Precursor-Directed Assembly of Complex Oxide Nanobeads: The Role

Aug 10, 2011 - Department of Chemistry, BioCenter SLU, Box 7015, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden. Clermont Université, ENSCCF, Laboratoire des Matériaux ...
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Precursor-Directed Assembly of Complex Oxide Nanobeads: The Role of Strongly Coordinated Inorganic Anions Olesya A. Nikonova,† Jean-Marie Nedelec,‡ Vadim G. Kessler,*,† and Gulaim A. Seisenbaeva*,† † ‡

Department of Chemistry, BioCenter SLU, Box 7015, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden Clermont Universite, ENSCCF, Laboratoire des Materiaux Inorganiques, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France, and CNRS, UMR 6002, LMI, F-63177 Aubiere, France

bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: The use of an inorganic perrhenate ligand in the structure of early-transition-metal alkoxide precursors permits to achieve uniform self-assembly of the primary nanoparticles produced by their hydrolysis. The latter has been carried out in a hydrocarbon reaction medium by the addition of water with vigorous stirring, either in the pure form or in solutions in parent alcohols. The self-assembly is guided by the surface charge enhanced by the presence of strongly coordinated anions as determined by zeta potential measurements. The aggregation process has been followed in real time by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NanoSight technique). The reaction products are spherical aggregates with a size that can be efficiently controlled through the polarity of the reaction medium. The produced nanobeads have been characterized by TEM, SEM-EDS, DLS, nitrogen adsorption, and FTIR. The coordination of metal centers has been investigated using EXAFS spectroscopy. The aggregates remain amorphous on thermal treatment of up to 700 °C (24 h treatment) but crystallize when treated at 1000 °C. This latter process is associated with the total loss of rhenium content and offers early-transition-metal oxides as products.

’ INTRODUCTION The formation of 3D aggregates of self-assembled nanoparticles has recently attracted much attention15 with a view toward the broad spectrum of applications foreseen for these constructions, ranging from optical1,2 and magnetic3 lenses to high-stability electrode materials for lithium ion batteries4 and dye-sensitized solar cells.5 Among the approaches proposed to control the selfassembly, the major focus has been on application of surfactants,3,5 including graft copolymers.6 Even in the absence of surfactants, the action of weak interparticle forces, such as van der Waals or electrostatic interactions, has been proposed to explain uniform self-assembly in solution,7 observed generally for metal oxide nanoparticles.4,810 The aggregation of metal oxide nanoparticles has been proven to be facilitated even by hydro- or solvothermal synthesis.4,11 Special attention has recently been directed toward oxide nanobeads involving one or several early-transition-metal elements as prospective materials for Li battery electrodes and for oxidation or acidic catalysis.12,13The applied structure-directing tools have in this case been either an application of solgel technology in complex solvent mixtures12 or use of external templates.13 The formation of spherical particles upon spontaneous hydrolysis of alkoxide precursors on a liquidair interface in contact with moist air was reported long ago, but no means for controlling the particle size and aggregation have yet been developed.14 The advantage of using metal alkoxides as precursors lies in the r 2011 American Chemical Society

formation via their hydrolysis of uniform oxometallate primary nanoparticles with a size below 5 nm, indicating products of coordination equilibrium.10,15 Much effort has recently been expended on the investigation of the role of different factors in controlling the formation and aggregation of nanoparticles in aqueous media, envisioning, in particular, the role of coordinated anions.16 In this work, we have successfully exploited the introduction of an inorganic perrhenate anion into the structure of metalorganic precursors to achieve the uniform self-assembly of the initial particles. The size of the produced spherical aggregates could be efficiently controlled through the polarity of the medium (the introduction of alcohols into the hydrocarbon reaction medium).

