Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems - American Chemical

antifungal and anticancer drugs and represent a new drug delivery system. When liposomes are used as ... subcutaneous or intramuscular administration...
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Chapter 3

Liposomes Naoto O k u


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Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Setsunan University, Hirakata, Osaka, Japan

Liposomes represent an important class of carrier vehicles other than polymers for drug delivery. This paper provides an introduction and general review of liposomes with emphasis on their classifications, their constituent materials, their preparation and characterizaton, and their stability and biodistribution in the body. Liposomes with specific characteristics are also described in this general introduction. Phospholipids derived from biomembranes when dispersed in water form lipid bilayer vesicles named liposomes which enclose an aqueous space inside the vesicle (Figure 1). Drugs and other substances can be entrapped either in the internal aqueous phase of the liposomes or in the lipid bilayers depending on their hydrophilicity. Liposomes are being used as carrier vehicles for drugs, such as antifungal and anticancer drugs and represent a new drug delivery system. When liposomes are used as drug carriers, it is possible to target the delivery site, enhance and sustain the clinical effects, reduce the toxicity of drugs, and protect drugs from metabolism and immune response (1-7). Liposomes are formed due to the amphiphilic character of lipids which assemble into bilayers by the force of hydrophobic interaction. Similar assemblies of lipids form microspheres when neutral lipids, such as triglycerides, are dispersed with phospholipids. Liposomes are conventionally classified into three groups by their morphology, i.e., multilamellar vesicle (MLV), small unilamellar vesicle (SUV), and large unilamellar vesicle (LUV). This classification of liposomes is useful when liposomes are used as models for biomembranes. However, when liposomes are used as capsules for drugs, size and homogeneity of the liposomes are more important than the number of lamellars in a liposome. Therefore, "sized" liposomes are preferred. These are prepared by extrusion through a polycarbonate

Current address: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Yada, Shizuoka 422, Japan 0097-6156/91/0469-0024$06.00/0 © 1991 American Chemical Society

In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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filter with distinct pore sizes (8). Shown in Table I are several kinds of liposomes, which differ in size, lamellar number and preparation method. Multilamellar vesicles (MLVs) are easily prepared by simple hydration of phospholipids, and are rather stable. M L V s consist of a series of concentric bilayers separated by an aqueous compartment. If M L V s are administered by intravenous injection (iv), they tend to be taken up by reticuloendothelial systems (RES), such as the liver and spleen. M L V s are suited for sustained release of drugs by subcutaneous or intramuscular administration. Small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) can be prepared homogeneously with diameters of 20-100 nm. SUVs tend to be retained in blood for longer periods when administered iv. Although extremely large molecules cannot be entrapped in S U V s , materials less than 20,000 in molecular weight can be entrapped and at the same trapping efficiency (75). SUVs specifically composed of phospholipids with saturated fatty acyl chains (saturated phospholipids), have a tendency to fuse together (76). Large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) have a larger internal volume and can be used to encapsulate huge materials such as bacteriophages (77). The diameters of L U V s are 100-1000 nm. Liposomes and Their Constituent Lipids Shapes of Lipids. Not all lipids derived from biomembranes prefer to form lipid bilayers. Membrane lipids can be classified into three groups by their shape, namely relative volume of polar head group and the size of the hydrophobic acyl chain (75). The first group consists of cylindrical shaped lipids, such as phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and sphingomyelin (SM). These lipids tend to form stable bilayers in aqueous solution, and therefore, they are designated bilayer forming lipids. Phosphatidylcholines (PC) are most commonly used for making liposomes. PC liposomes are quite stable against the changes in p H or salt concentration. T h e s e c o n d g r o u p c o n s i s t s o f c o n e - s h a p e d l i p i d s , s u c h as phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and cardiolipin ( C L ) which have a large hydrophobic tail against the polar head groups. These lipids are called nonbilayer lipids, and form a hexagonal II structure as well as bilayer structure depending on the conditions (79). Nonbilayer lipids are thought to be important for membrane fusion (20). The third group of lipids consists of wedge-shaped lipids. Lysophospholipids are classified into this group. Liposomal lipids should be selected according to the purpose. For the purpose of sustained release of encapsulated drugs, bilayer forming lipids are used for making liposomes. On the other hand, nonbilayer lipids are preferable for making fusogenic liposomes. Charges of Lipids. Natural phospholipids have neutral or negative charges at neutral p H . Charged lipids incorporated into liposomal membrane prevent liposomal aggregation, and expand the aqueous phase between lamellars of M L V resulting in an increase of the trapped volume (27). Membrane charge affects the permeability and trapping efficiency of encapsulated drugs or materials. It also affects the biodistribution of liposomes. Stearylamines (positive), PS, P G , and

In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



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j a r

Figure 1. Structure of liposomes and lipid microsphere a), multilamellar vesicle b). unilamellar vesicle c). lipid microsphere. Symbols inside the microsphere indicate di- and tri-acyl glycerol.

