PR Program-Two Targets - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

It is this distribution, Stokes believes, that could determine the extent of the .... ACS names Albert Horvath the society's new treasurer and chief f...
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PR Program-Two Targets DCAT head urges program on technical training; another to combat trade inroads JrUBLIC

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Pure Chromium Oxides I


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Hydrate d ~ Ehramium Oxidesv


Most stable of the-green "



pigments, U-naffe-ctecl by acids, .



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Use the 2 hydrated.chromium

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representative will be glad to providé you with full technical



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dustry-wide dimensions are urged for chemicals and drugs by Sydney N . Stokes, 1956 chairman of t h e powerful Drug, Chemical and Allied Trades Section, New York Board of Trade. T h e programs are airried at two major problems: • Increased need for technically trained workers; • Wider acceptance of American products in world markets, especially where the Iron Curtain countries are seeking outlets for their production. It is this distribution, Stokes believes, that could determine the extent of t h e industrial and technical supremacy which will be important to our security in t h e years ahead. With regard to the domestic program, the r>CAT head said that while industry groups in drugs and chemicals h a v e their own problems and objectives, there is a broader role which could b e assumed through what h e termed a coordinated public relations program, and which would involve all segments of the drug a n d chemical industry. Constructive program planning is called for to meet the growing demand for technically trained people in all phases of scientific work in those fields. In t h e years following World W a r I I , the chairman says, t h e growth of t h e chemical and drug industries has sur­ passed the fondest hopes of economists and business leaders. During t h e next 10 years, he forecasts, we will go through an even greater period of ex­ pansion as the result of research activi­ ties provided b y companies in all fields of chemical endeavor. W h e n we a d d to that a fast growing atomic energy program with extensive applications in many fields, and a solar energy program already started, w e have ahead of u s , t h e DCAT was told, a real challenge to provide industry with technically trained people during the next decade.

Strike's Over The 156-day Westinghouse strike is finally over: Westinghouse and t h e International Union of Electrical Work­ ers, AFL-CIO have agreed on a n e w five-year contract, with annual w a g e increases and provision for time studies

of day-work operations (C&EN, March 5, page 2 0 8 3 ) . The agreement pro­ vides : • Extending for another four years t h e present contract w h i c h rims until Oct. 15, 1956. • W a g e s will g o up 3% over present rates. This will be increased to ap­ proximately 3 1 / 2 ^> over present rates in the final two years of the contract. • Westinghouse may conduct time studies o n any daywork o r salary jobs. As a result of such studies, production standards may b e set for daywork pro­ duction jobs (direct labor). If an employee does n o t agree with a pro­ duction standard on his work, the standard may h e reviewed and the job restudied. If agreement can't be reached, the case will be arbitrated. Another settlement obstacle was— union's clemand that all 9 3 employees discharged for violence during the strike h e rehired—the agreement reached provides that 36 strikers (fired for alleged p i c k e t violence) are indef­ initely suspended from employment and employee benefits. However, if the u n i o n wants to file a grievance for any of t h e 36, the case will be arbi­ trated. The United . Electrical Workers Union, following ITJE's move, also signed a five-year contract with West­ inghouse. T h e pact is similar t o the one accepted b y I U E .

• Under α ne>w p r o g r a m , Kmkay Chemical will p r o v i d e employees with a regular retirement income starting a t the age of 6 5 a n d complete life insur­ ance protection, equal t o at least 10O times t h e monthly p r e m i u m . Ernkay will b e a r all cost. • M a n a g e m e n t of U n i t e d States Steel

is considering changing t h e noncontributory part o£ the company's pension plan which would p e r m i t participating employees to designate a copensioner. According t o Clifford F . Hood, presi­ dent, before t h e proposed change i s made effective for employees i n bar­ gaining units, agreement with their r e p ­ resentatives will be sought. • A n e w pocket-sized c a l e n d a r i s help­ ing m a n a g e m e n t explain the company's operations to employees of American Filter. The "diary" graphically illus­ trates t h e n u m b e r of work days neces­ sary last year t o provide income t o p a y the company's expenses. Categories include pay for wages, materials used in manufacturing, supplies a n d services, taxes, dividends, expansion.