’ EXPERIMENTAL SECTION All of the preparative procedures were carried out in dry nitrogen atmosphere using a drybox. Toluene was dehydrated by refluxing over LiAlH4 with subsequent distillation. Methanol was purified by distillation over magnesium methoxide. Ethanol was dried by refluxing over Ba ethoxide, and n-propanol, by refluxing over aluminum n-propoxide with subsequent distillation. Received: March 25, 2011 Revised: August 8, 2011 Published: August 10, 2011 11622 | Langmuir 2011, 27, 11622–11628

Langmuir The alkoxides used in this work as starting materials for the synthesis of bi- and trimetallic complexes, Nb2(OMe)10 and Ta2(OMe)10, were prepared by anodic oxidation of the corresponding metals in methanol and purified according to conventional techniques.19 Ta(OCH2CH3)5 99+% (L10288) and Nb(OC3H7)5 99% (36571) were purchased from Alfa Aesar. Precursor complexes (NbxTa1  x)4O2(OEt)14(ReO4)2 (I), (NbxTa1  x)4O2(OMe)14(ReO4)2 (II), Nb4O2(OnPr)14(ReO4)2 (III), Nb4O2(OEt)14(ReO4)2 (IV), Nb4O2(OMe)14(ReO4)2 (V), Ta4O2(OEt)14(ReO4)2 (VI), and Ta4O2(OMe)14(ReO4)2 (VII) were prepared by the procedures described earlier for compounds II and IV in refs 20 and 21 and are described in detail in the Supporting Information. IR spectra of tablets pressed with dry KBr were obtained with a PerkinElmer FT-IR Spectrum-100 spectrometer. Mass spectra were recorded using a JEOL JMS-SX/SX-102A mass spectrometer by applying electron beam ionization (U = 70 eV) with direct probe introduction. 1H NMR spectra were collected for the precursors on a Bruker DRX 400 spectrometer. The details of the spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of precursor compounds can be obtained from the Supporting Information (Tables TS1TS3). SEM micrographs of the samples were obtained with a Hitachi TM1000 μDex scanning electron microscope equipped with EDAX analysis. The RSDs for all elements have been determined by repeating the EDS analysis 10 times from the same area at the highest magnification. TEM images were obtained with a Philips TEM/STEM 400 instrument. Textural characteristics (specific surface area, mean pore size, and porous volume) were measured at 77 K on a Quantachrome Autosorb 1 apparatus. The hydrodynamic size and ζ potential were measured using the dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique on a Malvern Instruments Zetasizer Nano-ZS instrument operating with a HeNe 633 nm laser and equipped with Dispersion Technology software for data collection and analysis. The samples were sonicated for 15 min before each measurement. All measurements have been carried out in duplicate and revealed a high reproducibility. EXAFS Data Collection. Tantalum and Rhenium K edge X-ray absorption spectra were recorded at wiggler beamline I811 at MAXLab, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. The EXAFS station was equipped with a Si[111] double-crystal monochromator. Data collection was performed in transmission mode. Higher-order harmonics were reduced by detuning the second monochromator to 30% of the maximum intensity at the end of the scans. The energy scale of the X-ray absorption spectra was calibrated by assigning the first inflection point of the K edge of a tantalum foil to 9881 eV.17 The EXAFSPAK program package18 was used for data treatment. Preparation of Nanobeads. Two types of hydrolysis, natural and forced, have been applied to obtain spherical aggregates denoted below as nanobeads. Certain masses of the precursor crystals were taken from the mother liquor and dissolved in different volumes of toluene, depending on the solubility of the alkoxides. Natural hydrolysis was carried out by slow diffusion of the ambient atmosphere into a flask with a solution of an alkoxide precursor connected with air through a syringe needle piercing the serum cup. Forced hydrolysis was carried out by the addition of liquid water using two different protocols: (1) 0.01 mL of H2O was quickly added by syringe on shaking to 0.5 mL of a toluene solution of the precursor or (2) 0.05 mL of the respective alcohol (depending on the precursor) and 0.01 mL of H2O were added consecutively by syringe, with shaking, to 0.5 mL of a toluene solution of the precursor. Directly after the addition of water, a milky colloid solution was obtained, followed by the formation of nanobeads in both cases. The particles were separated by centrifugation with the subsequent removal of solvent by decantation and dried in vacuum. Starting solutions for the preparation of nanobead samples were obtained by the dissolution of 1.017 g of I in 7 mL of toluene for the syntheses of NBI, NBI*, and NBI**, respectively (the first sample originated


