Polarography of Calcium, Strontium and Barium in Liquid Ammonia

Polarography of Calcium, Strontium and Barium in Liquid Ammonia. C. J. Nyman. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1949, 71 (12), pp 3914–3916. DOI: 10.1021/ja01180a...
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responsible for the optical interaction and the exchange reaction is then assumed to be present at very low concentration), or the colored complex is not the activated complex for the exchange. As a result of the lack of accurate knowledge concerning the nature of the ions in solution, i t seems rather futile to attempt to decide definitely on the mechanism of the exchange reaction at present. Further experiments designed to obtain more information about the nature of the antimony ions are planned. Summary

1. A method has been developed for the separation of antimony(V) from antimony(II1) by means of an ether extraction from hydrochloric acid solution.



Vol. 71

2. A study of the rate of the exchange reaction between antimony(II1) and antimony(V) shows that the rate law a t 25.0') with hydrogen ion concentrations from 4.7 f to 6.1 f, chloride ion concentration from 5.4 f to 6.1 f, antimony(II1) concentrations from 0.0008 f to 0.040 f, antimony (V) concentrations from 0.0008 f to 0.0040 f and Na+ concentrations from 0.0 f to 0.8f is R = (8.8 * 0.9) X lo-" (Sb(III))Oa6(Sb(V))'*' (H+)4 (Cl-)g mole X liter-' x hr.-'. 3. I n the same ranges of concentrations the 2 kcal./ experimental activation energy is 27 mole (measurement made a t 9.8, 25.0 and 34.6'). 4. In 12.0f hydrochloric acid a t 25.0' the halftime for exchange is 36.2 minutes with an antimony(II1) concentration of 0.0235 f and an antimony(V) concentration of 0.0198f. f






Polarography of Calcium, Strontium and Barium in Liquid Ammonia BY C. J. NYMAN The polarographic characteristics of several ions in liquid ammonia have been previously reported.' The present paper deals with the reduction of calcium, strontium and barium salts in this solvent. Experimental The electrolysis cells and apparatus for preparing the anhydrous liquid ammonia solutions have been described previously.' The cell with the internal reference electrode was used in all cases. The dropping mercury electrode had the following characteristics in a saturated solution (0.021 M) of teJraethylammonium iodide in liquid ammonia a t -36 . At a pressure of 20 cm., the drop time f was 5 , l sec. (open circuit) and the mass of mercury m flowing through the capillary was 1.184 mg./sec. A Fisher Elecdropode, calibrated in the usual manner, was used in this investigation. All applied potentials were checked by means of a student type potentiometer. The ammonia, barium nitrate and strontium nitrate were C. P. materials of commerce. Calcium iodide was prepared in the following way: 3 g. of calcium hydroxide was made into a slurry with 100 cc. of water, and then ammonium iodide was added until all the calcium hydroxide dissolved. The solution was filtered, and an additional 15 g. of ammonium iodide was added. The solution was evaporated almost t o dryness on a hot-plate, and the resulting paste was transferred to porcelain boats. These were placed in a Pyrex combustion tube and heated by means of a tube furnace. A stream of dry hydrogen was used to sweep the water vapor and excess ammonium iodide from the region of the boats. The temperature was raised slowly to about 150' and held for two hours, when it was increased to 400" for two hours. The material was allowed to cool with the stream of hydrogen still passing through the tube. On analysis, the calcium iodide contained less than 0.5% impurity. The purification of the tetraalkylammonium salts has been described previously. (1) For previous papers, see H. A. Laitinen and C. J. Nyman, THIS JOURNAL, 70,2241,3002 (1948).

Data and Discussion Figure 1shows typical polarograms obtained on electrolysis of calcium iodide solutions when using tetraethylammonium iodide as indifferent electrolyte. A maximum was observed even with low concentrations of calcium ion, and i t was only partially suppressed by traces of methyl red. Higher concentrations of methyl red did not completely eliminate the maximum. A similar behavior was exhibited by the strontium ion (see Fig. 2)) but the barium ion did not show a maximum when using tetraethylammonium iodide as the indifferent electrolyte (see curve 11, Fig. 3). With tetrapropylammonium iodide, barium exhibits a maximum which is not suppressed by either methyl red or methyl cellulose (see curve I, Fig. 3). TABLE I DIFFUSION CURRENTSOF CALCIUM,STRONTIUMAND BARIUMI N LIQUIDAMMONIAAT -36" id,


Ca Ca Sr Sr Sr Ba Ba



microamp. m2/V'/a Calcd. Obs.

