Pressure-Lok Microsyringes for Chromatography. We felt there was a need for a better GC syringe, something that would contribute to the quality of...
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Because we thought most GC syringes were old-fashioned:

Pressure-Lok® Microsyringes for Chromatography W e felt there was a need f o r a better GC syringe, something that w o u l d contribute t o the quality of c h r o m a t o g r a p h y and take the state of the art that m u c h f u r t h e r into the f u t u r e . The result was our line of Pressure Lok® Microsyringes—sturdy, smooth-working instruments designed t o improve sample injection precision by eliminating the old problems of plunger blow-by and plunger freeze-up. Pressure Lok® Microsyringes are built f r o m barrels of fine, chemically-resistant, borosilicate glass. Each piece of r a w glass is calibrated and bef o r e delivery, each lot of finished syringes is rechecked w i t h a microbalance. Plungers are precisely-fitted stainless steel shafts tipped w i t h durable Teflon*.

Wear becomes infinitesimal and plunger freezing is practically u n k n o w n . S m o o t h septum penetration is accomplished by hollow-ground, polished needles, either fixed or removable, designed t o minimize plugging. Syringe capacities f r o m one t o 1 0 0 ul. W e must have had the right idea. Because more and more laboratories are adopting the Pressure Lok® Microsyringe line as the new standard for GC sample injection. W e ' d like t o tell you about it. Please w r i t e f o r details.

PRECISION SAMPLING CORPORATIO Post Office Box 151 19 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7 0 8 1 5 Telephone 504-927-1 1 2 8 "Reg. DuPont trademark