Polymer Degradation and Performance - American Chemical Society

and the polymer was dried under vacuum at 50°C for 5 hours. *H N M R : chemical ... containing D 2 0 and D 2 0 buffered at pH=4, pH=7 and pH=9. NMR t...
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Chapter 4

Synthesis and Degradation of Poly(ethyl glyoxylate)

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B e n j a m i n e Belloncle, F a b r i c e B u r e l * , and C l a u d e B u n e l P B M , UMR 6522-Laboratoire de Matériaux Macromoléculaires-INSA de Rouen, B.P. 08 Place Emile Blondel, 76131 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex, France

Poly(ethyl glyoxylate) ( P E t G ) is a new biodegradable polyacetal obtained by anionic polymerization o f ethyl glyoxylate ( E t G ) . End-capping PEtG with an adequate agent, as phenyl isocyanate, is necessary because o f its l o w ceiling temperature. Degradation o f P E t G was evaluated by in vitro hydrolysis using various techniques such as potentiometry, weight loss, gel permeation chromatography ( G P C ) and 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance ( N M R ) . Whatever the p H o f the medium, the degradation mechanism involved ester hydrolysis and chain scissions leading to ethanol and glyoxylic acid hydrate ( G A H ) release. G l y o x y l i c acid is a Krebs metabolite that confers a potential biodegradable character to P E t G .

Though the interest for synthetic biodegradable polymers is still increasing, few o f them are currently available. The best known products are polyhydroxybutyrate, poly(e-caprolactone), poly(glycolic acid), poly(lactic acid) and their copolymer. W e focused our attention on poly(methyl glyoxylate) ( P M G ) w h i c h is a polyacetal obtained by anionic polymerization o f methyl glyoxylate ( M G ) . This previous work (/) has shown that P M G has very interesting properties in terms o f degradation and toxicity. The ultimate state o f its degradation is g l y o x y l i c acid, which is a metabolite o f plant Krebs cycle. However, P M G degradation also releases methanol which is prohibited in pharmaceutical or medical applications. T o overcome this problem we investigated the anionic polymerization o f ethyl glyoxylate ( E t G ) (2). © 2009 A m e r i c a n Chemical Society

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


42 A s s u m i n g similar degradation as in the case o f P M G , poly(ethyl glyoxylate) ( P E t G ) hydrolysis should lead to glyoxylic acid and ethanol (3), which are both innocuous.

Moreover, as in the case o f P M G , P E t G has a low ceiling


Thus, the hydroxyl ends have to be reacted with a capping agent

under m i l d conditions.

For the polymer concerned in this study, phenyl

isocyanate was used. This paper deals with the synthesis and the in vitro degradation study o f PEtG.

Various techniques including weighing, potentiometry, gel permeation

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chromatography ( G P C ) and nuclear magnetic resonance ( N M R ) were used to determine the hydrolysis mechanism.

Experimental Materials Dibutyl tin dilaurate ( D B T L , A l d r i c h , 95%) and phenyl isocyanate ( P h N C O , A c r o s , 99%) were used as received. Ethyl glyoxylate ( E t G ) (M=102), in toluene solution (50% w/w) was kindly supplied by Clariant. Triethylamine ( N E t , A c r o s ) was distilled over potassium hydroxide ( 8 8 ° C ) 3

and dichloromethane (Acros) over sodium ( 4 0 ° C ) before use.

Synthesis E t G was distilled under vacuum over phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5). A clear y e l l o w liquid was obtained ( 1 0 0 ° C / 5 0 mbar). A solution o f E t N (initiator) in 3

dichloromethane (2 u L / m L ) was added to the monomer (50% v/v) and the solution was stirred one hour at - 2 0 ° C . obtained.

A transparent viscous medium was

A n excess o f phenyl isocyanate was then added to end-cap the

polymer in the presence o f D B T L as catalyst. The solution was stirred overnight at room temperature.

Purification by precipitation into methanol was realized

and the polymer was dried under vacuum at 5 0 ° C for 5 hours. *H N M R : chemical shifts ( C D C 1 ) : P E t G : 1.2 ppm ( 3 H , C H ) , 4.2 ppm 3


( 2 H , C H ) , 5.5 ppm ( 1 H , C H ) , 7.3 ppm ( 1 0 H , phenyl) ; E t G : 1.4 ppm ( 3 H , t, 2

C H ) , 4.4 ppm ( 2 H , q, C H ) , 9.3 ppm ( 1 H , s, C H ) . 3


In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

43 NMR

Studies N M R spectra were recorded on Bruker spectrometers 300 M H z .


