Practical Applications of Computational Studies of the Glycosylation

Jun 12, 2012 - This representation is illustrated for the results of Density Functional Theory .... skew and boat conformers is situated at the mid-po...
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Chapter 11

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Practical Applications of Computational Studies of the Glycosylation Reaction Dennis M. Whitfield1,* and Tomoo Nukada2 1Institute

for Biological Sciences, National Research Council Canada, 100 Sussex Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6 2The Institute for Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako-shi, 351-01 Saitama, Japan *[email protected]

A qualitative summary of our canonical vector representation of the conformations of six membered rings and its quantitative application to sugar pyranose rings is presented first. This representation is illustrated for the results of Density Functional Theory (DFT) optimized structures of per O-methylated D-lyxo, D-manno and D-gluco-configured oxacarbenium ions where two conformers are consistently found. Nucleophilic attack modelled with methanol is found to lead to intramolecular hydrogen bonding from the hydroxylic proton to electronegative oxygens of the oxacarbenium ion. As well, the ring conformation is found to change with the C-5-O-5--C-1-C-2 torsion angle moving from nearly planar in the isolated cations to more negative values in the case of α-approach and to more positive values for β-attack. This can be favorable or unfavorable depending on the protecting groups present with for example 4,6-benzylidene protection favoring β-attack with D-manno-configured ions whereas for D-gluco-configured ions α-approach is favorable. Extending the DFT studies to 2-O-acetyl analogues finds similar pairs of cations and raises the important issue of the order of ring inversion or O-2 bond rotation during the formation of ring inverted dioxolenium ions which in some cases are calculated to be very stable. Finally, an example using complex constraints is described which led to the design and development of 2,6-dimethylbenzoyl and

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

2,6-dimethoxybenzoyl as O-2 protecting groups which greatly minimize the acyl transfer side reaction.

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Introduction Organic chemistry has a long established principle that by understanding the mechanism of a reaction it should be possible to optimize that reaction. What we wish to present in this chapter is a synopsis of our attempts to understand the mechanism of glycosylation reactions with the goal of optimizing this important reaction. Our technique is the use of modern computational methods, see experimental. Since it is not possible to investigate all aspects of the glycosylation reaction we have focussed on the role of ring conformations. It is hoped that our results will assist experimentalists like us and our collaborators to develop better glycosylation technologies. This chapter is divided into four sections. The first outlines the new algebra that we have developed to describe the conformations of 6-membered rings that dominate the chemistry of carbohydrates (1). The second section shows our current understanding of the conformations of pyranose sugars with all ether protecting groups. The third section considers the implications of section 2 when C-2 is substituted with an acyl group capable of neighboring group participation. The fourth section considers a side reaction, namely acyl transfer to the acceptor alcohol, that is a problematic side reaction associated with neighboring group participation. This is not the chronological order in which these studies were made. It is, however, a more logical choice and should provide the reader with a logical progression of our ideas.

