POGIL in the Physical Chemistry Classroom - ACS Publications

Sep 29, 2008 - James N. Spencer and Richard S. Moog. Department of Chemistry, Franklin and Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604...
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Chapter 13

POGIL in the Physical Chemistry Classroom Downloaded by EAST CAROLINA UNIV on June 5, 2014 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: September 29, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0994.ch013

James N. Spencer and Richard S. Moog Department of Chemistry, Franklin and Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604

Student-centered instruction, a key component of the POGIL pedagogical approach, is not often considered in advanced chemistry courses such as physical chemistry. The reasons for this are, in part, the unsupported belief that advanced courses require direct instruction - that is, a lecture-based approach. Institutions now employing POGIL methods in various advanced courses have demonstrated that POGIL techniques are as applicable to upper level chemistry courses as for general or organic chemistry. Indeed, practitioners of POGIL in physical chemistry generally agree that this course readily lends itself to an active classroom environment. This chapter provides an example of a POGIL classroom activity for a typical junior-level physical chemistry course, and offers some details on classroom implementation.

Recent research (/) has shown that an effective learning environment is one in which the students are actively engaged, an environment where there is something for students to do. In a student-centered classroom, the focus is on the learning of the students rather than the instruction of the teacher. The instructor acts more as a facilitator of learning, asking probing questions to help guide the students to develop understanding and address misconceptions or misunder148

© 2008 American Chemical Society In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

149 standing. Many instructors, particularly those teaching advanced courses such as physical chemistry, find it difficult to see how the sophisticated and difficult content of their course can be mastered using a student-centered approach, particularly given the time constraints under which they must operate. In this chapter, we show how the POGIL approach can be successfully implemented in a junior level physical chemistry course.

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Principles of POGIL A brief review of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is given here; additional details may be found in the first chapter of this volume. Central to this pedagogy is the perspective that each student constructs his or her own knowledge, and that this construction depends upon what the student already knows. In addition to this mastery of content and understanding, emphasis is also placed on the development of important learning and other process skills, such as communication, critical thinking and problem solving. In the POGIL paradigm, instructors facilitate learning rather than serving as a source of information, and students work in small self-managed groups on materials specially designed for this approach. In general, these activities guide students to develop the important concepts of the course by using a learning cycle structure. The learning cycle (2) is an inquiry-oriented instructional strategy that consists of three general steps. First there is an exploration involving data, a model, or other informationfromwhich the student is guided to the second step, the construction or formation of the concept intended. The third step is an application of what has been learned. Thus, the premises of the POGIL philosophy are that students will learn better when they are actively engaged and thinking in class. They construct knowledge and draw conclusions themselves by analyzing data and discussing ideas. They learn how to work together to understand concepts and solve problems. Additional information is availablefromthe POGIL website (3).

Implementing POGIL in the Physical Chemistry Classroom One of the most important aspects of a successful POGIL implementation is the careful melding and interplay of the learning environment with the specially designed POGIL activity. Although this will necessarily varyfrominstitution to institution and instructor to instructor, depending on the size of the class, the physical environment of the classroom, the background of the students, etc., many aspects will be similar. We present a typical classroom experience here to better exemplify how this might work. Further details are available elsewhere (4,5).

In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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150 Structured group learning is one of the key aspects of the POGIL learning environment; typically students are placed in groups of three or four, usually with assigned roles and corresponding responsibilities. Often, a physical chemistry activity will begin with a focus question which the groups are asked to answer. In many (if not most) cases, the students do not have a firm chemical basis on which to respond. However, this process forces the students to make a prediction based on whatever they do already know. This accomplishes two things: 1) it gives the instructor a sense of what the students already understand or think they understand - that is, what the students' current construction of the relevant knowledge is; and 2) it forces the students to bring their current understanding out into the open, so that if (when) they confront information or conclusions that are at odds with their current understanding, the "disequilibrium" is made more apparent and tangible. At this point, there is no discussion of what the correct answer is; rather, the various group perspectives can be shared, perhaps with brief explanations, and then the class proceeds, with the understanding that completing the activity will bring a resolution to the focus question. At this point, the instructor may provide a brief (2-3 minute) discussion designed to place the day's activity into some context, and then the groups begin work. The instructor moves among the groups listening to their discussions, and intervening sparingly. Occasionally, particularly if common difficulties are observed, additional brief (less than 3 minute) presentations may be made to the entire class. At the end of class, closure is provided by summarizing the main points of the day's activity (either by the instructor or by the students), or with discussion of the original focus question showing how the activity had enabled the students to formulate a more meaningful response to that question.

