P r e s e n t i n g an ACS S a t e l l i t e T e l e v i s i o n S e m i n a r
Practical Approaches to Laboratory Waste Management Cosponsored by the ACS Task Force on Laboratory Waste Management If you are a safety or environmental manager, a laboratory research supervisor, or a bench scientist working in a chemical research lab, you have probably asked some of these questions at some time during your work: / H o w do I select the proper method of waste disposal? / Can I p o u r this waste d o w n the drain and into the municipal sewer system? / H o w do waste regulations apply to m e and m y laboratory? / Are there techniques I can use to minimize the amount of waste I have to dispose of? / When can I use on-site treatment of wastes? / H o w do I design and implement a comprehensive waste management program? / Are there waste accumulation techniques I can use in m y laboratory? These questions and more are answered in this up-to-the-minute review of Practical Approaches to Laboratory Waste Management. The information presented in this seminar enables supervisors, managers, and bench scientists to determine h o w to reduce the quantity of wastes generated, to maintain regulatory compliance, and to save disposal costs. It's a must for anyone w h o manages or works in a research laboratory that generates hazardous chemical wastes—in industry or academia.
Program •
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Introduction Regulatory overview W h y is compliance important? Laboratory scientists' responsibilities Lab Waste Management Issues for Managers Getting lab workers committed to proper waste management Programs and systems Questions telephoned from receiving sites Lab Waste Management Issues for Bench Scientists Handling wastes Disposal in trash and sewer debate Waste minimization Questions telephoned from receiving sites
Expert Panelists James M. Harless, President, Techna Corporation (seminar coordinator) Russell W. Phifer, President, Environmental Assets, Inc. & Chairman, ACS Task Force on Laboratory Waste Management (seminar coordinator) John E. Cole, Jr., Safety, Health, and Environmental Affairs Manager, Du Pont Experimental Station
May 13,1992 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. EDT Alan Corson, Senior Environmental Consultant with a Washington, DC, environmental engineering firm Matthew Finucane, Director, Office of Environmental Health and Safety, University of Pennsylvania Sharon Harless, Environmental Scientist, U. S. EPA, Region 3 Who May Register Registration is by location, rather than by individual. You may have as m a n y individuals attend at one site as you wish, and you m a y invite outsiders to attend at your site. What You'll Need LI O n e person to act as local site coordinator • A steerable satellite dish U A conference room with a TV monitor and telephone to call in questions during the seminar What You'll Receive U All the technical details J O n e set of printed notes for duplication D A set of VHS tapes of the seminar after it's conducted
Registration Form (If fewer than three weeks remain before the conference, call ACS.) Site Coordinator Information Local Site Coordinator Title Organisation Name Street Mailing Address (needed for UPS) Other Mailing Address (if applicable) City State Telephone Number ( ) Fax Number ( )
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Call 800-227-5558 or 202-872-6311
-» $995 per receiving site. ** Prepayment by check, credit card, or institutional purchase order required. Purchase orders should specify "Registration for [name of site] in the ACS Satellite TV Seminar, Practical Approaches to Lab Waste Management, May 13,1992". ·» Complimentary tapes sent 8-10 weeks after the program. Additional sets of tapes are $995 each. Taping of the seminar off the air is strictly prohibited. ·* Expect fewer than 10 people? Pay only $100 per person. List the number attending on the registration form. You will not receive a set of VHS tapes of the program. Calculation of Fee Registration Fee: $ Additional Tapes: $ _ Total Fees: $ Q A check for • Purchase Order enclosed. PO#
Write ACS Satellite TV Seminars 1155 Sixteenth St, NW, Room 809 Washington, DC 20036
378 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 6, MARCH 15, 1992
56313/2531/E710 56321/2530/E710 is enclosed.
Fax 202-872-6336