PLASTICS PROGRESS IN 1963 - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

PLASTICS PROGRESS IN 1963. Raymond B. Seymour. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1963, 55 (9), pp 51–56. DOI: 10.1021/ie50645a008. Publication Date: September ...
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ithm 20 years, the plastics mdustry has gmwn from one of the nation’s smallest to the seventh largest. Even though export sal= have declined, an %billion pound production is predicted for 1963, and unless new production facilities are provided, demand may m n exceed capacity. Several factors are responsible for this growth. Fwst, even though profit margins for general purpose plastics are low, the industry continues to invest more of its sales dollar into research and development than any other industry. This research has coined profits in terms of better and more durable materials which in turn were able to penetrate the aerospace and structural materials applications. Better quality standards are being established, and building code authorities are accepting plastic materials. Because of the unprecedented performance of plastics as functional materials in space age activities, more reliable design data and more technical information will be forth coming. The Department of Defense has established in New Jersey an evaluation center for structural plastics suitable for space applications. The plastics industry itself has established a multimillion dollar research facility at Stevens Institute of Technology for work in plastics. Much of the new technology will aid growth of plastics as structural materials. Already reinforced plastic panels carry 20-year guarantees, and 12 million visitors have passed through the “House of the Future’’ built at Dmeyland six y m ago. I n this country less than one fourth of production is used in structures, but Japan uses over one third. Use in all countries is increasing rapidly, and by 1973 it may reach 50%. Rogress in design and engineaing will help to reach this goal. New molding techniques figure prominently in plastics growth. Large molded structures, previously considered impractical, are now made by powder-processing techniques and a new injection welding process using plastic sheets. Structures up to 52 inches across have been produced rapidly on fully automatic



PROGRESS IN 1963 ,.”’$-“?*, :I-lil ‘..I



High investment in research and developmen.,

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particularly for space age and structural materials, hus produced within 20 years the nation’s seventh largest

R A Y M O N D B. S E Y M O U R

filament winding machines. Dinghies, 8 feet long with a 4-foot beam are being fabricated on large thermoforming machines. Similar techniques may be used for larger parts when economics justify their production. R d e t cases 25 feet long and tank cars 55 feet long have been fabricated by filament winding techniques. Radomes, 40 feet high have been constructed by joining prefabricated reinforced plastic sections of appropriate sizes and shapes. Structures of comparable size have also been erected by using compFessed air to support polyester fabric coated with chlorosulfonated polyethylene. Design and Engineering

Nearly 100,000 vehicles with reinforced plastic bodies are on U. highways. This development was made possible by applying reliable information on the e5ects of time, temperature, and environment on significant physical properties. The service life of plastics may be predicted from an Arrhenius plot for accelerated aging at various temperatures (754 and from long term static load tests (74. Physical


tests in the absence of external loads are now recognized as unreliable (54. Good correlation between tests for creep and creep recovery at various stress levels have been reported (774. Stress cracking of thermoplastics has been correlated with polymerization variables and environment (34. Information on design properties of polypropylene has been published (84,and also a qui& control test for strength and rigidity of phenolic plastics (9A). The physical properties of rigid and plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) as a h c t i o n of temperature have been investigated (76A). Comparative studies in creep of acetals and competitive plastics (IOA) and standardized test methods for reinforced plastics have been published ( 4 4 . Use of fire retardants ( 7 4 and flammability tests for plastics have been described (2-4). New concepts of adhesion and relationships between dissimilar components in plastic composites will influence the future des@ of reinforced plastic structures. New information emphasizes the importance of surface tension when a liquid joins a solid surface. Thus, the low surface tension properties of molten VOL 55

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polyethylene assures its adhesion to solid epoxy resin surfaces, but liquid epoxy resins do not adhere to solid polyethylene surfaces. Several new sources of information on physical properties of plastics have been published (GA, 72A, 73.4, 78A). Additional information on basic structural relationships in design of filament wound vessels has been provided ( 7 4 4 ) Constant weight to unit volume relationships, independent of size and shape, may be assured through proper orientation and proportioning of the resin impregnated filament ( 7 7A). Progress in the space age depends on this type of reinforced plastic structure. I

Reinforced Plastic Structures

Over 50 million pounds of reinforced plastic are consumed annually by the American automotive industry, and by 1368 the figure will probably exceed 100 million. This has stimulated the rediscovery of the lost arts of IYorld Tl’ar I1 associated with bullet resistance, high strength, and general versatility of reinforced plastics. The Reinforced Plastic Division of the Society of Plastics Industries (SPI) has compiled its publications in a handbook (2OB). Information on potential uses (77B),basic technology (23B), resin systems (GB), and fillers (2SB)is also available. New investigations have demonstrated the importance of bonding of resins and fillers (249). ImproLed performance has been reported when silicon coupling agents were dissolved in the resin system and when glass flakes (4B), hollow glass fibers, flatside glass filaments, and other fillers (27B) were used. Ultrasonic vibrations have been employed to increase the proportion of fillers and to improve physical properties of the composite (2B).