The Structure of an Activity An example of a typical thermodynamics classroom activity is given at the end of this chapter. Here we give a somewhat detailed description of how the activity is structured. This activity is encountered more than halfway through a semester of a typical junior level thermodynamics course. Students have previously encountered similar activities on real and ideal gases, the first, second and third laws, Gibbs energy, phase equilibrium, and an introduction to ideal solutions. In these prior activities, the students are guided to develop the important concepts, with the accepted terms describing these ideas often being introduced after the concept has been developed. In the example here, the chemical potential for a component of an ideal solution is developed. The activity begins with the previously mentioned focus question. The students are expected to answer based on their current understanding; they will actually develop an answer to this question as they work through the activity. The focus question is one that the students have not discussed previously, nor are

In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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151 they expected to have read about it in the text ahead of time. Thus, they have some difficulty in quickly generating a "correct" answer with any certainty within the 30 to 60 seconds allotted for them to discuss the question. Model 1 reminds them of what they have established previously, introduces the term vapor phase as standard terminology, and provides a representation (Figure 1) of a pure liquid in equilibrium with its vapor. The Information section provides additional standard terminology for concepts, many of which have been developed previously. This presentation of information begins an "Exploration" phase of this activity, continuing with the first few Critical Thinking Questions (CTQs) which direct the students back to the Model, Figure, and Information. CTQ 1 is designed to develop information processing skills, insuring that the students have examined the Model, Figure, and Information and understand what they mean, including the relationship between the chemical potential of the pure liquid at 298 K and its vapor, ji (i) *= I^A(vap)The students have previously developed the relationship for gases jiA(vap) | i * + RT In P . In CTQ 2, the students use this relationship, but must also recognize that the pressure is that of the pure liquid, PA(va )*, so that fiA(vap) = | V + RT In P *. Thus, newly introduced information is being combined with previous knowledge to reinforce and also extend student understanding. The "Exploration" continues with Model 2, in which an ideal mixture is introduced. CTQ 3 requires students to use the information supplied in Model 1 to recognize that the Gibbs energy relationship must also apply to mixtures. CTQ 4 guides students to generalize and conceptualize how their relationship developed in CTQ 2 can be applied to mixtures. Then, in CTQ 5, Raoult's Law (developed in a previous activity) is used to obtain an expression that includes a composition variable. An explanation such as that requested in CTQ 6 requires students to put into their own words their understanding in clear and concise language, an important aspect of making sense of what might otherwise simply be a collection of symbols on a piece of paper. This "Concept Invention" phase of the activity culminates with CTQs 7 and 8, in which a general statement of the important relationship is developed and explained. The Exercises, generally done as homework outside of class, test the students' ability to apply the concepts and ask for an answer to the focus question. This section constitutes the "Application" phase of the learning cycle structure of the activity. If a group finishes early and the instructor decides not to have the group proceed to the next activity, a particularly probing Exercise may be assigned to the group. If several groups do not finish an activity in the allotted time, the instructor makes a decision as to whether the activity could be finished outside the class and, if so, may make this assignment. Sometimes only minimal discussion is needed to bring closure to the activity and the instructor may choose to do this either by calling on groups who have finished or by guiding the students in a whole class discussion to the completion of the activity. A






In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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Conclusion POGIL Physical Chemistry activities are availablefromHoughton Mifflin for a two-semester course. The Thermodynamics activities (6) include Gases, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Kinetics, and Math for Thermodynamics. The Structure and Bonding activities (7) include Atomic and Molecular Energies, Electronic Structure of Atoms, Electronic Structure of Molecules, The Distribution of Energy States and Spectroscopy. As of this writing, activities for a full year of general chemistry (8,9), a fall year of organic chemistry (10), and an allied health science (GOB) course (77) have been published, along with the preliminary edition of materials for Preparatory Chemistry (72); materials for various other courses are currently under development. Up-to-date information concerning available course materials can be obtainedfromthe POGIL web-site (3).