Quantitative Description of Pyranose Ring Conformation Following the IUPAC Nomenclature In this communication we characterize each pyranose conformer which is derived from the output of a density functional theory (DFT) calculation by a system that uses the familiar IUPAC nomenclature. This definition is not deduced from a 3-dimensional view of a graphical representation of a molecule. In practice the differentiation of a skew conformer from a boat conformer is difficult by visual examination of graphical models. Instead, our definition is based on a numerical basis. We first introduce the concepts of our new definition method. A detailed description is given in (1), here we attempt to give a sufficiently simple explanation that all chemists can use. Why do we need a new definition? The reason follows from the ambiguities of visual examination which partly results from the fact that traditional pyranose ring conformation characterizations are qualitative (2). These traditional methods describe visual conformational changes based on symmetry elements, which are intuitively easy to understand, but it is not easy to describe conformational interconversions qualitatively with these methods. On the other hand, quantitative characterizations have been also developed (e.g., (3, 4)). These quantitative methods are mathematically precise and afford 288 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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a set of numbers which is unique to one pyranose conformation. The basic idea of all of these methods is a projection of pyranose endocyclic torsion angles onto a trigonometric orthonormal system. Such projections use a kind of Fourier transformation and this mathematical rigor insures their preciseness. These mathematical methods are advantageous for a quantitative recognition. However, they lack the visual significances that qualitative methods have. Our new definition aims to have both the visual significance familiar to an organic chemists and the quantitative preciseness for computational purposes. In particular we aim to elucidate the mechanisms of both enzymatic and experimental glycosylations with computational chemistry. These processes involve conformational changes. of pyranose rings and so we need a robust method to calculate these changes. We also should provide conformational figures which researchers in many fields can easily understand. Therefore, we come to need a new definition having advantages both of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Quantitative Description of Pyranose Ring Conformation Following the IUPAC Conformational Nomenclature Since internal ring dihedral angles give the best descriptions of ring distortions, we choose to use the set of six endocyclic dihedral angles as a geometrical parameter. We use the following definitions τ1(C-1C-2--C-3C-4), τ2(C-2C-3--C-4C-5), τ3(C-3C-4--C-5O-5), τ4(C-4C-5--O-5C-1), τ5(C-5O-5--C1C-2) and τ6(O-5C-1--C-2C-3). A six dimensional space containing only these sets is a closed vector space which includes torsion angle sets of all typical conformations, namely, chairs, boats, skew-boats, half-chairs, and envelopes. A basic concept of Fourier transformation is a projection of XYZ-Cartesian coordinates onto another orthonormal system. We reasoned that we could use a direct projection of any set onto the vector space defined by sets of typical conformer’s torsion angles. As a first step, we should make this vector space defined by typical conformers conforming to the IUPAC conformational nomenclature. This procedure amounts to making quantitative representations of visual conformational changes which chemists can intuitively understand.

Canonical Vector Space and Redundancy Vector Space We define the canonical vector space (a vector space defined by typical conformers) on the basis of a 3-dimensional sphere as qualitatively analyzed by Hendrickson (5). The interrelation diagram among typical conformers can be described as in Figure 1. The two chair conformers occupy the poles and the pseudo-rotation plane consisting of the skew and boat conformers is situated at the mid-point between the two chairs. Any axis connected to the two chairs is orthogonal to the pseudo-rotation plane in this spherical representation. It is therefore easily realized that this canonical vector space could be represented with three basic canonical vectors. 289 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 1. Spherical representation of pyranose conformations. The equatorial circle corresponds to pseudo-rotation. By contrast, the number of components in the set are the six dihedral angles. Note that older qualitative characterizations use two molecular symmetry elements (σ-plane or C2-axis). Such qualitative figures give us several hints for making appropriate canonical vectors. That is, each conformer’s canonical vector should maintain an adequate symmetry. The presence of symmetry elements means that the sum of components in a canonical vector should be equal to 0. Based on these concepts, we define basic canonical vectors shown in Table 1. In order to precisely conform to the IUPAC convention we adopt 60° as a maximum torsion angle value according to Prelog and Cano (6, 7). For fitting to chemist’s intuition, we define a transition conformer, a half-chair, that is situated at a middle point between chair and skewboat. In a similar manner, the envelope conformers are situated at a middle point between chair and boat, see E4 and 4E in Figure 1. By definition the canonical vector space presented by these vectors is isomorphic to 3 dimensional space. This means any point of canonical vector space can be represented adequately by three fundamental vectors. We can handle canonical vectors with the methods of three dimensional Euclidean space vectors. Any point in this space can be described as in equation 1. 290 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table 1. Endocyclic torsion angles of 38 basic canonical conformations. τ1






















































































































































































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Continued on next page.

291 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table 1. (Continued). Endocyclic torsion angles of 38 basic canonical conformations. τ1













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P is a point in the canonical space. Ec is a vector among chair, envelope, or half-chair basic canonical vectors. Ea, Eb, (Ea ≠ Eb, Ec ≠ Eb, Ec ≠ Ea) are two arbitrary orthogonal basic canonical vectors. fa, fb and fc are scalar coefficients.

