LONGER METER LIFE— a modern, stronger cast aluminum housing—epoxy plated—resists effects of corrosive gases. —adds years of service. •. ON-T...
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Product Capsules Syringes. Details syringes a n d burets. Tables. tables.


micrometer 92

New vibration-free

balance 23

T a p e s . Catalog on heating tapes a n d jackets. 133 Thermistors. alog offered.

Thermistor-varistor cat86

GAS FLOW Measurement

T i m e r s . Guide to timers a n d chronog r a p h s offered. 71

made more c o n v e n i e n t dependable—precisely accurate.

Titrators. Catalog features automatic recording unit. 20

highly dependable




Titrators. Bulletin details new dual recording unit. 74 T i t r a t o r s . Bulletin on new potentiometric unit in 2 models. 116 Titrators. Bulletin on new unit for Karl Fischer moistures. 89 Torches. Details on flameless electric blow torch. 55 T u b e s . N e w 2 " 14-stage photomultiplier t u b e . 105


WET TEST METERS with the FEATURES you asked f o r • LONGER METER LIFE — a modern, stronger cast aluminum housing—epoxy plated—resists effects of corrosive gases —adds years of service. • ON-THE-SPOT SERVICE - the new removable back allows you to service your meter, minimizing down time, and saving DOLLARS. • IMPROVED GLASSWARE PROTECTION—recessed thermometer and relocated manometer . . . further increasing instrument life. • PRECISE ACCURACY - w a t c h - l i k e components measure gas flow to within +}/2 of 1% of volume. • M O D E R N S T Y L I N G — attractively designed . . . right for your laboratory. • E X T R A C O N V E N I E N C E —new carrying handle for easy portability. • CHOICE OF M O D E L S - a v a i l a b l e in 20 cubic feet per hour, or 680 liter per hour models. • EXCEPTIONAL OPERATING RANGE — measures gas accurately from 0.3 inches water pressure to 15 psi for a variety of new metering applications. PRECISION WETTEST METERS, backed by 40 years of manufacturing " k n o w - h o w " , are setting new standards of performance and dependability . . . get the facts , . . write for Bulletin ?612 SINCE


PRECISION S C I E N T I F I C CO. 3731 West Cortland St., Chicago 47, III. Local Offices in Chicago · Cleveland · Houston New York · Philadelphia · Los Angeles Circle No. 140 on Readers' Service Card 154 A



T u b i n g . Resistance chart and sample tubing offered. 165 Tubing. tubing.

Details on flexible

"Teflon" 65

T y p e . 450 special characters fit any typewriter. Catalog. 185 V a c u u m S y s t e m s . New compact syst e m for thin-film coating. 28

Type 2500 . . . 7' round, stepless control A precision laboratory i n s t r u m e n t , that combines the finest in performance with outstanding appearance. Fast, even heating. Aluminum top plate, stainless steel body. Extra-sensitive thermostat provides stepless regulation with exceptionally close control from room temperature to 370°C (700°F). Cool base and controls. Dovetail sockets at rear. 115 volts a-c. $32.50.

Viscometers. U n i t operates on falling-ball principle. Bulletin. 38 V i s c o m e t e r s . U n i t operates on coneplate principle. L i t e r a t u r e . 189 W a r e , Ceramic. Catalog t e m p ceramics offered.


high 52

W a r e , G l a s s . New catalog includes expanded " K i m a x " line. 122 W a r e , Poreclain. New catalog features tubes and crucibles. 30 Ware, Quartz. quartz labware.

32-pagc catalog on 163

W a r e , Stone. Circle 7 for info on stone surface material. 7 W a s h Bottles. Catalog features plastic wash bottles. 175 X-Ray Units. Goniometer for x-ray diffraction, spectroscopy. 150 X-Ray Units. Emission gage monitors up to 6 elements. 39 X-Ray Units. Article on electron probe microanalysis offered. 26

Type 2600 . . 4-heat control



For heaviest duty jobs, designed especially to stand hard use for prolonged periods. Built with extra strength to support heavy loads. Smooth cast iron top plate, stainless steel body. 4-heat control: L-400°F; LM-535°F; M-710°F; H-93CTF (without load). 115 or 230 volts a-c. $45.00. Write for data and name of nearest dealer.

THERMOLYNE CORPORATION (formerly Thermo Electric Mfg. Co.)

4 7 8 Huff St., Dubuque, I o w a

X-Ray Units. F o r vacuum x-ray a n alysis of elements above atomic 11. 1 0 Circle No. 102 on Readers' Service Card