PPV Nanotubes, Nanorods, and Nanofilms as well as Carbonized

of disordered structure. The other peak at 1592 cm'1 , usually called G peak/26j is from the G mode of E 2 g symmetry and involves the in-plane bond-s...
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Chapter 2

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PPV Nanotubes, Nanorods, and Nanofilms as well as Carbonized Objects Derived Therefrom 1




Kyungkon K i m , Guolun Zhong , Jung-Il Jin *, Jung Ho P a r k , Seoung H y u n Lee , Dong Woo K i m , Yung Woo P a r k , and W h i k u n Yi 2





Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering and Center for Electro¬ and Photo-Responsive Molecules, Korea University, Seoul 136-701 Korea (fax: +82 2 921 6901; telephone: +82 2 3290 3123; email: [email protected]) School of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Korea NCRI, Center for Electron Emission Source, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 111, Suwon 440-600, Korea 2


ABSTRACT Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) could be obtained in the form of nanotubes, nanorods and nanofilms by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) polymerization of



by thermal

dehydrochlorination. The

polymerizations were conducted on the inner surface of or inside the nanopores of alumina or polycarbonate membrane filters or on the surface of silicon wafers. The PPVs thus obtained could be thermally converted to the corresponding carbonized tubes, rods, and films. We also could obtain nanopatterns and nanowells of PPV and carbon on silicon wafers by utilizing nanolithographed poly(methyl methacrylate) patterns. The PPV films obtained on the silicon 3


wafers are semicrystalline and produce highly conducting (σ ~ 0.7 χ 10 Scm ) graphitic films even when treated only at 850 °C. Field-emission properties of some of the graphitic nanotubes are also described in this report. INTRODUCTION The present world-wide, explosive interests in nanotechnology is arousing renewed attention to organic conductors and carbonaceous matters because of their potentials in wide variety of applications, especially in nanodevices.

© 2004 American Chemical Society

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


16 Among many organic conductors, poly(p-phenylene vinylene) ( P P V ) / / , 2) is unique in that the polymer can be prepared by many synthetic routes and possesses many interesting electrical and optical properties including photo- and electroluminescence.fJ) Due to its polyconjugative nature, the polymer can be 2


doped to exhibit electrical conductivity as high as ca. 10 Scm" . The polymer also is known to be photo-conducting. Moreover, structural modification of PPV

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can be easily conducted to produce many derivatives revealing a wide spectrum of electro-optical properties. In addition to its many interesting properties potentially very useful in future applications, P P V can be readily converted to graphitic products by simple thermal t r e a t m e n t T h e

degree of graphatization, thus the electrical

conductivity, depends highly on the temperature of thermal treatment. In spite of many attractive properties, their insolubility and infusibility make nanoscacle fabrication or nano wiring of PPV and graphitic carbons on desired substrates almost impossible. Fullerenes/5J however, are known to have enough volatility and solubility, which render them a certain degree of processability. The situation is not the same for carbon nanotubes that are insoluble and unvaporizable. We adopted the CVOÎ6-9) method in the preparation of PPV in various nano shapes in order to circumvent the processability problem. The PPV nano


thus prepared


be converted

to the


carbonaceous products by simple thermal conversion. This article describes the preparation, structural analyses and properties of nano objects of PPV and graphitic products derived therefrom.

PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF NANO PPV OBJECTS Among the many known methods for the preparation of PPV, there are three different synthetic methods that proceed through soluble precursors before conversion to the final polymer. They are represented below by chemical equations.


In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.



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The first//0) and the second/T/] methods are known to be WesslingZimmerman method and Gilch-Wheelwright polymerization, respectively. The last reaction route is practically the same as that is utilized in the synthesis of poly(p-xylylene) from p-xylene via the C V D polymerization method. The first two methods have been widely used not only in the synthesis of PPV but also PPV derivatives. Since the methods produce soluble precursor polymers, the final polymer can be obtained in various shapes. The last method^/2) is unique in that the activated species formed at an elevated temperature in the gas phase undergoes self-addition on the cold substrate surface to produce the precursor polymer that can be subjected to thermolysis to the final polymer. This method does not require the use of any solvent and additional chemicals during the polymerization process. Moreover, since synthesis can be performed directly on the surface of desired substrates, we can obtain uncontaminated polymer in various shapes. Taking those advantages into our consideration, we decided to employ the third C V D polymerization method in the preparation of PPV in various nano shapes including nanotubes, nanorods and nanofilms. Recently, Schàfer et al.,(71 Staring and coworkers,^

Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of (a) and (b) nanotubes, (c) nanorods and (d) film of PPV on Si wafer (Reproduced from reference 14. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society.)

