Precipitation of Mixtures of Anionic Surfactants - ACS Symposium

Sep 8, 1992 - The tendency of an anionic surfactant to precipitate can be quantified in two different ways: (1) as a Krafft temperature or temperature...
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Chapter 27

Precipitation of Mixtures of Anionic Surfactants

Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: September 8, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0501.ch027

John F. Scamehorn Institute for Applied Surfactant Research, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019-0628

The tendency of an anionic surfactant to precipitate can be quantified in two different ways: (1) as a Krafft temperature or temperature below which surfactant precipitate appears, or (2) as a hardness or salinity tolerance - the minimum concentration of cation precipitating with the surfactant anion which is required to form any precipitate. Surfactants used in practical applications can contain many surfactant components, but these components are often similar enough so that they form nearly ideal mixed micelles. Yet precipitate initially formed from these mixtures contains only the one component most easily precipitated. As a result, the tendency of a multicomponent surfactant mixture to precipitate can be substantially less than that of a pure component typical of the mixture present at the same concentration.

Precipitation of surfactants from aqueous solution is one of their most important properties. In detergency, precipitation is undesirable and considerable effort has been expended to develop formulations with high hardness tolerance to permit washing in hard water (7). On the other hand, the tendency of surfactants to precipitate can be useful in such applications as recovery of surfactant from surfactant based separations (2), and surfactant-enhanced waterflooding of oil reservoirs (5). Most systematic studies of surfactant precipitation have involved single surfactant components or well-defined binary surfactant mixtures. Yet, essentially all real applications of surfactants involve the use of extremely complex mixtures of individual surfactant components. For example, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), often called the workhorse surfactant because of its dominance in practical applications, typically contains at least five alkyl chain lengths with a significant fraction of the surfactant (4), with the benzene sulfonate group attached to all the positions along each linear chain in significant amounts (5), generating at least 30 identifiable components. The purpose of this short paper is to discuss the extension of single component surfactant precipitation theories to multicomponent systems and demonstrate important qualitative effects of the heterogeneous nature of practical anionic surfactant systems. Effects of added nonionic surfactant (6-8) or cationic surfactant (9,10) with anionic surfactants is addressed in other papers from our group - although 0097-6156/92/0501-0392$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society

In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Precipitation of Mixtures of Anionic Surfactants


for highly purified co-surfactants. A recent review discusses published literature on precipitation in mixed surfactant systems in general (11).

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Theory Most practical detersive systems involve surfactant concentrations above the critical micelle concentration (CMC), so micelles are present. This equilibrium for anionic surfactants between monomer, micelle, and precipitate is shown for a ternary surfactant system in Figure 1. Whether or not precipitation of a surfactant occurs at equilibrium depends on the solution concentrations of the monomeric anionic surfactant and the unbound cationic counterion (e.g., Na or Ca ) causing the precipitation. The monomeric surfactant concentration for each component depends on the monomer-micelle equilibrium since mixed micelles form between these similarly structured surfactants. In fact, we will assume here that the mixed micelles obey ideal solution theory as is commonly observed in systems containing similar surfactants (12). On the other hand, the onset of precipitation as the counterion concentration is increased or the temperature is decreased corresponds to precipitation of the single surfactant component whose monomeric solubility product is exceeded. Precipitate containing multiple surfactant components in mixed surfactant systems when on a phase boundary (an infintesimal amount of precipitate present) is generally not observed (6,13,14). The fact that mixed micelles readily form, but mixed precipitate does not form is responsible for the remarkable precipitation properties we will discuss for these anionic surfactants. +


Anionic Surfactant A



•Anionic Surfactant C Monovalent Cation

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of monomer-micelle-precipitate equilibrium in a ternary anionic surfactant system. In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Micelle Formation. For ideal mixed micelles, the mixed CMC and monomer concentration for each component can be predictedfrom(15): y CMC =x CMC

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C =y CMC i




where y is the monomer molefractionof surfactant component i , Xj is the micellar mole fraction of surfactant component i , CMC is the CMC of the mixture, CMQ is the CMC of each component under the same conditions as the mixture, and C is the monomer concentration of surfactant component i. A surfactant-only basis is used for molefractionsy and x^ Since only the overall composition of a mixture is known, material balance equations must be used to account for the surfactant present as either micelles or as monomer (a negligible amount of surfactant is present as precipitate on a phase boundary): t




z C =x C i







where Zj is the surfactant-only based mole fraction of the components in the feed (original solution), C j is the total surfactant concentration in the feed, and C is the total surfactant concentration present as micelles. The CMC values of anionic surfactants are only mildly temperature dependent (16,17). Around room temperature, the CMC may increase or decrease slightly with increasing temperature (i.e., the heat of micellization is very small for these surfactants (16).) Therefore, we will assume in the modeling done in this paper that the values of CMCj are independent of temperature. mic

