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powered and smooth quick operation. Ask for Bulletin. THERMO JACK: Thermostatically ... SAVE MONEY. SAVE. TROUBLE with. PRECISION. SCIENTIFIC'S...
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BIG JACK: Convenient, stable, precise, effortless. A truly versatile time saver for many jobs in every lab. Capacity to 100 lbs. Ask for Bulletin.


SWIR-LITE JACK: Perfect combination of illuminated base and variable mixing for titrations and color reaction studies. Ask for Bulletin.

JACKS LITTLE JACK: Ideal for micro, semimicro work. Lifts up to 10 lbs. Maximum height 5 inches. Ask for Bulletin.

POWER JACK: The most versatile of all jacks—ideally suited and specifically designed for remote control operation. Operate behind safety shields or in radio active areas. Fully powered and smooth quick operation. Ask for Bulletin.


ACCESSORIES • This complete line of laboratory aids will pay for themselves many times over in time saved and in accidents and frustrations eliminated. Estimate the time spent in repeatedly gathering and assembling setups involving various sizes and shapes of glassware and equipment; the time spent in improvising wedges, blocks and supports out of "anything handy." Add to that the further time saving achieved by prevention of delays caused by broken glassware so common to this process. Top your estimates off with a guess as to how many frustrations you can save per year. That's what this line which can convert the jack to a thermostatically controlled heater, hot plate, stirrer, etc. will do. Each is designed to fit SNUGLY right on top of the jack . . . and to serve independently of the jack if desired. ASK FOR NEW BULLETIN Find out all about this new versatility . . . this new selectivity... this new means for gaining multiple variations and combinations at a low investment cost—a cost that's quickly repaid. Send for Bulletin #637, and the name of your nearest stocking distributor.

STIR JACK: Complete mixing and variable agitation through well known magnetic action. Variable speed. Ideal for closed systems or narrow neck flasks. Ask for Bulletin.

HOT JACK: A 1000W c o n t i n u o u s heater—Precision's unique Low-Cap design—rapid heat up and cooling— long life elements for those extractions, distillations or digestions. Ask for Bulletin.


THERMO JACK: T h e r m o s t a t i c a l l y controlled hotplate. Stepless control and selection of temperatures from 150°F. to 700°F. for those oxidation, reduction, boiling applications. Ask for Bulletin.

3725 W. Cortland St.. Chicago, Ill. 60647 Branches: CHICAGO · NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA · LOS ANGELES

Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy March 2-6, 1964 · Booths #10 and 11 Circle No. 152 on Readers' Service Card

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THERMO-MIX JACK: Both heating and mixing. For those tests and reactions where both functions must be reproducible and under complete control. Ask for Bulletin.