Polymer Characterization

AFFILIATION INDEX. AT&T Bell Laboratories, 409. Case Western Reserve University, 259. College of William and Mary, 249. Dow Chemical U.S.A., 45. Flori...
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Downloaded by on March 6, 2018 | https://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1990-0227.ix001

AUTHOR INDEX Abdelkarim, A. M . , 125 Bemes, A . , 167 Biesenberger, J . A . , 267 Bovey, Frank A . , 409 Chatain, D . , 191 Clark, W. T., 249 Cozine, Madeleine H . , 409 de Goys, C , 167 D e L o n g , L . Mark, 65 Demont, P h . , 191 Denning, P., 167 Dimonie, Victoria L . , 333 Earhart, Neal J . , 333 El-Aasser, Mohamed S., 333 Elicabe, Guillermo E . , 83 Elings, Virgil B . , 105 Fourmaud, L . , 191 Freeman, W. T., 249 Fuller, B., 215 Gaboury, Seott R., 287 Garcia-Rubio, Luis H . , 83 Giddings, J. Calvin, 3 Gillham, John K . , 143 Gomez, Marian A . , 409 Gotro, J . T., 215, 235 Hair, Lucy M . , 471 Hamielec, Archie E . , 105 Hamilton, T. C , 249 Hoagland, David A . , 51 Hoff, M . S., 249 Ibar, J. P., 167 Ishida, Hatsuo, 259 Jones, P., 167 Klein, A . , 455 Kourti, Theodora, 105 Kranbuehl, D . E . 249 Kumar, Vijay, 3 Kuo, Cheng-Yih, 343

Lacabanne, C , 167 Lacabanne, C , 191 Letts, Stephan A . , 471 Levy, Ram L . , 397 Lovinger, Andrew J . , 409 MacGregor, John F., 105 Mandelkern, Leo, 377 Martin, G . C , 215, 235 McDonald, William F., 287 Mirabella, Francis M . , J r . , 23, 357 Moldovan, Daniel G . , 45 Myers, Marcus N . , 3 Nicoli, David F., 105 Nigro, John, 259 Pepper, Bandy E . , 315 Polemenakos, Steve C , 45 Provder, Theodore, 343 Rosendale, D . , 267 Russo, Paul S., 65 Saffell, J . R., 167 Samuels, Robert J . , 315 Schilling, Frederic C , 409 Schwab, Scott D . , 397 Smisek, David L . , 51 Sperling, L . H . , 455 Stanley-Wood, N . G . , 125 Tanaka, Hajime, 409 Thomas, T., 167 Tiefenthaler, Ann M . , 287 Tonelli, Alan E . , 409 Tungare, A . V , 235 Urban, Marek W , 287 Vanderhoff, John W , 333 W i l d , Leslie, 23 Williams, P. Stephen, 3 Wisanrakkit, Guy, 143 Yang, S. I., 455 Yoo, J . N., 455

AFFILIATION INDEX Langley Research Center, 249 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, 471 Lehigh University, 333, 455 Louisiana State University, 65 M c D o n n e l l Douglas Research Laboratories, 397

A T & T Bell Laboratories, 409 Case Western Reserve University, 259 College of William and Mary, 249 Dow Chemical U . S . A . , 45 Florida State University, 377 Georgia Institute of Technology, 315 I B M Corporation, 215, 235


Craver and Provder; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



McMaster University, 105 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 249 North Dakota State University, 287 Particle Sizing Systems, 105 Paul Sabatier University, 167, 191 Princeton University, 143 Quantum Chemical Corporation, 23, 357


Solomat, 167 Stevens Institute of Technology, 267 Syracuse University, 215, 235 The Glidden Company, 343 University of Bradford, 125 University of Massachusetts, 51 University of South Florida, 83 University of Utah, 3

Downloaded by on March 6, 2018 | https://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1990-0227.ix001

SUBJECT INDEX A A series thin films, polarized refractometry and polarized ATR spectroscopy, 324-330 Abbe refractometer, files position between the prisms, 316 Absorbance ratios, IR crystallization of polypropylene and polyethylene, 372/ crystallization of polypropylenepolyethylene blends, 373-374/ Absorption coefficient in IR region, typical polymeric material, 293 Absorptions, polarized ATR spectroscopy, 320-322 Accumulation wall, thermal F F F system, 4-6, 11, 13-14 Acidic treatment, effect on ceramic fibers, 296, 297/ Acoustic waves, processes leading to, 288/ Acrvlie-melamine coatings, comparative cure, 350,351/ Acrylic resin cured with melamine crosslinker evolved-gas profile, 346/ fractional conversion curves, 351/ Activation energy cure process, 150-152 determination from TBA data, 157-159 dual Arrhenius viscosity model, 237 spiro orthocarbonate's ring-opening polymerization, 262 use in constructing iso-T contours, 160-161 Activation enthalpy, effect of blending, 209 Activation enthalpy distribution, polymer relaxations, 195 Activation parameters retardation modes of P A - P V D F blends, 209 retardation modes of PEBA copolymers, 200-205 g

Agarose gels effect of concentration on electrophoretic separations, 58 preparation, 53 use in electrophoretic separations, 52 Age of components, effect on resin processing properties, 254, 255/ Aggregated T i 0 , image, 70/ Aging, polymer, monitoring with F V D F probes, 397-407 Alumina, as component of ceramic fibers, 295-296 Amine-cured epoxies monitoring of cure process, 143-165 physical aging, 402-406 Amorphous carbons i-PP, spin-lattice relaxation times, 430 PBT, spin-lattice relaxation times, 425 resonances in PBT, 423 resonances, semicrystalline P E , 410 TPBD, chemical shifts, 432 Amorphous copolymers of styrene, characterization, 182-189 Amorphous phase segregation, polyamidebased copolymers and blends, 191-213 Amorphous polymers glass transition temperature, 176 physical aging, 397-407 relaxation modes at T , 176 specific volume as a function of temperature, 399 windowing polarization, 174 Amplification of errors, estimation of PSDs, 87 Anisotropic motion, TPBD, 434 Anisotropic polystyrene, ductility and strength] 126 Annealed polycarbonate, relaxation map, 175/ Annealed polystyrene, relaxation map, 174/ Aqueous-phase grafting reaction, PVA and VAc, 336-340 2


Craver and Provder; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.