Predictive Molecular Model for the Thermodynamic and Transport

For naturally occurring oils, these consist of long aliphatic chains (straight chain alkanes and ... Figure 1 Condensation reaction for the formation ...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 14443-14451


Predictive Molecular Model for the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Triacylglycerols Amadeu K. Sum, Mary J. Biddy, and Juan J. de Pablo* Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, UniVersity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Michael J. Tupy Cargill Inc., Process Solutions Technology DeVelopment Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 ReceiVed: July 2, 2003

A molecular model is presented for triacylglycerides. These molecules are the main constituent of natural oils, and they are being increasingly sought out for novel technological applications (e.g. in high-performance, biodegradable lubricants). The model is derived from a combination of quantum-mechanical calculations, molecular simulations, and comparisons to experiment. It is shown to be capable of describing a number of equilibrium thermodynamic and transport properties for pure triacylglycerides and their mixtures. Calculated densities and viscosities are in good agreement with available experimental data. Predictions of the viscosity of several multicomponent mixtures, such as canola oil, cocoa butter, and commercial-grade lubricants, also show good agreement with reported values. The proposed model is also used to explore relations between the structure and properties of different functionalities (e.g. position of ethyl branches along the main chain), thereby providing insights into how some chemical treatments might alter the physical properties of natural oils.

1. Introduction It is now possible to predict the phase behavior and transport properties of alkanes and their mixtures with good accuracy. One of the basic questions addressed in this work is whether a simple force field originally derived for alkanes can be extended for applications involving triacylglycerols. Triacylglycerols, also known as triglycerides or simply TAGs, are the major component of naturally occurring oils and fats (e.g., cotton, sunflower, corn, soybean, and cocoa oil and butter fat). They are abundant and biodegradable.1-9 One promising application that has emerged in recent years is their use as the basis for environmentally benign lubricants. However, the thermodynamic and transport properties of triglycerides in their natural form are not optimal for lubrication applications; chemical modifications are necessary to improve such properties. The number of alterations that can be made are boundless, and the design of triglycerides with specific lubrication properties would benefit considerably from theoretical models capable of predicting viscosities and thermodynamic properties from knowledge of molecular structures and composition. Triglycerides can be formed from the condensation reaction of glycerol and fatty acids,10,11 as illustrated in Figure 1. The fatty acids can vary widely in structure and functionality. For naturally occurring oils, these consist of long aliphatic chains (straight chain alkanes and alkenes). The three chains can be identical or can vary in length, structure, and functionality. Some of the most common triglycerides are formed from lauric acid (L), palmitic acid (P), stearic acid (S), oleic acid (O), linoleic acid (Li), and linolenic acid (Le). In naturally occurring oils, * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: depablo@

Figure 1. Condensation reaction for the formation of triacylglycerols.

the fatty acids tend to have an even number of carbons, usually between 16 and 20. A commonly used nomenclature scheme for triglycerides is based on the functionality and length of the constituent fatty acids. For example, tripalmitin is made from three palmitic acids, and triolein from three oleic acids. Triglycerides are also often identified by a three-letter acronym representing the respective fatty acids and their order in the molecule. Thus, tripalmitin can also be denoted by PPP, triolein by OOO, and a mixed triglyceride composed of two stearic acids at the ends and one linoleic acid in the middle position by SLiS. To our knowledge, most computational studies of triglycerides have been focused on their crystal structure.12-15 Isolated molecules in a vacuum have been examined using molecular mechanics,16 and a single LLL molecule in dilute aqueous solution has also been considered.17 There are no reported molecular studies of triglycerides in the liquid form, which is the state most relevant for lubrication applications. In this work we present a force field capable of describing the density and heat of vaporization of triglycerides. It is also capable of describing its viscosity. Results are reported for both pure components and several mixtures of practical significance and for a wide variety of molecules. 2. Force Field Development The approach adopted in this work relies to a significant extent on information generated by means of quantum-chemical calculations. The current tools of quantum chemistry permit

10.1021/jp035906g CCC: $25.00 © 2003 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/02/2003

14444 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 107, No. 51, 2003

Sum et al.

Figure 2. Sample triglyceride molecule. The molecule can be separated into two groups: a polar part containing the glycerol backbone and an aliphatic part composing each of the chains.

Figure 3. Methyl acetate molecule used as a model for the polar group of the triglyceride.

detailed studies of the most important modes of interactions usually employed in simulations, that is, intra- and intermolecular modes of interaction. Intramolecular interactions include bond vibration, bond bending, and torsion potentials. Triglycerides are fairly large molecules, often comprised of 50-70 heavy atoms; to render our electronic structure calculations more tractable, we chose to divide the triglyceride into two parts: a polar headgroup, including the glycerol backbone and ester linkage, and the aliphatic chains (see Figure 2). A number of force fields are available for generic organic compounds, such as CHARMM,18 AMBER,19,20 and OPLS.21 In this work we adopt the NERD force field,22-24 a unitedatom model (methyl or methylene groups are represented by a single interaction site) that has proven to accurately predict the thermophysical properties of a variety of straight chain and branched alkanes as well as alkenes. This force field is used to describe the aliphatic part of the triglycerides; it is given by

