positions open to graduate students majoring in chemistry, in various

rectly to the Departments of Chemistry in the colleges and universities listed. In general it ... STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford University, Calif.-A n...
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POSITIONS OPEN TO GRADUATE STUDENTS MAJORING I N CHEMISTRY, IN VARIOUS COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Below are listed various Fellowships, Scholarships, and P a r t - t i m e Assistantships open to graduate s t u d e n t s majoring in C h e m i s t r y in different colleges and universities f o r the academic year 1927-28. It is possible here only to give a very brief statement concerning these positions. F u r ther details as well as application b l a n k s may be obtained by writing directly to the Departments of Chemistry in the colleges and universities listed. In general it may be stated that candidates for these positions must file t h e i r applications not later than March 1, 1927. The colleges a n d universities are listed in alphabetical order. CAL~ORNIA INSTITUTE OF TBCHNOLODY, Pasadena, C a l i f . 4 Graduate Assistantships ($750); 6 Teaching Fellowships ($900); 1 Fellowship ($750); 2 Petroleum Fellowships ($100W1200). The tuition ($180) must be paid until the holder has been accepted as a candidate for the Ph.D. degree, then half tuition ($90) is paid. OF AMERICA, Washington, D. C.-A number of "Knights of CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Columbus" Scholarships available. These include tuition, board, and lodging.

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York City.-Fellowships ($1500); University Scholarships ($300); Part-time Assistantships (from $100 to $1000) ; "Statutory" Assistantships ($1000 and free tuition); Research Assistantships varying in number and compensation. CORNELLUNIVERS~TY, Ithaca, N. Y . 4 6 Part-time Assistantships requiring twenty-two hours of work each week assisting in the department ($400-$650); also 5 Fellowships and Scholarships with yearly compensation of from $200 to $750. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Cambridge, Mass.-A number of Fellowships ranging from tuition to $750; also a number of laboratory Teaching Assistantships paying a t least $800 for half time and requiring ordinarily from twenty to twenty-two hours a week. Tuition fee of from $150-90160 must be paid in addition to fees for breakage and certain materials. INDIANA UNIVERSITY,Bloomington, 1nd.-2 Fellowships ( 8 5 0 and exemption from fees except breakage); 8 Part-time Laboratory Assistantships ($3504500, in addition to general University fees); 1 Indiana University Fellowship ($600). JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Baltimore. Md.-10 Part-time Assistantships ($400 and free tuition for about ten hours of work weekly); 2 Fellowships ($750) and one Scholarship open to holder of Ph.D. in Chemistry ($1000). I n addition t o the above, a number of Scholarships offering free tuition, are also open to students in Chemistry.

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECANOLOGY, Cambridge, Mass.-9 Scholarships ($300, which is used to pay tuition charges); 5 Half-time Assistantships ($150, to pay tuition charges); and 5 students who receive scholarship aid of $500; 1 Fellowship ($750, $300 of which is used to pay tuition charges). NORTHWES~RN UNIVERSITY, Evanston, 111.-A number of Part-time Assistantships ($5004800); a number of Fellowships ($50W1000, and no service required).

VOL.4. NO. 1



Onlo STATEUNIVERSITY, Columbus, Ohio-I3 Part-time Assisunships ($1000) 30 Craduate Assistantships ($500. ; 2 Fellowships ( 6 7 5 ( t n o service rcquired. ; 3 numher of University Scholarships ($300), and University Fellowships (5500) are also open to students in Chemistry. AU of the above carry exemptions from fees (except matriculation fee of $10) and cost of chemicals. ~

FRINCRTON UNNERSITY,Princeton, N. J.4 Fellowships ($650-$1100); 12 Parttime Assistantships ($650), duties not t o exceed twelve hours weekly.