Since any vector in this canonical space can be presented by a linear combination of three basic canonical vectors this canonical space is a vector space. Therefore, we can define metric characters, inner product and absolute value in the same manner as those of a vector space. |E|2 = (E, E), |E|>0, an absolute value of vector E, (E,E) inner product. We also use another metric character corresponding to an angle between two vectors of Euclidean space.

The scalar, F, in equation (2) is an indicator of closeness between two vectors. When we want to assign a conformation of a vector in a simple way, it is straightforward to calculate F between the vector and each basic canonical vector shown in Table 1. A basic canonical vector giving maximum F is closest to the target vector. When F is equal to 0, the two vectors are orthogonal to each other. For example, a chair vector is orthogonal to any vector, skew or boat, in the pseudo-rotational plane. For quantitative definition of this canonical space, we defined three basic canonical vectors, namely, 1C4, 0S2, and 1,4B vectors as basis sets. These vectors are orthogonal to each other and can be used as reference ideal conformers in chemist’s discussions. This basis set selection, one chair, one skewboat and one boat, from the pseudo-rotation plane is in line with the qualitative figure of Hendrickson. Of course, 11 other combinations are available for this purpose. 292 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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The three orthogonal basis sets confirm a straightforward recognition because of being isomorphic to three dimensional Euclidean space. We have discussed that for example an idealized pyranose conformation corresponding exactly to one of the IUPAC standard conformations should have a symmetry element. However, real molecules we encounter are distorted from such exact symmetric conformations. We define redundancy vectors, which are residual vectors out of a projection with the canonical vectors (three basis sets, chair, skew-boat, and boat). This redundancy is not significant in carbohydrate pyranose rings. It is, however, not negligible for some six-membered rings involving transition metals where bond lengths and bond angles are far from equal or tetrahedral respectively. We have not precisely analyzed the details of these redundancy vectors. From our basic ideas about canonical vector space, we predict that during motions of pyranose rings, these molecules produce the redundancy in cases of symmetrical motions being energetically disfavored. This redundancy appears to originate from breaking the structural symmetry of the molecule. Most carbohydrate pyranose molecules are only slightly asymmetric and therefore they only produce small amounts of redundancy. We define 3 redundancy basis set vectors as in Table 2.

Table 2. Redundancy vectors. Vector




























Each redundancy vector is orthogonal to any of the canonical vectors and is orthogonal to the other two redundancy vectors. With redundancy basis set vectors, six-membered rings could not be built. We consequently present a conformer with using a set of endocyclic torsion angles. P a vector of endocyclic torsion angles on an arbitrary conformation. 1C4 the canonical vector of conformation 1C4 in Table 1. 0S2 the canonical vector of conformation OS2 in Table 1. 1,4B the canonical vector of conformation 1,4B in Table 1. Red1, Red2, Red3, the redundancy vectors in Table 2. f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6 scalar coefficients.

With equation (3), one conformer is mapped uniquely to the vector space which is built by three canonical basis set vectors and three redundancy basis set vectors. A convenient method of conformational characterization is to use only the first three terms, three canonical basis set vectors in the equation (3). 293 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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So, a pyranose conformation and a conformational change can be represented with XYZ-coordinates or polar coordinates. As mentioned above, we make a new definition method which has advantages both of quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods have advantages for illustrating pyranose conformational changes. Our new method inherits this strong point. Distortions from initial conformers can be visually and quantitatively understood with our method from the magnitude and type of distortion. For example we have used this canonical vector space for a constraint in molecular dynamic simulations of pyranose conformation change. Since we are interested in glycosylation reactions we need also to consider bond breaking and bond forming therefore with this quantitative formulation we can use such constraints in quantum molecular dynamics (8).

