Polyelectrolyte Gels - American Chemical Society

governs the bulk properties of the network. Interest in ... These networks are held together ..... Rewards in Cellulosics, Inagaki, H.; Phillips, G. O...
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Chapter 3

Structure and Properties of Surfactant-Bridged Viscoelastic Hydrogels 1

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Abdulkadir J. Dualeh and Carol A. Steiner Department of Chemical Engineering, City College of the City University of New York, 140th Street and Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031

Surface-active graft copolymers form viscoelastic hydrogels in the presence of unmicellized surfactant. These gels have been character­ ized with respect to their volume, rheological properties, and the nature and structure of the intermolecular linkages as a function of composition and temperature. The linkages are found to resemble comicelles composed of surfactant molecules and hydrocarbon side chains from the polymer. The composition of the comicelles varies in a predictable manner with that of the bulk solution, by analogy with comicelles of monomeric surfactants. This correlation in turn governs the bulk properties of the network.

Interest in the solution properties of surface-active graft copolymers has grown in recent years with the synthesis of new such polymers and the recognition that these polymers may interact with other components of a solution, such as surfactants and dispersed particles, in a unique and potentially useful manner. On their own in solution, water-soluble surface-active graft copolymers may aggregate either inter- or intramolecularly, either increasing or reducing the apparent intrinsic viscosity of the macromolecules (1—11) depending on the nature of the solvent and whether or not the critical overlap concentration has been reached. In the presence of suspended particles, these polymers adsorb at the solid/liquid interface, promoting steric stabilization of the suspension (72). In surfactant solutions, the hydrophobic moieties of surface-active graft copo­ lymers act as nucleation sites for adsorption of surfactant aggregates. This adsorption can result in either the break-up or enhancement of intermolec­ ular hydrophobic interactions, depending on the composition of the solu­ tion and hence of the adsorbed aggregates (12—16).

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ΟΌ97^156/92Λ)480ΜΧ)42$06.00Α) © 1992 American Chemical Society

In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Surfactant-Bridged Viscoelastic Hydrogels


Besides having unique solution properties, surface-active graft copolymers also have the ability to form stiff, water-swollen hydrogels at polymer levels as low 0.6% by weight (13, 14). These gels may be either charged or nonionic, depending on the structure of the starting polymer and the composition of the solution from which the gels form. The synthesis, structure, and properties of a group of hydrogels formed from one particular surface-active graft copolymer will be the subject of this report. Hydrogels in general, and polyelectrolyte gels in particular, are valuable in many industrially important applications, including superabsorbent technology, chromatographic separations, and controlled drug delivery devices. The various properties exploited in these applications are, respectively, their high swelling ratios, preference for retaining specific solutes, and ability to act as reservoirs for drugs. Any improvement in the method of preparation or the discovery of other polymer structures which behave like polyelectrolyte gels is of fundamental interest. Polyelectrolyte gels are generally made by covalently crosslinking the polymer chains with afunctional monomers. Alternatively, and of greater relevance to the present study, polymeric hydrogels can be made without covalently linking the polymer chains. These networks are held together physically by secondary forces (van der Waals, hydrogen bonding, etc.) among some segments of the polymer chain. The linkages are weak compared to covalently linked gels and can thus be made and broken relatively easily by gentle changes in the environment. At least two conditions are required in order to form gels of this type from aqueous solutions. First, some segments of the polymer must prefer to associate with themselves more than with water molecules or other segments of the polymer. Second, the bonds formed must be strong enough to hold the chains together despite thermal motion of the chains. In some cases, however, favorably interacting segments may be prevented from doing so by physical limitations imposed by the structure of the chain. Factors such as chain flexibility and tacticity contribute strongly. It is known, for example that tacticity plays an important role in the ability of polymethacrylic acid to form gels. All of these factors must be taken into consideration in selecting a starting polymer for the formation of non-covalently bonded hydrogels. We have made mechanically stable hydrogels by contacting hydrophobically modified hydroxyethyl cellulose (HMHEC), an amphiphilic nonionic copolymer, and the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in aqueous solution. These hydrogels form spontaneously at certain specific concentrations of copolymer and surfactant, without any chemical reaction to crosslink the polymer chains. The materials exhibit Theological behavior similar to that of covalently crosslinked polyelectrolyte gels; however they respond differently to changes in ionic strength and temperature. These properties, coupled with the mechanical stability of the gels, make these new materials useful for industrial exploitation