% A

0.38 1.91 X 1 W 1.019 2.05 2.0 -2.5 .82 1.019 4 . 4 4 . 5 +2 .37 1.94 X 1.180 2.32 2.39 4-3 .52 1.180 3.28 3.27 ... .78 1.185 4.94 5.21 +6 1.249 2.72 2.65 -3 .43 1.77 X .63 1.249 4.00 3.90 -3

The diffusion currents for various concentrations of the alkaline earth inetal ions, as measured in liquid ammonia a t -36') are recorded in Table I. Tetraethylammonium iodide served

Dec., 1949



-1.6 -1.7 -1.8 E (volts) versus Hg pool. -1.9 -2.0 -2.1 -2.2 E (volts) aersus Hg pool. Fig. 1.-Polarograms of calcium iodide in saturated At'; tetraethylammonium iodide: curve I, 8.2 X curve 11, 8.2 X 10-4 M plus a trace of methyl red; curve M plus a trace of methyl red; curve JV, 111, 3.8 X saturated solution of tetraethylammonium iodide.

Fig. 2.-Polarograms of strontium nitrate in saturated tetraethylammonium iodide: cuhre I, 7.8 X lo-' M plus a trace of methyl red; curve 11, 5.2 X lo-' M plus a trace of methyl red; curve 111, 3.7 X 10-4 M ; curve IV, saturated solution of tetraethylammonium iodide.

as the supporting electrolyte. Theoretical values were calculated by means of the Ilkovic equation2v3 id =


which relates the diffusion current i d (niicroamperes) of an ion to 11, the number of faradays of electricity required per mole of electrode reaction] to its concentration C (millimoles per liter), to its ionic diffusion coefficient D (sq. cm./sec.), and to the capillary characteristics llz (mg./sec.) and t (SCC.). The ionic diffusion coefficient D can be evaluated by means of the expression4% D = RTAoO/zF2

where R is 8.317 volt-coulombs per degree, T is the absolute temperature, Lo is the equivalent conductance of the ion a t infinite dilution (ohm-'sq. em.-equiv.-'), z is the charge of ion, and F is 96,500 coulombs. Most of these terms are experimental quantities which can be easily evaluated. Gurjanowa and Pleskov6 reported the equivalent ionic conductance a t -40' of calcium, strontium and barium a t infinite dilution as 180, 183 and 167 ohm-I-sq. cm.-equiv. -l, respectively, (2) D. Ilkovic, Coli. Czech. Chcm. Cornnun., 6, 498 (1934). (3) D. MacGillavry and E. K. Rideal, Rcc. fray. chim.,66, 1013 (1937). (4) W.Nernst. Z. p h y s i k . Chcm.. 2, 613 (1888). (5) I. M. Kolthoff and J. J. Lingane, THISJ O U R N A L , 61, 825 (1939). (6) E.N. Gurjanowa and V. A. Pleskov, Acta Physicochim. U . R. S. S.. 6. 500 (1936).

-1.3 -1.4 -1.5 -1.6 E (volts) versus Hg pool. Fig. 3.-Polarograms of barium nitrate: curve I, 4.3 X 10-4 M in saturated tetrapropylammonium iodide; curve 11, 6.3 X 10-4 M in saturated tetraethylammonium iodide; curve 111, saturated solution of tetraethylammonium iodide.

