Potential Carcinolytic Agents Related to Cyclophosphamide1 - Journal

Orrie M. Friedman, Zinon B. Papanastassiou, Robert S. Levi, Harris R. Till Jr., and Wilson M. Whaley. J. Med. Chem. , 1963, 6 (1), pp 82–83. DOI: 10...
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there was added 100 mg. of sodium iodide arid the mixture \vas refluxed in a nitrogen atmosphere for 6 hr. The usual working up7* afforded 70 mg. of a brownish oil which crystallized froin ether-hexane. The product was filtered over 10 g. of alumiriuni oxide (activity 11-111) affording 42 mg. (8671 yield) of ll-dcb ~ 1164-168", g ~ 2 ~ identified h y :i hydroprogesterone ( \ ' I I I ) , ~ ~ 1 11n.p. mixture melting point with an authentic sample arid l)y thr coiiiparison of its infrared spectrum with that of authentic material. Negative Attempts of Isomerization of llp,l2~~Dibromoprogesterone (VII). (a)-A quantity of 50 mg. of llp,12~~-dibronioprogesterone (VIIj wits subjected for 30 min. to fusion, accordiiig to the procedure of Barton and King.Z1 Chromatography o i i silica gel of the resulting product afforded 18 mg. of a crystalline material, 1n.p. 98-103"; [ c Y ] * ~ D+98" ( c , 1.000 in CHCl:{'I, colitaining only little bromine (4.85c): :::P Y450 c m - l ( w r > -l>roatl. associated hydroxy band), 171