Practical Testing of Gas and Gas Meters; The ... - ACS Publications

BOOK REVIEWS AND NOTICES: Practical Testing of Gas and Gas Meters; The Smokeless Combustion of Coal in Boiler Plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1909, 1 (7), ...
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NEW BOOKS. The Smokeless Combustion of Coal in Boiler Plants. By D. T. RANDALL A N D H. W.WEEKS. Bulletin 373, U. S. Geol. Survey. 8vo. pp. 188. Washington, Government Printing Office. 1909. This most recent and excellent contribution t o the smokeless combustion of coal will be welcomed by chemists and engineers everywhere. Bulletin 334, previously issued by the Survey, furnished a preliminary report on the same subject. Following the introduction, the present volume describes representative boiler plants burning coal without smoke, including plants with mechanical stokers and handfired furnaces, Following this are Some Observations a t Geological Survey Fuel Testing Plants, Comparison of Methods of Supplying Air for Combustion, Influence of Volatile Matter in Fuel on the Smoke Problem, Central Heating Stations, General Conclusions on Smoke Abatement, and Bibliography. The Bulletin should be in the hands of all fuel chemists and engineers. In their new catalogue of bacteriological apparatus, the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. have added another interesting publication to their list. Aside from being very complete, the catalogue is of interest since it describes a new electric incubator, made in various sizes, which presents a number of unique features. These incubators are run on the main current without any auxiliaries whatever, and, being selfcontained, they require no more space than does the ordinary laboratory incubator. The many advantages attending the use of electrically heated incubators are too apparent t o call for consideration here. Several forms of opsonic incubators, of hot air sterilizers, steam pressure sterilizers, and autoclave afford a wide range of choice, while the water baths and paraffin ovens listed answer all laboratory requirements. I n addition to these items such accessories as thermo-regulators, thermometers and burners are given careful attention. This catalogue may be had gratis by addressing the Company a t Rochester, N. Y .

NEW BOOKS. Industrial Chemistry. Zur Bildung der Ozeanischen Salzablagerungen. By J. H. VAN’T HOFF. I1 Heft, gr. So. Braunschweig, 1909. Price, Mk. 4.00. Mittelwerte von Temperatur und Salzgehalt Nach Hydrolog. Beobachtungen in Danischen Gewtissern 1880-1907. By J. P. JACOBSEN. 26 s. og. 11 t. i. Fol. Kopenhagen, 1908. Price, Kr. 3.50. Der Sauerstoffgehalt Des Meereswassers in Den Danischen Gewassern Innerh. Skagens. 5 t. 24 s. og. 5 t. i. Fol. Kopenhagen, 1908. Price, Kr. 2.00. Boiler Feed Water: A Practical Treatise on Its Quality, Effects and Purification. By F. A. ANDERSON. 8 O . - London, 1908. Price, 6s. Modern Power Gas Producer, Practice and -Applications; A Practical Treatise Dealing with the Gasification of Various Classes of Fuels by the Pressure and Suction System of Producer. By H. ALLEN. So, Sf326 pp. New York, 1908. Price, $2.50.


Die Gasmaschine. Ihre Entwickelg., Ihre Heut. Bauart U. Ihr Kreisprozess. By R. SCHOTTLER. 5 A. Lex. 8. VIII, 491 S. m. 622 Fig. Berlin, 1909. Lnbd. Mk. 20. Die Bedeutung der Kolloide fur Die Technik. By K. ARNDT. 8v0, 34 pp. Dresden, 1909. Price, Mk. I. Foundry Practice: A Treatise on Molding and Casting in Their Various Details, Prepared for the Use of Students in the College of Engineering. University of Minnesota. By J. M. TATEand hf. 0. STONE. 12. y, 231 pp. New York, 1909. Price, $2.00. Malmaterialienkunde Als Grundlage der Maltechnik. fiir Kunststudierende, Kunstler, Maler, Lackierer, Fabrikanten u. Handler, By A. EIBXER. Gr. So, xxiii+480 S. Berlin, 1909. Lnbd. Mk. 13.60. Der Kunststein. Handbuch f . Die Gesamte KunststeinIndustrie. Umfassend Die Gewinnung Der Rohmaterialien. Die Bereitg. u. Verarbeitg. der Mortel, Die Anfertigg. Der Formen u. Modelle, Sowie Die Herstellg. u. Behandlg. der Kunstl. Steine. Nebst E. Anh. Ub. Die Anlage u. Leitg, E. Kunststeinfabrik. By A. BOHNAGEN. Lex. 8, viiif150 S . m. 146 Abb. Leipzig, 1909. Price, Mk. 6; gebd., 7.50. ’ Ausfuhrliche Anleitg. f. Die Herstellung und Verwendung V. Kunstholz Resp. Steinholz Aus Verschiedenen Rohmaterialien u. Billigen Abfallstoffen. By K. MULLER. 3. A. Gr. 8. 199 S. m. Abb. Gommern, 1909. Price, Mk. 5.00. Uber Das Brennen V. Porzellan. ( Aus: “Tonindustrie- Ztg.”) By A. HEINECKE. So, 20 S. Berlin, 1908. Price, Mk. I. Der Praktische Glashuttentechniker. By J. BALDERXANN. Gr. So,422, Vi. S. u. 26 Taf. in 51 X 68 cm. Mappe 35,5 X 26.5 cm. Leipzig, 1909. Price, Mk. 250.00. Verdampfen, Kondensieren U. Kuhlen. Erklarungen, Formeln. u. Tabellen f. Den Prakt. Gebrauch. By E. H,AUSBKAND. 4 A. xx+426 S. RI. 36 Fig. u. 74 Tab. Berlin, 1909. 1,nbd. Mk. IO. Die Deutsche Spiritusindustrie. Eine Wirtschaftliche Monographie Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Des Einffusses Der Technik. By L. L~ASSERMANN. 8, x+218 S. Leipzig, 1909. Price, Mk. 5. Rezeptbuch fiir Destillateure. Reichhaltigste Sammlung Ueber 300 Moderner Rezepte. By H. GOETTLER. Neustadt, 1909. Price, gebd., Mk. 2 5 . Leitfaden ftir Die Biologische Untersuchung und Begutachtung von Bierwurze, Bierhefe, Bier und Brauwasser fiir Die Betriebskontrolle und Die Hefereinzucht. By H. WILL. Munchen, 1909. Lnbd. Mk. 13.20. Chemical Technology and Analysis of Oils, Fats and Waxes. By J. LEWKOWITSCH. 4th ed., entirely rewritten and enlarged. 3 vols., 1909, 8vo. Vol. I, 540 pp., 54 figs.; Vol. 11, 786 pp., 20 figs.; Yo1. 111, 379 pp., 28 figs. London and New York: Macmillan Co. Price, z i [os. Systematic Treatment of Metalliferous Waste. By L. PARRY. 8v0, I Z I pp., 8 ill., 1909. London: The .WLnLng Journal, Price, 5s. net. Das Ammoniak und Seine Verwendungen. By J. GROSSMA”. 8v0, 103 pp., 7 ill,, 1908. Halle a i s : W, Knapp. Price. Mk. 3.60.