt, F. W., SPE Journal 14, No. 6, 40 (1958). (2OC) Zulberger, J., Lieb, R., Aviation .4ge 30, No. 8, 90 (1958). Plastic Pipe

(1D) Atkinson, H. F., Annual Meeting, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Atlantic City, N. J., March 1959. (2D) Boggs, H . D., Modern Plastics 35, No. 12, 96 (1958). (3D) Boggs, H. D., Edminsten, E. D., Western Plastics 5, No. 7, 17 (1958). (4D) Can. Plastics, p. 48 (July 1958). (5D) Damerham, R. L. H., Rubber @ Plastics Age 39, 769 (1958). (6D) Davis, H. G., Erich, E. A , , T a p p i 41, No. 6, 88A (1958). (7D) Duncan, D. L., Chern. Eng. 65, Xo. 24, 130 (1958). (8D) Engel, H., Kunststofe 48, 348 (1958). (OD) Mottram, S., Plastics 24, No. 256, 34; No. 357, 67; No. 258, 98 (1959). (10D) h-umann, E., Umminger, O., Kunststofe 47, 113 (1959). (11D) Plastics World 16, No. 12, 17 (1958). (12D) Richard, K., Ewald, R., Kunststofe 49, No. 3116 (1959). (13D) Rubber &3 Plastics Age 39, 378 (1958). (14D) Ibid., p. 599. (15D) Sayre, J. E., Modern Plastics 35, No. 11, 82 (1958). (16D) Sorrell, G., Chern. Eng. 66, KO. 6, 149 (1959). (lSD) Van der U’al, .4.A , , Rubber 3 Plastics .4ge 40, 156 (1959). Plastic Structures

(1E) Alzner, B. G., Frisch, K. C., IND. ENG.CHEM.51, 715 (1959). (2E) Boyer, V. C., Alexander, G. T., U. S.Patent 2,854,425 (Sept. 30, 1958). (3Ei Brady, J . M., Corrosion 15, No. 2, 94 (1958). (4E) Can. Plastzcs, p. 51 (July 1958). (5E) Cheremisinoff, P. N., Chem. Eng. 6 5 , No. 9, 152 (1958). (6E) Ibzd., No. 13, p. 118. (7E) Corrosion Prewnt. 3 Control 5. 35 (November 1958). (8E) Doucet, %I., Plastica 11, No. 3, 178 (1958). (9E) Fabian, R. J., Materials in Design Eng. 48, No. 4, 98 (1958). [IOE) Jaray, F. F., Brit. Plastics 31, 342 (1958). (11E) Maier, H. W., Product Eng. 29, No. 11, 71 (1958). (12E) Martin, W. E., Plastics 23, 433 (1958). (13E) Merriam: J. C., Materials in Design Eng. 48, No. 6, 121 (1958). (14E) Ibid., No. 11, p. 12. (15E) Modern Plastics 36, No. 4, 85 (1959). (16E) Monenstern, E. A., Standes, M., Bureau of Ships Journal, p. 713 (June 1958). (17E) Neumann, A,, Bockhoff, F. J., “Welding of Plastics,” Reinhold, New York, 1959. (18E) Park, F. R., Produci E n g . 29, No. 8, 82 (1958).

(19Ej Rubber 3 Plastics Age 39, 219 (1958). (20E) Schwartz, H., Brit. Plastics 31, 482 (1958). (21E) Van Soye, C. C., Chem. E n g . 65, No. 13, 68 (1958). (22E) Western Plastics 5, No. 8, 13 (1958). (23E) Ibid., No. 12, p. 20. (24E) Wilshire, A. J., Materials in Design E n g . 48, No. 11 (1958). (25E) Zade, H. P., Plastics 24, 192 (1959). Cellular Plastics