In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Experimental The polymer hydrophobically modified hydroxyethylcellulose (HMHEC), MW 10 , was obtained from Aqualon Co., Wilmington, D E . Its main chain, hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), is composed of anhydroglucose units rendered water soluble by addition of ethylene oxide (EO) groups. The H E C is then modified with C alkyl grafts at sufficiently high level to render the polymer insoluble in water. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 99% pure, was obtained from Fluka and used as received. The critical micelle concentration was found by conductivity to be 8 χ 10~ M . Sample preparation and methods are detailed elsewhere (14). The bulk properties of the gels were investigated using dynamic Theo­ logical measurements and observation. Microscopic investigation of the gel structure was carried out using two different fluorescence techniques, described elsewhere and below. The first, fluorescence of pyrene, makes use of the fact that certain characteristics of the fluorescence spectrum of pyrene provide a quantitative measure of the hydrophobicity of the pyrene's environment (17). Using this method we were able to establish that our hydrogels are characterized by distinct hydrophobic regions within an aqueous network. The second method involves measuring the extent of interaction between a fluorescence probe and quencher which are chosen because of their relative insolubility in water, so that quenching only takes place within the hydrophobic regions of the gel. The resulting fluores­ cence spectra provide a measure of the size, or aggregation number, of these regions, if they exist, according to the following relation (18):

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1 2


In (I /I) = [Q]/[M] 0


where I and I are the fluorescence emission intensity of the probe without and with quencher, respectively, [Q] is the quencher concentration and [M] is the concentration of aggregates in the sample. The slope of this plot is thus the reciprocal of the molar concentration of aggregates, and the aggregation number is given by [M] divided by the total moles of aggregated species, e.g. surfactant molecules and hydrophobic side chains. The number of alkyl grafts and surfactant molecules making up each aggregate can be obtained from: Q




= ([surf] - [surf] )/[M] 0


= ([alkyl] - [alkyl] )/[M] 0


(2) (3)

where [surf] and [alkyl] are the total surfactant and alkyl graft concentra­ tions in the gel, respectively, and [surfL and [alkylL are, respectively, o


In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Surfactant-Bridged Viscoelastic Hydrogels


the surfactant and alkyl concentrations in the gel that are not part of an aggregate, and can be estimated as detailed elsewhere (14).

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Results and Discussion A disagreement often occurs about what is and is not a "true gel." Some researchers insist that a true gel must be chemically crosslinked in a per­ manent network, others look for a long plateau in the storage modulus vs frequency spectrum, and still others consider a gel to be a mass of poly­ mer that swells isotropically without dispersing in an excess of solvent. Our gels fall into the last category. The gels which we will be discussing here are one piece, viscoelastic, flexible, clear and macroscopically homo­ geneous. These gels fill the container in which they are formed, but retain the shape of the container (typically a right circular cylinder) for at least several days after removal from the vessel. The swollen volume of the gels depends on the composition of the solvent; however in some sol­ vents their volume is remarkably stable, even upon immersion for a period of several days. The rheological properties of the gels are shear rate dependent, but a long frequency range exists over which the storage modulus, while not exactly constant, varies only slightly. Effect of Solution Composition. H M H E C gels may or may not form depend­ ing on the initial composition of the solution. Upon addition of H M H E C to pure water, in the absence of surfactant, the copolymer precipitates out of the solution in the form of individual swollen globules. Above 1 χ 10~ M SDS and below the critical micelle concentration of the surfactant, mixtures of H M H E C and SDS form a polymer-rich gel phase and a super­ natant phase composed primarily of surfactant and water. At surfactant concentrations near the cmc, the solutions are one phase but exhibit recoil on pouring. The solutions remain clear on further addition of SDS but cease to exhibit recoil on pouring and can pass through a filter. At higher surfactant levels no gel phase forms; all the polymer is soluble in the surfactant solution. In contrast, H E C is quite soluble in both water and SDS, forming one- phase viscous or non-Newtonian solutions at con­ centrations comparable to those at which a gel formed with HMHEC. Thus it is clear that the HMHEC/SDS gels are characterized by linkages involving both the hydrophobic side chains and the surfactant. The pyrene fluorescence experiments demonstrated that these linkages, or some other component of the network, are significantly more hydrophobic than if the network were homogeneous. It was our aim to determine the nature of polymer and surfactant interactions that give rise to these hydrophobic regions and to network formation. Typical rheological behavior of the gels is shown in Figure 1, showing the storage (G') and loss (G") moduli as a function of frequency for a H M H E C gel made from a solution containing 5.6 mM SDS and 0.04 weight percent polymer at 25 ° C. In contrast to chemically cross-linked sys­ tems, which are characterized by a true plateau over a long range of 3

