Polyester resins based on AMOCO Isophthalic Acid-95 are in short

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Polyester resins based on AMOCO Isophthalic Acid-95 are in short supply for two important reasons: 1. The substantial advantages they offer to glass reinforced plastic products. Here are just some of them: Greater strength, flexibility, toughness, resistance to impact, and lighter colored products. Better resistance to chemicals, solvents, heat, weather, and corrosion. These add up to real sales benefits that can give your GRP products an edge over competition. 2. The substantial improvements they offer to processing. You get less cracking, fewer rejects, and less crazing in processing. There is less need for sanding and filling cracks. Fewer shorts. Better "wet out" in hand layups. And in larger molds, there is less need for hand work and patching. Result: Lower costs and higher production.

With these kinds of advantages, it's no wonder the demand for IPA-95 has kept available, supplies low. Amoco Chemicals is currently adding to its processing capabilities in order to increase the amounts available. But for the short term future, you'll want to take these two steps: (1) Obtain full information now on the benefits of IPA-95-based resins for your products and (2) Get your order in to your resin supplier as early as possible. For step 1, use the coupon below. Your inquiry will receive immediate attention.

AMOCO CHEMICALS CORPORATION Department 7 0 3 0 - 1 130 East Randolph Drive, Chicago 1, III. D Please send me additional information about AMOCO IPA-95 in GRP resins for application. D Please ask a representative to call. NAME__ POSITIONCOMPANY.