RICE INSTITUTE,Houston, Teras.-A number of Teaching Fellowships which require six hours of laboratory teaching per week ($750 and exemption from fees). STANFORDUNIVERSITY,Stanford University, Calif.-A number of Fellowships ($750) and Graduate Scholarships ($200) are open to students in all departments: There is also in the Department of Chemistry a Fellowship ($600) and a Scholarship ($150) and 2 Teaching Fellowships ($600). OF IOWA,Iowa City, 1s.-There are open t o graduate students STATEUNIVERSITY a number of Scholarships ($200-4300). Junior Fellowships (5300-$400). Senior Fellowships ($5004800). Research Assistants (5600), and Research Associates ($1000 plus). A number of Graduate Assistantships are also open ($350-$800 depending upon the amount of assistance required).

UNIVERSITYOF C.umomm, Berkeley, Calif.-A number of Graduate Fellowships ($750 and no service required) ; also a number of Teaching Fellowships with a beginning salary of $7W. UNIVERSITY oa Cnrcnoo, Chicago, 111.-A number of Assistantships ($2004600 plus tuition, laboratory fees, and allowance for breakage); a number of Fellowships averaging about $450 but tuition must be paid; a number of Scholarships which pay tuition only: both Fellows and Scholars assist from six to eight hours a week for two quarters. UNIVBRSITYOF ILLINOIS,Urbana, 111.-A number of Scholarships ($300) and Fellowships ($4Mt$750) are open in the Department of Chemistry; also a number of Assistantships varying from $300-$700 plus free tuition, laboratory fees, etc., except a matriculation fee of $10. UNIVEnsITY OF KANSAS,Lawrence, ICans.-15 University Fellowships ($400); 11 University Fellowships open t o graduates of Kansas colleges alone, which are open to students of chemistry. There are also 12 Part-time Assistantships in Chemistry ($60WlOOO). UNIVERSITY on MARYLAND, College Park, Md.-l time Assistantships ($500).

Fellowship ($1000); 5 Part-

UNIVERSITYo r M1cmcArj. Ann Arbor. Mi&-10 Universitv Fellowshi~s - ($400. $500). There are also assigned to the ~ e ~ a r t m eof n tchemistry-2 Fellowships ($750) and one additional Fellowship ($300): also a number of Teaching Assistantships ($800). UNIVERSITY oa MINNESOTA, Minneapolis, Mim-28 Assistantships ($65W750); 3 Fellowships ($500-$750); Fellows and Assistants are exempt from tuition and fees. OF MISSOURI,Columbia, Ma-10 Graduate Assistantships ($600UNIVERSITY $700); a numher of University Fellowships ($600) and Scholarships ($300). No service is required of Fellows and Scholars.

, Nebr.-A number of University Scholarships UNIVERSITYon N E B F A S ~ Lincoln, ($400-$500) and University Fellowships ($500-$750).

UNI~ERSITY OF NORTHCAROLINA, Chapel Hill, N. C.-3 Teaching Fellowships ($500); Seven Assistantships ($500); 1Fellowship ($300) and 2 Instructorships ($1500). UNIVERSITYoa WNNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia, Penna.-A number of FeUowships are open to students in the Department of Chemistry. These carry varying stipends from $200 t o $1500 per annum. U~rvSnsIrvoa TEXAS,Austin, Texas.-25 ($550) in Chemistry.

Tutors ($725-$1200) and Assistants

OP WISCONSIN, Madison, Wis.-1 Scholarship ($300); 1 Fellowship UNIVERSITY ($500); 1Fellowship ($750). New Haven. Conn.-24 Laboratow Assistants ($750, less fees YALEUN~VERSIIY. which amount t o about 2 5 0 ; 1 F t l l o w 4 1 i ~ttrrardcd r on basis of rompctitire eyamination (S12lKl); a number oi .~r.vi;di : d l o w 4 1 i ~:avcr:gying ~ al.uut 7 5 0 ; i n xdrlltiun t o the above, there are a number of University Fellowships ($400) and of Sterling Fellowships ($1000 or more). ~