Porphyrins Excited States and Dynamics - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 29, 2012 - Porphyrins Excited States and Dynamics. Anal. Chem. , 1986, 58 (14), pp 1438A–1438A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00127a754. Publication Date: ...
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News Short Courses ACS courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other ACS courses, see back issues and contact the Department of Educational Materials, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202-8724508). The following courses are offered in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Conference in Atlantic City, N.J., March 9-13,1987.

Martin Gouterman, Editor, University of Washington Peter M. Rentzepis, Editor, University of California at Irvine Karl D. Straub, Editor, John L. McClelland Veterans' Hospital Examines theoretical and experimental studies on excited states of porphyrins as presented by classical spectroscopy, photochemistry, very transient spectroscopy, and theoretical calculations of electronic energy levels and dynamics. Offers the newest work in the most active areas of research in porphyrin excited states. An invaluable reference for those interested in porphyrin chemistry and excited states dynamics in general. CONTENTS Photodissociation of Nitrosoheme Complexes • Charge-Transfer States in Porphyrin Heterodimers · Electron Transfer in Chlorophylls, Chlorins, and Porphyrins · Spin-Orbit and Spin-Polarization Effects in Metalloporphyrins • NH-Tautomerism in the Formation of Excited States · Optical Detection of the Lanthanoid Ion Contraction · The S2 Emission of Metalloporphyrins · Triplet-Triplet Annihilation · The Triplet-State Decay Rate Constants of Porphyrin · Dimerization Effects on Porphyrins · Distance Dependent Rates · Picosecond Excited State Relaxation · Picosecond Photodissociation of the CO and 0 2 Forms · Electron Transfer in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers · TwoPhoton Absorption and Radiationless Transitions · Nickel Porphyrins and Nickel-Reconstituted Heme Proteins · Porphyrin Radical Cations, Excited States, and Ligation Photodynamics · Transient Photoinduced Ligation Changes · Mechanistic Studies of Thermal and Photoinduced Atropisomerization · Quenching of Low-Lying Excited States in Porphyrins · Photooxidation of Phthalocyanines · Cation Radical Formation · The Principal Tumor-Localizing Porphyrin Photosensitizer Developed from a conference held in Little Rock, Arkansas, November 16-19, 1985 ACS Symposium Series No. 321 384 pages (1986) Clothbound LC 86-14647 ISBN 0-8412-0997-9 US & Canada $64.95 Export $77.95 Order trom: American Chemical Society Distribution Office Oept. 29 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your credit card!

Electronics for Laboratory Instrumentation. March 5-7. Howard Malmstadt, Christie Enke, and Stanley Crouch. $715, ACS members; $795, nonmembers Atomic Absorption and Plasma Emission Spectrometry. March 6-8. Theodore Rains and Howard Taylor. $695, ACS members; $775, nonmembers Applied Optical Microscopy for Chemists. March 6-8. Barbara Foster and Robert Hoffman. $785, ACS members; $865, nonmembers

Effective Management of Chemical Analysis Laboratories. March 7-8. John H. Taylor and Mary McKown Routson. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography: Techniques and Problem Solving. March 7-8. Milos Novotny and Stuart Cram. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers Environmental Analysis: Priority Pollutants. March 7-8. Marcus Cooke, Judith Gebhart, Marvin Miller, Walter Shackelford, and Thomas Bellar. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements. March 7-8. John K. Taylor. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers Maintaining and Troubleshooting Chromatographic Systems. March 7-8. M.P.T. Bradley. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers Intermediate NMR Spectroscopy. March 7-8. Joseph Lambert. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Practice of Modern Liquid Chromatography. March 6-8. J. J. Kirkland and Lloyd Snyder. $785, ACS members; $865, nonmembers

Modern Techniques in Gas Chromatography. March 7-8. Harold McNair, Pat Sandra, and Carolus Cramers. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Fundamentals of Experimental Design. March 6-8. Stanley Deming and Stephen Morgan. $785, ACS members; $865, nonmembers

Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy. March 7-8. LeRoy Johnson and Roy Bible, Jr. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. March 6-8. Ron Jenkins and John Croke. $785, ACS members; $865, nonmembers

The Electronic Laboratory: Tutorials and Case Histories in Laboratory Automation. March 7-8. Raymond Dessy. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Near-IR Analysis: A New Industrial Tool. March 7-8. Donald Burns and David Wetzel. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Flow Injection Analysis. March 7-8. Kent Stewart. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. March 7-8. J. Throck Watson and O. David Sparkman. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Analytical Chemistry of Contaminants in Surface and Ground Waters. March 7-8. Michael Thurman and Michael Reddy. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy: Techniques, Applications, Computer Methods. March 7-8. Howard Sloane and John Coates. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers

Writing for Results. March 7-8. Anne Eisenberg. $490, ACS members; $570, nonmembers

Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. March 7-8. Jack Henion and Dai Games. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers


Thermal Analysis in Materials Characterization. March 7-8. Edith Turi, Patrick Gallagher, and James Seferis. $590, ACS members; $670, nonmembers