Poly(-hydroxyalkanoates) - American Chemical Society

Approaches ranged from over-expressing polymerase genes in Escherichia colt to .... since a large number of hydroxyl groups is confined in a small vol...
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Chapter 21

Poly(ß-hydroxyalkanoates) as Potential Biomedical Materials: An Overview Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: January 15, 2001 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0764.ch021

Carmen Scholz Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 301 Sparkman Drive, MSB 333, Huntsville, AL 35899

Poly(ß-hydroxyalkanoates), (PHAs), are produced by a wide variety of microorganism. Due to their natural origin these, biopolyesters are biodegradable and biocompatible. The inherent biocompatibility of the material made it an ideal candidate for biomedical applications. PHAs, in particular poly(ß– hydroxybutyrate), (PHB), and poly(ß-hydroxybutyrate-co– valerate), (PHBV), have been studied and tested extensively as implant, implant coating and drug delivery systems. Since there is no depolymerase enzyme expressed in mammals, degradation is based solely on hydrolysis and therefore a very slow process. Thus, this material is particularly interesting for long-term applications, that is, bone and nerve repair and bone treatment. PHB-based implants produced favorable bone-tissue adaptation response. Thermoplasiticity of the material is advantageous, since implants can be molded into desired shapes. Drug delivery systems based on PHBV were successfully tested in the treatment of bone related diseases. PHAs are less suited for implants that are in immediate and extensive blood contact, since PHA causes, like other hydrophobic surfaces, protein adsorption that leads eventually to thrombi formation. The formation of natural-synthetic block copolymers consisting of PHB and poly(ethylene glycol) will contribute to an increased blood compatibility and furnish the biopolyester with a stealth character.


© 2000 American Chemical Society In Polymers from Renewable Resources; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

329 Introduction

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Poly(P-hydroxyalkanoates), (PHAs), were first discovered by Lemoigne in 1925 while he was examining Bacillus megaterium. From those observations Lemoigne concluded that these cellular inclusion bodies play a role in the survival mechanism of the organism. They form when one or more nutrients is limited, but a carbon source is readily available, and they are consumed when nutrient availability worsens and an external carbon source is no longer available. The nature of these inclusion bodies was determined to be poly(P-hydroxybutyrate), (PHB), a polyester. Instead of storing small molecules that would alter the osmotic state of the cell and, would leak out, these bacteria polymerize the soluble intermediates into insoluble polymers, keeping them as an internal carbon and energy storage. Due to enzymatic synthesis, PHAs are isotactic, with the chiral carbon atoms in the R-configuration. A wide variety of microorganisms produces PHAs, by choosing the microbial strain and fermentation conditions judisciously the primary structure of the PHA can be influenced, resulting in the formation of functionalized biopolyesters . The material is biodegradable, it was produced by a polymerase enzyme, which is counteracted by a depolymerase enzyme. Depolymerase enzymes are expressed in bacteria and fungi. 2

Commercialization of PHAs

Since their renaissance in the 1980's, PHAs have been considered for a variety of applications. Early on, anticipation was high that PHAs could eventually replace packaging material. PHAs would be an ideal material for packaging, it is a thermoplastic, and the properties can be tailored to range from a brittle material to an elastomer. After their function as package material is exhausted, the material could be discarded, and would eventually degrade in a composting or landfill facility - an environmentally benign alternative to existing packaging materials. However, PHAs never reached the level of actually competing with conventional packaging materials due to their high costs. Even though continous fermentation techniques might bring the price down to about $ 3.50/kg, it is still much higher than that of traditional polyolefins. Many avenues were pursued to try to make biopolyesters less expensive. Approaches ranged from over-expressing polymerase genes in Escherichia colt to genetically engineering strains to turn them into super-producers . E. coli does not produce PHAs naturally and therefore has no pathways for intracellular PHA degradation. Thus, an increase in yield was expected since the biological path for natural polymer consumption is not existent. To this day there continues to exist a debate on the cost-effectiveness of commercial PHA production. Whereas some scholars strongly advocate PHAs as polymers of the future because of their production from renewable resources and inherent biodegradability, others argue that microbial fermentation is a very energy-consuming process with a low overall yield relative to the amount of starting material. In addition, aerobic fermentation processes generate the green-house gas carbon dioxide . 4


In Polymers from Renewable Resources; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

330 As is so often the case, the truth might actually lay in the middle. PHAs have their raison d'être, even though they probably will never replace the market leaders in packaging supplies. PHAs need to be recognized for their unique properties. PHAs are isotactic polymers with all chiral carbon atoms in Rconfiguration. PHB can also be synthesized chemically from butyrolactone and, synthetic PHB with a high degree of isotacticity can be obtained by choosing a catalyst judiciously . A fault-free, truly isotactic polymer, however, is currently only available through whole cell catalysis, requiring the use of microorganisms. The question arises, whether isotactic PHB is needed. Is isotacticity a prerequisite for biodegradability and biocompatibility?

