Postage stamps as a teaching tool in chemistry - ACS Publications

memorate or honor persons or events and even for propaganda and promotion of ideas and principles. There is a wealth of material for teaching chemistr...
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Postage Stamps as a Teaching Tool in Chemistry Many teachers have found that individuals and objects on postage stamps are a useful media far teaching chemistry and other subjects as well. While stamps are primarily issued for postal purposes, most countries use them also to commemorate or honor persons or events and even for propaganda and promotion of ideas and principles. There is a wealth of material for teaching chemistry with stamps depicting well known chemists and other scientists-Democritus (the first atomic theory) t o stamps honoring Nobel Prize Winners. In 1981 more than 30 stamps have recognized energy and conservation including four U S . stamps on energy (Knoxville World's Fair). One European scientific publication carries a page in each issue whichdescribes in detail some facet of sciencegiving the history ofthe artwith severalstamps to describe and pinpoint contributions made by scientists (European Spectroscopy News). Another publication carries a quarter-page description of an individual who has made a significant contribution as portrayed on a stamp. (ehem 13news). Philatelia Chimico is a quarterly publication devoted to stamps, cancellations, and covers related to chemistry and allied sciences. A great deal of the material can be worked into aregular course in chemistry, whether beginning chemistry or some advanced course, denoting an investigator, a discovery, or other event. You are invited t o inquire and join the Chemistry on Stamps Study Unit. A request to Foil A. Miller, 960 Lakemont Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15243 will bring a free copy of Philotelia Chimica and an application for membership blank. The membership fee is $6.00 per year. We believe that you will find i t interesting and challenging to you and your students Edwin S. Hodge Chemistry Study Unit 3133 Glendale Avenue Pinsburgh. PA 15227


Journal of Chemical

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