Preliminary Program, 116th Meeting, American ... - ACS Publications

General meeting. The general session will be held on Monday evening. Sept. 19, at 8:00 P.M., in the ballroom of Convention Hall. It will feature the P...
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Preliminary Program, 116th Meeting, American Chemical Society Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 1 8 to 2 3 , 1949 General


Registration. Registration head­ quarters wil] h>e located in Convention Hall. They will be open at the follow­ ing times ζ Sunday 2:00 P.M. t o 7:00 p^vr. Monday through Thursday S:00 A.M. to 6:O0 P.:M. Friday S:00 A.M. to 12:00 M . Registration facilities will also be available in ELaddon Hall on Wednesday and Thursda}" only. Divisional meetings. Divisional meet­ ings will be held in Convention Hall, Monday through Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 M. and 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily. Technical sessions of the Division of Rubber Chemistry will be held in Haddon Ball Wednesday through Fri­ day. General meeting. The general ses­ sion will be fcield on Monday evening. Sept. 19, a t 8:00 P.M., in the ballroom of Convention Hall. I t will feature the Priestley Medal address by Arthur B . Lamb and the ACS Presidential address by Linus Pauling. Mixer. The mixer will be held i n the main arena of Convention Hall immedi­ ately following the general session on Monday evening, Sept. 19. Business meetings. Closed meetings of standing commit­ tees of t h e Council, Sunday morning. Council Policy Committee, Sunday afternoon.. Board of Directors, Sunday evening. Council meeting, Monday morning. Open meetings of standing committees of the Council, Monday afternoon. Group meals. Group meals will be held in the official hotels from Monday noon througb Friday. Breakfasts are scheduled for 7:30 A.M., luncheons a t 12:15 p.-ML., social hours at 5:15 P.M., and dinners a t 6:30 P.M. There will be no subscription dinner. Hotels. The Hotel Tray more has been selected as general headquarters. Chalfonte-Haddon Hall will be head­ quarters for the Division of Rubber Chemistry. The Claridge Hotel will b e headquarters for the Division of Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry and the Division of Petroleum Chemistry. Other official hotels, both on the boardwalk and on the avenues, are listed in t h e accompanying table. All may be located from the map on the following page. 1724

Practically all hotel rooms in Atlantic City are double rooms, most of them with twin beds. There will be a suffi­ cient number available for all registrants if our members cooperate in arranging for double occupancy, as they have al­ ways done in the past. With the exception of ChalfonteHaddon Hall, all housing must be pro­ cured through the AMERICAN CHEMICAL

SOCIETY Housing Bureau, 16 Central Pier, Atlantic City, N . J. Please use the coupon on page 1728, and give all in­ formation requested- Forward your re­ quest as early a s possible. Note: Mem­ bers of the Division of Rubber Chemis­ try will receive a reservation card di­ rectly from the secretary of the division. This should be used for reservations at Chalfonte-Haddon Hall only.

Registration Registration headquarters, including the Kardex file and ticket booth, will be located in Convention Hall. Facilities will be available during the hours listed at the head of this program. All members, visitors, and guests must register. Admission to all meetings and participation in any event is limited t o persons registered a t the meeting. This rule is a bylaw of the Society, and no exceptions can be made by any officer of the Society or i t s divisions. I n accordance with the bylaws, the registration fee has been fixed b y the Board of Directors a t $5.00 for members of the Society, students majoring in chemistry or chemical engineering, desig­ nated representatives of corporation members of t h e Society, foreign chem­ ists or foreign visitors not resident in the United States, and nonchemist visit­ ors; $10 for nonmember chemists or chemical engineers residing in the United States.

Regulations Bylaw VI, Sec. 3. (a) Attendance a t any national, regional, divisional, or group ^meeting of the SOCIETY shall be limited to registered persons. (b) Each person registering at a meet­ ing of the SOCIETY shall classify himself as one of the following: (1) member; (2) nonmember chemist or chemical engineer residing i n the United States; (3) designated representative of a cor­ poration member; (4) regularly matricu­ lated student majoring in chemistry or C H E M I C A L

chemical engineering at a n American college or university; (5) foreign visitor; (6) nonchemist visitor. (c) Each registrant a t a national meet­ ing of the SOCIETY shall pay a registra­ tion fee to be fixed by the Board of Directors. (d) Each registrant a t a regional, divi­ sional, or group meeting shall pay a regis­ tration fee t o be fixed by the committe*in charge r the meeting. (e) Th -nstration fee at a national meeting fc hemist o r a chemical engi­ neer residing t h e United States who is* not a member of the AMERICAN C H E M I ­

