PRACTICAL TECHNICAL WRITING - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 29, 2012 - PRACTICAL TECHNICAL WRITING. Anal. Chem. , 1985, 57 (4), pp 594A–594A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00281a800. Publication Date: April 1985...
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Chemists are often Judged by the papers they write

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The successful chemist writes a good many technical papers in a lifetime... some in-house, some for publication, some for clients or potential clients. In any case, careers are often helped—or hindered—by the caliber of those papers. Fortunately, writing good, sound technical papers is a skill that can be mastered. The ACS Audio Course, PRACTICAL TECHNICAL WRITING, is designed to help scientists and engineers express themselves clearly, convincingly, and professionally. Combining the ease of listening with the challenge of doing, the course consists of eight audiotape cassettes, with a total playing time of 5.3 hours, and an integrated manual which includes examples and exercises covered in the lecture, as well as additional information and instructions. NO RISK: 10-DAY FREE TRIAL Order your course in Practical Technical Writing now. Look over the m a n u a l . . . listen to some of the cassettes .. . see WA how comprehensively the CA manual and cassettes WC complement each other. Read the examples of sound CAW technical writing. Notice WA the clear Do's and Don'ts AW spelled out in the easy-toCWA read sections. Then start AWA the course. Try some of the exercises. If you are not AW satisfied, return it to us within ten days and all billing will be cancelled, or your money will be returned.

THE INSTRUCTOR: Professor Jay R. Gould, for many years Director of the Technical Writers' Institute and Master's Program in Technical Writing at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, is the author of "Opportunities in Technical Writing" and a revision of "Technical Reporting." While Professor of English and Communica­ tion at RPI, Professor Gould conducted in-house writing seminars for many companies and government agencies. INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP USE Individuals intent on improving their communications skills will find this course a worthwhile investment in their futures. Groups, including companies, government agencies, universities, and professional clubs and associations will find that it lends itself to multi-person use, since individual manuals can be ordered for each participant. THE COST: The complete unit, including eight cassettes and a manual in a handsome, sturdy case . . . $265.00. Additional manuals: $17.50 each. Be prepared to write your next paper easily, quickly, confidently. Order your course under our no-risk, 10-day trial offer. Call TOLL FREE 1-800-424-6747 (Credit card orders only) or mail coupon. r

ι ACS Audio Courses 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Practical Technical Writing Courses @$265.00 Please send me . additional manuals at a total cost of Please send D Please send me information on other available Audio Courses. Π Payment enclosed Charge my D VISA D MasterCard Ώ ACCESS α Barclay Card Acct. No

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