Precipitation. Precipitation of surfactants at equilibrium is generally described quantitatively in two different ways: Krafft temperatures; or precipitation phase boundaries. A Krafft temperature is the maximum temperature at which precipitation occurs, while a phase boundary is generally isothermal and represents the minimum concentration of a counterion required to cause precipitation to occur. For example, a phase boundary can represent the hardness tolerance or minimum concentration of calcium required to precipitate an anionic surfactant (7,8,11). In either case, the Krafft temperature or phase boundary is considered attained when the first infintesimal amount of surfactant precipitate crystal appears; hence, all the surfactant is present as either micelles or monomer in the material balance. For convenience in this paper, we will assume that sodium is the monovalent counterion and calcium is the divalent counterion in these derivations, although the theory is not restricted to this. We will also use concentration-based solubility

In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Precipitation of Mixtures of Anionic Surfactants

products (K ), rather than activity based K values because the former are more commonly reported in the literature. Inclusion of activity coefficients to convert a concentration-based value to an activity-based value would be straightforward. Consider a counterion concentration on the phase boundary or at the Krafft temperature. For monovalent counterions: sp

s p

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[Naï] = [Na;]+j3 C Na

where K

s p i



is the solubility product of surfactant component i , [Na * ] is the free (not

bound to micelles) sodium concentration in solution, [Na£] is the total sodium concentration in solution (from surfactant and other added electrolytes), and is the fractional counterion binding of Na on micelles (number of bound sodium ions divided by the number of charged surfactant molecules per micelle). If a divalent counterion were causing precipitation: +


Κ =[0 2 ][ς] 8Κ


[Car] = [CaJ + ]+23 ,C c

where K






s p i

is the solubility product of surfactant component i , [Ca„ ] is the free

calcium concentration in solution, [Ca|*"] is the total calcium concentration in 2+

solution, and is thefractionalcounterion binding of [Ca ] on micelles (number of bound calcium ions divided by the number of charged surfactant molecules per micelle). The heat of precipitation and the temperature dependence of the solubility product can be related by: R31n(K ) = ΔΗ 3(1/T) SPi



where R is the ideal gas constant, Τ is the absolute temperature, and AHp is the standard state heat or enthalpy of precipitation for component i (since a heat or enthalpy change is independent of standard state, we will dispense with the standard state designation on the heat term). Equation 10 is obtained from reference (10), but the negative signs in equations 11,13, and 16 in that paper should not be there and are a typographical error. The numerical values and theoretical predictions in that paper are believed to be correct - there is just a sign error in the printed equations. If the heat of precipitation is independent of temperature, integration of equation 10 yields: rd

In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



ΔΗ,prei L



Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: September 8, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0501.ch027

where T2 is the higher temperature and Τ1 is the lower temperature. Application of equations 1-11 permit calculation of Krafft temperatures or precipitation phase boundaries for mixtures of anionic surfactants being precipitated by either monovalent or divalent counterions. Several examples in the next section will illustrate application of the theory. Results and Discussion The effect of heterogeneity of the surfactant system will be illustrated in this paper by two examples: a Krafft temperature depression with a monovalent counterion, and a hardness tolerance enhancement in a binary system compared to the individual surfactant components involved. Krafft Temperature. Consider a binary mixture of two isomerically pure alkylbenzene sulfonates: a dodecylbenzene sulfonate with the benzene ring attached to the fourth carbon from the end of the alkyl chain (4--C ABS), and a decylbenzene sulfonate with the benzene ring attached to the third carbon from the end of the alkyl chain (3--C ABS). Sodium is the counterion from each surfactant and the mixture is present at a total surfactant concentration (C ) of 0.01 M . There is 0.171 M added NaCl, so we will make the swamping electrolyte approximation and assume that 12