CAL SOCIETY shall b e S5.O0 higher than the fee charged a member; while at a re­ gional, divisional, or group meeting, il shall be at least twice the member's fee. Such a nonmember shall be furnished with a special badge t o differentiate him from other registrants. (f) The registration fej for all other classes of registrants described in Sec. 3 (b) of this bylaw shall be the same a* for a member. (g) The President shall have authority to close any session a t any meeting of the SOCIETY t o nonmembers.

Notes. Corporation members of the Society have the right to designate one representative only, with membership privileges at each meeting. If a corpora­ tion member sends a substitute for the designate of record, the Executive Secre­ tary's office should be notified by mail In registering, such a representative should sign the corporation name, per his own as representative. Associates of local sections and of divisions are not members oj the Society and have no Society 'privileges : if chem­ ists or chemical engineers, their regis­ tration fee i s $10. Student affiliates axe not members of the Society, but are granted certain concessions; t h e y may be registered at a fee of $5.00, under the provisions of Sec. 3(b)(4) quoted above. All visitors, including children. regardless of age, who participate in any activity provided on the program, irre­ spective of whether i t is a free or paid event, must register, pay the visitor'* registration fee of S5.00, and wear the ap­ propriate badge.



Requests for group meals should be sent immediately to: 116th National Meeting AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY

1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington 6, E>. C.




AU requests must be received before Aug. 1, if the event is to be included in the final program of the meeting. Please dtate the nature of the event desired, t h e first and second choice of dates, the prob­ able attendance, and, if possible, t h e name and address of a representative who will handle the late sale of tickets. The appointment of this local repre­ sentative may be made a t some later date, but it is essential that some mem­ ber of the group be so designated. All events must be scheduled through t h e national office if tickets are to be sold at registration headquarters and a listing made in the official program. Breakfasts, luncheons, and dinners

may be scheduled on any day from Monday through Friday inclusive, with the exception that no dinners may be scheduled on Monday evening unless they will be completed by 8:00 Γ.Μ. N O social hours can be scheduled unless the sponsor will guarantee the attendance of at least 35 persons. Smaller groups de­ siring social houis can arrange for an in­ formal meeting in a public room. Meals can not be scheduled in a private room for groups smaller than 15 persons.

Chemical Education Book Exhibit About 700 new scientific and standard texts in the field of c h e m i s t r y w i l l be displayed for examina­ tion at the fall meeting



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of the AMERICAN C H E M I ­ CAL SOCIETY in Atlantic


City. This exhibit in Convention H a l l , i n which 45 to 50 publishers will participate, is spon­ sored by the Division of Chemical Education as a special service to the Society's members. Since busy chemists do not have the facilities to keep up with an ever­ growing list of technical publications, m a n y of these titles would not otherwise come to their attention without timeconsuming search. For this reason the book ex­ hibit is looked forward to by all who attend the annual meeting and is one of the most popular features. A classified list of all t h e titles on display will be available at the exhibit and will appear in the September issue of the Journal oj Chemi­ cal Education.





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Information far Authors of Papers Papers for the Meeting Titles and abstracts of papers intended for presentation at the meeting should be sent to the secretary of the appro­ priate division and not to the Executive Secretary of the Society. T o appear on the final program, titles, abstracts (com­ plete manuscripts where required by the division.—see table), and all other re­ quired information must be in the hands of divisional secretaries not later than July 15. Some divisions have earlier deadlines. Please note carefully and conform to the requirements of the divi­ sion concerned.



2 7,

NO- 2 Λ





13,1 9 4 9

Hegulatiuit» 'Governing Pœper* The attention of authors is particularly directed t o the regulations of the Society which provide that: (1) N o paper by a chemist or chemical engineer residing in the United Sta/tes may be presented unless it is a joirrt paper with one or more Society members. This means that if any of the authors is a chemist or chemical engineer, at least one must be a member of the Society. (2) All papers are the property of the Society, for publication in the journals or release by the proper editor. As a corollary of this, no paper may be presented which has been offered for publication elsewhere. The cornpLete regulations are: Bylaw VI, Sec. 4. The following rules shall apply to the presentation of papers at a national, regional, divisional, or group meeting of the SOCIBTT.