masses were determined as follows (Equ. 1), using the integrations o f ethyl ester group protons (Ich2) and phenyl protons ( I ) . Ph

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M n = ^ - ^ x l 0 2 + 256 Iph/10 Thin


o f polymer were



into four

sterilized N M R tubes

containing D 0 and D 0 buffered at pH=4, pH=7 and pH=9. N M R tubes were 2


immediately sealed and placed in a drying oven at 3 7 ° C and analyzed at different degradation times.





stability o f P E t G

was obtained

using a Perkin E l m e r

thermogravimetric analyzer ( T G A 7 ) at the heating flow o f 10°C/min and under N . 2

Potentiometry F i l m samples were placed directly in freshly distilled water thermostated at 37°C.

F o r each degradation time, two samples were recovered.

Sodium azide

( N a N ) was added as a biocide to be sure that the decrease o f p H was not due to 3

bacteria growth.

Weight Loss Polymer thin films were placed in aluminum pans. Samples were weighed initially ( m ) and placed in an oven at 3 7 ° C in water-saturated conditions. A t 0

selected times, two samples were dried under vacuum (O.lmbar, 5 0 ° C ) for 48 h and weighed to obtain dry weights ( m ) . d

Weight loss was determined by

comparing the remaining dry weight m with the initial weight m , (Equ. 2). d


m —m i % Weight Loss = — - x 100 m n


In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.



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T h i n films o f polymer were placed in a drying oven at 3 7 ° C in a saturated water atmosphere. A t different times during degradation, samples were dried under vacuum for 48 h and analyzed. M o l e c u l a r weights were obtained by G P C in dichloromethane (1 m L / m i n ) using a Waters pump model 6000, an injector (Rheodyne) and a refractive index detector ( R J D - 6 A Shimadzu), equipped with a P L gel 5 u m m i x e d - C linear column. The system was calibrated using polystyrene standards with l o w polydispersity.

Results and Discussion Synthesis Ethyl glyoxylate ( E t G ) spontaneously polymerizes at room temperature. A distillation step on P 0 is first necessary to break the oligomers and obtain pure E t G . A previous study on the polymerization o f E t G (2) showed that the optimum conditions are to work in C H C 1 at - 2 0 ° C , with triethylamine as an initiator. A lot o f transfer reactions occur in the medium leading to low molar masses and to a hydroxyl ended P E t G . Because o f its low ceiling temperature, depolymerization o f P E t G occurs at room temperature. That is why a termination step using an adequate agent is necessary. 2




The addition polymerization has not a living character and leads to hydroxyl ended P E t G chains which have to be end-capped similarly to other polyaldehydes (4). A s recommended by the literature, we used phenyl isocyanate (2) as an end-capping agent.

Product supplied by Clariant

Figure 1. Synthesis of Poly (ethyl


*H N M R in D M S O - r f was achieved on the end-capped polymer. Three main peaks were observed corresponding to the ethyl ester group ( C H 1.20 ppm and C H : 4.2 ppm) and to the acetalic one ( C H : 5.3 ppm). The integration values are close to our expectations (3/2/1). The signal o f the phenyl moities is 6



In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.








4.0 (ppm)



Figure 2. H NMR (300 MHz) of Poly (ethyl glyoxylate)






DMSO-d .


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46 observed at 7,3 ppm. Assuming that P E t G is a linear chain, two phenyl groups are present in each chain and molecular weights can be determined from Equation 1. M o r e o v e r no signal corresponding to E t G can be detected thus proving that end-capping o f P E t G was effective.

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Thermogravimetric analysis is another way to determine whether P E t G is well end-capped or not. Indeed, a P E t G which is not end-capped or not properly end-capped w i l l not be stable even at 5 0 ° C since chain depolymerization could occur, while end-capped P E t G is stable up to 2 0 0 ° C . A l l experiments were conducted on the same P E t G whose end-capping was checked prior to the degradation study.

Degradation P E t G hydrolysis is a heterogeneous reaction since P E t G is non soluble in water, contrary to its hydrosoluble byproducts.

Thus, to limit any possible

surface dependence degradation, the samples used were all 3mm thick films.

Potentiometry Experiments were conducted at 3 7 ° C for potential medical application purposes. A c c o r d i n g to the results obtained for the in vitro hydrolysis o f P M G (5), ester cleavage o f P E t G is expected leading to carboxylic function, and that is why a drop in p H is expected. Results are presented in Figure 4. During the first five days, no relevant p H variation was observed. F r o m day six on, a p H drop was observed and attributed to an auto acceleration due to the presence o f carboxylic groups coming from glyoxylic acid hydrate ( G A H ) and/or poly(glyoxylic acid) segments. F r o m day eight on, a plateau was observed at p H = 2.30 which corresponds to the p H o f glyoxylic acid monohydrate ( G A H ) in the same conditions.

