Positions open to graduate students majoring in ... - ACS Publications

Positions open to graduate students majoring in chemistry, in various colleges and universities. William McPherson. J. Chem. Educ. , 1927, 4 (1), p 96...
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POSITIONS OPEN TO GRADUATE STUDENTS MAJORING I N CHEMISTRY, IN VARIOUS COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Below are listed various Fellowships, Scholarships, and P a r t - t i m e Assistantships open to graduate s t u d e n t s majoring in C h e m i s t r y in different colleges and universities f o r the academic year 1927-28. It is possible here only to give a very brief statement concerning these positions. F u r ther details as well as application b l a n k s may be obtained by writing directly to the Departments of Chemistry in the colleges and universities listed. In general it may be stated that candidates for these positions must file t h e i r applications not later than March 1, 1927. The colleges a n d universities are listed in alphabetical order. CAL~ORNIA INSTITUTE OF TBCHNOLODY, Pasadena, C a l i f . 4 Graduate Assistantships ($750); 6 Teaching Fellowships ($900); 1 Fellowship ($750); 2 Petroleum Fellowships ($100W1200). The tuition ($180) must be paid until the holder has been accepted as a candidate for the Ph.D. degree, then half tuition ($90) is paid. OF AMERICA, Washington, D. C.-A number of "Knights of CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Columbus" Scholarships available. These include tuition, board, and lodging.

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York City.-Fellowships ($1500); University Scholarships ($300); Part-time Assistantships (from $100 to $1000) ; "Statutory" Assistantships ($1000 and free tuition); Research Assistantships varying in number and compensation. CORNELLUNIVERS~TY, Ithaca, N. Y . 4 6 Part-time Assistantships requiring twenty-two hours of work each week assisting in the department ($400-$650); also 5 Fellowships and Scholarships with yearly compensation of from $200 to $750. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Cambridge, Mass.-A number of Fellowships ranging from tuition to $750; also a number of laboratory Teaching Assistantships paying a t least $800 for half time and requiring ordinarily from twenty to twenty-two hours a week. Tuition fee of from $150-90160 must be paid in addition to fees for breakage and certain materials. INDIANA UNIVERSITY,Bloomington, 1nd.-2 Fellowships ( 8 5 0 and exemption from fees except breakage); 8 Part-time Laboratory Assistantships ($3504500, in addition to general University fees); 1 Indiana University Fellowship ($600). JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Baltimore. Md.-10 Part-time Assistantships ($400 and free tuition for about ten hours of work weekly); 2 Fellowships ($750) and one Scholarship open to holder of Ph.D. in Chemistry ($1000). I n addition t o the above, a number of Scholarships offering free tuition, are also open to students in Chemistry.

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECANOLOGY, Cambridge, Mass.-9 Scholarships ($300, which is used to pay tuition charges); 5 Half-time Assistantships ($150, to pay tuition charges); and 5 students who receive scholarship aid of $500; 1 Fellowship ($750, $300 of which is used to pay tuition charges). NORTHWES~RN UNIVERSITY, Evanston, 111.-A number of Part-time Assistantships ($5004800); a number of Fellowships ($50W1000, and no service required).

VOL.4. NO. 1



Onlo STATEUNIVERSITY, Columbus, Ohio-I3 Part-time Assisunships ($1000) 30 Craduate Assistantships ($500. ; 2 Fellowships ( 6 7 5 ( t n o service rcquired. ; 3 numher of University Scholarships ($300), and University Fellowships (5500) are also open to students in Chemistry. AU of the above carry exemptions from fees (except matriculation fee of $10) and cost of chemicals. ~

FRINCRTON UNNERSITY,Princeton, N. J.4 Fellowships ($650-$1100); 12 Parttime Assistantships ($650), duties not t o exceed twelve hours weekly.