(a) The term "paper" shall include any presentation for which the title and authors are listed on the program and which may be reduced to writing either prior to, during, or subsequent t o the meeting at which presented . (b) No paper shall be presented a t a national, regional, divisional, or group meeting unless its title appears on the program for the meeting. (c) No paper by a chemist, or chemical engineer residing in the United States who is not a member of the SOCIETY

shall appear on the program of a national, regional, divisional, o r group meeting of the SOCIETY unless it be a

joint paper with one or more SOCIETT members. (d) Each paper presented before any national, divisional, regional, or group meeting of the SOCIETY shall be the property of the SOCIETY for publication by

the SOCIETY or for release b y tfcie editors of the SOCIETY'S journals if not retained

for such publication, and no paper shall be presented unless the author o r authors thereof agree to this conditionCe) The SOCIETY shall not, be respons-

ible for statements or opinions advanced by individuals in papers o>r discussions before its meetings. (f) The President shall have authority to exclude any paper from a program at any time prior to its presentation at a meeting of the SOCIETY.

The Board of Directors bias voted the following regulations governing papers to be presented before national, divisional, regional, or group meetings, supplementing Bylaw VI. (a) Authorship of papers shall be accredited only t o individuals and not to companies or laboratories. (b) No paper may be presented which has been offered for publication elsewhere. (c) No paper, no matter ho-w important, may be presented, the title of which does not appear on the final program. (d) If a paper is declined by any division of the SOCIETY, the secretary of that division is instructed to notify the secretary of any other division t o which it is likely to be offered. Priority is based solely upon, the date of receipt of the complete paper de1725

posited for publication with the secretary of t h e division or t h e a p p r o p r i a t e e d i t o r . T h e Council has empowered officers of divisions t o r e q u e s t a n y paper in a d ­ vance, so t h a t it m a y be passed u p o n and a n indication m a d e to the a u t h o r a s to w h e t h e r he is t o read t h e entire p a p e r or to a b s t r a c t it allowing time for d i s ­ cussion. No paper may be presented at the meeting, title for which is not printed in the final program. " B y t i t l e " should be placed o n t h e a n ­ n o u n c e m e n t of a n y paper w h e n t h e a u t h o r is t o b e a b s e n t , so t h a t m e m b e r s m a y u n d e r s t a n d in a d v a n c e t h a t t h e paper will n o t be r e a d . All such p a p e r s should be placed a t t h e e n d of t h e p r o ­ gram. If a paper is c o n t r i b u t e d b y t w o or more a u t h o r s , t h e title and a b s t r a c t should carry s o m e i n d i c a t i o n of which a u t h o r is expected to present it a t t h e meeting. T i t l e s should b e accompanied b y i n ­ formation concerning desired projection e q u i p m e n t . Only s t a n d a r d lantern slide projectors will be furnished w i t h o u t cost.


Note: All times listed below are tentative. All divisions require t h e following information: title of paper; presentation time; name, present connection, and address of each author; name of laboratory in which the work was done; and (in the case of multiple authorship) which a u t h o r is expected t o present the paper a t the meeting. These data, abstracts, a n d manuscripts (where required) should be transmitted to the proper divisional secretary as soon as possible, a n d in no case later than July 15. M a n y divisions have earlier deadlines and special requirements which a r e listed in. the right hand column below. In the preparation of abstracts, please follow t h e style used in previously published sets. N o additional papers are solicited for any symposiafmarked *'invited." DIVISION


Agricultural and Chemistry



Analytical and Chemistry



Biological Chemistry


Publication B y l a w V I , Sec. 4 . ( d ) E a c h p a p e r p r e ­ sented before a n y n a t i o n a l , divisional, regional, or g r o u p m e e t i n g of t h e S O ­ CIETY shall be t h e p r o p e r t y of t h e SOCIETY for p u b l i c a t i o n b y t h e SOCIETY or for release by the editors of t h e S O ­ CIETY'S journals if not retained for such publication, a n d n o p a p e r shall be p r e ­ sented unless t h e a u t h o r or a u t h o r s thereof agree t o t h i s condition. If release is desired, the complete manuscript should be sent to Walter J M u r p h y , 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., W a s h ­ ington 6, D . C , for t r a n s m i t t a l t o th*> proper editor for decision. Addre&ne* of