Figure 1. ORTEP view of the molecular structures of (a) I and (b) III), representative of the precursor complexes. from natural hydrolysis, the one marked with one asterisk originated from forced hydrolysis with pure water, and the one with two asterisks originated from forced hydrolysis by water in the parent alcohol); 0.121 g of III in 3 mL of toluene was used for NBIII, NBIII*, and NBIII**; 0.294 g of IV in 4.8 mL of toluene was used for NBIV, NBIV*, and NBIV**; and 0.719 g of VI in 2 mL of toluene was used for the synthesis of NBVI and NBVI*. The poor solubility of precursors II and V hinders the preparation of the corresponding nanobead materials from them.

’ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Precursor Compounds. The introduction of perrhenate anions into the structures of alkoxide precursors was achieved by a simple procedure involving refluxing the commercially available metal alkoxides with rhenium(VII) oxide, Re2O7, taken in stoichiometric amounts. The reaction follows the general scheme practically quantitatively

2M2 ðORÞ10 þ Re2 O7 f M4 O2 ðORÞ14 ðReO4 Þ2 þ organic_byproducts; M ¼ Nb, Ta; R ¼ Me, Et, n-Pr The structures of all synthesized complexes (Figure 1) follow the same structure type based on a tetranuclear M4(μ-O)2(μ-OR)4X12 core (X = OR, ReO4) with a rectangular planar 11623 |Langmuir 2011, 27, 11622–11628



Figure 2. SEM images of nanobeads obtained by natural hydrolysis: (a) NBI, (b) NBIII, (c) NBIV, and (d) NBVI.

Table 1. EDS Analysis Results for the Nanobead Samples

Table 2. Comparison of the FTIR Spectra of the Nanobeads Obtained by Natural Hydrolysis, with M = Nb or/and Ta

atomic % nanobeads





M/Re, M = Nb or/and Ta

























65.59 70.19

34.41 29.80

1.9:1 2.4:1





















M4-arrangement composed of two pairs of edge-sharing octahedra joined via two almost linear oxo-bridges. The perrhenate ligands are attached in a centrosymmetric manner to the two opposite corners of the rectangle and are thus incorporated into the coordination spheres of the transition-metal (Nb, Ta) atoms of the alkoxide precursor. It should be mentioned that the structures of trimetallic complexes I and II have nonuniform distributions of niobium and tantalum between the two symmetrically independent positions. As described previously20 for methoxide complex II, the niobium atoms (70%) are preferably situated in the oxo position,




410 w


422 w 495 w br 516 sh




465 w br 502 m br

587 s

570 s br

719 w

730 w br

638 s ν(MORe) 813 m br


513 w br 640 s br

820 m br

802 w br

813 m br

839 w br ν(ReO3) belongs to ReO4

909 w

909 s

911 w

931 sh

930 m br

931 w br

939 s br

946 sh

947 w

909 w 942 s br

which is connected with the perrhenate group in contrast to the tantalum atoms (30%), which are more abundant in the alkoxo position where 70% of tantalum atoms and 30% of niobium atoms are present. The same tendency can be seen in the new ethoxocomplex (I), but the distribution of niobium and tantalum atoms is even more preferential: 85% of niobium and 15% of tantalum atoms are situated in oxo position M1 35% of Nb and 65% of Ta atoms are situated in alkoxo position M2. According to the structure refinement statistics, the ratio between Nb and Ta in the (NbxTa1  x)4O2(OEt)14(ReO4)2 complex is 60:40, whereas for the trimetallic methoxide complex (II) this ratio is 50:50. To confirm the ratios of M/Re (M = Nb, Nb + Ta) and 11624 |Langmuir 2011, 27, 11622–11628



Figure 3. SEM images of nanobeads obtained by forced hydrolysis: (a) NBI*, (b) NBII**, (c) NBIII*, (d) NBIII**, (e) NBIV*, (f) NBIV**, (g) NBVI*, and (h) NBVI**.

