Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold and Their Third-Order

Mar 12, 1996 - Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold and Their Third-Order Nonlinear Optical ... Using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM), the thi...
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Chapter 10

Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold and Their Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties 1,2




Kenneth E. Gonsalves , G. Carlson , J. Kumar , F. Aranda , and M. Jose-Yacaman 5

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Polymer Science Program, Institute of Materials Science and Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 Center for Advanced Materials, Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Lowell,MA01854 Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston,MA02125 Instituto de Fisica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 20-364,C.P.01000 Mexico, D.F., Mexico





Using a phase-transfer reaction, 1-10 nm gold particles were synthesized. The particles, functionalized by dodecanethiol, were stable at room temperature over a period of months. The particles were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Composite films were prepared by dispersing the gold in polystyrene, poly(methyl methacrylate), and poly(phenylmethylsilane). Using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM), the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities of the materials was measured (λ = 532 nm). The nonlinearity of the gold was found to be negative (i.e., opposite sign of CS ) with a magnitude of 1.0 x 10 e.s.u. for a film containing 4.4 mg gold particles per ml of PMMA. 2


Development of nonlinear optical materials is an important field of research (7) because of the emerging technology of photonics, which uses photons for information and image processing. Photonic devices are expected to perform such functions as frequency conversion, optical switching, and data processing (2). Polymers and polymer-matrix composites have emerged recently as attractive candidate materials for these devices because they offer a range of properties and processing conditions, which can be optimized for a particular device (J). One class of these materials which is of particular interest is those with significant third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility (χ ). Such optical nonlinearity arises in nanostructured metal particles as a consequence of the quantum confinement (4-6) of the particle's electron cloud. At (3)

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In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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sufficiently small size, (below ca. 6 nanometers,) the electronic levels become significantly different from those of bulk materials due to the quantum confinement of carriers. As the number of atoms in the cluster decreases, the electronic energy levels become more discrete. Eventually, the energy levels of very small particles begin to resemble molecular orbitals. This can give rise to enhanced third-order nonlinearity (7-9). Nanostructured crystallites have a high specific surface area. The resulting highenergy surface must be stabilized to prevent the particles from agglomerating (10). This is accomplished by surface-functionalizing the particles with moieties which introduce steric repulsion between them. When chosen prudently, these groups also render the stable particles soluble in optically clear polymers, which can be formed into the desired shape (such as a thin film) for device applications. Polysilanes are particularly interesting matrix materials because they are optically nonlinear (77) themselves due to sigma conjugation along their backbone. This chapter describes a process for making stable, nanophase gold and dispersing it into polymer matrices. Characterization of the resulting materials is included, with emphasis on the novel optical properties of the composites. Experimental Reagents and Instrumentation. Tetrachloroauric acid (HAuCl ,) tetraoctylammonium bromide (N[C H ] Br,) dodecanethiol, sodium borohydride, and sodium metal were used as received from Sigma Chemical Co. Water and toluene were deoxygenated by reflux and distillation under an inert atmosphere. The monomers phenylmethyldichlorosilane (Gelest,) methyl methacrylate, and styrene (Aldrich) were purified by fractional distillation under vacuum. The initiator, azobisisobutylnitrile (AIBN,) was recrystallized from methanol before use. Ultrasonic treatment was performed using a high-intensity ultrasonic probe (Sonic and Materials VC-600, 1/2" titanium horn, 20 kHz, 100 W/cm ). Films were cast using a Specialty Coatings Systems P-6204-A spin-coater. Film thickness was measured using a Tencor Alpha-Step 200 profilometer. UV/visible spectra were measured on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 6 spectrophotometer from 190 to 900 nm using a 1-nm slit at a scan rate of 120 nm/min. High-resolution T E M samples were prepared from methanol dispersions of the particles and deposited on copper grids with a carbon film. The instrument was a JEOL-4000EX with a point-to-point resolution of approximately 1.7 X . Transmission electron microscopy was also performed on PMMA/gold composite samples using a Phillips E M 300 instrument. The samples were prepared by microtoming to a thickness of 80 Â. The nonlinear optical properties were measured using 532-nm, 30-ps pulses from a frequency-doubled, Q-switched neodynium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser (Quantel). The laser operated at a 10-Hz repetition rate. Average pulse energy was 25 mJ. A neutral density filter was placed in the probe beam to reduce its intensity to about 1% of that of the pump beams. The phase conjugate beam was separated from the signal using a beam splitter. The crossing angle was 6°. Fast silicon photodiodes calibrated against a laser-energy meter were used to monitor the signal, the probe and the pump pulse energies. 4