(1F) Alzner, B. G., Frisch, K. C., IND. ENG.CHEM.51, 715 (1959). (2F) Baker, P. B., Rubber W o r l d 138, 733 (1958). (3F) Colwell, R. E., I2,S. Patent 2,857,339 (Oct. 21: 1958). (4F) Cooper, A,, Plast. Inst. (London) Trans. 26, 299 (1958). (5F) Coves, J., Rev. pldsticos ( M a d r i d ) 9, 50, 82 (1958). (6F) Dietz, A. G. H., Modern Plastics 36, No. 4, 91 (1958). (7F) Dougan, T. P., Materials in Design E n g . 49, No. 1, 86 (1959). (8F) Ferrari, R. J., Sinner, J. W.,Bill, J. C., Brucksch, W. F., IND. ENC. CHEM.50, 1041 (1958). (9F) Frendorff, H . K., Rubber A g e (.V. I’.! 83, No. 8,812 (1958). (10F) Kennedy, R. N., Goggin, W. C., Rubber t Y Plastic Age 40, 250 (1959). (11F) Knox, R. E., Rubber W o r l d , 139, 685 (1959). (12F) Mahoney, J. D., Rubber C3 Plastics A g e 40, 47 (1959). (13F) Meyer, R. J., Csarove, D., Plastics Technol. 5, 27, 32 (1959). (14F) Mitchell, R. G. B., Smith, D., Plastics 24, N o . 257, 44; No. 258, 83 (1959). il5F) hlladinich. J. L.. U. S. Patent ’ 2,864,778 ((Dei. 16, 1958). (16F) Modern Plastics 36, No. 791 ; No. 8, 109 (1959). (17F) Philips, T. L., Brit. Plastics 32, 10 (1 ~- 959) - ,. (18F) P l Q S t i C S 2 3 , 363 (1958). (19F) Ibid., 24, 92 (1959). (20F) Riese, W. A,, Kunststofe 48, 5C6 (1958). (21F) Stastny, F., Ger. Patent 953,831 (Dec. 6, 1956). 122F) Watts. J. T.. Plastics Ins!. (London 1 Trans. 26,‘ 286 (1’958). (23F) Western Plastics 5 , No. 11, 24 (1958). (24F) Winifield, .4. G., Modern Castings 34, No. 10, 104 (1958). (25F) Yoran, C. S., Stockman, R. J., Rubber World 139, 542 (1959). ~


High Temperature Applications

( I G ) Elec. .+ 63, I& No. 4, .115 (19591. (2G) Gruntfest, I. J., Brit. Plastics 31,

530 (1958). (3G) Gruntfest, I. J., Shenker, L. H., Saffire, V. N., Modern Plastics 36, No. 8, 137 (1959). (4G) Haroldson, .4.H., Rubber €8 Plastirs Age 39, 935 (1958). (5G) Paddock, N. L., Brit. Plastics 31, 473 (1958). (6G) PlQStvt‘rQrbez!~r296, 14, (August 19581. (7G) Read, W. J., Ibid., 31, 432 (1958). (8G) Riley, M . W., Materiais & Methods 47, No. 6, 100 (1958). (9G) Williamson, 3. B., Western Plastici 6 , No. 5, 20 (1959). Industrial Applications (1H) Barnett: R . E., Anderson, T. F.,

15th Ann. Conf. National Association Corrosion Engineers, Chicago, Ill., March 16, 1959.

VOL. 51, NO. 9, PART II


121 1

(2H) Brunelli, K. D.. Rubber 3 Plastzcs Age 39, 685 (1958). (3H) Checkel. R . 0.. .Modern Plastzcs 36, N o . 2, 125 (1958). (4H) Chem. E n g . 65, No. 16, 98 (1958). (5H) Ibzd., p. 152 (Sept. 18). (6H) Dorman, E. M., Gruber, M. M., Modern Plastics 36, N o 3, 156 (1958). (7H)Goodman, B. P., South Central Meeting National Association Corrosion Engineers, Dallas, Tex., Oct. 20, 1958. (8H) Matting, A., Hahn, K. F., KunstJtofe 48, 444 (1958). (9H) Mondano, R. L., Electrotzic Design 6 , 22, (Sept. 3, 1958). (10H) Ogg, R. S., Rubber & Plastics A g e 40, 168 (1959). (11HI Ramspeck, E., Kunststofe 48, 65 (1958). (12H) Rawe, A. W., Reinforced Plastics Conference, Brighton, England, Oct. 22, 1959. (13H) Riese, W. A.: Kunststoje 48, 436 (1958). (14H) Rohm, O.? Ibid., 48, 231 (1958). (15H) Seymour, R . B., "Hot Organic Coatings," Reinhold, New York, 1959. (16H) Shergalis, L. D., Electronic Design 6 , 18, (Sept. 3, 19581. Polyolefins

( I J ) Boyer. R. F., Goggin, W. C., McFedrics, R . , M-estern Plastzcs 5 , No. 11, 31 (1958). (25) Cannon. D. R . , Chem. Eng. 65, S o .

