Post Those Lab Rules!

This is a most effective reminder to students of safe lab practices. Laboratory Safety Rules. Always. Wear Safety Gaggles . Wear Pmteotive Clothing . ...
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safety tips Post Those Lab Rules! Theresa Roebuck corleyi

Mountain Brook High School Birmingham,AL35223

mingham (UAB).' The series is short and clear, and each rule is general enough to cover any lab problem that might occur. This is a most effective reminder to students of safe lab practices. Laboratory Safety Rules

An emphasis on laboratory safety is essential in an effective chemistry program. While most teachers have become aware of the need for increased knowledge in this area and are activelv " im~lementinethis new information in their classes, there is one significant omission that most chemistry teachers make. Chemistry teachers need to develop a short, understandable, easy-to-remember list of laboratory rules. These rules need to be general in nature, rather than addressing specific laboratory techniques, and should be discussed thoroughly before students are permitted to conduct laboratory experiments. The rules also need to be posted in the laboratory so that students read them before each laboratory experience. Posting the rules leads to greater student awareness of proper laboratory conduct and increases student responsibility for laboratory safety. On the advice of legal counsel, the following series of rules was developed in the NSF-Funded Laboratory Management Program a t the University of Alabama a t Bir&

University Charlone, NC 28218

Johnson C. Smith


'Laboratory Management Program Staff. University of Alabama at Birmingham. 2Laboratory Management Program suppofted by NSF Grant EST 9253239.


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Wear Safety Gaggles Wear Pmteotive Clothing Use Proper Techniques and Procedures

Discard Wastes Properly Know the Location and Use of AU Safety Equipment Be Alert, Serious, and Responsible

Never Eat or Drink in the Lab Clutter Your Work Area Perform Unauthorized Experiments Enter Chemical Storage Area Remove Chemicals from Supply Area Take Unnecessary Risks

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These rules are printed on poster size paper and posted in the laboratory of each participant in the UAB Laboratory Management program. General References Berry,K 0.J ChsmEdvc 1989,2,5%€0 Gerlheh, J. A. J. Cham Educ. 1898.8, € 4 3 4 4 SenkbeU, E. G J. Chem.Educ. 1631,5,41@-i12. Yohe,B.;Dunkleberger,G. E. J Cham.Edue. 1992.2.147-149.

Volume 71 Number 7 July 1994