References 1. How People Learn; Bransford, J. D.; Brown, A. L.; Cocking, R. R., Eds.; National Academy Press: Washington, DC, 1999. 2. Abraham, M. R. In Chemists' Guide to Effective Teaching; Pienta, N. J.; Cooper, M . M.; Greenbowe, T. J., Eds.; Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2005; pp 41-52. 3. Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning URL http://www.pogil.org . Last accessed October, 2007. 4. Farrell, J. J.; Moog, R. S.; Spencer, J. N. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 570-574. 5. Hanson, D. M . Instructor's Guide to POGIL; Pacific Crest: Lisle, IL, 2006. 6. Spencer, J. N.; Moog, R. S.; Farrell, J. J. Physical Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry. Thermodynamics; Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA, 2004. 7. Moog, R. S.; Spencer, J. N.; Farrell, J. J. Physical Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry. Atoms, Molecules, and Spectroscopy; Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA, 2004. 8. Moog, R. S.; Farrell, J. J. Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry,3 ed.; John Wiley and Sons: Hoboken, NJ, 2006. 9. Hanson, D. M . Foundations of Chemistry; Pacific Crest: Lisle, IL, 2006. 10. Straumanis, A. Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry; Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA, 2004. 11. Garoutte, M . General, Organic and Biological Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry, 1 Edition; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2006. 12. March, J.; Caswell, K.; Lewis, J. Introductory Chemistry Modules: A Guided Inquiry Approach, Preliminary Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, MA, 2008. rd


In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


ChemActivity j ^ g Chemical Potential for a Component of a Solution

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Focus Question: Addition of a solute to a solvent increases the solvent's contribution to the entropy of the liquid phase. Does the solvent's contribution to the Gibbs energy of the liquid phase increase or decrease? Model 1: Vapor.

Gibbs Energy of a Pure Liquid and its

Consider pure liquid A in equilibrium with its vapor. When phases are in equilibrium, if there is a gas phase it is called the vapor(va/?) phase. Figure 1: its Vapor

Pure Liquid A at 298 K in Equilibrium with

Vapor pressure of pure A = PA(vap)

When two or more phases are in equilibrium at constant temperature and pressure, the temperatures and pressures of all phases must be the same and the Gibbs energy of each component present in each phase must be identical. Figure 1. ChemActivity T16. (Reproduced with permissionfromreference 6. Copyright 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company.) Continued on next page.

In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.



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The Gibbs energy of pure liquid A is M ( l ) • The Gibbs energy of pure gas A at 1 bar is MA(g) •

jij is the partial molar Gibbs energy and is frequently called the chemical potential. It is a measure at constant T and P of the escaping tendency of a componentfroma phase. Various symbols are used to represent the chemical potential, p\ and G / being the most common.

Critical Thinking Questions 1. For the system at equilibrium described in Figure 1: a) what are the two phases present and what is the composition of each phase? b) what pressure is exerted on A(/)? c) what is the temperature of A(g)? d) what is the mathematical relationship between //*A(1) and //A(vap) at equilibrium? 2.

mt e r m s



Provide an expression for the MA(vap) */ A(g) > * temperature T and the vapor pressure PA(vap) •

Model 2:


An Ideal Mixture of Benzene and Toluene.

Consider an ideal mixture of benzene and toluene at equilibrium with its vapor. Assume that the vapor phase behaves ideally also.

Figure 1. Continued.

In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Figure 2. A Mixture of Benzene and Toluene in Equilibrium with the Vapor Phase at 300 K.


o bz • tol

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0.8 mole bz and 1.2 moles tol

Critical Thinking Questions 3.

In Figure 2, what relationship must exist between: a)


b) Mtol(sot)^Mtol(vap)^ 4.

For the solution in Figure 2 provide an expression similar to that in CTQ 2 for jubz(vap)> the Gibbs energy of benzene in the vapor. Clearly identify all symbols.


Use Raoult's Law to show that Mbz(sol) = L"&(g) + RT In P% ( )] + RT In Xb (sol) z




Identify each term in the bracketed expression in equation (1), and then explain the significance of the entire bracketed term.


Show that equation (1) can be simplified to obtain Mbz(sol) = Mb z(l) + RT In Xb (sol). z

Clearly define all symbols. 8.

Generalize equation (2) to provide an expression for JUJ, the Gibbs energy of any component i in an ideal solution in terms of its mole fraction, X\. Figure 1. Continued. Continued on next page.

In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.



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Exercises 1- M(sol) = Mi(\) + RTXnX^soi) Describe in words the meaning of this equation. 2. A and B mix to form an ideal solution. What is the Gibbs energy of A in the solution as compared to the Gibbs energy of pure liquid A? How does the Gibbs energy of B(sol) compare to B(pure)? 3. If B is added to pure A what happens to the Gibbs energy of A? 4. Why does the Gibbs energy of the solvent of an ideal solution decrease upon addition of a solute? 5. Assume that the resultfromCTQ (8) applies to the (clearly nonideal) solution of salt in water. Use this result to explain (in grammatically correct English sentences) why the boiling point of H2O is raised when a small amount of salt is dissolved in it. Figure 1. Continued.

In Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL); Moog, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.