In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold

Surface-Functionalized Nanostructured Gold Synthesis. The particles were synthesized using a phase-transfer reaction (72). Gold salt (HAuCl ) was dissolved in water (30 ml, 0.030 M). Normally, the resulting AuCl - anion would be insoluble in organic solvents (75). However, when the aqueous solution is stirred for one hour with a toluene solution (80 ml, 0.050 M) of the phase-transfer catalyst, tetraoctylammonium bromide (N[C H, ] Br,) the gold species is transferred into the toluene. Next, the surface-functionalizing reagent, dodecanethiol (0.2 ml), was added. Then, sodium borohydride solution (25 ml, 0.40 M) was dropped in gradually to reduce the gold from A u to Au°. In the absence of the thiol, zerovalent gold would combine rapidly into macroscopic particles of gold. However, the natural affinity of gold for thiol (14-18) causes a competing process whereby gold atoms (or clusters of several gold atoms) are coordinated to a thiol group. In the resulting proposed structure (see Figure 1,) gold atoms which combine with each other form the particle core and thiol-functionalized gold forms the surface. The reaction was complete three hours after the borohydride was added. The product (organic phase) was decanted. Approximately 90% of the toluene was removed by evaporation, then the remaining material was precipitated into ethanol. After filtration, the product was purified by redissolving in toluene and reprecipitating with ethanol. The resulting material was a waxy, purple solid which was stable over a period of months. 4





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Characterization. The solid product was dissolved in toluene and optical absorbance was measured versus a blank containing pure toluene. The spectrum showed a shoulder peak between 520 and 530 nm. This agreement with previous studies (79) signifies that the gold is nanostructured. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy was used to examine the particles directly. Figure 2 shows a H R T E M image of the gold particles. A l l particles display the characteristic lattice fringes of the common H R T E M images. Some of the gold particles clearly have faceting as indicated by the arrows. The smallest gold particles usually show perfect crystalline structure. However, in some cases, the presence of twin boundaries (Figure 3) are evident. It is also interesting to point out that from these H R T E M images there is no evidence of crystalline defects such as stacking faults or dislocations. The particle size distribution (Figure 4) shows that most of the particle diameters fall in the range of 1.0 - 3.4 nm. Polymer/Gold Composites Polysilane Synthesis. The synthesis of poly(phenylmethylsilane) was carried out by the Wurtz coupling of phenylmethyldichlorosilane assisted by ultrasonication (20). First, sonication at 40% amplitude for twenty minutes was used to disperse sodium metal in toluene. Then, the silane monomer was added to this dispersion over a thirty-minute period. The reaction continued with sonication at 20% amplitude for one hour. A 50/50 ethanol/water mixture was used to quench the reaction. The polymer was precipitated into isopropanol, filtered, redissolved in toluene, reprecipitated, filtered again, and vacuum dried. The reaction yielded 17% soluble

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


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Fig. 2 H R T E M image of gold particles

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold

Fig. 3 H R T E M image of smaller gold particles, exhibiting twinning

Count 72ll


2.3 nm

std. dev.: 1.2 nm

600 500 400 300; 200" 100^ 10

Fig. 4 Particle size distribution

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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polymer. There was also a significant amount of an insoluble side-product, probably cross-linked material. Composite Film Preparation. Composites of the gold nanoparticles in polymer were obtained easily by dissolving the particles in a suitable monomer (methyl methacrylate or styrene) and initiating free-radical polymerization using azobisisobutylnitrile under thermal conditions (70 °C). Polymerization proceeded more slowly in the particle-containing reactions than in the control reactions. This may indicate the presence of a chain-terminating side reaction. Polymerization was terminated by cooling when the mixture reached a viscosity suitable for spincoating. This method could not be used to form composites with a polysilane matrix because of the harsher polymerization conditions. In this case, the polymer and the nanoparticles were both dissolved in toluene and co-deposited during spin-coating. Films were cast from solution onto clean quartz substrates. Relatively slow spinning (-250 rpm) was found to produce the best films. At high speeds, centrifugation effects cause the gold concentration to vary radially. After three minutes of spinning, the solvent (toluene or monomer) evaporated, leaving a flat film 5 to 10 microns thick. Film Characterization. The films were examined by UV-visible spectroscopy (Figs. 5 and 6) and showed similar peak positions to those for the solutions (plain polymer films were used as blanks). The linear absorption coefficient at 532 nm (where the N L O characterization was performed) was approximately 0.6 cm" . Also, T E M images of thin (8 nm) sections of the composite material (Figure 7) showed that the particles were incorporated into the films without agglomeration. 1