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PHAs for biomedical applications Biocompatibility is a unique attribute inherent to PHAs. Biocompatibility has been shown for short chain PHAs, PHB and PHBV and for long-chain PHA, such as poly(P-hydroxyoctanoate) . PHAs are envisioned to play a major role in the biomedical field in the future. Several studies have shown that PHAs are suitable for biomedical applications since no adverse tissue reaction was observed. Depolymerase enzymes are not expressed in mammals and in vivo PHA degradation relies solely on hydrolysis. Hence, a very slow degradation of the implant material is observed, ranging from several months to a year or more. Thus, implants based on PHAs are excellent candidates where long-time implantation is sought, e.g. in bone replacement. Thermoplasticity of PHAs is another very advantageous feature with respect to bone implants, since implants can be easily molded into the desired shape. This is particularly important for reconstructive surgery. Implantation studies using PHB films and molded objects did not cause an inflammatory reaction . In addition, blending of different PHAs exhibiting a variety of mechanical properties, presents itself as an option to design materials of distinct mechanical properties which can closely resemble the strength and elasticity of the body part that needs to be replaced. This is an area of research, which will gain increasing consideration in the future. Mimicking exactly the mechanical properties of bodily tissue that has been lost due to disease or accident and that is replaced by an implant is as important a consideration as biocompatibility and eventual biodegradability. Artificial cartilage, for example, achieves full biological function and fibrocartilage ingrowth only when the modulus of the implant matches that of natural cartilage . PHAs have been tested intensively for biomedical uses. They were investigated as drug delivery systems, implants, sutures, staples, screws, clips, fixation rods, cardiovascular stents and others. Most of the studies involving PHAs as biomedical devices reported good biocompatibility and little or no immunological responses. The polymer itself is not toxic and the hydrolysis product, R-βhydroxybutyric acid, itself is a mammalian metabolite that occurs in low concentrations in humans, van der Giessen et a l , however, studied PHBV among other polymers as stent material to be implanted into the coronary arteries and observed severe thrombosis. This is a typical response of the blood to a foreign, hydrophobic surface on which unfolding of blood proteins occurs, followed by 7





In Polymers from Renewable Resources; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

331 platelet adhesion and subsequent thrombi formation. Thus, PHBV does not appear to be a good material for immediate and extended blood contact. The strength of the material in biological applications appears to be in the realm of bone-implant. Moreover, PHB and PHBV seem to be advantageous in a variety of bone-related treatments. Doyle et al. studied PHB composites reinforced with hydroxyapatite and found that bone is rapidly formed close to the composite material, and it subsequently becomes highly organized as new bone tissue. They found no evidence of a structural break down of the PHB over an implantation time of 12 months. Holland et al. suggested that an accelerated degradation of PHBV occurs at implantation times beyond one year using in vitro studies. This degradation phase is preceded by a surface modification phase that leads to a slight increase in crystallinity due to the erosion of the amorphous domains and a subsequent progressive increase of the polymer porosity. Water can then eventually penetrate into the now porous polymer matrix, initiating hydrolysis and subsequent degradation. Materials based on PHB produced a consistently favorable bone tissue adaptation response with no evidence of undesirable chronic inflammation. The advantageous influence of PHB and PHBV biopolymers is believed to be based on their piezoelectric properties, which lead to osteoconductivity. Bone inflammation occurs often in connection with implant procedures due to Staphylococcus aureus infections, a common skin bacterium. Yagmurlu et al. reported a positive effect on treating osteomyelitis with antibiotics achriinistered by using PHBV as a drug delivery system. In a similar manner, PHBV microspheres were tested as drug delivery systems for the treatment of periodontal diseases. A n antibiotic drug was loaded into PHBV microcapsules and the release patterns were studied in vitro, indicating a complete drug release prior to disintegration of the microcapsules . Drug carrier systems in the form of microcapsules were formed from blends of PHB and PHBV with poly(e-caprolacton) (PCL). It was shown that surface morphologies could be rendered by the amount of PCL in the blend . PHB has been suggested as a drug delivery system as early as 1989. PHB drug delivery vehicles carrying particulates were suggested for intramuscular administration and colloidal carriers were suggested for drug targeting in intravenous administration . Recently, PHB has been tested for nerve repair, using PHB films as support to wrap around the transected nerve. The PHB films were used as bioabsorbable sheets, that were supposed to degrade eventually after the healing of the nerve was complete, and the structural support would not be needed anymore. Nerve ends did heal within this PHB-wrapping, restoring the nerve function . As indicated above, PHB and PHBV block copolymers seem to be very beneficial for bone-related treatments. As stated earlier, (to van der Giessen et al.) blood compatibility of PHBV is problematic. Severe adverse effects were reported when PHBV was used as stent material in the coronary system. This observation prompted the question of the usefulness of PHBV based drug delivery systems for intravenous applications. Interaction between the hydrophobic drug delivery system (PHB, PHBV) and proteins can be expected. This interaction can cause the activation of the reticuloendothelial system and an accelerated clearing of the delivery system 12

