Portrait of van't Hoff as a student - Journal of Chemical Education

Portrait of van't Hoff as a student. J. Chem. Educ. , 1934, 11 (4), p 210. DOI: 10.1021/ed011p210. Publication Date: April 1934. Cite this:J. Chem. Ed...
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H E PORTRAIT of van't Hoff reproduced a t the left is aphotograph taken by J. Westhoven a t Bonn in 1873 and sent b j the young student to his mother. For the opportunity of presenting it here we are indebted to van't Hoff's pup~l, life-long friend, and biographer-Professor Ernst Cohen of the University of Utrecht. This portrait served as the model for the obverse of a bronze plaquette designed by the noted Dutch artist, Wienecke, for the semicentennial celebration of the theory of the asymmetric c?rb?n atom. Theplaquette, i? turn, has been copled m one of the stone bas-rehefs above the main entrance of the George Eastman Research Laboratories for Physics and Chemistry a t the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (See Frontispiece to the June, 1933, JOURNAL.) Since thestone panel has already been pictured in the JOURNAL and since the photograph isconceded to be themost falthfullikeness of the three, only the reverse of the Wienecke plaquette is here reproduced (onginal, 4.4 X 5.9 cm.). Confributed by H. S. van Klooster, Rensselaer Polytechnic Znsfiluie