higher accuracy in making measure ments because: * Inclined observation telescope per mits readings from sitting position. * Through observation teles...
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PRECISION BALANCE A very useful time saver for plant and laboratory, this new addition to the METTLER line of famous balances has been an instant success. The "vital statistics" of the K-5 precision balance are: Capacity: 2000 grams Range of optical scale: 1000 grams Sensibility reciprocal: 1 g per division Readability: 0.2 g by easy estimation Not more than 3 seconds required for one weighing. Get acquainted today w i t h this new fool for easy a n d accurate work. Write us lor further information.

METTLER INSTRUMENT CORP. HIGHTSTOWN N.J. For farther information, circle number 31 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 51 λ



NEWLY-DESIGNED POLARIMETER READING TO 0.01° assures ease in manipulation and higher accuracy in making measure­ ments because: * Inclined observation telescope per­ mits readings from sitting position. * Through observation telescope the scales as well as the half-shade field of view can be observed. * Instrument housing with polarimeter tubes located to the left of operator. Moveable carrier holding two polar­ imeter tubes facilitates procedure of examinations. * Coaxially-mounted coarse andfinead­ MADE IN WEST GERMANY justment knobs and switch controlled by right hand resting on table-top. * Interchangeable built-in sodium or mercury spectral bulbs furnish strictly monochromatic light con­ trolled by precision interference filter. * Newly-designed, precision polarimeter tubes ensure the absence of strain, furthering assurance of true measuring results. Free detailed literature sent upon request

CARL Z E I S S , I N C . ,

485 Fifth Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ.

Guaranteed uninterrupted repair service Far further information, circle number 31 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 31 A

V O L U M E 27, N O . 5, MAY 1 9 5 3

31 A