RICE INSTITUTE,Houston, Teras.-A number of Teaching Fellowships which require six hours of laboratory teaching per week ($750 and exemption from fees). STANFORDUNIVERSITY,Stanford University, Calif.-A number of Fellowships ($750) and Graduate Scholarships ($200) are open to students in all departments: There is also in the Department of Chemistry a Fellowship ($600) and a Scholarship ($150) and 2 Teaching Fellowships ($600). OF IOWA,Iowa City, 1s.-There are open t o graduate students STATEUNIVERSITY a number of Scholarships ($200-4300). Junior Fellowships (5300-$400). Senior Fellowships ($5004800). Research Assistants (5600), and Research Associates ($1000 plus). A number of Graduate Assistantships are also open ($350-$800 depending upon the amount of assistance required).

UNIVERSITYOF C.umomm, Berkeley, Calif.-A number of Graduate Fellowships ($750 and no service required) ; also a number of Teaching Fellowships with a beginning salary of $7W. UNIVERSITY oa Cnrcnoo, Chicago, 111.-A number of Assistantships ($2004600 plus tuition, laboratory fees, and allowance for breakage); a number of Fellowships averaging about $450 but tuition must be paid; a number of Scholarships which pay tuition only: both Fellows and Scholars assist from six to eight hours a week for two quarters. UNIVBRSITYOF ILLINOIS,Urbana, 111.-A number of Scholarships ($300) and Fellowships ($4Mt$750) are open in the Department of Chemistry; also a number of Assistantships varying from $300-$700 plus free tuition, laboratory fees, etc., except a matriculation fee of $10. UNIVEnsITY OF KANSAS,Lawrence, ICans.-15 University Fellowships ($400); 11 University Fellowships open t o graduates of Kansas colleges alone, which are open to students of chemistry. There are also 12 Part-time Assistantships in Chemistry ($60WlOOO). UNIVERSITY on MARYLAND, College Park, Md.-l time Assistantships ($500).

Fellowship ($1000); 5 Part-

UNIVERSITYo r M1cmcArj. Ann Arbor. Mi&-10 Universitv Fellowshi~s - ($400. $500). There are also assigned to the ~ e ~ a r t m eof n tchemistry-2 Fellowships ($750) and one additional Fellowship ($300): also a number of Teaching Assistantships ($800). UNIVERSITY oa MINNESOTA, Minneapolis, Mim-28 Assistantships ($65W750); 3 Fellowships ($500-$750); Fellows and Assistants are exempt from tuition and fees. OF MISSOURI,Columbia, Ma-10 Graduate Assistantships ($600UNIVERSITY $700); a numher of University Fellowships ($600) and Scholarships ($300). No service is required of Fellows and Scholars.

, Nebr.-A number of University Scholarships UNIVERSITYon N E B F A S ~ Lincoln, ($400-$500) and University Fellowships ($500-$750).

UNI~ERSITY OF NORTHCAROLINA, Chapel Hill, N. C.-3 Teaching Fellowships ($500); Seven Assistantships ($500); 1Fellowship ($300) and 2 Instructorships ($1500). UNIVERSITYoa WNNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia, Penna.-A number of FeUowships are open to students in the Department of Chemistry. These carry varying stipends from $200 t o $1500 per annum. U~rvSnsIrvoa TEXAS,Austin, Texas.-25 ($550) in Chemistry.

Tutors ($725-$1200) and Assistants

OP WISCONSIN, Madison, Wis.-1 Scholarship ($300); 1 Fellowship UNIVERSITY ($500); 1Fellowship ($750). New Haven. Conn.-24 Laboratow Assistants ($750, less fees YALEUN~VERSIIY. which amount t o about 2 5 0 ; 1 F t l l o w 4 1 i ~ttrrardcd r on basis of rompctitire eyamination (S12lKl); a number oi .~r.vi;di : d l o w 4 1 i ~:avcr:gying ~ al.uut 7 5 0 ; i n xdrlltiun t o the above, there are a number of University Fellowships ($400) and of Sterling Fellowships ($1000 or more). ~