Please don't ask us what these products do. - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Please don't ask u s what these products do.

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Tell us. Just when we think we know all the uses for them, someone comes up with a new one. You may be next. You may be struggling right now with a problem that you could solve by taking a fresh look at one of the photomicrographs above. "Ionac Ion Exchange Resins," for example. They're our Glamour De­ partment. We make 30 varieties, for virtually every aspect of the chemi­ cal industry's hottest new unit proc­ ess—ion exchange. There's almost no limit to the number of jobs you can do with these resins. They purify, separate, recover, concentrate, con­ vert, catalyze, you-name-it. Then there's "Ionac Wisprofloc." A tongue-twister, but it does a superb job of coagulation in municipal water treatment and in a variety of indus­ trial uses. We're sure that somewhere someone is struggling with a clarifica­ tion problem that a few pounds of Wisprofloc can solve in minutes. "Ionac Polymer 2000 Series" are a wide variety of polymers we produce for as many qualities and uses as we

(and our customers) can think of. They range from dye receptors to chill proofing of beer to photo-electro processes. They are unlike anything you're able to get "off the shelf" from most suppliers —and in commercial quantities too. "Spall-Gard," like so many of our products, was a child of someone's ne­ cessity. Users of glass-lined, jacketed vessels needed a descaler that would effectively and safely remove scale and corrosion products from jacket interiors. Spall-Gard does it. The one thing all these products have in common is us. We think we have something very special at Ionac. We're sort of a little giant. We have teams of scientists and engineers in Birmingham, N.J., wait­ ing to help you solve a production problem or make a better product with one of our specialties. But if we can't solve your problem with an existing product, we're geared to create new products and new proc­ esses. To do this, we've assembled one of the most modern chemical

processing plants anywhere. Because we're a member of the Pfaudler Permutit family, we have available the very latest chemical equipment and techniques. The next step is yours. Send the coupon and we'll tell you more about the products mentioned here. After a couple of minutes with our literature, you'll probably start getting ideas for using these products to your advantage. When you do, write and tell us. We've already seen quite a few people cut their problems by clip­ ping a coupon like this. IONAC C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y

Division of Pfaudler Permutit Inc. Birmingham, New Jersey CEN-64 Please send me details o n / I o n Exchange Resins,/Wisprofloc./Polymers,/Spall-Gard. Name


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