Dr. Raymond B. Seymour, Chairman of the Chemistry Department at Sul Ross State College, Alpine, Tex., fias authored IHEC’s Plastics Review since 1950. Hzs report was prepared zeitfi the assistance of F. I . Smith. AUTHOR


Presumably, polycrystalline ceramic fibers have the best physical properties for these plastic materials (76B). The addition of colloidal boehmite has increased the abrasion resistance of polyfluorocarbons (5B, 7OB). Much of the technical effort has been directed toward the use of ceramic fibers (8B) but new studies have also been made with sisal, metal fibers (77B), bast fibers (72B), and crocidolite asbestos. Since filament winding and the use of impregnated tape have considerable potential for constructing large parts (75B, 78B, 26B), a Filament IVinding Committee has been organized by SPI. Nonwoven fabrics have been used to improve the surface of reinforced plastics (73B). Smaller parts may be molded from filled premixes (GB, 74B). Modifications in formulation have improved the heat resistance of diallyl phthalate molding compounds ( I B ) . Proper resin systems may be selected by use of thermal gradients (9B) and the degree of cure may be determined rapidly on a hot plate (3B). It is now recognized that the mechanical properties of reinforced plastics depend on the rate of loading (79B). Application of this and other important design concepts has resulted in successful use of corrosive resistant springs, huge corrugated panels, and various applications in the chemical industry (22B). Many space age activities depend on the proper choice of resin and reinforcement for high temperature applications.




The successful re-entry of astronauts has demonstrated that ablative materials such as silica-fiber reinforced flexible phenolic plastics are acceptable for use as heat shields (3C, 8C). The ablative properties appear to be improved by precharring. Carbon-base fibers have shown promise as reinforcements for high temperature composites. Other systems under investigation have utilized silica-fiber reinforced aluminum phosphate, chelates obtained from the reaction of copper


and tetracyanoethylene (7C), other inorganic coordination compounds (ZC,SC, 9C, 73C), and various inorganic polymers (E,? I C ) , Double bridged coordination compounds with inorganic backbones, polyimides, pol) oxamides, and polybenzimidazoles have been investigated because of their good temperature properties. These polymers have been obtained by the condensation of pyromellitic anhydride with p,p’-diaminobiphenyl, oxalic esters with diamines, and diphenyl esters with tetraamines. Polybenzimidazoles are thermoplastic but cross-link when heated above 1000° F. (4C, 7C).

Moderately high resistance to temperature has been demonstrated by copolymers of vinylidene fluoride and hexafluoropropylene. High melting crystalline products have been obtained by heating solutions of p-xylene and durene with bisacetoxy and bischloromethyl derivatives ( 7 2 2 ) . In addition to temperature, the resistance to corrosion environments is important in plastic applications.

Plastics vs. Corrosion

New information on the use of plastics in the chemical ( 7 0 , 760) and textile industries (730) has been published. Information on the effect of corrosives on plastisols (.9D), epoxy resins (do),urethane coatings (fill),and specific polyesters ( 7 1 0 , 770) has been compiled. In spite of the successful use of large structures, such as 100-foot polyethylene stacks in corrosive environment (3O), more significant test data are needed (80). Kew techniques for measuring deterioration of plastics include rapid boiling tests (700), diffusion coefficients (/5D), and changes in dielectric properties ( 7 0 ) . Color effects resulting from the action of fuming nitric acid have been used in analyzing epoxy coatings (74D). Good correlation between color formed by immersion in aV,a\7-dimethyl $-phenylenediamine and exposure time of reinforced pol>-ester plastics has been reported

by the National Bureau of Standards. Variations in formulation, processing, and environment temperature (120) affect rates of corrosion. Small differences in resistance may be demonstrated by subjecting stressed samples to corrosive environments at different temperatures. Thus, 13yosodium hydroxide is particularly corrosive to polyethylene ( 2 0 ) and polypropylene is more resistant to hot wet chlorine gas than high density polyethylene

parency of polypropylene film has been improved by controlling the growth of crystals and crystalline aggregates (6E). Aging properties and acceptance of dyes have been improved by the incorporation of active groups on the film surface ( 3 E ) . Oriented polypropylene film used for shrink wrapping ( I E ) has been sealed without shrinkage by microspotwelding .