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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Figure 2. Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of (a) nanotubes and (b) nanorods of PPV (Reproduced from reference 14. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society.)

and Vaeth and JensenfP, 12) studied the C V D polymerization of a,a'-dihalo-/?xylenes and obtained thin films of PPV. In the synthesis of PPV in nano shapes we used commercially available nano porous alumina (nominal pore diameter: 200 nm; Whatman, England) and polycarbonate (nominal pore diameter: 100 and 10 nm; Osmonics Inc., U . S. A.) filter membranesfTii and the (001) surface of silicon wafers as substrates. The filter membranes are removed by dissolution in order to separate the PPV nanotubes and nanorods. The synthetic details can be found in our earlier report//4) Figure 1 shows the scanning electron micrographs of PPV nanotubes and nanorods obtained after removal of the filter substrates by dissolution either in 3 M NaOH or in dichloromethane. They reveal smooth surface of tubes and rods. Moreover, no surface defects such as pinholes are detected. Figure 1(d) is the scanning electron micrograph of a fracture surface of a PPV film (210 nm thick) deposited on a silicon wafer. Here again, we observe a uniform morphology. The transmission electron micrographs of the nanotubes and nanorods given in Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(c) are shown respectively in Figure 2(a) and 2(b). The wall thickness of the nanotubes AL-200 is relatively uniform and is estimated to be 28 ± 3 nm. Needless to say, the thickness can be controlled by the reaction condition such as evaporation temperature of the monomer, flow rate of the carrier gas and reaction time. Figure 2(b) tells us that the nanorods are completely filled and have a diameter of 31 ± 3 nm. We also could prepare by the same C V D polymerization method very thin nanofibers of PPV inside the pores of M C M 41 (mesoporous silica) with pore

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


J\Λ S 0-0 transition, i . e., highest electronic energy transition involving 0

π-electrons. The additionally enhanced S| —• S 0-0 emission for the methanol 0

suspensions of nano PPVs is a very intriguing phenomenon that requires further studies. It, however, may be due to reduced reabsorption/7ff; by neighboring chains of the emitted light originated from the 0-0 transition because of complete isolation of the nano particles suspended in the solvent that consist of much fewer polymer chains compared to bulk films. In contrast, when the nanotubes and nanorods remain in the filter pores, the PPV molecules in the interface

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.


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500 600 700 500 W a v e l e n g t h (nm)



Figure 5. PL spectra of PPV films of varying thickness obtained on the Si-wafer surface.

would interact with the substrate surface causing a reduced emission for the 0-0 transition£/92 compared to suspensions. Smith et ai(20) observed earlier the same phenomenon for PPV nanocomposites prepared in photochemically polymerized matrix of a lyotropic liquid-crystalline monomers. They£2/i also studied photoluminescence detected magnetic resonance (PLDMR) of the composites confirming that higher PL quantum yield was resulted from the isolation of the PPV chains. Figure 5 compares the P L spectra of PPV films of varying thickness obtained on the Si-wafer surface. Although the difference is not intensive, we note that the emission at the shortest wavelength (510 nm) becomes stronger as the thickness of the film decreases. This observation implies that reabsorption by the neighboring chains of the emitted light originated from the 0-0 transition of a given chain is indeed a very important factor governing details of PL spectra.

Figure 6. (a) Cross sectional T E M image and (b) X P S Si 2p spectra of PPV film deposited on the Si wafer.

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

22 AI200


1100 1300 1600 1700 1900

1100 1300 1600 1700 1900


1100 1300 1600 1700 1900


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Wavenuniber (cm)

Figure 7. Raman spectra of carbon nanotubes and nanorods obtained from PPV. A n A r laser of 514.5 nm was employed as a light source (Reproduced from reference 14. Copyright 2001 American Chemical Society.)

