2 in. sideport needle, in a foam-padded protective case. For price and delivery information, please write: PREEISIOn SHRlPlinC E0RP0RRTI0R. Post Offic...
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Detection of environmental con­ taminants, often at great distances from source points, and often in the low ppb ranges, requires extra­ ordinary sample volumes and a var­ iety of techniques. Magnum samp­ ling with Pressure-Lok® Magnum gas syringes gives you both. These large syringes, accurate to one per cent, are beautifully manu­ factured from chemically-inert glass and Teflon*, in sizes from 20 to 1000 ml, and are easily operated. They have been proven in pollutant detection at many points of the earth and with a broad range of gases such as sulphur compounds, hydrocar­ bons and oxides of nitrogen. Magnum gas syringes can be used in the field to capture and transport large stock samples from which multiple smaller samples can later be withdrawn, maintaining the integrity of time and place. The unusual capacities of the Magnum line allow one-step introduction of extra-large volumes, for example, into a cryogenic enrichment appara­ tus. Because of leak-tight construction, up to 125 psi, samples

can be compressed with the plunger for injection against high chromatograph back pressures, and other samples collected at sub-ambient pressures can be stabilized by the same technique. Laboratory pro­ cedures with Pressure-Lok® Mag­ num gas syringes are limited only by the imagination. The syringes have no dead vol­ ume, no cold flow, and positive rear stops. They terminate in a femalethreaded fitting accepting a variety of no-dead volume adapters which can be used to facilitate serial dilutions. Pressure-Lok1*' Magnum gas syringes come with standard male luer taper adapter and 20 ga. χ 2 in. sideport needle, in a foam-padded protective case. For price and delivery information, please write:

Magnum Sampling

PRECISION SAMPLING CORPORATION Host O f f i c e Box 15119 B a t o n Rouge, Louisiana 7 0 8 1 5 Telephone 5 0 4 - 9 2 7 - 1 1 2 8 * Reg. D u P o n t trademark CIRCLE I 78 ON READER SERVICE CARD

when you need a lot t o detect a little