Cellulose Chemistry


Chemical Education


Chemical Literature


Colloid Chemistry


Fertilizer Chemistry


Gas and Fuel Chemistry



Agricultural and F o o d C h e m i s t r y . Ar­ t h u r N . P r a t e r , G e n t r y , I n c . , 837 N o r t h Spring St., Los Angeles 12, Calif. Analytical a n d M i c r o C h e m i s t r y , Wil­ l i a m G. B a t t , Biochemical Research Foundation, Franklin Institute, New­ a r k , Del. Biological C h e m i s t r y . P . W . Preisler, Washington University Medical School, 4580 Scott A v e . , St. Louis 10. Mo. Cellulose C h e m i s t r y . W. E . Davis, E x ­ periment Station, Hercules Powdei Co., W i l m i n g t o n 99, D e l . Chemical E d u c a t i o n , P a u l H . Fall, Hi­ r a m College, H i r a m , Ohio. Chemical L i t e r a t u r e . R o b e r t S. Casey, W . A. Sheaffer P e n Co., F o r t M a d i ­ son, Iowa. Colloid C h e m i s t r y . W . 0 . Milligan, Rice I n s t i t u t e , P . 0 . B o x 1892, H o u s t o n 1, Tex. Fertilizer C h e m i s t r y . Vincent Saucheiii, D a v i s o n Chemical Corp., Box 2117, B a l t i m o r e 3, M d . Gas and Fuel Chemistry. H . Beecher C h a r m b u r y , School of M i n e r a l I n d u s ­ t r i e s , P e n n s y l v a n i a S t a t e College, S t a t e College, P a . H i s t o r y of C h e m i s t r y . Sidney E d e l s t e i n , D e x t e r C h e m i c a l Corp., 819 E d g e w a t e r R o a d , New Y o r k 59, Ν . Υ.




Vitamin B12 and Related Factors, B. L. Oser, chairman (with Divi­ sion of Biological Chemistry); Flavor in Dairy Products, G. R. Greenbank, chairman; Eco­ nomic Poisons, J. L. St. John, chairman; Fermentation Sec­ tion, A. F . Langlykke, chair­ man; general papers. ΛΙοη.— Thurs. Organic Functional Groups, P. J. Elving, chairman; three round table discussions of special sub­ jects to be announced; Forma­ tion of Local Groups, H . F . Beeghley, chairman; Analytical Application of Adsorption Tech­ niques (see Division of Petroleum Chemistry) ; Teaching of Or­ ganic Analysis (see Division of Chemical Education) ; general papers. Mon.-Fri. Chemistry of Proteins and Amino Acids, E. Brand and J. T . Edsall, chairmen; Mammalian Amino Acid Requirements, A. A. Albanese, chairman; Carbohydrate Metabolism, O. Meyerhof and H. O . L. Fischer, chairmen, (with Divi­ sion of Sugar Chemistry and. Technology); Protein Interac­ tions, E . J. Cohn, chair­ man; Vitamin B12 a n d Re­ lated Factors (see Division of Agricultural and Food Chem­ istry) ; Clinical Biochemistry, J. G. Rheinhold, chairman (with the cooperation of American As­ sociation of Clinical Chemists) ; general papers. Mon.-Fri. Textiles, H. Mark, chairman (with. Division of Colloid Chemistry) ; Degradation of Cellulose, Mil­ ton Harris, chairman (with t h e National Research Council) ; High Polymer Forum (see Division of Paint, Varnish, and. Plastics Chemistry) ; general papers. Tues.—Thurs. Nuclear Science Teaching, Halpb. T. Overman, chairman; The Place of Inorganic Chemistry i n the Undergraduate Curriculum, H. C. Brown, chairman; The Extent of Organic Analytical Methods in the Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula, A . Willis Dearing, chairman (with Division of Analytical and Micro Chemistry) ; College a n d Uni­ versity Chemical Equipment and Supplies, Ε. Κ . Wallace, Chairman; Twenty-fifth Anni­ versary Symposium (with Divi­ sion of History of Chemistry) ; Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons (see Division of Petroleum Chemistry); Teaching Foreign Languages (see Division of Chemical Literature) ; general papers. Mon.—Thurs. Foreign Chemical Literature. I . Language Instruction for Chem­ ists, J. W . Perry, M I T , Cam­ bridge, Mass., chairman (with Division of Chemical E d u c a ­ tion); Microdocumentation, M. P. Doss, Texas Co., 135 East 42nd St., New York City, chair­ man; Electronic Equipment for Chemical Information Work, J. W. Perry, chairman; The Institutional Library as a n Aid to Scientific Work, N. C . Hill, Box 450, RD 5, Akron, Ohio, chairman; Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons (see Division of Petroleum Chemistry); general papers. M o n . - T h u r s . T h e Structure of the Hydrous Ox­ ides (see Division of Physica.1 and Inorganic Chemistry) ; Tex­ tiles (see Division of Cellulose Chemistry); High Polymer Forum (see Division of Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chem­ istry); general papers. Tues. Sulfur in Agriculture; general papers. Mon.-Wed.