Table I. Classification of Liposomes Abbreviation and Description of Liposomes



Multilamellar vesicles: easy to make, stable


S m a l l u n i l a m e l l a r v e s i c l e s : 2 0 - 1 0 0 nm, homogeneous


Large unilamellar vesicles: 100-1000 nm, large trapped volume


Giant unilamellar vesicles: >1 |im, huge trapped volume, unstable


Reverse-phase evaporation vesicles: L U V s prepared by reverse-phase evaporation method, high encapsulation efficiency




Freeze-thaw vesicles: L U V s prepared by freezethaw method, high encapsulation efficiency


Vesicles by extrusion techniques: homogeneous sized vesicles


Stable plurilamellar vesicles: M L V s without osmotic unbalance


Monophasic vesicles: S P L V s prepared with water-miscible solvent




In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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phosphatydic acid (PA) (negative) are usual components of liposomal membranes in 10-20 mole % to endow charges. Phase Transition of Lipids. Lipids with saturated acyl chains form a solid bilayer (gel phase) at lower temperatures where the mobility of hydrocarbon chains is suppressed. This bilayer undergoes a phase transition with an increase in the temperature, and enters a fluid phase (liquid crystalline phase above the phase transition temperature (T ). The T increases with an increase in fatty acyl chain length, and decreases with unsaturation of the acyl chain. If phospholipids have the same fatty acyl chain, P A , PS, and PE have a higher T than P C or P G due to the hydrogen bonding between the polar head groups (22). A liposomal membrane is fluid and permeable at a liquid crystalline phase compared with that of a gel phase. Liposomes composed of saturated phospholipids lose barrier function during phase transition (23). This character, allows drugs encapsulated in liposomes composed of dipalmitoyl PC (DPPC) and distearoyl P C (DSPC) to be released at warmer target sites (24)

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Effect of Cholesterol. Cholesterol inclusion into the lipid bilayers composed of DPPC or DSPC, eliminates apparent T and reduces permeability at and above the usual T . On the other hand, cholesterol inclusion increases packing of fluid bilayer composed of lipids with unsaturated fatty acyl chains. Since cholesterol rich liposomes are stable in plasma, cholesterol is commonly used as a liposomal component. c


Preparation of Liposomes Typical M L V s are prepared by simple hydration of lipids in an aqueous solution with mechanical agitation using a vortex mixer. If the lipids are hydrated without agitation, giant oligo- or uni-lamellar vesicles are produced (9,25). Once liposomes are prepared by hydration and then mechanically broken, they reform closed vesicles again with changes in size and lamellar number. SUVs are produced by mechanical breakdown of M L V s using sonication or a French press. Homogeneous sized liposomes are produced by extrusion through a polycarbonate membrane with pores of defined sizes. For example, SUVs are produced by continuous extrusion of M L V s through a 100 nm pore (8,26). To make a large quantity of smaller sized liposomes, a microemulsification method has been developed (27). Rearrangement of lipid bilayers also occurs by a dehydration-rehydration process, such as freezethawing. When a SUV solution is frozen, SUVs fuse together due to ice growth, and rehydrated lipids form L U V s or giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) after thawing (2829). Procedures for producing liposomes by simple hydration with or without rearrangement of lipid bilayers are suitable for mass production of liposomes and for liposomal manufacturing. Other methods for preparing liposomes have been developed, such as hydration of lipids from an organic phase, and detergent removal methods. A lipid bilayer is formed in an aqueous solution of lipids dissolved in an organic solvent

In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.



when the solvent is removed or diluted. For example, L U V s are formed from a water-in-oil emulsion, followed by removal of solvent (77,72). This technique has a high "trapping" efficiency, and is called the reverse-phase evaporation method. Unilamellar vesicles are formed upon the removal of detergent from mixed micelles composed of detergent and phospholipids by dialysis, gel filtration, or centrifugation (30,31). These detergent removal methods are quite often used for reconstitution of membrane proteins in liposomes.