Nb/Ta in the bulk samples, EDS analysis has been performed (Table TS2). The increasing size of the alkoxide ligand also influences the MO bond energy, which is confirmed by an analysis of the IR spectra (Table TS3). It shows that the peaks shift toward smaller

wavenumbers, which indicates that the interaction energy in the case of trimetallic (I) and tantalumrhenium bimetallic ethoxides (VI) is lower than in methoxo complexes II and VII, respectively. In the case of niobiumrhenium bimetallic complexes, the same trend can be observed for the difference between 11625 |Langmuir 2011, 27, 11622–11628



Figure 4. SEM images of porous nanobeads: (a) NBI, (b) NBIII, (c) NBIV, and (d) NBVI.

the normal propoxide and ethoxide and methoxide. In agreement with the earlier observations,21a,b the bond lengths increase in the series rðRe  OÞ term < rðRe  OÞμ < rðM  ORÞ term < rðM  OÞμ < rðM  ORÞμ < rðM  O  ReÞμ Nanobeads. Following the hypothesis that the application of perrhenate anions will improve the stability of primary particles originating from the hydrolysis of metal alkoxides and permit their more uniform aggregation, the solutions of perrhenate alkoxides were first subjected to slowly diffusing moisture via the procedure of natural hydrolysis. For all of the tested precursors, it produced mostly spherical beads with different degrees of aggregation. A relatively small fraction of larger, poorly shaped aggregates was also present. The size of the spheres was mostly uniform and showed no trend in relation to either the nature of the alkoxide ligand or the concentration of the precursor solution. Sample NBI reveals almost the same size of well-shaped spheres of approximately 500700 nm on average (Figure 2a,b), mostly nonaggregated. In the case of spherical particles from the bimetallic precursors, we can see that niobium-containing ones are distinctly nonuniform and have different sizes starting from 1 μm up to more than 40 μm. Tantalum-containing sample NBVI shows well-formed, practically uniform particles that are 500 nm to 2 μm in size, even when the solution concentration is quite high. It should be noticed that all nanobeads have dense oxide surfaces that are based on Nb or/and Ta metal oxides, resulting in very low active surfaces as measured by nitrogen sorption.

The perrhenate ligand was quantitatively retained through the hydrolysis procedure according to the EDS analysis (Table 1), which indicated the absence of hydrolysis for the MORe bond and the potential for their use as structure-directing units. The retention of perrhenate ligands is clearly observed from the FTIR spectra, where the MORe frequencies are situated at practically the same wavelength from 700 to 800 cm1 as in the initial precursors and have quite strong intensities, whereas the frequencies, corresponding to the organic ligands, strongly decrease (Table 2). In the IR spectra, the characteristic bands at 400650 cm1 could be assigned to Nb(Ta)ONb(Ta) vibrations, corresponding to the bridging bonds analogous to those in the spectra of precursor complexes (Table TS 2). The characteristic set of RedO bands indicates that Re is present in the beads as ReO4 ligands.22 The coordination of the metal centers does not change during the hydrolysis as indicated by the EXAFS spectra (Figure S7S10), remaining octahedral for Ta(Nb) and tetrahedral (conservation of the perrhenate ligand structure) for Re. The forced hydrolysis results in the formation of spherical particles with the size and degree of aggregation strongly dependent on the polarity of the solvent (Figure 3). The kinetics of aggregation of the initially formed primary particles was followed by laser reflection microscopy using a NanoSight (NTA version 2.1) instrument (real-time video VS1 in the Supporting Information). The initial particles with sizes below 10 nm aggregated uniformly to spherical particles of several hundred nanometers within minutes. The aggregates can be split into initial small particles again by sonication in a standard ultrasound bath in 5 min, and the reaggregation can then be followed to occur reproducibly 11626 |Langmuir 2011, 27, 11622–11628