Since there are earlier reports(22j of the possible formation of the carbonsilicon bonds during C V D of olefinic hydrocarbons on silicon, we studied this possibility in our P P V preparation on the surface of Si-wafers. Moreover, the very reactive quinonedimethide type intermediate depicted in equation (3) may be involved in the reaction with the Si atoms on the surface. The T E M image (Figure 6(a)) of the cross-section of PPV-Si-wafer clearly shows the existence of interface of about 0.5 nm. The X-ray photoelectron spectra of the PPV thin films gradually change as we increase its thickness as shown in Figure 6(b). Initially the XPS spectrum shows only a peak at the binding energy of 99.4 eV from S i


electrons for the Si-Si bonds. As we increase the thickness of the PPV film deposited, a new peak appears at the binding energy of 101.6 e V And the intensity of this new peak grows with increasing the film thickness. This binding energy of S i

electrons was observed for the bond of OSJ-C/2J-25J Therefore,

2 p

we may conclude that direct chemical bonds are formed between the Si atoms on the wafer surface and carbon ends of PPV chains constructed on it. It, however, is believed that, due to unavoidable exposure to air during experimentation, the Si atoms in the Si-C bonds are bound to oxygen atoms. The possibility of the existence of S i 0 could be excluded by the fact that we did not observe any S i 2


peak (103.2 eV)(23-25) from S i 0 . 2

We intended to gather further information on the formation of Si-C bonds by examining the C , X P S peak, but due to much less peak shift, we could not s

obtain any definitive conclusion. Although we have not given the data, we could prepare similar nano objects of poly(2,5-thienylenevinylene) by C V D polymerization of 2,5-bis(chloromethyl)thiophene. They could readily be doped at room temperature with dopants such as I and FeCl to conducting materials. 2


In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

23 60n m

: (a)



1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 1

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Raman shift (cm ) Figure 8. Thickness dependence of Raman spectra of carbonized PPV films deposited on the crystalline Si-wafer surface (a) 60nm thick: 1(G) / 1(D) = 0.33, (b) 95nm thick: 1(G) / 1(D) = 0.29 (carbonization temp.: 850 °C).

PREPATATION AND PROPERTIES OF GRAPHITIC NANO OBJECTS OBTAINED F R O M PPV The nano objects of PPV described in the previous section were thermally carbonized at 850 °C for 1 hour under argon atmosphere to produce the corresponding graphitic products. In order to study the degree of graphitization of the carbonaceous nano products obtained, we obtained their Raman spectra as shown in Figure 7. They commonly show the coexistence of amorphous and crystalline graphitic regions. 1

The peak at 1355 cm" , which is often called D(26) peak, is originated from a 1000 °c ·

. 850 °C

$Sè -il









1700 1900

R a m a n shift ( c m ) 1

Figure 9. Carbonization temperature dependence of Raman spectra of carbonized PPV films deposited on the crystalline Si-wafer surface (a) 1000 °C: l(G) / I(D) = 0.38, (b) 850 °C: I(G) / I(D) = 0.29 (film thickness: 95nm).

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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Figure 10. (a) Cross sectional T E M image of a carbon film on Si wafer and (b) its selected area electron diffraction.

breathing mode of A

i g

symmetry involving phonons near the Κ zone boundary 1

of disordered structure. The other peak at 1592 cm' , usually called G peak/26j is from the G mode of E

2 g

symmetry and involves the in-plane bond-stretching 2

motion of pares of carbon atoms of sp hybridization. In other words, the G peak represents crystalline graphite region. As one can see from Figure 7, the ratios of the two Raman scattering peaks, 1(G) / 1(D), are slightly higher than 0.4. According to the following equation proposed by Tuinstra and Koening/27) the cluster diameter or in-plane correlation lengths (L ) in the graphitic clusters are estimated to be slightly larger a

than 1 nm. 1(D)/ 1(G) = C(X)/L



The constant C(k) depends on the wavelength of incident laser light (the value is 44 Â for the wavelength of 514.5 nm that was utilized in this investigation). Moreover, the fact that the 1(D) / 1(G) ratios is about 2 and the G mode peak 1

appears at 1592 cm" suggests us that the present carbon nanotubes and nanorods are of nanocrystalline graphite/27) The perfect graphite exhibits the G mode at 1

1581 cm" and the peak moves toward the higher wave numbers as the structure becomes disordered/26) We obtained Raman spectra of carbonized films derived from P P V films deposited on the crystalline Si-wafer surface (Figure 8). Carbonization was again performed at 850 °C for 1 hour under argon atmosphere. This figure demonstrates that the degree of carbonization depends on the thickness of the

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.