Permethylated Glycopyranosyl Oxacarbenium Ions - The Two Conformer Hypothesis We confine our discussion in Sections two to four, to glycosylation reactions between pyranose sugars in which one sugar acts as an electrophilic donor reacting with a nucleophilic alcohol. This encompasses most, but not all experimental methods for glycosylation. Early kinetic studies showed that, except for reactions of very strong nucleophiles where true SN2 kinetics could be observed, most glycosylation reactions have considerable SN1 character (9). This strongly implies that glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions are likely formed as intermediates or transitions states (TS). In all such cases the anomeric carbon must obtain appreciable sp2 character. In most donors before activation the anomeric carbon is sp3 hybridized and in the product glycosides it is also sp3 hybridized. Therefore as a glycosylation reaction proceeds the anomeric carbon proceeds from sp3 to sp2 and back to sp3. These changes have pronounced consequences for the conformation of the 6-membered pyranose ring. It should be noted that the classical 5-coordinate anti SN2 TS also requires the anomeric carbon to obtain a transient planar conformation. Although the details are clearly different, the concepts are similar. To describe these ring conformational changes we use the formalism developed in Section 1. In a real glycosylation reaction the donor must be activated by a promoter or catalyst in a solvent. The reaction must also be kept free of adventitious water and any other nucleophiles that could compete with the alcoholic acceptor. As well, the proton of the acceptor must be transferred and some base must ultimately take up these protons. These realities make the reaction much more complicated than our models. However, it is our goal to assess the importance of the pyranose ring conformation especially in the intermediates and TS of the reaction. The progress of glycosylation reactions is difficult to follow experimentally and usually the most one can measure is the disappearance of starting material and the appearance of products as a function of time. Importantly, it is difficult to detect transient intermediates if they are formed. In fact, in most cases all the data 294 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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that is reported is the overall yield and the α:β ratio of the products. Typically, predominant or exclusive formation of one isomer is attributed to SN2 attack on a reactive intermediate and approximately 50:50 α:β mixtures attributed to nonspecific attack on a free oxacarbenium ion i.e. SN1. Thus, it was a great surprise to us to discover that calculated intermediates between glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions and the achiral nucleophile methanol exhibited marked stereoselectivity. Furthermore, in all cases studied to date the calculated intermediate with the lowest energy corresponds to the generally preferred anomer of the product. This unanticipated result led us to completely revise our thinking about the origin of the stereochemistry of glycosylation reactions. How do we calculate these intermediates? First for these examples, we choose O-methyl substituted glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ionsi by suitable in silico modifications to optimized chair conformations of the parent per O-methyl glycopyranose. With these species there are no hydroxyls and hence no intramolecular hydrogen bonding. Conformations with intramolecular hydrogen bonding are found as the lowest energy ones by gas phase calculations of neutral monosaccharides and this factor may obscure other factors influencing reactivity (10–14). Methyl is also the smallest possible protecting group and begins to address the important issue of the effect of protecting groups on reactivity. In agreement with other calculations of permethylated sugars and experimental studies with model compounds, the preferred conformation of secondary O-methyl substituents is to have the methyl carbon syn to the sugar methane (15). These species with these O-methyl conformations are then subjected to minimization using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. Visual analysis of graphical images of this first optimized structure is then performed to check for side chain orientations. All appropriate side chain conformations are altered until a good structure is found which is then checked to be a minima by frequency calculations. These calculations include a continuum solvent (parameterized to CH2Cl2) correction and energies are corrected for Zero Point Energy (ZPE). Alternatively, different conformations may be generated by in silico modifications of one of the 38 standard IUPAC conformations of tetrahydropyran followed by the DFT optimization with side chain optimization process described above. These 38 conformations are shown in Table 1. The DFT calculations were carried out with the Amsterdam Density Functional (ADF) program system, ADF2000 (16–20). The atomic orbitals were described as an uncontracted double-ζ Slater function basis set with a single-ζ polarization function on all atoms which were taken from the ADF library. The 1s electrons on carbon and oxygen were assigned to the core and treated by the frozen core approximation. A set of s, p, d, f, and g Slater functions centered on all nuclei were used to fit the electron density, and to evaluate the Coulomb and exchange potentials accurately in each SCF cycle. The local part of the Vxc potential (LDA) was described using the VWN parameterization (21), in combination with the gradient corrected (CGA) Becke’s functional (22) for the exchange and Perdew’s function for correlation (BP86) (23). The CGA approach was applied self-consistently in geometry optimizations. Second derivatives were evaluated numerically by a two point formula. The 295 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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solvation parameters were dielectric constant ε =9.03, ball radius =2.4 angstroms, with atomic radii of C=1.7, O=1.4 and H=1.2 angstroms. As a first example consider 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-lyxopyranosyl cation, 1. Two conformers were found that differ by ring inversion, see Figure 2. One conformer, B0, is the 4H3 conformation, long considered a probable conformation for such glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions. In terms of the C, B and S terms (Section 1) it is 4C1 0.573, B2,5 0.059 and 1S3 0.389 i.e. approximately half a chair and half a twist boat therefore a half chair; 4H3 0.778. The second conformer, B1, has the 3H4 conformation which is 1C4 0.580, B2,5 0.100 and 3S1 0.486 and therefore 3H4 0.972. In this conformation the substituents at O-3 and O-4 are pseudo-axial whereas the substituent at O-2 is pseudo-equatorial. The terms with small coefficients show not only how the dominant conformation is distorted but precisely measure the degree of distortion.