Nonlinear Optical Measurements Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing. Third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility of the composite materials was measured using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM). In this technique (27), diffraction gratings are formed in the medium due to the interference of incident light waves. The characteristics of the grating, such as diffraction efficiency and decay time, together with the dependence of F W M signal on parameters such as beam intensities, crossing angles, and polarization, provide information about the nonlinear optical properties of the material. The geometry used for the measurements in this study is the counterpropagating pump geometry. Two strong, counterpropagating pump (or 'write') beams are incident on the medium. These are examined by a weaker 'probe' (or 'read') beam. When the three beams are incident on a nonlinear optical medium, they generate a fourth beam, the phase conjugate, which is counter-propagating to the probe. (3)

The magnitude of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility, X , was estimated from a measurement of the intensity of the phase-conjugate beam relative to that of a reference sample of CS placed in a quartz cell of 2-mm path length. The value of χ was obtained from (22): 2




/ XR



= (η / TIR)

(n / n ) R


L / I * ( I 1^ /Ijj", M

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


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Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold

nm Fig. 5 Linear absorption spectrum of gold particle/PMMA composite

Fig. 6 Linear absorption spectrum of particle/polysilane composite

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



where the subscript R refers to parameters pertaining to the reference, L is the effective interaction length, η is the refractive index, I, and I are the intensities of the pump beams, and 2



is the phase conjugate reflectivity. I and I are the intensities of the phase conjugate and probe beams, respectively The measured values of χ were: s


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Matrix PMMA PMMA PMMA poly(phenylmethylsilane) poly(phenylmethylsilane)

Gold Concentrationfmg/ml) 0 1.3 4.4 0 5.1


χ (e.s.u.) not measurable 1.6xl01.0 x l O 6.1 x 10" 1.5 x 10" n

1 0




Theoretically, X is expected to be proportional to particle concentration. However, the proportionality is not exact. Some possible sources of this error are dispersity of particle size and nonuniformity of the films. Z-Scan. D F W M determines only the magnitude of the third-order susceptibility (% ). To completely characterize X , its sign (positive or negative) must also be determined. This is done using the Z-scan technique (25). In this technique, a collimated beam is focussed into the sample. The sample is translated along the optical ("z") axis so that it goes from one side of the focus to the other. The change in refractive index due to third-order nonlinearity causes an intensity-dependent lensing effect in the medium which leads to a focussing or defocussing of the beam. This can be measured by an aperture detector. The behavior of the transmitted intensity is different for materials with positive or negative third-order nonlinearity. By convention, the standard carbon disulfide is assigned a positive sign. The gold particles were found to exhibit the opposite behavior and thus have a negative sign (see Figure 8). This is also known to be the case for polysilanes. Thus, their nonlinearities should add to create a large, negative χ in the composite. (3)



Time-Resolved Measurements. The time-dependence of the third-order nonlinearity is an important characteristic for device applications and may also indicate the nature of the process causing the nonlinearity (24). The temporal behavior of the phase conjugate signal was monitored by delaying the probe beam with respect to the pump. Such a study was performed on the gold-containing films using a thirtypicosecond pulse duration. Experimental data (see Figure 9) show that the grating is composed of two components: a fast process (which has a shorter duration than the laser pulse) and a slower one, which decays exponentially. The fast process can be attributed to the electronic response of the medium. The slow process may be the

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold

Fig. 7 T E M image of particles dispersed in poly(methyl methacrylate)

Ζ (mm) - G O L D N A N O C L U S T E R F I L M Fig. 8 Z-scan of gold particle composite film

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




1.2 1.0



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Ξ 0.6-J 75 .2> 0.4 CO

0.2 J 0.0


' 50



1 0 0 '

Lag time of probe behind pump (ps) Fig. 9 Time dependence of χ


in gold particle/PMMA composite

result of a physical phenomenon, such as plasmon resonance or lattice heating. This slow process has a longer decay time than in previous studies of nanostructured gold in liquid solution (25). This may be evidence of slower diffusion of, or heat dissipation from, the particles when embedded in a polymer matrix. Conclusions Surface-functionalized, nanostructured gold was synthesized using a phase-transfer reaction. The particles were approximately 2.2 nm in diameter. They were stable for months at room temperature and soluble in organic solvents and monomers. Polymer composites of the gold were prepared without significant agglomeration. The third-order nonlinearity (χ ) of these composites was measured using D F W M . The nanoparticulate gold was found to have nonlinearities in P M M A and poly(phenylmethylsilane) of -1.0 x 10* e.s.u. and -1.5 x 10' e.s.u., respectively. In the future, this work will be extended to different types of surface-functionalized nanoparticles and modification of the matrix polymer to increase X . (3)




Acknowledgements Partial funding for this work by ONR N0014-94-1-0833 is gratefully acknowledged. Also, thanks to Dr. Ramiro Perez, P. Santiago and L . Rendon at U N A M and L . Khairallah at UConn for technical assistance with the T E M and to Dr. P. Rangarajan for guidance with the sonochemical synthesis.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Polymer Composites of Nanostructured Gold


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