Polyethylene film has been used to line an artificial lake with a 2.5-mile shore line at California City. Stabilized polypropylene cellular wire coating is more durable than that of polyethylene (6F). Coating sales this year will exceed $2 billion. Much of this growth is the result of new resins and new applications. For example, it has been estimated that over 200 million pounds of polyethylene will be used for coating paper by 1965. This polymer may be applied as a melt or powder (4F, 8F). Adhesion to metal is improved by use of a monomolecular layer of stearic acid. Polyethylene drum liners are available but are not competitive with nonreturnable 55 gallon drums with a 20-mil fused polyethylene lining. Pinhole-free coatings may also be applied by flamespraying and by electrostatic dry spraying (3F). Butadiene gas has been polymerized to a continuous coating by bombardment with electron beams. Polyurethane sealants have been applied to wet mine surfaces to promote safety. The effects of variables in properties of such sealants have been investigated (ZF, 5F). Epoxy resins have been made flame-resistant by bromination or by the addition of reactive phosphate esters. The Sumner Tunnel in Boston was roll-coated with a n 8-mil thickness of chemical setting epoxy resin. Fluorocarbon sheet has been bonded to metal to provide a corrosion resistant surface with good lubricity ( 7 F ) . Polypropylene laminates with glass fiber sheet and with rubber have been used for tank linings ( I F ) . This resin has also been used to line metal pipe.

Sheet and Film

Because of its resistance to many corrosive environments, poly(viny1 chloride)-metal laminate sheet is widely used. Over 30 million pounds of plastic was used in 1962 for this application described by Commercial Standard T S 5564. Poly(viny1 fluoride) film, which has even greater chemical resistance, has been bonded to other plastic and metal surfaces. Transparent and translucent colored acrylic sheet plastic now available provides a uniform and controlled reduction in light transmission. Unusually large clear and fire retardant acrylate sheets are also available. Unmodified sheet of this type has been approved for specific installations by the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals. Flat and corrugated extruded poly(viny1 chloride) sheet (4E) has been approved by code authorities in 131 cities in 39 different states. Comparable sheets of polycarbonate and polyurethane as well as cellular ABS sheets are also available. Sheets from cast alkyl decaborane polymer have been proposed as neutron shields (7E). T h e effects of cryogenic temperatures on film has been reported (ZE). Perforated plastic film has been produced by controlled exposure to flame ( 5 E ) . Inflatable gasoline resistant collapsible containers of urethane film are being used for storage and transportation of liquids. Production rate of polyethylene film is greater than that of cellophane and is expected to exceed that of waxed paper by 1967. The trans-

Coatings and Linings

Plastic Pipe

The present $70 million plastic pipe market is expected to double by 1967. Polyethylene accounts for approximately 6Oy0 of the present production. Polypropylene pipe is being extruded and is expected to reach a volume of 20 million pounds by 1968. About 20y0 of the present plastic pipe market is being served by poly(viny1 chloride) pipe. This type of plastic has also been approved for use as conduit. A blend of styrene copolymers (ABS) which accounts for less than 15% of the present market has been approved for use in residential housing. The newly formed SPI Plastics Pipe Institute has proposed new pressure rate pipe standards. British Standard 3505-1962 has been adopted in the United Kingdom for pipe sizes up to 6 inches with graduated pressure limits. Large properly designed pipe lines which continue to provide satisfactory service are no longer newsworthy (3G). Specialty applications such as ceiling drainage in New York City subways have been noted (ZG). Properties of plastic pipe produced by extrusion of powdered poly(viny1 chloride) have been reported (4G). Pipe and other acetal plastic structures may be spinwelded to produce strong joints (5G). Proprietary fittings including molded nylon tapered joints have been described. Polypropylene, polyoxetane, and epoxy resins are being used commercially to line and coat the outside of steel and asbestos cement pipe. Thin-wall polyfluorocarbon liners and slip-on polyethylene film pipe wrappings are also available. Spiral wrapped polyethylene lined pipe has been used successfully for river crossings. Wireless spiral tubing has been produced through use of a continuous S-shaped stripe of ethylene-ethyl acrylate copolymer. Filament wound, centrifugal cast, and mandrel wrapped reinforced plastic pipe continue to serve the petroleum and chemical industries (IC).

