polypyrrole poly(styrenesulfonate)

Mar 5, 1993 - ... Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, Newfoundland, ... Figure 1A shows complex plane impedance plots for a bar...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1993,97, 3941-3943


Impedance of Polypyrrole Perchlorate/Polypyrrole Poly(styrenesulfonate) Bilayers Xiaoming Ren and Peter G. Pickup’ Department of Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3x7 Received: March 5, 1993

The impedance of polypyrrole perchlorate/polypyrrole poly(styrenesu1fonate) bilayers on Pt electrodes as a function of the electrode potential and the relative thickness of the two layers demonstrates conclusively that the redox reaction begins in the outer layer, at the polymer/solution interface. This result is consistent with porous electrode and redox polymer models of conducting polymers.

Introduction Despite a great deal of recent work,I there is still no consensus on how the impedance behavior of electronically conducting polymers should be modeled and interpreted. In early work in this area, polypyrrole was treated as if it were a porous meta1.2J We have extended this approach4and shown that accurate electron and ion transport parameters are obtained when polypyrrolefilms are treated as porous other^^-^ have instead used a model developed by Ho et al.IOfor Li diffusion in tungsten oxide electrodes. Other agproaches also include redox polymer models developed theoretically by Albery and co-workersIlJ2and Haas and c o - w o r k e r ~ ,treatments ~ ~ . ~ ~ of thin layer and membrane cells developed by Buck,15S16and the fitting of equivalent circuits to impedance data followed by interpretation of the physical significance of each circuit element.17-20 Many of these approaches overlap and are to some extent equivalent. However, there are some significant differences in the interpretation of equivalent circuit elementsthat compromise our understanding of the fundamental principles governing the charging and discharging of conducting polymer films. Basic issues such as the mode of ion transport4 and the initial location of the redox reaction are still not fully resolved. The porous electr~de,~ tungsten oxide,1° and Albery redox polymerI2models predict that oxidation and reduction of a highly conducting polymer will begin at the polymer/solution interface. Haas’s redox polymer modelI4assumes that these reactions begin at the polymer/electrode interface, while Buck’s modells predicts that they begin simultaneously at both interfaces. Bard and co-workers21 have reported ellipsometric results consistent with the electrochemistry of polypyrrole beginning at the polymer/solution interface. On the other hand, similar experimentson polyaniline indicate that oxidation and reduction occur uniformly throughout the film during potential cy~ling.~~9*3 Surprisingly,the latter result is not predicted by any of the models used to interpret impedance data. The discrepancy appears to arise from large changes in the electronic conductivity of the polymer that occur during potentialcycling. Aoki andco-workers have shown that the oxidation of polypyrr~le~~ and pol~aniline~~ strips starts at the metallic contact. However, these results are probably not applicable to films on electrodes (see below). In this paper we present data on conductingpolypyrrole bilayers that clearly show that the redox reaction of the polymer spreads from the polymer/solution interface during impedance measurements. The bilayers consist of two forms of partially oxidized polypyrrole, polypyrrole perchlorate (PPY /C104-) and polypyrrole poly(styrenesu1fonate) (PPY/PSS), which contain mobile anions and cations, respectively. The ionic conductivity of PPY/ClO4- increaseswith increasing potential while that of PPY/

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

PSS decreases.26This forms the basis for discriminationbetween the electrochemistry of the two layers in the bilayer.

Experimental Section Materials and experimental procedures have been previously described.26 Bilayer films were deposited on Pt disc electrodes (0.0045 cm2) by anodic oxidation of pyrrole (0.5 M) at constant current (0.88 mA cm-2) in 0.5 M NaC104(aq) to form the PPY/C104- layer and in 0.5 M NaPSS(aq) to form the PPY/ PSS layer. The thickness of each polymer layer was controlled by the deposition time. For both materials, the deposition of 1 pm of polymer requires a charge density of ca. 0.24 C cm-2.26