Figure 5. XPD of the samples heat treated at 1000 °C: (a) 1  NBI, 2  NBVI, 3  γ-Ta2O5 (ICCD-JCPDS 25-0922); (b) 4  NBIII, 5  NBIV, 6  R-Nb2O5 (ICCD-JCPDS 37-1468).

with the formation of again the same type of spherical aggregates on the same timescale. This is important evidence for the formation of the observed oxide particles through the so-called micelle templated by self-assembly of ligands (MTSAL) mechanism.10,15 As can be seen in Figure 2b,d,f,h, the addition of the parent alcohol to the system leads to the formation of better-formed nanobeads, whereas hydrolysis only with water results in particles with a smaller size and a less-developed shape. The larger aggregates are absent because the coalescence of the primary particle occurs more uniformly as a result of the distribution of water in the volume being more uniform because of agitation. Even in this case, the retention of Re is complete and occurs in the form of ReO4 ligands according to EDS and FTIR. In spite of the well-defined geometry of the metal centers, the produced nanobeads remain amorphous on thermal treatment of up to 700 °C, even after 24 h. Increasing the temperature to 1000 °C leads to the complete loss of Re with the formation of crystalline nanobeads based on only Nb or/and Ta oxides (Figure 4). The surface area increases noticeably on this treatment to about 14 m2/g according to the nitrogen sorption data (FS9-FS10). The surface area measurements results are reproducible and should also be considered with respect to the rather high molar mass of the produced material (M(TaO2.5) ≈ 221 Da compared to, for example, M(TiO2) ≈ 80 Da). The low value of the surface area observed indicates that the pores produced supposedly by the removal of perrhenate anions in the form of volatile anhydride Re2O7 are mostly cured at this high temperature, increasing only the surface roughness as observed by SEM (Figure 4). The products of thermal treatment were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction analysis (Figure 5). The XPD results are shown for NBIII and NBIV to be related to the monoclinic phase of R-Nb2O5 oxide, and for samples NBI and NBVI - to orthorhombic modification of γ-Ta2O5 oxide. The EDS analysis indicated that the ratio between Nb and Ta in the NBI thermal product remains the same as in the initial NBI sample (65.98 and 34.02 atom %, respectively). To understand the mechanism guiding the self-assembly process, we have carried out DLS and ζ potential measurements on both samples produced by the forced hydrolysis of water and the products of their thermal treatment at 1000 °C. In all cases, the samples were dried in vacuum and redispersed in water by sonication. The results are summarized in Table 3 The observed sizes of the aggregates are in good agreement with the SEM data. The ζ potentials reveal clear, consistent insight

Table 3. ζ Potential and Size of Aggregates as Observed by DLS Measurementsa integral intensity














peak 1 r(nm)

peak 2 r(nm)

of the main peak












15.8 27.2

392.6 333.6

2746 2515

0.318 0.285











The T marking refers to the samples that were heat treated at 1000 °C.