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Cellular Plastics

The production of cellular plastics exceeds that of foamed rubber. Modern production techniques (7H, 5H) and new development foams have been produced from t-caprolactone polyester (6H).Heat-resistant products have been obtained by the condensation of polyglycols with polymethylene poly(pheny1isocyanate) (7H). Low level blowing agents have been used to produce poly(viny1 chloride) foams of controlled density (3H, 4 H ) . Polystyrene foams have been produced continuously from unmodified molding powder. Mandrels of this type material have been used as cores for solid propellent rocket motors. Other new developments include heat foamable urethane prepolymers and the formation of protective skin layers by microwave curing techniques. Plastic Materials

Polyolefins. General purpose polyethylene accounts for more than 20y0 of all plastics products. This segment and that of the other polyolefins which account for 5% of plastics production will continue to grow at an annual rate greater than 10%. While many properties of polypropylene are adequate (ZOJ), improvements in heat distortion and flexibility would be welcomed by the industry. Polymerization of the dimer (4-methylpentene) and copolymerization with ethylene have provided products with higher heat distortion values. Copolymers with methyl acrylate or vinyl acetate have improved flexibility and compatability ( 2 4 4 , Sulfur-curable elastomers have been obtained by the copolymerization of ethylene and propylene with dicyclopentadiene, hexadiene 1,4( Z G J ) or cis-cis-cyclooctadiene (78.J). Blends of polyethylene and nylon 6 have useful properties and are more economical than nylon 6 itself (38J). Crystalline compositions called polyallomers are of interest ( 7 9 4 and copolymers of propylene oxide and allyl glycidyl ether have unusually good tear resistance. 54

Polychlorocarbons. Advances in compounding, vinyl technology and plasticization (21J, 30J, 36J) of this important class of plastics have been reviewed. When available techniques are adopted to assure greater regularity in structure, these polymers will account for more than the present 15y0 of the plastics market (4J)' Polyfluorocarbons, Four new firms are now competing for this $50 million annual business. The technology of polyfluorocarbons has been reviewed (ZJ, 7ZJ). These products have been cross-linked by irradiation ( 5 4 . The viscous behavior and thermal stability of polyvinylidene fluoride has been investigated ( 7 J ) . Small amounts of polyfluorocarbon fiber have been incorporated in acetal resins to improve lubricity and small amounts of compatable thermoplastics have been incorporated in polyfluorocarbon resins to permit molding of nose cones and other large parts. Ceramic-filled polytetrafluoroethylene and poly (perfluoroalkyloxetanes) are available (8J). Styrene Plastics. Blends of styrene copolymers of butadiene and acrylonitrile now account for 10% of the poundage and over 20y0 of the dollar value of the billion pound styrene market. It is anticipated that general purpose polymers will be considered as a plastics commodity, but that functional products such as light stabilized polystyrene (37J) and styrene engineering plastics will be sold at premium prices. Acrylates. The present 50 million-pound monomer production is expected to double by 1970 (33J). Improl-ed polymers and copolymers (74J) as well as thermosetting acrylates are available ( 7 3 J ) . 1,S-Butylcnedimethacrylate serves as a readily available cross-linking agent. Cast plastics containing traces of europium have sholvn promise as inexpensive lasers. Miscellaneous Thermoplastics. i\cetal plastics which are now being produced at an annual rate of about 25 million pounds are available in the form of fiber, sheet and filled products (37J). Aluminum isopropoxide has been used to produce