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In Polymers from Renewable Resources; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

332 and the drug from the blood stream. Applying a stealth character to the delivery system could prevent this. By forming PHB-PEG natural synthetic block copolymers blood compatibility could be conferred to a material that is already superior in terms of non-toxicity and biocompatibility. Shi et al. showed the feasibility for the formation of A B block copolymers consisting of the natural PHB-block and a synthetic PEG-block. Whole cell catalysis can be employed for the synthesis of natural-synthetic hybrid block copolymers. By adding PEG to the fermentation broth, block copolymerization is initiated. PEG is highly biocompatible, it penetrates the microbial cell wall and interacts with the active site of the polymerase enzyme. An ester bond is formed between the carboxylate chain end of the growing PHA chain and the PEG segment (see figure 1).

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(C - O - C H -CH )n-C - Ο 2

(CH - C H 2


-0) H X




Figure 1: natural-synthetic PHB-b-PEG hybrid block copolymer This reaction, which basically exhibits an interference with the natural microbial process of carbon storage preparation, leads to a new class of polymers with intriguing possibilities for their application. The end group structure of the natural polymers can be modified according to predetermined needs. Esterification of the PHA-terminus results in a reduction of the molecular weight of the PHB-block, by up to 74 % . In summary, a natural-synthetic telechelic block copolymer was prepared by whole cell catalysis. The PEG segment depicted in figure 1 can be replaced by a multiarm PEG (see figure 2). Multiarm PEG, for example Pentaerythritol derivatives, generate not only amphiphilicity, but also introduce multifunctionality at one chain end of the block copolymer. The resulting block copolymers exhibit a high hydrophilic density since a large number of hydroxyl groups is confined in a small volume. The 20


Figure 2: Polymeric micelle consisting of PHB core and a, linear PEG segment; b, multiarm PEG segment and c, functionalized PEG segment

In Polymers from Renewable Resources; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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333 synthesis of this new kind of natural-synthetic block copolymers opens a new research field which will focus on employing the functionality of the hydrophilic segment for unique modifications of the molecule. PHB-b-PEG block copolymers are envisioned, among other applications, for drug delivery systems. Exposing an amphiphilic A B block copolymer to a selective solvent leads to the formation of polymeric micelles which can act as vehicles for therapeutic drugs. Generating the polymeric micelle in an aqueous environment will result in the formation of a micelle with a hydrophobic core, consisting of the PHB segment, which is surrounded by a hydrophilic PEG-corona. The PHB segment is suited to accommodate a hydrophobic drug. The PEG segment provides the stealth character that permits a long half-life in the circulation. Adjustment of the molecular weight of the PHB block might be necessary, in order to maintain an appropriate ratio of the A - and B-block, to guarantee optimum micelle formation . Due to it's hydrophilicity and large excluded volume, PEG prevents protein interactions and detection by the reticuloendothelial system. Blood compatibility will be enhanced as the inner, hydrophobic core is covered with PEG-chains. This can be achieved by using high molecular weight PEG. However, this poses a problem with microbial polymerization since the molar density of hydroxyl groups decreases with increasing chain length. This might be circumvented by using a highly branched, multiarm PEG. The latter provides the advantage of introducing a high concentration of hydroxyl groups within a small volume. These hydroxyl groups can undergo further functionalization, focusing on drug targeting (figure 2). The chemical reaction that introduces a homing device can be conducted after micellization occurs, or a functionalized PEG can be added to the fermentation for subsequent copolymerization. The biomedical field is in need of tissue adhesives and tissue sealants, soft tissue fillers to replace collagen, and tissue adhesion preventives for the treatment of severe burns to mention just a few of the current challenges. PHAs and modified PHAs will be considered in the future as candidates for an increasing variety of biomedical challenges. Research efforts are now devoted to supply a wider range of materials with physical and functional properties that can be adjusted to meet specific needs of the biomedical market. 22

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