V O L U M E 2 1, NO. 7, JULY
21 A
This statement is too kindly put, sir. Actually, the Precision-Frcas Ovens do cost more. That is because they are manufactured to be scientifically accurate, not once in a while but, all of the time. Quality of this nature requires excellent materials and great technical skill to produce. To achieve this quality, price does not, can not, enter into
the finished construction. O u r emp l o y e e s k n o w t h a t t h e y w o r k for scientists who demand perfection in these instruments. But, we'll gladly demonstrate the Precision-Freas against any competition produced for t h e " p r i c e mark e t " — prove to you why t h e Freas Ovens are the best that your money can buy.
Precision Scientific FREAS A N D THELCO PURCHASE
3737 West C o r t l a n d S t r e e t
· Chicago 47,