19. 86 11958). (35) Dannerberg, E. M., Jordan, Sf, E.. Cole, H. M., J. Poljmer Sci. 31, 13' (1938). (45) Dominginghaus, H . , Pfastncs 24, 164 (1959). (55) Howard, J. B.. SPE Journal 15, 39' ( 1 0 -5 9_) . (6J) Imig, C. S.. Plastics Techncl. 5 , No. 5, 35 (1959). ( 7 5 ) Ivett, R. W.. L'. S. Patent 2,826,570 (March 11, 19581. ( 8 5 ) Kaufmann, K . A , , Modern Plastics 36. No. 7 : 146 (1959). ( 9 5 ) McTigue, F. .4.:Plastics Technol. 5, 36 (1959). (1OJj Modern Plastics 36, N o . 2, 83 (1958). (1 1J) Ibid., No. 4, p. 98. (125) Ibid.: No. 6, p. 103. (135) Muus, L. T . . McCrum, S . G., McGrew, F. C . ; SPE Journal 1 5 , 368 11959). (14J) -Pe;ers, H., Lockwood, UT.H., Plustics 23, 228 (1958). ( l 5 J ) Riley, M. W., Material in Design Eng. 48, No. 1, 98; No. 296, No. 8, 96 (1958). (16J) Rubber 3 Plastics -4ge 39, 599 (1958). 117J'l Ibid., p. 935. (185) Schulken, R. M., Newland, G. C., Tamblyn, J. W., .\fodern Plastics 35, No. 12. 125 (1958). (19J) Suiro, F. C.. SPE Journal 14, No. 8, 29 (1958). 12051 Taylor: D.; Ritzler, J. E., IND.ENG. CHEM.50, 928 (1958). (215) Van Delinder, L. A , > Corrosion 15, l l i T (1959).

(6Kj Newton, D. S . , Cronin. J. .\.> Ibid., 31, 426 (19581. Kuristjtoffe48, 108 (1958). "Vinyl Resins," Reinhold, New York, 1958. (9K) Thomas, C. M.: Hind., J. R.;Brit. Plastics 31, 426 (1958 1 , Polyfluorocarbons

(1L) Farbenfabriken, Bay-cr. .A. G.: Brit. Patent 800,215 1.4ug. 20, 1958). (2L) Fitzsimons, V. G.. Zisman, LV. A,; IND. ENG.CHEM. 50, '81 11958). (3L) Mock, J. .Moterials in Design E n g . 49, No. 1, 115 (19591. (4Li Modern Plastzcs 36, No. 6 . 123 (1959). 15L) Nakajima, T., Saito, S.: J. Polymer Sci. 31, 423 (1958r. (6L) Norden, R . B., C ' h ~ i n .G i g . 65, No. 8, 158 (1958). (7L) Sandt, B. W.> U. S . Patent 2,833,686 (May 6, 1958). (8L) Troyanowsky: C:.. A r i i i . j d s , r t fraudes 51, 315 (19581. (9L) Wolff, N. E., C . S. Patent 2,856,440 (Oct. 14, 1958). Polystyrene

( l M ) Chilton, C. H.; C'hem. E n g . 65, No. 24, 98 (1958). (2M) Day, D., Fuzzard, lf.,Rubber & Plastics Age 39, 491 119581. (3M) Dulmage, J., -\foderii Packaging 32, No. 9, 154 (1958). (4M) Estes, P. H.. Plrrsiirs Technol. 4. 644 (1958). i.5h4i Hartong, H. 11.. "Polvstyrene," Reinhold, New York. 1959. (6M) Salyer, I. O., Heibig. J. A,, U. S. Patent 2,834,749 (Ma\ 13, 1958). (7M) Williams, E. L . Brli Plastics 32, 29 (1959).

j -


(1KI Brighton, C. .4., Brit. Plastzcs 31, 468 (1958). (2K) Chen. €'.-I(.. Chemtstrv (Taiwan) 1957,46. (3K) Fowles, G. X.. Manring, W. E., Modern Plastics 36, ;"io. 4. 106 (1958). (4K) Ind.plastiques mod. 5, No.5. 26 (1958;. (5K) Jacobson, U., Brit. Plastics 32, No. 4, 152 (1959).

12 1 2


(1N) Reilcy. M. bV.. .lfa/eria/s i n Deszgn Eng. 48, No. 7 , 94 (1958 . (2N) Ibid., No. 12. p. 12". (3N) Stott, L . L., U. S Patent 2,855,377 (Oct. 7, 1958). (4N) Von Ballmoss, J., Strehlei, W., KunstofJe-Plastics 5, 162 r19581. Polyacetals

(1P) Lindgren, C. R.. \Vestern Section Conference SPE, San Diego, Calif., March 25, 1959. (2P) Lindgren, C. R . . LVoodward, R. J., Western Plastics 6 , No. 1, 17 (1959). (3P) MacDonald, R. N., C . S. Patent 2,828,286 (March 25. 1958). (4P) Ibid., 2,841,578 (July 1, 19581. (5Pj Nogare, S. D., Punderson, J . O., Jenkins, S. H., Israeli Patent, May 8, 1958.