mechanical level. Clearly, the functionality of methyl acetate is not exactly that encountered in the triglyceride, but it does contain the most relevant functional groups (see Figure 3). It is assumed that the interaction sites of a molecule are independent of each other and that the energy of the systems of interest can be parametrized in terms of a pairwise additive potential energy function. 2.1. Quantum Calculations. The equilibrium geometry of the model molecule, methyl acetate, was established by optimization with MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ using the Gaussian suite of programs.26 The optimized geometry obtained was in good agreement with previously published results.27 We next determined the intramolecular potentials due to bond stretching, bond bending, and torsions. It was assumed that, to a first approximation, all these interactions are uncoupled and can be calculated independently of each other. In such a case, a perturbation around the equilibrium distance or angle can be imposed in the geometry of the molecule, and a potential energy can be determined as a function of the degree of perturbation. For the bond stretching potential, each bond (excluding those between the hydrogens) was contracted and expanded 0.12 Å from its equilibrium distance in intervals of 0.02 Å. For the bond bending potential, each angle (also excluding those involving hydrogens) was varied (12° from its equilibrium value in intervals of 2°. For the torsion potential, the torsion angle was incremented every 15° up to 180° from the equilibrium conformation (because of molecular symmetry, the remaining 180° can be mirrored from the ones calculated). A single-point energy calculation with MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ was performed for every perturbed geometry in order to construct each potential energy function. For simplicity, the functional form of the NERD force field was used to parametrize the intramolecular potential for methyl acetate. Figure 4 shows each of the intramolecular potential functions fitted to eqs 4-6. Table 1 lists the force constants and Fourier coefficients of the regressed ab initio energies for each of the relevant intramolecular energy functions. Intermolecular interactions require extensive energy calculations over the configurational space of a pair of molecules. Several recent studies have attempted to use “bare” intermolecular potentials from ab initio calculations to predict bulk properties without any empirical adjustment of the parameters.28-31 That approach was not entirely possible in this work, and the information from ab initio interactions had to be refined in order to achieve quantitative agreement with experimental thermodynamic properties. We initially calculated the ab initio interaction energy for several hundreds of configurations between a pair of methyl acetate molecules for a range of center-of-mass separations and relative orientations. A total of 610 configurations were considered, and for each of these, the intermolecular interaction energy was determined using the supermolecular approach.32-35 In this method, three sets of calculations are required: one for the dimer, one with molecule A and the ghost of B, and another

U total ) U inter + U intra U inter ) U LJ )

∑ i>j

[( ) ( ) ] σij









U intra ) U bond + U angle + U torsion




U bond )

(r - req)2 ∑ all bonds 2


U angle )

Kθ (θ - θeq)2 2 all angles


U torsion )

∑ ∑

all torsions n

Vn [1 - cos n(φ - φeq)] 2


where  and σ are Lennard-Jones parameters for interactions between sites i and j (based on the Lorentz-Berthelot combining rule25), rij is the distance between sites i and j, Kr and Kθ are the force constants for the bond stretching and bond bending potentials, respectively, θ is the angle between adjacent bonds, Vn are the Fourier coefficients for the torsion potential, and φ is the torsion angle. In the NERD force field, atoms/sites within a molecule that do not interact by any other intramolecular potential are also allowed to interact through the Lennard-Jones potential. For the polar group of the triglyceride, we turned to quantum mechanics to determine the necessary inter- and intramolecular parameters. The polar group of a triglyceride resembles a methyl acetate molecule. Our starting point for subsequent parametrization of the force field consisted of extensive quantum-chemical calculations for this molecule. Methyl acetate is a tractable molecule that can be studied fairly accurately at the quantum-

Model for the Properties of Triacylglycerols

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 107, No. 51, 2003 14445

Figure 4. Sample intramolecular potentials for methyl acetate: (a) bond stretching; (b) bond bending; (c) torsional angle.

TABLE 1: Intramolecular Potential Parameters for Methyl Acetate Calculated from Quantum Chemical Calculations

TABLE 2: Intermolecular Potential Parameters for Methyl Acetate: See Eqs 2 and 8

Bond StretchingsEq 4 Kr, kJ/mol‚Å CH3sO OsC CdO CsCH3


2200 2700 3000 2000

req, Å 1.48 1.40 1.26 1.53


Kθ, kJ/mol‚rad2

θeq, deg

923 1520 1200 1520

117.0 124.0 111.0 125.0

with the ghost of A and molecule B. This inclusion of the ghost functions of molecules A and B is needed to correct for the well-known basis set superposition error (BSSE),36,37 an unphysical lowering of the interaction energy due to the limited basis set used in the calculations. The interaction energy Eint AB can be determined from

Eint AB ) EAB{AB} - EA{AB} - EB{AB}


where EA is the energy of A and {AB} is the combined basis set of A and B. All the calculations were performed with MP2/ cc-pVDZ, also using the Gaussian suite of programs. We also made use of a bond function located midway between the centers-of-mass of the molecules. This has been shown to improve the interaction energy description while adding only a small overhead to the computational load.38,39 The monomer geometry was fixed at the equilibrium conformation. Methyl acetate is a highly polar molecule; electrostatic interactions play a major part in its behavior. Electrostatic interactions can be included in the intermolecular potential through point charges q according to

∑ i