Preface to Forum on “Interfaces for Mechanobiology and

Aug 31, 2016 - Jonathan J. Mallett (Managing Editor). ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 2016, 8 (34), pp 21847–21847. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b09180. Publi...
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Preface to Forum on “Interfaces for Mechanobiology and Mechanochemistry: From 2‑D to 3‑D Platforms”


technique, AFM nanoindentation, with confocal microscopy to meticulously map strain stiffening at the leading edge of normal and tumor cells while they move on a collagen matrix. The detailed results point to a physiological role of strain stiffening of the soft biopolymer networks, and further describe the multistep process of cell migration as one that includes mechanosensory activation and self-steering migration. Denisin and Pruitt also utilize AFM and study the relationship between gel formulation and resulting stiffness. The article summarizes parameters (formulation, time, temperature, and storage duration) that yield desired results associated with mechanical properties. Mabry et al. develop a platform for the highthroughput encapsulation of cells in peptide-functionalized hydrogels and validate its utility with aortic valvular interstitial cells. This 3-D platform offered the flexibility to adjust the type of peptide used, range of stiffness, and adhesive site concentration independently and dynamically. We believe that this forum not only highlights the importance of materials and interfaces in understanding the role of mechanical stimuli in biological and chemical systems but it also identifies challenges and opportunities associated with new research directions. We thank all the authors for their contributions.

his ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Forum is focused on highlighting the role of 2-D and 3-D materials and interfaces to understand fundamental questions associated with mechanical and chemical stimuli as well as their utility in applications ranging from sensing to regenerative medicine. The Forum contributions come from a diverse group of laboratories and showcase the influence of multidisciplinary approaches to the advancement of applied materials research with biological relevance. The Forum contains two review articles. Warren et al. present a comprehensive overview of 2-D and 3-D materials used to understand biomechanics in systems ranging from fibroblasts to algae and zebrafish. The applications highlighted range from materials to inhibit cancer metastasis to model systems to study nonhuman physiology. The second review by Abbott et al. summarizes the depth and breadth of 2-D and 3-D culture models that use one specific material: silk. The review emphasizes practical considerations associated with different tissues and organs, and ranges of desired mechanical properties and long-term stability. In their Spotlight on Applications article, Buno et al. detail an in vitro mutitissue interface model to test a hypothesis associated with vascularization. The model takes into account complex interactions associated with the dynamic neovascularization process, mainly spaciotemporal cell−cell, cell−matrix, and soluble factor signaling. Furthermore, the model has applicability to other systems containing multiple tissues with multifaceted mechanobiology. In their Letter, Berg et al. describe a gallium containing interface with tunable stiffness and radiosensitizing properties. The composite was used in vitro studies to reduce the amount of radiation needed to modulate the behavior of fibroblasts on surfaces with variable stiffness. The Forum full articles report a range of 2-D and 3-D materials and interfaces employing arrays of designs and realized by variable fabrication strategies. Shukla et al. discuss the impact of adipocyte-derived pattern geometry on human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and attribute the observed results to variations in cytoskeletal tension experienced by the cells on different shape structures. Hu et al. fabricate a micropatterned hydrogel with high-aspect-ratio and record differences in human MSC elongation during long-term cell culture studies. Ye et al. describe nanoarrays with variable stiffness that are terminated on cell−adhesive peptide. They utilize them to record the interplay of matrix stiffness and cell− cell contact that can result in discrepant differentiation tendencies of MSC. The role of nanotopography is also the subject of the article by Carson et al. In their work, they report that the cardiomyocyte organization and development are dependent on the nanotopographical feature size in a biphasic manner. Kim et al. investigate the use of bioswitch chip systems to turn on and off glucose oxidase reactions in real time. The authors show control over the surface placement of the soft sensing element capable of controlling the enzymatic reaction. Helvert and Friedl combine a surface sensitive characterization © 2016 American Chemical Society

Albena Ivanisevic, Associate Editor Jonathan J. Mallett, Managing Editor



Views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS.

Special Issue: Interfaces for Mechanobiology and Mechanochemistry: From 2-D to 3-D Platforms Published: August 31, 2016 21847

DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b09180 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 21847−21847