Figure 2. Ball and Stick Representations of 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-lyxopyranosyl cation, 1, in its B0 and B1 Conformations, showing relative energies in kJ mol-1 Considering that axial substituents are normally considered to be destabilizing it is surprisingly that this B1 conformer is calculated to be 12.6 kJ mol-1 more stable than B0. This energy difference is sufficiently high that, if the barrier separating these conformers is low enough, and the lifetime of these ions is long enough, than B1 should be the dominant species present. Specific solvation, ion-pairing, nucleophile preassociation and the effects of different protecting groups are all expected to modify this intrinsic selectivity. Note, for most synthetic purposes even if all ether protecting groups are used the stereoelectronic effects of protecting groups are expected to have an effect. This result, i.e. two conformers, does give the experimentalist a place to start their analysis from, which is our present goal. Consideration of α or β-nucleophilic attack on B0 and B1 of 1 leads to four cases to consider. Using methanol as model nucleophile in order to avoid most issues of the stereoelectronic effects of protecting groups of the acceptor on stereoselectivity DFT calculations of the four possible cases were made (24–26). Values are: 1(B0)+αMeOH -19.3 kJ mol-1, 1(B0)+βMeOH -48.9 (-20.9) kJ mol-1, 1(B1)+αMeOH -35.6 (-17.6) kJ mol-1, 1(B1)+βMeOH -64.6 (-36.6) kJ mol-1 (in brackets corrected for H-bonding, see below). The results are best viewed by looking at the spherical representation of the conformations of 6-membered rings, see Figure 3. This shows the changes in conformation from the isolated cation to the ion:dipole complexes. Examination 296 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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of a number of such complexes has led to the recognition of two important variables (27). One factor is intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the nucleophilic hydroxyl proton and the electronegative atoms of the oxacarbenium ions especially in cases where the species have appreciable hydronium ion character. The relative energetics of this effect are over estimated because intermolecular hydrogen bonding is not considered but it still is considered to be an important factor.

