Practical pharmaceutical chemistry: Quantitative analysis (Beckett

A. H . Beckett, Chelsea College of S ' and Technology, and J. B. Stenlake,. Royd College of Science and Tech- ... of drugs for use in schools or colle...
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BOOK REVIEWS Practical Pharmaceutical Quantitative Analysis


, clenee A . H . Beckett, Chelsea College of S ' and Technology, and J . B. Stenlake, Royd College of Science and Technology, Glasgow. University of London nt the Athone Press, 1062. 378 pp. Figs. and tables viii 16 X 25.5cm. $10.10


"Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry" is a textbook on quantitative analysis of drugs for use in schools or colleges of pharmacy as well as by control chemists in pharmaceutical industry. This text breaks thc subject matter into seventeen chapters which are as follows: I. Chwnical Purity and its Control; 11. Technique of Quantitative Analysis; 111. The theoretical Basis of Quantitative Analysis; IV. Acidimetry and Alkalimetry; V. Titration in Non-Aqueous Media; VI. Oxidation-Reduction Titrstions; VII. Argentimetric Titrations; VIII. Complexometric Analysis; IX. Miscellaneous Methods; X. Measurement of E.M.F. and pH.; XI. Conductirnetric Titrations; XII. Practical Gravimetric Analysis; XIII. Solvent Ext,raction Methods; XIV. Emission Spectra and Their Analytical Applications; XV. The Theory of Absorption Spectra; XVI. Analytical Applications of Absorption Spectra; XVII. Principles of Palarography. The areas list,ed above are very well covered in an easy-to-read and easyto-understand style. Complete procedures are given far a. great many drugs so that the method can then he applied to other chemicals in the same category. The text presumes a knowledge of analytical balances as well as some background concerning the general physicochemical principles upon which classical volumetric and gravimetrie analjwis are based. Although no mention is made of chromatographic methods, and infra-red and fluorescence spectroscopy are not covered, the common instrumentation methods are well covered. However, this is s. goad book for pharmacy students in drug assay and instrumentation analysis. The book is also of great value to chemists and pharmacists in private or governmental laboratories where drugs are analyzed. One drawback to the text is its lack of references. Pi. M. FERGUSON Uniurmity of Houston Houston, l'eras

Chemistry of Organic Fluorine Compounds

Milos Hzrdlicki. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1962. 536 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 X 24.5 cm. 80.50. This instructive and inclusive volume, which is the American printing of the recently revised translation of the original work, published in England (1!l61), ron-

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Journd o f Chemical Education