Results and Discussion Figure 1A shows complex plane impedance plots for a bare Pt electrode and a PtlPPY/C104-( 1 pm)lPPY/PSS( 1 ctm) bilayer electrode at +0.1 V in 0.2 M NaC104(aq). At high frequency the bilayer shows a Warburg-type (45O linear region) impedance response starting at a real axis intercept corresponding to the uncompensated solution resistance (given by the intercept for the bare electrode). This type of Warburg response is commonly attributed to the diffusion of ions in the polymer film, but we have clearly shown that it is due to the migration of ions.& At lower frequencies a second, steeper linear region appears in the impedanceplot, followed by the normal purely capacitive (constant real impedance) response (see Figure 1B ( 0 ) ) .Similar dual time constant responses areobserved at other potentials (Figure lB,C). At some potentials two capacitances can clearly be resolved in complex capacitance plots (Figure 2). The high-frequency Warburg-type line is characterized by a decreasing length as the electrode potential is decreased (Figure 1C), while the length of the lower frequencylinear region increases as the electrode potential is decreased (Figure 1B). Thus, at high frequency, the impedance response of the bilayer electrode is characteristic of PPY/PSS, while the lower frequency response is characteristic of PPY/C104-.26 This results shows that highfrequency potential stimulation causes only the PPY/PSS outer layer to be oxidized and reduced. As the frequency is decreased, the redox reaction spreads into the PPY/C104- inner layer. Figure 2A shows complex capacitance plots for the data in Figure 1. The two semicirclescorrespond to two charge transport processes with different time constants. They are of similar diameter, indicating that the two processes involve similar capacitances (i.e., the two equal thickness layers of the bilayer). A bilayer with a thicker (1.5 pm) inner PPY/C104- layer and a thinner (0.5 ctm) outer PPY/PSS layer gave a correspondingly larger low-frequency capacitance semicircle and smaller highfrequency capacitance semicircle (Figure 2B). This confirms the assignment of the high-frequency response to the outer PPY/ PSS layer.

0022-3654/93/2097-3941$04.00/0 0 1993 American Chemical Society


3942 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 14, 1993 1"





Z (real) / k62

B 1

Z (real) / k 0





E 300 e n








Z (real) / 62




Z (real) / kfl

Figure 1. Complex plane impedance plots for a bare Pt electrode at open circuit ('I in A and C),'a PtIPPY/C104-(1 pm)JPPY/PSS(l pm) bilayer electrode (A-C), and a Pt(PPY/PSS(l pm)lPPY/C104-(1 pm) bilayer electrode in 0.2 M NaC104(aq). Electrode potentials are indicated as follows: 0 and 0 , 0.1 V; 0,-0.2 V; A, -0.3 V; 0 , -0.4 V; *, -0.5 V. Frequencies (in hertz) are indicated for selected points.

The conclusion that the redox reaction in conductivepolypyrrole films begins at the polymer/solution interface is reaffirmed by the response of bilayers with PPY/PSS as the inner layer. Figures 1D and 2C show complex plane impedance and capacitance plats for a PtlPPY/PSS( 1 pm)JPPY/C104-( 1 pm) bilayer electrode. In this case, only one time constant is observed. The length of the Warburg-type region in the impedance plot decreases with increasing electrode potential, characteristic of the outer layer, PPY/C104-. The almost vertical impedance response at low frequency corresponds to the full capacitance of both layers. The absence of a second time constant for the inner PPY/PSS layer

can be attributed to its higher ion transport rate relative to PPY/C104-.*6 Conclusions The impedanceresponses observed here for polypyrrole bilayers clearly demonstrate that the electrochemical reaction begins at the polymer/solution interface. This is consistent with Albery's redox polymer model and models based on porous electrodes. It is also consistent with models derived from Ho et al.'s work on tunsten oxide,I0but such models are inappropriate for conducting polymers because they treat ion transport as diffusion.


The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 16, 1993 3943 20

transport into the polymer is faster than electron transport, and this accounts for Aoki's 0bservations.2~J5The latter occurs when electron and ion transport occur at similar rates. Studies on a pyrrole-based ion-exchange polymer have revealed impedance responses corresponding to all three casesa4

I 1 pm PPY/ClOi + 1 pm PPY/pSS



Acknowledgment. Financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Memorial University is gratefully acknowledged. References and Notes (1) Musiani, M. M. Electrochim. Acta 1990,35, 1665-1670. (2) Bull, R. A.; Fan, F.-R. F.; Bard, A. J. J. Electrochem.SOC.1982,129, 1009-10 1 5. (3) Jakobs, R. C. M.; Janssen, L. J. J.; Barendrecht, E. Reel.: J . R.Nerh. Chem. SOC.1984, 103,275-281. (4) Ren, X . ; Pickup, P. G. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday. Trans. 1993,89,











Real capacitance I mF cm-2 Figure 2. Complex plane capacitance plots for the bilayer electrode data pm)lPPY/PSS(O.S pm) shown in Figure 1 and for a PtlPPY/Cl04-(1.5 bilayer. See Figure 1 for electrode potential symbols.

Since the porous electrode and Albery redox polymer models give identical equivalent cir~uits'2,2~ and charge transport parameters: it is not possible, nor perhaps necessary, to choose between these two interpretations. One is a macroscopic approach and the other a microscopic approach to what must ultimately be a two-phase (ionically conducting and electronically conducting) problem. The true natures of the various conductingpolymers presumably vary over some intermediate range between a porous solid and a polymer solution. Finally, it should benoted that these models predict that under some circumstances the redox reaction of a conducting polymer will begin either at the electrode/polymer interface or, simultaneously, at both interfaces. The former will occur when ion

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