Figure 3. Planar Representation of the Spherical Representation of Pyranose Ring Conformations Showing the Positions of the Parent B0 and B1 Conformers of 1 and the results of α- or β-Attack. Ball and Stick Representations of the Resulting Ion:Dipole Complexes of 1 and Methanol, showing relative energies in kJ mol-1. 297 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Secondly, the change in pyranosyl ring conformation from the isolated cation to the ion:dipole complex can be favorable or unfavorable. In all the isolated cations the C-5-O-5--C-1-C-2 (τ5) torsion angle is nearly planar, for 1 B0 it is -10.6° and for 1 B1 it is 5.2°. For the D-sugars considered so far, this torsion angle increases for β-attack and decreases for α-attack. For 1 α-attack ion:dipole complexes shift the pyranosyl ring conformation by lowering the C-5-O-5--C-1-C-2 torsion angle by 9° and 44.9° for B0 and B1 respectively. Whereas β-attack raises it by 31.7° and 45.2° for B0 and B1. Both β-complexes allow for hydrogen bonding with the B0 conformer exhibiting an acutely angled H-bond to the pseudo-axial O-2 and for the B1 conformer a nearly linear H-bond to the pseudo-axial O-3 was found. For α-attack on B1 a H-bond to pseudo-axial O-4 was found, whereas for α-attack on B0 no hydrogen bonds were found. Ball and stick representations of these structures are shown in Figure 3. The result of these effects is to put the B0 + αMeOH in a 4C1 conformer which is close to the starting 4H3 whereas B0 + βMeOH shifts to the less favourable 2SO conformer. This B0 + αMeOH conformation is favourable for α-attack but the absence of hydrogen bonding probably underestimates the stability of this complex. On the other hand the B1 + αMeOH is in the unfavourable 3S1 conformation whereas the B1 + βMeOH is in the favourable 1C4 chair as well as having a strong intramolecular hydrogen bond. Therefore it is not surprising that this is predicted to be the most stable complex and hence β-glycosides are predicted to be the preferred products. Indeed our experimental results with a 2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-Dlyxopyranosyl donor predominantly give β-glycosides. D-lyxopyranose has the same configurations at C-2, C-3 and C-4 as D-mannopyranose and from the results with 1 could be expected to preferentially yield β-glycosides in glycosilation reactions. Since even ether protected D-mannopyranosyl donors usually give predominantly α-glycosides this suggests an important stereodirecting role for the substituent at C-5 in hexopyranoses. DFT calculations on 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl- mannopyranosyl cation 2 provide some support for this hypothesis (28). Again two conformers that differ by ring inversion were found for the manno cation. With B0 characterized as 4C1 0.566, B2,5 0.043 and 1S3 0.397 therefore 4H3 0.793 and the inverted B1 conformations characterized as 1C4 0.522, O,3B 0.432 and 5S1 0.048 therefore 3E 0.864 (ΔE 1.9 kJ mol-1). The 3E conformation is near in configurational space to 3H4 as visualized on the planar representation of the spherical representation, Figure 4a. The calculated C-5--C-6 torsion angle defined as ωH (H-5C-5--C-6O-6) was found to be -178.7° (gg) for B0 and -50.8° (gt) for B1. This shift for B1 perhaps reflects the pseudo-axial orientation of O4.

298 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 4. Planar Representation of the Spherical Representation of Pyranose Ring Conformations Showing the Positions of the Parent B0 and B1 Conformers of 2 and 3 plus the Consequences of α- or β-Attack on Each. Top (a) Man 2 and Bottom (b) 3.

299 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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For 2 the β-face complexes are calculated to be more stable than those for α-face complexes. Values are: 2(B0)+αMeOH -21.3 kJ mol-1, 2(B0)+βMeOH -51.3 (-23.3) kJ mol-1, 2(B1)+αMeOH -30.9 kJ mol-1, 2(B1)+βMeOH -49.5 (-21.5) kJ mol-1 (in brackets corrected for H-bonding). Most of this extra stabilization comes from hydrogen bonding to O-6 even though this forces the ring into a BO,3 (B0) or an inverted 1C4 (B1) conformations, respectively. The second consequence of hydrogen bonding is a shorter Om--C-1 bond length. Values are: 2(B0)+αMeOH 1.860 Å, 2(B0)+βMeOH 1.498 Å, 2(B1)+αMeOH 1.672 Å, 2(B1)+βMeOH 1.510 Å. Previously, we had estimated the energetic contribution of hydrogen bonding to be 28 kJ mol-1 by calculating for a deoxy analogue in the same conformation as the parent oxygen containing hydrogen bond accepting compound (27). These "corrected" values show the expected trend of α more favorable than β for mannopyranosyl donors. Similar DFT calculations with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-glucopyranosyl cation 3 test the effect of the configuration at C-2. Again two conformers were found with 3(B0) characterized as 4C1 0.507, B2,5 0.015 and 1S3 0.509 therefore 4H3 1.013 and 3(B1) characterized as 1C4 0.188, BO,3 0.117 and 5S1 0.779 (ΔE 4.8 kJ mol-1). In this case 5S1 is relatively far, see Figure 4b, from 3H4. Examination of Figure 5h shows that this conformation allows O-2 to be pseudo-equatorial while O-3, O-4 and C-6 are pseudo-axial. This limited selection of results suggests that having O-2 in a pseudo-equatorial conformation stabilizes the oxacarbenium ion. This unanticipated result is a direction for future investigations. Hydrogen bonding is found for 3(B0)+βMeOH and 3(B1)+βMeOH to O-6 and for 3(B1)+αMeOH to O-4. The corresponding energies are: 3(B0)+αMeOH -43.4 kJ mol-1, 3(B0)+βMeOH -56.2 (-28.2) kJ mol-1, 3(B1)+αMeOH -55.3 (27.3) kJ mol-1 and 3(B1)+βMeOH -43.0 (-15.0) kJ mol-1. Thus, including Hbonding shows a preference for β-glycosides whereas without it a preference for α-glycosides. The torsion angle τ5 is 0.3° for B0 changing to -39.5° and 35.3° for α- and β-attack respectively whereas for B1 τ5 changes from -4.6° to -38.1° and 23.3° for α- and β-attack respectively. For 1 to 3 and for several other sugars (unpublished and below) this trend of finding two conformers for the glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions which differ by ring inversion appears to be general. We have named this the Two Conformer Hypothesis. This hypothesis leads to four cases to consider when examining the α:β selectivity. The resulting ion:dipole complexes with the model nucleophile methanol have as distinguishing characteristics intramolecular hydrogen bonding and ring conformational changes characterized by a decrease in C-5-O-5--C-1-C-2 (τ5) for α-attack and an increase for β-attack on D-sugars from nearly planar configurations in the isolated cations. These conformational changes may be favorable or unfavorable depending on the conformations involved. These changes depend on the configuration of the sugar and the protecting groups.