13R) Bloom. 1 . L\-elch, E. V L. S. Patent 2,853,467 (Oct. 7, 1958). 14R) Delmonte, J . 15th Annual Conference National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Chicago, Ill., March 16. 1959. !,5R) Delmonte, J., Plastics Terhnol. 4, 913 il958i. (6R) Delmonte. J.; C. S. Patent 2,837,497 (June 3; 1358,. (7Rr Delmonte. J., Cressey, K.: S P E Journal 14, So. 11>29 (1958). (8R) Dorman, E. N., Ibsen, W.: 15th Annual Conference National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Chicago, Ill,, March 16, 1959, 19R 1 D u n n . P. A , , Corrosion Technol. 5 , NO. 5 . 143 119581. I.10RI Dunn. P. h.:Lighi Metals 20, N o . 237, 389 t19571. i l l R ) Kine. R. B.. 15th .4nnual Conference S.ACE, Chicago, Ill.: March 16: 1959. (12R) Malrmpre. V. L.. Rubber W Plastzcs A,ee 39, 509, (19% i . [13Ri Norden. R. B.. Chem. Eng. 65, S o . 22, 150 119581. (14Ri Nowak. P.? Steinbacher, E.. Kunststofe 48, 558 119581. (,15R1 Paquin. V.. Kunststrffe-Rundsrhoii No. 6 , 234: No. -.287 (1958). (16Ri Skeist. I., Somerville. G. R., "Epoxy- Resins," Reinhold, New York, 19%.


(1s) Bonardi, P., Polip!asrt 6 , N o . 1, 25 (1358). (2s) Dow Corning Corp., Brit. Patent 798,824 (.July 30. 1958). (3s) Farbenfabriken Boyer .;1. C;. Ibid., 800,215 (.Aug. 20! 1958). (4s) Gammel, W. A , . Rubber E Plnstirs A g e 40, 55 (1959). (5s) Goodyear Tire 8: Rubber Co..Brit. Patent 788,377 (Jan. 21, 1958). (6s) Keller. L. B., McGlone, LV. R., W'oodin. D. H., Plastics Technol. 5, 38 (19591. (7s) Laurence. J., "Polyesters," Reinhold, S e w York, 1959. (,8S)Nippon Catalyzer Chemical Industry a 2, 131 ( 1 9 5 6 ~ . Co.: K ~ k Purosuchiikusu (9s) Nowak, P.. Grr. Patent 948,192 (Aug. 30, 19561. (10s) Parklyn, B.: Brtt. Plastics 32, S o . 1 , 29 (1959). (11s) Ratner. S. C., "Acrylic Resins," Reinhold, S e w York: 1959. (12s) Rolle, E. \V., L.S. Patent 2,860,111 (Nov. 11, 19581. (135) Samuel, .\. .4.> French Parent 1,1G9,057 (June 1956). 114s) Scott, K. h., Brit. Plastics 32, S o . 3. 112 (19591. (15s) Weisert, J., Kunststojfe 48, 147 11958).


(1QI Christopher, L V ~ F . . SPE Journal 14, No.6, 31, (1958). !2Q) Godd, H., Coldblum, K. B., Christopher, W. F., Can. Plastics 34 (May 1959). (3Q) Fiedler, E. F., Christopher, W. F., Calkins, T. R., .Wodern Plastics 36, No. 8, 115 (1959). (4Q) Goldblum, R. D.? Corrosion 14, No. 7, 90 (1958). (5Q) Thompson, R. J.. Goldblum, K. B., Plastics 23, No. 4, 122 (~1958). Epoxy Resins

(1R) Barakin, L. M., LVild, G. I>. E., Corroszon Technol. 5, 13- (1958). (2Ri Belanger, W' J.. Klasscn, H. C., Plastics Technol. 4, 726 11959'.


Miscellaneous ( l T ) Conix. .A,. J . Poivnier Sci. 29. 343

(1958). (2T) Gemten H., Product Eng. 29, So. 1,186 (1958 . !3T) Could. D. F., "Phenolic Rrsins," Reinhold, New York, 1959. (4T) Keen, R. V .4dhmz'es 3 Rerins 6 , 132 (1958). 1.5Tl Megson. N. J. L.. "Phenolic Resin Chemistry." .\cademir Press, New York, 1958 l6Ti Norden. K. B.. Chem. Eng. 66, No 6, 194 11959, ('T) Rosenbaum. H. H.. Aviatton Age 30, No 8 , 92 (1958i. 18T) LVright. D.. Parkman, N . H i l i . Plastrrr 31, S o 6.255 11958).