With APP's Pressure. Generator, custom pressure systems can be created. CIRCLE 159 ON READER SERVICE CARD. PMI AUTOMATED POROSIMETER. Porous Materials...
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APP Microprocessor Controlled Valves Advanced Pressure Products makes a complete line of compact On-Off, Servo, and Flow Control Valves with a wide variety of controller options. Valves are easily retrofitted to automate existing applications. With APP's Pressure Generator, custom pressure systems can be created. CIRCLE 159 ON READER SERVICE CARD

PMI BET SORPTOMETER Porous Materials Inc. makes the most versatile BET Sorptometer. It performs both Physisorption and Chemisorption, with an extremely low range of adsorption pressures. Surface Area, Micropores, Mesopores, Isotherms, and Density testing can all be performed using the same testing station. Multiple testing stations are available. All tests are performed with pure gasses so no expensive mixtures are required. All tests and calibration are fully automated. Optional adsorption of vapors from high temperature liquids is available.

PMI A U T O M A T E D P O R O S I M E T E R Porous Materials Inc. makes the safest and easiest to use Automated Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter, and the only Porosimeter capable of Non-Mercury Intrusion. Everything is fully automated between placing the sample in the chamber to removal of the sample at the end of the test. (All other porosimeters require manual transfer of the sample during the test.) The PMI Porosimeter also features the least mercury exposure in the industry. Sample chambers and penetrometers are made of Stainless Steel. Systems range in maximum pressure from 200 to 60,000 PSI. CIRCLE 160 ON READER SERVICE CARD




Analytical Services with Fast Turnaround Porous Materials Inc. Analytical Services division provides fast turnaround of a wide variety of materials characterization tests, including: Pore Analysis using Mercury Intrusion, Non-Mercury Intrusion, Gas Adsorption, or Capillary Flow techniques; Gas and Liquid Permeability; Bulk and Absolute Density; T-Curve and Micropore Analysis; BET Single and Multi-Point Surface Area; Bubble Point (Largest Pore Size); Adsorption and Desorption Isotherms using Physisorption and Chemisoption with H 2 , CO, H 2 0, NH3, C 0 2 , and other gasses; Particle Size analysis, and more. Testing times can be arranged to suit your schedule, CIRCLE 162

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P O R O U S M A T E R I A L S INC. 83 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 USA Call Toll Free: 800-825-5764 (in U.S. and Canada) Tel: (607) 257-5544 · Fax: (607) 257-5639