[Na£] is equal to 0.171 M . This implies that all of the sodium added to solution from dissolution of the surfactant is bound to micelles, which is not true, but this approximation is estimated to introduce an maximum error of 2.6 % in the value of [Na£] and greatly simplifies the calculations. Under these conditions, the CMC is 9 χ ΙΟ" M and the Krafft temperature is 16°C for 4--C ABS, and the CMC; is 7.7 χ 10" M and the Krafft temperature is 23°C for 3--C ABS (18). In this system, the sodium salt of the alkylbenzene sulfonate is the precipitate (i.e., on the phase boundary, equation 6 must be satisfied. At the Krafft temperature, the monomer, micelles, and precipitate are all in simultaneous equilibrium (79), so for each pure component as a single surfactant system, the monomer concentration ([CJ) is equal to die CMQ. Substituting these 5







values for [CJ and [Na *] into equation 6 yields K = 1.54 χ 10" M for 4-φC ABS and K = 1.32 x 10' M for 3--C ABS, these K values applying at the Krafft temperature of each component. The only value not available to solve equations 1-6 and 11 simultaneously to predict the Krafft temperature of the mixed surfactant system at a specified feed composition is the heat of precipitation for each surfactant (AHp ). Therefore, we have assumed that AHp is the same for each component and used this as an adjustable parameter in the model to result in a oneS P i







s p i


In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Precipitation of Mixtures of Anionic Surfactants


parameter model to fit the Krafft temperature data shown in Figure 2 (18). The resulting best-fit value is AHp = -5.71 kcal/mole. As seen in Figure 2, die theoretical values describe the data very well. A Krafft temperature satisfying equations 1-6 and 11 is obtained for each component; the component with the higher computed Krafft temperature will precipitate first and dictates the Krafft temperature of the mixture. This is the reason for the eutectic type behavior seen in Figure 2. The branch of the curve in the 4--C ABS-rich portion of the diagram (right-hand side) corresponds to precipitation of that component and that in the 3--Ci ABS-rich portion of the diagram corresponds to precipitation of this lower molecular weight surfactant component. rei


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30.00| ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι I I » I I » ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι








MOLE FRACTION OF DEDECYLBENZENE SULFONATE IN SOLUTION Figure 2. Krafft temperature for a binary mixture of 4--CABS and 3--CABS at a total surfactant concentration of 0.01 M with 0.171 added NaCl. Data from reference 18. 12




For 4-0-C ABS at 25°C, Noik et. al. (20) report K = 2.1 χ ΙΟ" M . Using this value and the aforementioned K = 1.54 χ 10" M at 16°C in equation 11 yields a value of AHp = -5.90 kcal/mole, supporting the reasonableness of the value obtained by fitting the experimental data for the binary mixture. It might also be noted that for precipitation of Ca(2-(|>-C ABS) at 25°C, AHp = -12.0 kcal/mole 12









In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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(27). One might expect that the heat of precipitation of this dialkylbenzene sulfonate might be approximately double that for the monoalkylbenzene sulfonate obtained in this calculation, as observed, providing more support for the validity of the heat of precipitation value calculated here. It is remarkable that for only a binary mixture, such large Krafft point depressions are predicted and observed. From Figure 2, for an equimolar mixture of the two surfactants, the Krafft temperature is 3°C, compared to 16°C and 23°C for the single surfactant components. As the number of similar surfactant components in the mixed systems increase, the Krafft point depression will become even greater. The eutectic-type of behavior seen in Figure 2 has been observed in previous experimental and theoretical work on binary mixtures of anionic surfactants (13,14,22). 0.801'ι ι ι ι I I I I I I » I I I ; ! t ! Τ » I I I I I i » I ) I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 MOLE FRACTION OF DODECYLBENZENE SULFONATE IN SOLUTION Figure 3. Monomer concentrations for ^c^C^ABS (C ) and 3-((>-C ABS (C ) at a total surfactant concentration of 0.01 M with 0.171 added NaCl - system corresponds to that in Figure 2. 12



For this system, the monomer surfactant concentrations for both components are shown in Figure 3 as a function of the solution composition. The monomeric concentration of each component is less than that of that component in a single surfactant system due to formation of mixed micelles. The participation of both In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Precipitation of Mixtures of Anionic Surfactants