300 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 5. Ball and Stick Representations of the Ion:Dipole Complexes of 2 (a-d) and 3 (e-h) plus Methanol. 301 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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302 Figure 6. Variation of the Energy as a Function of the C-1--Om Bond length for Glc 3 Plus β-Methanol. The minimum is set to 0.0 kJ mol-1. Optimizations include a continuum dielectric correction parameterized to CH2Cl2.

In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Among other factors that could be studied, one variable that could be expected to be important is the variation of overall energy with the distance between the nucleophilic oxygen and the anomeric carbon, Om--C-1. We have investigated this degree of freedom by systematically varying this "bond length" while allowing all other degrees of freedom to optimize by starting at the minima found in Figure 5 and varying this distance either forward or backward between 1.38 and 3.0 Å in small increments. Figure 6 shows one such study for the case of 3 plus βMeOH where each data point is a full constrained DFT optimization. We identified several technical problems with this study such as the discontinuities at long C-1--Om bond lengths associated with changes in the ring conformation. However, in this case the complex does dissociate to the expected 4H3 conformation at long C-1--Om bond lengths. Several conclusions can be made from these studies. In all cases including the one in Figure 6 the minima are shallow as in this case the region from about 1.42-1.68 Å is within 5 kJ mol-1 of the minimum. As mentioned above, this complex shows considerable hydronium ion character. Indeed at short separations the hydrogen bonded hydroxyl proton transfers to its oxygen acceptor, in this case O-6. Since many glycosylation reactions are done in the absence of bases this type of intramolecular proton transfer is highly plausible in real reactions. Ultimately such species would transfer to the molecular sieves or other weakly basic components in the reaction mixtures. A third trend is apparent in all cases and is related to the Om-C-1-O-5 bond angle. At large separations this angle is near 90° whereas at shorter separations it approaches the tetrahedral angle. We attribute this to a change from a π-complex to a σ-complex reflecting the hybridization changes at C-1 from sp2 to sp3. The two factors, namely intramolecular hydrogen bonding and pyranose ring conformational changes, each suggest strategies for optimizing the stereoselectivity of glycosylation reactions. The possibility of hydrogen bonding could be stabilized or destabilized by the general principle of small electron donating (type 1) protecting groups favoring such interactions and large electron withdrawing (type 2) protecting groups disfavoring such interactions. For lyxo-configured pyranoses β-glycosylation should be favoured by type 1 protecting groups at O-3 and perhaps O-2. Similarly for both 2 and 3, type 1 groups should be at O-6 to favor β-glycosylation. Changing to type 2 groups should have the opposite effects. There is some experimental evidence for gluco configured donors that these observations are valid (29–31). Clearly more detailed studies are necessary. The possibility of fixing the ring conformation by for example fusing an additional ring to it could then lead to the stabilization of one of the two families of conformers.