As c a n be seen, the agreement between the observed and calculated values of id is good, and it is considerably better than that observed in the case of the alkali metal ions' where the ob-



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the slope of a plot of E d . e . versus log (id - i)/i can be used as a test for reversibility. Ed.e. is the potential of the dropping mercury electrode; El/, is the half-wave potential; i d is the diffusion current; and i is the current flowing a t a potential Ed.e,. A reversible two-electron reduction would give a slope of 0.024. I n Table I1 are recorded values for the halfwave potentials of calcium, strontium and barium in liquid ammonia a t -38" and also the slope of TABLEI1 Ed.e. 8s. log (id - i)/i. The approach of the LIQUID AMMONIAAT -36' versus MERCURY reduction to reversibility is not so close in the POOL case of the alkaline earth ions as it is in the case Slope Of Ed.e. ?IS. log of the alkali metal ions1 There is a parallel C. E%, mmole/l. volts behavior between these ions and the alkali metal 0.38 -1.96 0.058 ions in that the largest ion is the most readily .82 -1.96 ,044 reduced to the amalgam. Insufficient data are .37 -1.69 .061 available to calculate theoretical values of the .52 -1.68 ,078 half -wave potentials.

served values were higher by 10%. This is attributed to the fact that the migration current has been markedly reduced by the higher relative concentration of indifferent electrolyte. The solubility of tetraethylammonium iodide, which was used in this investigation, is about four times as great as that of tetrabutylammonium iodide, which was used in the investigation of the alkali metal ions. El/,



Ca Ca

Sr Sr Sr Ba Ba


.78 .58 .63

,117 ,033 .040


-1.54 -1.54

Since the shape of a polarographic reduction wave, when the metal is soluble in mercury, is given by the expression? &.e.



- i) + 2.303RT ___ log nF (id

(7) J. Heyrovsky and D. Ilkovic, Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun., I , 198 (1935).



Summary The diffusion currents of calcium, strontium and barium ions were measured and found to agree with those calculated by the Ilkovic equation. The half-wave potentials were determined, and the reduction was found to be less reversible than in the case of the alkali metal ions. PULLMAN, WASH.





Polarographic Behavior of Organic Compounds. I. The Maleate and Fumarate Species BY PHILIPJ. ELVING* AND CHARLES TEITELBAUM Although extensive polarographic investigations of maleic and fumaric acids have been carried out, there was felt to be a need for a thorough study of the acids with a more careful control of the factors affecting polarographic reduction. Insufficient attention was paid in much of the previous, work' to such factors as buffering, electrolyte concentration, capillary characteristics, temperature control and concentration. The most thorough previous work is that of Vop(*) Present address: Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. (1) (a) Herasymenko, Z. Elektrochem., 34,7.1 (1928); (b) Schwaer, Ckem. Lisly, 26, 486 (1932); ( c ) Vopicka, Coll. Czechoslao. Chem. Commun., 8, 349 (1936); (d) Semerano and Bettinelli, Gaze. chim. itol., 66, 744 (1936); (e) Herasymenko, Coll. Czechoslau. Chem. Commun., 9, 104 (1937); (f) Miolati, M e m . accad. Italia, Classc. sci. fis. mat. not., 8, 215 (1937); (9) Semerano and Bettinelli, i b i d . , 8, 255 (1937); (h) Miolati and Semerano. Ricerca sci., 8, I!, 243 (1937); (i) Semarano and Rao, Mikvochernie, 23, 9 (1937); (j) Semerano, i b i d . , 24, 10 (1938); (k) Furman end Bricker, THISJ O U R N A L , 64, 686 (1942); (I) Clark and Knopf, ACS, Abstracts of Papers, Meeting in Print, p. 3L,Sept., 1945; (m) Warshowsky, Elving and Mandel, Anal. Ckem., 19, 161 (1947).

icka,lc although the concentrations he used were somewhat high, capillary characteristics were not given, buffering a t the ends of the pH range studied was not satisfactory, no measurements were made between pH 5.3 and 9.0, and no temperature control was attempted. He developed an equation to express the effect of pH on halfwave potential. Herasymenkole interpreted Vopicka's results on the basis of a new equation, which gave slightly better agreement with the experimental results. The only previous work on the calculation of the "n" values (apparent electron change per molecule reduced) is that of Furman and Brickerlk for maleic acid where values of 1.17 and 1.22 were obtained. No clear relationship between diffusion current and pH has been established; VopickalCindicates a straight line relation between half-wave potential, EO.5, and pH. No previous report has been found of the appearance of double waves in buffered solution. No previously reported polarographib investigation of the esters has been located.