In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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frequency in the G ' vs frequency spectrum, we observe a shallow but finite slope in G ' over the frequency range 10-60 rad/s. It can also be seen that over the frequency range studied, G ' is everywhere greater than G " , i.e. no terminal zone is reached. The behavior seen here is characteristic of a temporary network of interactions whose stability depends on the stresses to which the interactions are subjected. In chemically cross-linked systems, the plateau value of the storage modulus (G ) is inversely proportional to the molecular weight between crosslinks (M^) (79). By analogy, we can consider the molecular weight between our temporary linkages, Mj(w), to observe the same inverse relationship with the value of G ' at that frequency, G'(w). G'(w) was obtained from our data at 30 and 50 rad/s by averaging the 6 values of G ' spanning each of those frequencies. This procedure was used to minimize the effect of random scatter, which became considerable at the high end of the frequency scale. At constant polymer concentration and applied frequency, the storage modulus decreases with increasing surfactant concentration as shown in Figure 2; thus some of the intermolecular linkages must disappear as surfactant is added to the system. Based on all of the above methods of analysis and observation of H M H E C gels made with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), we conclude that the structural element holding the gel together takes the form of adsorbed aggregates resembling comicelles consisting of both SDS and hydrocarbon side chains from the polymer. When H M H E C is placed in contact with SDS and water, the side chains act as nucleation sites for the adsorption of surfactant, thereby shielding themselves from unfavorable interactions with the water. While we have not as yet been able to characterize the distribution of comicelle sizes which obtain at a particular bulk composition, the average size is within the expected range for comicelles of SDS and monomelic surfactants such as poly(oxyethylene) lauryl ethers, with structures similar to that of the side chains on our polymer (20). The data present a consistent picture. Above the critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the surfactant, when the bulk SDS concentration is high enough to form pure SDS micelles, the polymer is readily solubilized and no gel forms. Below the cmc, a stiff gel forms whose storage modulus is an inverse function of the total surfactant concentration, so the extent of intermolecular interaction increases as the surfactant concentration goes down. This relationship is also reflected in the fact that the total volume of the gel phase increases with SDS concentration below the cmc, up to the limit where the polymer forms a one-phase solution at or just above the cmc. Thus far below the cmc, where pure SDS micelles cannot form, side chains from the polymer become incorporated into comicelle-like aggregates which bridge macromolecular chains, resulting in the formation of a network. At higher surfactant concentrations, more total aggregates can form, so the average number of side chains per aggregate goes down. This reduction results in a higher molecular weight between linkage points and the observed lower G ' and higher gel volume (Figure 3). We have been able to verify using the fluorescence quenching

In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Surfactant-Bridged Viscoelastic Hydrogels

.04 wt% polymer. .0056M surfactant

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frequncy (rad/s)

Figure 1. Typical dynamic response of hydrogels. Δ , storage modulus, G'; A, loss modulus, G " .

.04 Δ

wt % polymer

30 racVssc


50 rad/sec


7000 δ

6000 5000 • 4000 -

I ?


3000 2000 1000 4.00






S O S concentration (mM)

Figure 2.

Effect of SDS concentration on the storage modulus

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technique described above that the number of alkyl grafts in an aggregate lies on a smooth curve when plotted against the storage modulus evaluated at 30 rad/sec (Figure 4). Thus, strong evidence exists of the intimate relationship between the structure of the network and the structure of the aggregates. Effect of Temperature. Preliminary experiments have been conducted to determine the effect of temperature on gel volume. As noted above, the gel volume gives a good indication of the extent of intermolecular interaction in the system, and comparison of the results with what is known about the behavior of monomeric surfactant comicelles will provide independent confirmation of our hypothesis on the nature of these interactions. We used two methods of preparing the gels to study the effect. In method 1, a graduated cylinder containing a preformed gel (gel made at 25 ° C) in contact with its supernatant was immersed in a constant temperature bath at 50 ° C and the gel volume monitored. It took about 5 hours for the gels to attain a fixed, final volume. In method 2, the polymer was added to a preheated (50 ° C) surfactant solution and maintained at 50 ° C. The solutions were mixed for the same period as those made at room temperature and then allowed to stand and equilibrate in the constant temperature bath, leading to the formation of gels. The final gel volume was generally reached in less than 1 hour, which is also the typical equilibration time for gels mixed up and equilibrated at 25 ° C. At each of two different solution compositions studied, we found repeatedly that the final gel volume was independent of the method of preparation. This finding points to the existence of a thermodynamically determined final gel volume. It also demonstrates that the polymer chains in the preformed gel are mobile, albeit constrained, and can rearrange to their equilibrium configuration at ambient conditions given sufficient time. The discrepancy in equilibration times for the two methods of preparation is a reflection of the degree to which the chains are constrained in the gel. The effect of raising the temperature of H M H E C hydrogels in 4.8 mM SDS or 5.6 mM SDS from 25 ° C to 50 ° C is to decrease the equilibrium gel volume by 7.9% or 7.5%, respectively. The preformed gels visibly shrink when heated, and the final volume is stable for a period of at least several days. We have seen that the gel volume is inversely related to the number of crosslinking hydrophobic aggregates in the network. Recall, too, that the number of linkages goes down with increasing bulk surfactant concentration, so that not all surfactant aggregates act as linkages. Put another way, as the amount of surfactant available to form aggregates is increased, both the total number of aggregates and the ratio of surfactant to side chain in each aggregate increases, giving rise to fewer crosslinking hydrophobic aggregates overall in the network and a higher gel volume. In light of this, and given the known effect of temperature on the cmc of ionic surfactants, we offer the following explanation for the observed decrease in gel volume with temperature.

