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No lost time replacing burettes, solutions, opening and emptying reaction vessel. And you can change back ... Local Offices in New York · Chicago · ...
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The Auto-Aquatrator last word in automatic water determinations

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ftwnmi ofMtdmmd


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The Auto-Aquatrator, in a b r o a d range of a p p l i c a t i o n s , handles any o r g a n i c or inorganic to give y o u q u i c k , accurate and c o n sistent results — r e p r o d u c i b l e to ± 0 . 0 2 5 ml of titrant. Its b u r e t t e s e l e c t o r s w i t c h g i v e s y o u speed and a c c u r a c y w h e n running diversified s a m p l e s of high or low water content. A flip of the burette s w i t c h selects either the right or left burette for d i r e c t KF titrat i o n s — automatically p e r f o r m e d . No lost time r e p l a c i n g burettes, solutions, o p e n i n g and e m p t y i n g reaction vessel. A n d you can c h a n g e b a c k to t h e c o n v e n t i o n a l w a t e r methanol-KF set-up whenever you w i s h . More Auto-Aquatrator features: The s y s t e m is s e a l e d a g a i n s t a t m o s p h e r i c moisture, with a built-in v a c u u m p u m p to remove any humid air from the reaction vessel. Each burette has its o w n e l e c t r o magnetic valves, e m p l o y i n g an ethylenepropylene tetramer valve face which guarantees no leaks. Stop c o c k s are e l i m inated. " E n d point h o l d " is a u t o m a t i c and there is an adjustable automatic transfer from " c o n t i n u o u s " to " p u l s e " feed as end point is a p p r o a c h e d . Ask y o u r Precision Scientific Dealer or write for A u t o - A q u a trator Bulletin 642.

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3737 W. Cortland Street, Chicago, Illinois 60647 Local Offices in New York · Chicago · Los Angeles

concentrated fruit ;

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VOL 40, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1968


169 A