components in micelle formation and the participation of only one component in precipitate formation is responsible for this synergistic behavior, even though ideal micelles are formed. Hardness Tolerance. Consider a binary mixture of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 4-0-C ABS at 25°C at a total surfactant concentration of 0.02 M with no added monovalent salt. The hardness tolerance is the minimum concentration of added calcium required to cause precipitation from this system (i.e., when equation 8 is satisfied for one of the components). Under these conditions, the CMQ is 1.62xl0" M (18) and the K is 9x10" M (20) for 4--C ABS. Also, for SDS, the C M C is 6.65 χ ΙΟ" M (7) and the K is 3.25 χ 10" M . The K of SDS at 25°C was obtained from the K at 30°C of 5.02 χ 10" (7) and a calorimetrically measured AHp of -15.6 kcal/mole (23) using equation 11. In the absence of added monovalent salt, it has been shown that the low level of calcium required to cause precipitation of SDS results in an unbound calcium concentration which does not affect the CMCj of SDS significantly (7). Since 4-φC ABS has an even lower CMC and K than SDS, this same conclusion will apply for it also. Therefore, the aforementioned values of CMQ will be used in this calculation. It has also been shown that is 0.2 for SDS under the conditions used here (7); this value will be used here. Using these parameters, simultaneous solution of equations 1-5, 8, and 9 permits prediction of the hardness tolerance of each of the two surfactant components. The hardness tolerance (total calcium concentration) of the mixture is dictated by the component with the lowest hardness tolerance since this component precipitates first. The results of this calculation are shown in Figure 4. Under these conditions, the hardness tolerance varied monotonically between that of the individual surfactants. From these calculations, above a mole fraction of 4-0-C ABS of 0.292, the precipitate contained that component; below this mole fraction, the precipitate contained SDS. The reason that almost no synergistic behavior is observed for hardness tolerance for these mixtures is that the vast majority of the calcium in solution is bound to micelles under these conditions. The total surfactant concentration is 3 times the CMCj of SDS and 12.3 times that of the 4-φCj ABS. The expected synergism was observed for the unbound calcium concentration corresponding to precipitation, as is also shown in Figure 4. At the maximum unbound calcium concentration calculated to be on a phase boundary (occurs where the mole fraction of 4^-C ABS is 0.292), the unbound calcium concentration is more than double that for the SDS-only case and more than 7 times that of the 4-0-C ABS-only case. However, since the unbound calcium only contributes less than 1 % of the total calcium in solution, this does not have significant influence on total calcium concentration in solution required to cause precipitation. Of course, if the total surfactant concentration were lower (lower concentration of micelles) or there was substantial added monovalent salt (to compete for binding sites on the micelles), the counterion binding of calcium to micelles would be less and synergisms of hetergeneity would be more substantial. It is interesting to note that if there were no added electrolyte in the case of the system for which Krafft temperatures were measured and calculated (see Figure 2),

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S P i













s p i





In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



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instead of swamping electrolyte, at surfactant concentrations well above the CMC, a substantial fraction of the sodium in the system would have been bound on micelles and this would cause the synergisms in Krafft temperature depression due to heterogeneity to be reduced. Therefore, other conditions, such as ionic strength of the solution, affect the importance of the distribution of surfactant components on the tendency of ionic surfactants to precipitate. For the arbitrary conditions selected here, the Krafft temperature was greatly influenced by heterogeneity, but the hardness tolerance was not. Future work will examine these factors systematically in more detail. » ι TU r ιιιι ιιιι


ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι r ι i ι ι ι ι τι



0.00 ' « • « « » « » • I « ' ' « 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 MOLE FRACTION OF DODECYLBENZENE SULFONATE IN SOLUTION

Figure 4. Hardness tolerance (total calcium concentration required to cause precipitation) and unbound calcium concentration when precipitation occurs for a binary mixture of 4--C ABS and SDS at a total surfactant concentration of 0.02 M at 25°C. 12

Acknowledgments Financial support for this work was provided by the Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences Grant No. DE-FG05-84ER13678, National Science Foundation Grant No. CBT-8814147, U.S. Bureau of Mines Grant No. Gl1741404021, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Grant No. R-817450-01-0, Oklahoma

In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Precipitation of Mixtures of Anionic Surfactants


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Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology, the Oklahoma Mining and Minerals Resources Research Institute, the University of Oklahoma Energy Center, Aqualon Corp., Arco Oil and Gas Co., E.L DuPont de Nemours & Co., Kerr-McGee Corp., Mobil Corp., Sandoz Chemical Co., Shell Development Co., Unilever Corp., and Union Carbide Corp. I would like to thank Sherril Christian, Ed Tucker, and Jeff Harwell for useful discussions, Cheryl Haskins for drawing Figure 1, and Mike Cox and Lee Matheson for supplying data on LAS component distribution.

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RECEIVED March 23, 1992

In Mixed Surfactant Systems; Holland, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.