into the role of the introduced anion as a source of stabilization of surface charge, related also in turn to the acidity of the transitionmetal oxide. Generally, the presence of an anion in the inner coordination sphere of the atoms on the surface facilitates their ability to bear a positive charge. Ta2O5 is a much less acidic (more basic) compound than Nb2O5, which explains the much higher positive potential for NBVI* derived from Ta4O2(OEt)14(ReO4)2 (VI) compared to those of all other samples. When the anions are removed by thermal treatment (in NBVI*T), the surface charge practically disappears and the aggregation and deaggregation will be due to only hydrogen bonding on the surface. For analogous ethoxide-derived samples NBIV* and NBI* (produced from Nb4O2(OEt)14(ReO4)2 (IV) and (NbxTa1  x)4O2(OEt)14(ReO4)2 (I) respectively), the positive charge is lower, apparently because of the higher acidity (lower basicity) of niobium oxide. When the ligands are removed in NBIV*T and NBI*T, the particles gain distinct negative charges for the same reason. The same trend is even visible for NBIII*, obtained from an n-propoxide complex, but the observed potential here is negative already for the nonheat-treated sample. The explanation for this deviation can be sought in the relative hydrophobicity of the residual n-propoxide ligands on the surfaces of the particles, influencing the formation of the electric double layer. The thermal treatment removes all of the surface ligands and offers distinctly negative charged particles, as should be observed for the appreciably acidic niobium oxide. Provided observations give an important clue to the general approaches to the synthesis of spherical metal oxide nanobeads, it can reasonably be assumed that the introduction of strongly 11627 |Langmuir 2011, 27, 11622–11628

Langmuir surface-binding inorganic anions by a chemical modification of metal alkoxides with inorganic acids (prior to hydrolysis in hydrocarbon solvents) should offer a facile approach to the largescale synthesis of this type of material.

’ CONCLUSIONS The application of perrhenate as a structure-directing ligand permits the successful and reproducible preparation of spherical particles, conserving all of its Re content from small primary particles originating on hydrolysis of the alkoxide precursor. The self-assembly process is guided by a relative positive charge of the particles stabilized via the inclusion of negatively charged perrhenate ligands into the coordination sphere of transition-metal atoms on the surface. The aggregation can be reversed in solution by sonication, but the primary particles assemble again into spherical beads. The particles remain amorphous and retain Re until rather high temperatures (700 °C), most probably due to the formation of a dense oxide layer on the surface. The Re content is lost at 1000 °C, with a resulting increase in surface roughness as observed by SEM. The modification of alkoxide precursors with inorganic acids prior to hydrolysis may offer an approach to the large-scale synthesis of metal oxide nanobeads. ’ ASSOCIATED CONTENT


Supporting Information. Synthesis details; spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of the molecular precursors applied; results of FTIR, EXAFS, and nitrogen adsorption studies; real-time movie demonstrating the aggregation process; and statistical description of the NanoSight measurements in the aggregation process for the produced nanobeads. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at

’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author

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*E-mail: [email protected].

’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT We express our gratitude to Corine Sandstr€om for performing the NMR experiment, to Suresh Gohil from the Department of Chemistry, SLU, to Jonathan Smith from NanoSight Ltd. for assistance with size distribution data collection on NBI and NBVI, and to MAX-lab for granting time to perform the EXAFS data collection from Lund. ’ REFERENCES (1) Fan, H. Y.; Yang, K.; Boye, D. M.; Sigmon, T.; Malloy, K. J.; Xu, H. F.; Lopez, G. P.; Brinker, C. J. Science 2004, 304, 567–571. (2) Boal, A. K.; Ilhan, F.; DeRouchey, J. E.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Russell, T. P.; Rotello, V. M. Nature 2000, 404, 746–748. (3) Qiu, P.; Jensen, C.; Charity, N.; Towner, R.; Mao, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 17724–17732. (4) Yu, S. H.; Pucci, A.; Herntrich, T.; Willinger, M. G.; Baek, S. H.; Sung, Y. E.; Pinna, N. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 806–810. (5) Sauvage, F.; Chen, D.; Comte, P.; Huang, F.; Heiniger, L. P.; Cheng, Y. B.; Caruso, R. A.; Graetzel, M. ACS Nano 2010, 4 (8), 4420–4425. (6) Ahn, S. H.; Koh, J. H.; Seo, J. A.; Kim, J. H. Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 1935–1937. (7) Lu, P. J.; Zaccarelli, E.; Ciulla, F.; Schofield, A. B.; Sciortino, F.; Weitz, D. A. Nature 2008, 453, 499–504. 11628 |Langmuir 2011, 27, 11622–11628