polymers of many aldehydes. New information has been published on the physical properties of filled nylon 66 and polyaminoundecanamide (nylon 11). Reinforced polycarbonate plastics have been used as gears and sleeve bearings. T h e technology of polyN-vinyl carbazole has been reviewed (7OJ). Semiconductors have been produced by oxidation of aromatic amines (25J) and by thermal treatment of the condensation product of hydroquinone and phthalic acid (77J, 23J). New polymers have been obtained by the condensation of diphenolic acid and polyamide resins and by the condensation of dicarbonyl chlorides with phenolphthalein. New information is available on silicones (34J), organophosphorus polymers (61,76J) and polyspiroacetals (GJ). T h e latter are condensation products of pentaerythritol and dialdehydes. Epoxy Resins. Present production, which is 5070 greater than the 5 5 million pounds reported in 1960, includes new flexible and flame resistant epoxy resins (29J). Optimum conditions for cure have been determined by statistics ( 3 J ) . New thermoplastic polymers (phenoxy) may be cured by the addition of diisocyanates (27J). Miscellaneous Thermosetting Resins. New room temperature curing, low pressure moldable, flexible and flame-resistant varieties of phenolic resins are available (22J). Flexible crystalline polymers of tetrahydrofuran ( 7 J ) , alkali-resistant furan resins (32J), and cross-linked diphenyl oxide resins have been described. New information on polyformalurethanes (28J, 35J) and polyurethanes with functional thiol side chains is available. Many other new polymers and compositions have been described. If they have functional superiority over resins now available they will be mentioned in future plastics reviews.

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(17D) Torres, A. F., schau 9, 595 (1962).


Sheet a n d Film (1E) Fox, H., Western Plastics 9, No. 7, 31 (19 62). (2E) Miller, R. N., Bailey, C. D., Znd. Eng. Chem. Research Results Ms. 62-140, 1962. (3E) Minisker, K. S., Shapiro, I. S., others, Vysokomolekuliarnye Soedineniia 4, 351 (1962). (4E) Naturman, L. I., SPE (Soc. PlastiLs Engrs.) J . 18, 634 (1962). (5E) Schaar, C. H., Modern Plastics 40, No. 1, 145 (1962). (6E) Vermillion, J. L., Plastics Technol. 8, No. 6, 32 (1962). (7E) Wiedenmann, M., U. S. Dept. Comm. O&ce Tech. Sew. A. D. 274, 685 (1962). Coatings a n d Linings (1F) Allcock, E., Shaw, N. P., Plastics 27, 301, 78 (1962). (2F) Danusis, A,, McClellan, J. M., others, Znd. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. and Develop. 1, No. 4, 269 (1962). (3F) Davis, D. R., Plastics Technol. 8, No. 6, 37 (1962). (4F) Levan, R . K., Chem. Eng. 69, No. 14, 170 (1962). (5F) Root, R. F., Murphy, others, Plastics Design Proc. 2, No. 10, 28 (1962). (6F) Russell, C. A., Chem. Eng. Progr. 59, No. 4, 73 (1963). (7F) St. Cyr, M. W., Adhesives Age 5 , No. 8, 31 (1962). (8F) Zimmerman, A. B., Plastics Technol. 8, No. 7 , 26 (1962). Plastic Pipe (1G) Geiger, L. J., Chem. Engr. 69, No. 17, 160; No. 18, 162 (1962). (2G) Modern Plastics 10, No. 4, 88 (1962). (3G) Rodeyns, A., Brit. Plastics 35, 408 (1962). (4G) Rolls, J. A,, Weill, P. S., SPE (Soc. Plastics Engrs.) J . 18, 1395 (1962). (5G) Stermmuler, R. M., Plastics Technol. 9, No. 5, 42 (1963). Cellular Plastics


(1H) Bouman, R. A., Plastics World 21, No. 2, 20 (1963). (2H) Frisch, K. C., Robertson, E. J., Modern Plastics 40, No. 2, 165 (1962). (3H) Meyer, R. J., SPE (SOL Plastics Engrs.) J. 18, 678 (1962). (4H) Nass, L. I., Modern Plastics 40, No. 7, 151, No. 8, 127 (1963). (5H) Seek, M., Plastics TeLhnol. 9. No. 1. ‘ 42 (1963). ‘ (6H) Smith. C. F., Znd. Ene. Chem. Prod. ’ Rks. and Develop. 2, No. 1,>7 (1963). (7H) Sutno, G., Rubber Plastics Age 43, 458 (1962). Plastic Materials (1J) Bagley, E. B., Wentwink, T., J. Poly. Sei. 56, 273 (1963). ( 2 4 Barson, C. A., Patrick, C. R., Brit. Plastics 36, 70 (1963). (3J) Bolson, H. B., SPE (Soc. Plastics Engrs.) J . 18, 780 (1962). (4J) Bovey, F. A., Teirs, G. V. D., Chem. Znd. (London) 1962, p. 1826. (55) Bowers, G. H., Lovejoy, E. R., Znd.

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