Polyaniline-Grafted Graphene Hybrid with Amide Groups and Its Use

Aug 28, 2012 - Gansukh Erdenedelger , Taemin Lee , Trung Dung Dao , Joon Soo Kim , Byeong-Su Kim , Han Mo Jeong. Journal of Materials Chemistry A ...
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A polyaniline-grafted graphene hybrid with amide groups and its use in supercapacitors Junwei An 1, Jianhua Liu 1*, Yecheng Zhou 2, Haifeng Zhao 3, Yuxiao Ma 1, Mengliu Li 1, Mei Yu 1, Songmei Li 1 1

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, 100191, Beijing,

China 2

State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, College of Chemistry and

Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, 730000, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 3

State Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Applications, Changchun Institute of

Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS ), 130033, Changchun, Jilin, China



Figure S1a AFM image of PANI-G



Figure S1b AFM image of PANI-G


Figure S1c AFM image of PANI-G


Figure S1d AFM image of PANI-G

S2a XPS spectrum of GO 7

S2b XPS spectrum of GO

Figure S3a Raman spectrum of GO


Figure S3b Raman spectrum of PANI

Figure S3c Raman spectrum of PANI-G


Table S1 Peak position


1571 cm-1

C=C stretching of quinonoid ring

1496 cm-1

stretching vibrating of C=N in quinonoid ring

1407 cm-1

C=N stretching vibration of quinonoid ring

1326 cm-1

C-N+ stretching vibration of quinonoid ring or benzenoid ring

1232 cm-1

C-N stretching vibration of benzenoid ring

1194 cm-1

C-H bending vibration of benzenoid ring

1052 cm-1

N-H bending in-plane of the benzenoid ring

963 cm-1

C-H deformation out-of-plane of the benzenoid ring

890 cm-1

C-N-C wag out-of-plane of the benzenoid ring in EM salt state

Table S2 Peak position


1593 cm-1

G band of Re-GO

1550 cm-1

C=C stretching of quinonoid ring

1486 cm-1

C=N stretching vibrating in quinonoid ring

1406 cm-1

C=N stretching vibration of quinonoid ring


D band of Re-GO

1340 cm-1

C-N+ stretching vibration of quinonoid ring or benzenoid ring

1220 cm-1

C-N stretching vibration of benzenoid ring

1170 cm-1

C-H bending of benzenoid ring

1032 cm-1

N-H bending in-plane of the benzenoid ring

960 cm-1

C-H deformation out-of-plane of the benzenoid ring