Weight Loss P E t G was placed in an oven at 3 7 ° C in saturated humidity atmosphere. A t selected times, two samples were taken, dried under vacuum (0.1 m b a r / 5 0 ° C ) for 48 hours and then weighed. A n y weight loss was attributed to the degradation o f P E t G , (Figure 5). D u r i n g the first nine days, less than 1% o f weight loss could be detected. W i t h i n fifteen days only 5% o f weigh loss was observed. Then, up to thirty days, a significant weight decrease was observed leading to 2 7 . 5 % weight loss. O v e r thirty days, the polymer turned to a sticky viscous liquid but no further weight loss was observed. Thus according to the plateau at 72.5%, only ethanol

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

47 120


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0 -



Temperature (°C) Figure 3. Thermogravimetric

analysis of PEtG not end-capped

and end-capped



(—) under N . 2



Degradation time (days)

Figure 4. Evolution of pH during PEtG degradation. with permission from reference 5. Copyright 2008

(Reproduced Elsevier.)

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

48 elimination was observed, the remaining product being glyoxylic acid and hydrolyzed oligomers.



P E t G molecular weights were measured at different degradation times to demonstrate chain scissions. A shift o f chromatograms to lower molecular weight and a widening o f the peak are observed from the 4 day until the 18 day. After 18 days, no peak can be detected on the chromatogram. S E C results showed that chain scissions are present from the beginning o f P E t G hydrolysis, (Figure 6). G P C data are resumed Table 1.

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90 ^ 80 '$ 70 60 50 -I 0









Degradation time (days) Figure 5. Weight loss (%) during PEtG degradation

and (

) corresponding

the only loss of ethanol

Table 1. G P C data during degradation. Days




















In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.




Elution time (s)




Figure 6. GPC chromatogram evolution of PEtG during degradation. (Reproduced with permission from reference 5. Copyright 2008 Elsevier.)


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50 NMR


P E t G hydrolysis was followed i n water and i n buffered media, with sodium acetate as an internal standard. Because P E t G is insoluble i n water, only the degradation products w i l l be detected. T w o main signals are observed. In D 0 , at first ethanol ( E t O H ) is detected o w i n g to ester group hydrolysis. Then, glyoxylic acid hydrate ( G A H ) is observed, indicating chain scissions, (Figure 7).

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After one month, a h i g h degradation rate is observed and ethyl glyoxylate hydrate ( E t G H ) , w h i c h is usually h y d r o l y z e d into G A H , may be detected. Similar results are observed at pH=4 and pH=7. A t pH=9, w h i c h is still under investigation, only E t O H release is expected since polyacetals are generally stable in basic media.



( c )


EtGH j GAH |









J l

ppm l

Figure 7. H NMR spectra of PEtG in D 0 versus degradation time : t = 0 (a); 22 days (b); 39 days (c); 59 days (d). (Reproduced with permission from reference 5. Copyright 2008 Elsevier.) 2

A c c o r d i n g to these results, we proposed the f o l l o w i n g mechanism o f degradation by hydrolysis w h i c h involves simultaneous chain scissions and further depolymerization together with ester group hydrolysis (Figure 8).

Conclusion A n i o n i c polymerization o f E t G leads to a new synthetic biodegradable polymer, namely poly(ethyl glyoxylate). Because o f a l o w ceiling temperature and transfer reactions, P E t G has h y d r o x y l ends that can be end-capped with phenyl isocyanate.

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

51 H







O^OEt f PEtG






— c — o — c —


O ^ O r O o ^ O 1 Et EtOH

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chain scissions depolymerization


—c—o—c— I I c c O' O H O * O H N


/OH CH i


C0 Et EtGH 2

l a n d 2 \



/ O H CH C0 H 2

GAH Figure 8. PEtG mechanism

of degradation

by in vitro


The in vitro hydrolysis study, by means o f potentiometry, weight loss, S E C and N M R , shows that the degradation mechanism involves simultaneous chain scissions and ester group hydrolysis. Indeed, ester hydrolysis was evidenced by the release o f an acidic group as glyoxylic acid hydrate by N M R , or by the drop o f p H and the loss o f ethanol (weight loss and N M R ) . The decrease in molecular weight observed by S E C and the presence o f small molecules by N M R prove that chain scissions occurred at the same time. The ultimate degradation product is glyoxylic acid hydrate which is a Krebs cycle metabolite and allows us to think that P E t G is biodegradable.

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