In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Surfactant-Bridged Viscoelastic Hydrogels


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Gel volume (ml)

Figure 3. volume.

Correlation between rheological properties and gel






Number of alkyl grafts in an aggregate

Figure 4.

Effect of aggregate composition on modulus.

In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




We postulate that the lower gel volumes at high temperature are due to a lower number of micellizable surfactant molecules, hence aggregates, available to act as intermolecular linkages between polymer chains. The cmc of ionic surfactants increases by as much as a factor of 10 with an increase in temperature of about of 70 C (27). By analogy, the effective concentration of adsorbed (i.e. aggregated) surfactant in our HMHEC/SDS systems goes down with increasing temperature. It is true that the hydro­ phobic grafts will themselves become more soluble in water as the "hydro­ phobic effect" is diminished and water acts more like a "normal fluid" with increasing temperature. The effect will be fewer alkyl grafts needing to avoid water, creating a tendency towards formation of gels with higher volumes than the 25 ° C controls at the same composition. Further, the solubility of the hydrophobes needs to increase by only ~1/N (where Ν is the total aggregation number; most of the molecules comprising the aggre­ gate are surfactant) that of surfactant molecules to compensate for the tendency towards lower gel volume caused by the increase in surfactant solubility. Nevertheless, lower gel volumes are observed in our experiments so apparently the thermal solubility increase of the hydrophobes is low compared to that of the surfactant. We are currently investigating the total number of aggregates in the gel as well as the effect of temperature on the solubility of POE surfactants in water in an effort to permit better quantitative analysis of our results.

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Effect of Salt. The effect of salt on the final gel volume was investigated by adding 0.1M NaCl to the HMHEC/SDS solutions during mixing. All solutions were studied at 25 ° C. We saw no effect of NaCl on the final gel volume at either of 2 bulk compositions studied. This result might once again be explained by looking at the effect of NaCl on the surfactant cmc and aggregation number. In general, salts are known to reduce the cmc of ionic surfactants. SDS is well characterized in this respect. In the absence of a cosurfactant, NaCl concentrations of up to 0.4 M reduce the cmc of SDS by an order of magnitude (22). However, the aggregation number of SDS micelles also rises from 55 to 162 on addition of salt (25), diminishing the effect of the lower cmc on the total number of aggregates that form. We are not aware of any study of the effect of salt on the cmc and aggregation number in solutions containing both SDS and a cosurfactant. It appears that in our system, the opposing effects of reduc­ ing the cmc and increasing the aggregation number balance each other in such a way as to leave the number of crosslinking aggregates in the net­ work unaltered. Conclusions We have seen that hydrogel networks may be made using surface-active graft copolymers, and that the microstructure and bulk properties of these networks may be easily manipulated. We are now conducting further

In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Surfactant-Bridged Viscoelastic Hydrogeh


temperature and salt studies, as well as neutron scattering studies to deter­ mine the average size of the aggregates, in an effort to characterize these networks more completely. It remains now to seek out practical applica­ tions for these new materials which exploit their unique two-phase struc­ ture. The fact that pyrene partitions into the hydrophobic microdomains suggests that these materials may be used to advantage in separations or controlled release applications, where solutes may be sequestered in or released from the microdomains in a manner dependent on their relative solubilities in the two phases of the gel. Investigations into these areas are currently under way.

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In Polyelectrolyte Gels; Harland, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.