303 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.





Half-Chair Envelope

C-1--Om Å

benzoyl > pivaloyl (66). Our studies found exactly the same mechanism for all 4 analogues including the location of the two TS’s and the order of bond forming and bond breaking. This was highly surprising considering that the constraint in no way influenced this outcome and therefore we regard these results as quite convincing. Detailed examination of the various steps and intermediates led to two interesting observations. The first is shown in Figure 16 that shows a portion of the calculated structures of ion dipole complexes D. In these structures one can see that the O-7--C-1 bond length correlates with the ease of acyl transfer. The O-7--C-1 is longest for formyl and shortest for benzoyl and pivaloyl. This is not an intuitive result and demonstrates the power of calculations to find novel correlations. Correlations only suggest causation and do not prove it. We come back to this correlation after examining the second point. 314 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Graphical examination of the second TS for the benzoyl case, see Figure 15e, suggested to us that 2,6-substitution of the benzoyl ring might further restrict rotation about the C-7--C (substituent bond Cipso for benzoyl). This idea prompted us to first calculate and then prepare 2,6-disubstituted analogues 14 and 15 of benzoate 10. In their calculated D structures the O-7-- C-1 is even shorter than for unsubstituted benzoyl suggesting an electronic component to this effect, see Figures 16e and f. More importantly under the same reaction conditions that resulted in >60% benzoyl transfer the 2,6-dimethylbenzoyl donor 14 exhibited no detectable transfer to give glycoside 16 in nearly quantitative yield and the 2,6-dimethoxybenzoyl donor 15 exhibited 8% transfer and >90% glycoside 17.

Figure 15. Ball and Stick Representations of Snapshots of the Calculated Mechanism of Acyl Transfer. The Acyl Group is Benzoyl. Starting Structure Showing Relay MeOH (a) Proton Transfer to Relay O and Formation of O-7--C-7 bond (b) 1st TS with Proton being Transferred to O-2 (c) Proton Transferred to O-2 (d) 2nd TS and breaking of O-2--C-7 bond (e) Final structure with bond C-1--O7 broken too, note cis conformation of ester (f). 315 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 16. Portions of the Calculated Structures for Intermediates D: Formyl (a) Acetyl (b) Benzoyl (c) Pivaloyl (d) 2,6-dimethylbenzoyl (e) and 2,6-dimethoxybenzoyl (f).

The 2,6-dimethoxybenzoates are easier to remove than 2,6-dimethylbenzoate to yield the diol 18 and so are the protecting group of choice, see Figure 17. Further improvements can likely be made by adding an electron withdrawing group in the 4-position. Thus we have gone from a calculated TS to a modified protecting group that eliminates this side reaction having first done the calculations before the experiment. 316 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 17. Structures and Reactions of Protecting Groups that Minimize Acyl Transfer Developed from a Calculated TS.

Conclusion It is our hope that organic chemists will use our quantitative method of describing pyranose ring conformations. The examples shown here show how this aids in defining the probable conformations of the common glycopyranosyl oxacarbenium ions. Our calculations support a model where such ions are found in at least two different conformations that depend on the protecting groups and the configuration. This ability to exist in two different conformations is a probable explanation for some of the experimental observations on glycosylation reactions. Furthermore, it is anticipated that experimentalists should be able to take advantage of this idea to design stereoselective glycosylation reactions.

Note This chapter previously appeared in Carbohydrate Drug Design (ACS Symposium Series 932), edited by Klyosov et al. and published in 2006.

Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the use of the VPP770 Fujitsu parallel computer situated in the RIKEN Computer Center. This work was partly supported by the iHPC multiscale modeling initiative of the NRC. 317 In Glycobiology and Drug Design; Klyosov, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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