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Characterization of Liposomes Size and homogeneity of liposomes are important in their use as drug carriers, since these characters affect the pharmacokinetics and distribution of liposomes in vivo. Light scattering, electron microscopy, N M R , and gel filtration are used for evaluating liposomal size and homogeneity (32,33) Liposomes entrap hydrophobic materials in the lipid bilayer, and encapsulate hydrophilic materials in the aqueous inner phase. In the latter case, encapsulation depends on the volume of aqueous phase. This volume is called "trapped volume" and is designated in liters per mole of lipid. Trapped volume is usually measured by encapsulation of small aqueous markers. The encapsulation efficiency is a measure of how much material or drug is entrapped during the preparation of liposomes and is dependent on the preparation method, lipid concentration, and trapping material. The efficiency of trapping hydrophobic materials in the lipid bilayer is usually high. Liposomes formed by the freeze-thawing method also have a high trapping efficiency, e.g., nearly 90%, due to concentration of solute during freezing (34,35). In some experiments, an external material is entrapped in preformed liposomes. This is called active loading, and enables about 100% trapping of solutes (36 J7) Stability and Biodistribution of Liposomes The fate of injected liposomes is drastically altered by administration route, dose and size, lipid composition, surface modification, and encapsulated drugs. Liposomes encapsulating drugs are often administered iv, therefore, the stability of liposomes in plasma is important. When liposomes composed of PC with unsaturated fatty acyl chains are incubated in the presence of serum, an efflux of internal solute from the liposomes is observed. This increase in permeability is caused by the transfer of phospholipids to high density lipoprotein (HDL) in serum (55). To reduce the efflux of liposomal contents, cholesterol is added as a liposomal component The half-life of liposomes administered in the blood stream is affected by the composition, size, charge, and fluidity. Liposomes with a small size or with a rigid lipid bilayer have a longer half-life (38£9). Large liposomes administered iv tend to accumulate at a lymph node near the injected site. This tendency can be useful for preventing metastases. Liposomes which pass through the lymph node have a tendency to accumulate in the RES, such as the liver and spleen (40,41). The disposition of liposomes is altered by the dose of liposomes as well as size or lipid composition of liposomes. Cholesterol rich liposomes are cleared slower due to

In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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their low uptake by RES (42). Since the RES uptake of liposomes is a saturatable process, the clearance rate of liposomal drugs decreases with increasing liposome doses or pre-dosing with empty liposomes (43) Liposomes tend to remain at the injection site when they are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Therefore, these administration routes are useful for slow and sustained release of drugs at the injection site.

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Liposomes with a Specific Character Many liposomes with a specific function, such as targeting, have been developed. Among them, four kinds of liposomes are described. Temperature-Sensitive Liposomes. Liposomes that undergo phase transition at a specific temperature are used for site specific release of drugs, since the permeability of liposomal membrane increases drastically at the phase transition (Figure 2). When the target site is warmed, liposomes passing through the site are perturbed and release their contents. Dipalmitoyl P C (transition temperature at 41*C) is used as a main component (24,44). Temperature-sensitive liposomes have been further modified with a specific target site antibody for more effective drug release at the target site (45) Target-Sensitive Liposomes. For targeting liposomes to a specific site, antibodycoated liposomes or ligand-coated liposomes are usually used. Target-sensitive liposomes composed of PE and palmitoyl-antibody have been developed; these are destabilized on binding to the target and release the contents at the specific site (46) pH-Sensitive Liposomes. For cytoplasmic delivery of liposomal contents, fusogenic liposomes using virus fusogenic protein (47), or pH-sensitive liposomes have been developed (48-50). The latter can fuse with and/or destabilize biomembranes at low pH. When liposomes are internalized by a target cell, they are expected to fuse with or destabilize the endosomal membranes and to release their contents into the cytoplasm, since endosomes are known to be acidic. To endow low-pH fusogenic character, amphiphiles such as oleic acid are added to P E liposomes, or liposomes are modified with an imidazol-derivative. Cytosine arabinoside-encapsulating immunoliposomes composed of PE, oleic acid (8:2) and modified antibody are reported to be cytotoxic to target cells (48). This cytotoxicity is also reported to be inhibited by pretreatment of cells with weak bases such as chloroquine which raises the endosomal pH. Since oleic acid containing liposomes are not stable in plasma, other amphiphiles have been developed which endow fusogenic character to PE liposomes at acidic pH (57) RES-Avoiding Liposomes. Since intravenously administered liposomes tend to accumulate in the RES, liposomal drugs work effectively when the target site is the RES. On the other hand, when the target site is not the RES, liposomal uptake by RES should be avoided. Liposomes that are not recognized by the R E S have

In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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Figure 2. Liposomes with a specific character a), temperature-sensitive liposome b). target-sensitive liposome c). pH-sensitive liposome. Closed triangles and rectangles in lipid bilayer indicate amphiphiles which change the liposome's hydration with pH changes.

In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.

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prolonged circulation times. For this purpose, the liposomal surface has been modified with sialic acid (52). In fact, incorporation of G M j in liposomal membrane prevents liposomal uptake by macrophages (56). Glucuronic acid or poly(ethylene glycol) modified liposomes showed a similar tendency (53\54$7)

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RECEIVED March 19, 1991

In Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems; Dunn, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1991.