DuPont Trademark t Literature discussing these advanced techniques will be forwarded upon request. PREIISIOR SAIRPURG tORPORRTIOR. Post Office Box 151...
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The gas syringe with the stop and go valve. Pressure-Lok"A-2. The rapid-action, push-button valve member of the Pressure Lok'line of chromatography syringes. Green button in, valve's open. Red button in, it's closed. Fast.

This precision instrument is a modified version of the Series A gas syringe which uses a valve activated by turning. With both, samples can be trapped and transported leak-tight, vacuum to 250 psi. Pressure-Lok®A-2 is particularly suitable for pre-injection pressurizing techniques. Injection under pressure sharpens peaks and improves reproducibility. Error from carrier gas back-flushing and sample diffusion is eliminated, t A-2 embodies all of the advances made by the Pressure Lok®models. Long-life, durable seals are achieved by T e f l o n * plungers and internal O-rings, defeating cold f l o w and eliminating dead volume. Positive rear stops prevent blow-back. Gas sampling needles for the A-2 are luer tapered, easily removable, and easily replaced. They are leak-tight, Teflon*-bonded and crafted with low dead volume fittings. Pressure Lok"A-2 syringes are produced in capacities from 25 ul to 10 m l , for a broad spectrum of specific applications in gas chromatography.

Pressure-Lok®A-2. Another remarkable member of a long line of workhorse syringes for precise gas chromatography. "Reg. DuPont Trademark

t Literature discussing these advanced techniques will be forwarded upon request.

PRECision snmPLinc


Post Office Box 15119· Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815 Telephone 504-927-1128 CIRCLE 179 ON READER SERVICE CARD 472 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 47, NO. 4, APRIL 1975