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Temperature (Κ)

Figure 11. Comparison of Electrical conductivities of the graphitic carbon nanofilms.

original PPV films. Increasing carbonization temperature also enhanced the degree of graphitization as shown by Figure 9 which shows that the higher carbonization temperature augments the 1(G) / 1(D) ratio. The formation of graphitic structure by carbonization of PPV is clearly recognizable in the T E M image given in Figure 10(a). This figure exhibits well aligned straight lines that are tilted about 15


on the wafer. The electron

diffraction pattern given in the inset also supports the well aligned morphology. Figure 10(b) shows a T E M image of a carbon fiber obtained by carbonization at 850 °C of a PPV fiber synthesized in a pore of M C M - 4 1 . The fiber diameter is 4.3 nm and the inter layer spacing is estimated to be about 3.5 Â. Althouth the Raman spectrum of this fiber is not given, the 1(G) / 1(D) ration was rather high, 0.77. This corresponds to the L value of about 3.4 nm. This high value is a

ascribed to the small diameter of the fiber, which would favor more efficient supply of heat flow for carbonization. Electrical conductivities of the graphitic films prepared on the surface of a Siwafer and a quartz plate were measured by the four-line probe method and the results are presented in Figure 11. This figure provides us with two important informations: (1) The conductivity of graphitic film obtained on the Si-wafer surface is consistently higher than that on the quartz plate. (2) The room 1

temperature conductivity of the former is fairly high about 0.7 χ 10' Scm" . Electrical conductivity of a thick carbon film obtained by carbonizing at 850 °C a PPV film prepared by Wessling-Zimmerman method was only about 60 Scm" x

.(4) We believe that a combination of the crystalline nature of the starting PPV,

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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Figure 12. Field emission property of carbonized PPV nanotubes.

thinness of the film, and high thermal conductivity^?^ together with low heat capacityf2&) of the wafer caused more efficient graphitization leading to a high electrical conductivity for the carbon films prepared on the surface of the Siwafer. We examined the field emission propertiesf29j of the carbon nanotubes prepared in the pores of an alumina membrane whose pore diameter was 230 nm. The wall thickness and the length of the carbon tubes obtained were 15 nm and 60 μιη, respectively. The emitting ends of the tubes were open, while the other ends were connected to the same carbonized film formed on the surface of the membrane. As shown in Figure 12, we utilized the gold-coated indium / tin oxide (ITO) as the anode and the carbon tubes as cathode. The gap between the tube ends and the anode was 130 μηι. According to the measured results given in Figure 12, the turn on applied electric field is 3 V / μηι, which is comparable to

Figure 13. A F M images of patterned PPV in (a) nanowires(width 75 nm, height 4.5 nm), (b) nanowells (width: 230 nm, Height: 16 nm, wall thickness: 75 nm) and (c) carbonized PPV nano patterns (width: 386 nm, height: 3.5 nm).

In Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics; Lin, Q., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

27 those reported for carbon nanotubesfift) prepared by conventional methods. The value, however, is significantly lower than those for metal cones/J/j

NANOPATTERNING OF PPV AND CARBON The main advantage of the present C V D polymerization of PPV is found in easy nanopatterning on conducting substrates including silicon wafers. For this

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purpose we utilized lithographed poly(methylmethacrylate) ( P M M A ) patterns on Si wafers. The C V D polymerization of PPV was performed on a P M M A pattern. The precursor polymer formed was thermally treated at 90 °C for 2 hours to partially thermolyze into insoluble polymer. And then the P M M A pattern was removed by dissolution with acetone. Finally, the insoluble pattern remaining on the wafer was thermally treated at 270 °C for 14 hours converting it to the PPV polymer. As shown in Figure 13, we could obtain nanopatterns of PPV in different

shapes. By carbonizing the pattern, one can easily obtain the

corresponding nanopatterns of carbon (Figure 13(c)). Since P P V is known to emit green-light photoluminescence (PL) upon exposure to U V light and also electroluminescence (ELV3) when an electric field is applied, we expect that nano PL and E L devices can be constructed directly on Si wafers by the present C V D method. In addition, the present method enables us to fabricate nano patterns and nanowires of conducting carbon.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation through the Center for Electro- and Photo-Responsive Molecules, Korea University. K . K i m and G . Zhong were the recipients Brain Korea 21 Fellowship from the Ministry of Education and Human Resources of Korea. The X-ray diffractograrns were obtained by the Korea Basic Science Institute - Seoul Branch.


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