PRECISION SCIENTIFIC CO. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - PRECISION SCIENTIFIC CO. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (8), pp 48A–48A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60164a747. Publication Date: July 1960. ACS Legacy ...
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A complete line of new vacuum pumps that are quieter running, more efficient and designed to save space.

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tially successful. H e has provided the novice with details of a number of methods which have been widely used by air pollution chemists. This pro­ cedure saves the novice the bother of going to the current literature, b u t it denies him to some extent the knowl­ edge of current critical assessments of methods and information regarding re­ cent developments which tend to be important in a field such as this which is changing rapidly. T h e author gives some assessment of interferences, limits of accuracy, and other typical consid­ erations b u t this is at a minimum, no doubt, with the intention of simplifying the position for t h e novice and holding the work to one-volume size. I n , for instance, t h e case of fluorine, such a procedure has a disarming simplicity for it is well-known that much contro­ versy surrounds techniques for this ele­ ment. The experienced analyst is less likely to be satisfied with this t y p e of book. The book is published in 1960 but there is only limited reference to new work in 1958 a n d 1959. T h e experienced will, therefore, in many instances be forced to review the literature for three yearsback. This is doubtless a problem in programming the production of any book but if handbooks are to be of real value, t h e publishing industry will have to overcome this problem. I n this con­ nection one of the notable bibliographic omissions is the author's failure to refer to the biennial reviews of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

NOW — a complete new series of two stage, mechanical vacuum pumps designed and built with these features GUARANTEED —Ultimate vacuum of O.l micron or b e t t e r . . . all pumps are individually tested MORE EFFICIENT —Pumps up t o 33% more gcs a t pressures below 1 micron t h a n a n y o t h e r pumps of similar r a t i n g QUIET OPERATION —The only pumps using a cushioned exhaust valve . . . no disturbing clatter LIGHTER A N D S M A L L E R - W e i g h V i less t h a n pumps of similar capacity . . . require less space MODERN DESIGN — Easier t o clean a n d maintain . . . in k e e p ­ ing w i t h t o d a y ' s modern laboratories THREE SIZES —Free a i r capacities of 2 5 , 75 a n d 1 5 0 liters p e r minute . . . sizes f o r most high vacuum needs W I D E CHOICE —31 d i f f e r e n t types in all . . . v a r i e t y of motor types including explosion proof . . . available w i t h gas ballast, t o o . Write today for Bulletin 6 10, Twelve pages of information including complete performance data

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on applications to the air

pollution field which have appeared m the April ( P a r t I I ) issues for 1957 a n d 1959. Some persons m a y find the biblio­ graphic arrangements disappointing, as references are grouped a t the end of chapters, and furthermore they are not alphabetically arranged. There are a great many references to papers pre­ sented a t meetings. It is difficult for readers to secure copies of papers pre­ sented at meetings, especially when ex­ tensive time has elapsed. F u r t h e r m o r e , one wonders whether papers presented at meetings are of lasting value if they remain unpublished for several years. The author has covered most of t h e important areas of his subject. T h e t r e a t m e n t of hydrocarbon analysis is fragmentary and this is peculiar con­ sidering t h e role which has been as­ signed to these substances in eye-irritat­ ing smog production and carcinogenic effects. Arsenic is a notable omission in view of its incrimination in a number of air pollution cases. For all its faults, the presenre of this book in his collection will be reassuring to the hard-pressed air pollution official.