Two copies 200-word abstract; paper for publication or with request for release to secre­ t a r y a t meeting.

General papers'




Three copies 250-word ab­ stract; two copies manu­ script.

Three copies 200-word ab­ s t r a c t ; complete manuscript may be required in some cases. Send covering letter a n d two stamped, addressed envelopes if notifications of acceptance a n d place on program are desired.

Two copies 200-word abstract: t w o copies manuscript.

Three copies 200-word stract; manuscript


Five copies brief b u t ade­ quately descriptive abstract t o symposium chairman; 200-word final abstract to symposium chairman by J u l y 1 5 ; two copies manu­ script t o secretary at meet­ ing.





Two copies 200-word abstract; paper in publication form to secretary at meeting. Two copies 200-word abstract; manuscript.




History of Chemistry Industrial and Engineer­ ing Chemistry-

Medicinal Chemistry Organic Chemistry

Paint, Varnish, and Pla tics Chemistry


Petroleum Chemistry

Physical and Chemistry


Rubber Chemistry

Technology Water, Sewage, and Sani­ tation Chemistry




2 7,



Twenty-fifth Anniversarv Svm~ T w o copies 250-word a b s t r a c t ; posium of Division of Chemical manuscript to J. Chem. Éd. Education (cooperating); gen­ eral papers. T u e s . - W e d . Packaging (Chemical Marketing Symposia papers: three copies Section), 1ST. F . Crass. Jr., 246 200-word abstract and three Woodward Bldg., Washington 5, copies manuscript t o chairΓ). C , chairman (with D i man by July 5; special reΛ-ision of P a i n t , Varnish, a n d quirements m a y be made by Plastics Chemistry): Securitv each chairman. General Clearance, W. W. Hilty, Eli papers: three copies 200Lilly & Co.. Indianapolis 6, word abstract and three Ind.. chairman (sponsored "by copies manuscript to secrethe Committee on Professional tary by July 5. On titles, Relations and S t a t u s ) : Fluorine underscore name of a u t h o r to Chemistry, Ε. Τ. McBec, P u r ­ present paper. due Univorsity, Lafavette, Ind., chairman; Flamo-Proofing Tex­ tiles, O. J. Essclon, 857 Bnylston St., Boston 1β, Mass., chair­ man; Titanium, R o y Dahlstrom. National Lead Co., P. O. Box 58, R. Amboy, N. J., chair­ man; Fourteenth Unit Process Symposium, R. N. Shreve, P u r ­ due University, Lafayette, I n d . chairman; Adsorption Tech­ niques in the Petroleum Indus­ try (see Division of Petroleum Chemistry) ; Actual Methods of Treating Industrial Waste W a ­ ters (see Division of Water, Sew­ age, and Sanitation Chemistry); general papers. Mon.-Fri. Three copies 200-word abGeneral papers. Mon.-Wed. stract: manuscript or 1,000word abstract High Polymer Forum (see Divi­ T w o copies 200-word abstract, sion of Paint, Varnish, and Plas­ one on form available from tics Chemistry) ; Nomenclature secretary; manuscript or of Hydrocarbons (see Division 1,000-word abstract includof Petroleum Chemistry); gen­ ing experimental data, by eral papers. Mon.-Thurs. July 12. No changes, additions, or withdrawals of papers after July 12. High Polymer Forum, P. O. High Polymer Forum papers Powers, chairman (with Divi­ only: two copies 200-word sions of Cellulose, Colloid, Or­ abstract and five copies ganic, Petroleum, Physical a n d 1,000-word abstract to P . O. Inorganic, and Rubber Chem­ Powers, Battelle Mem. Inst., istry): Drying Oils, D. IT. Columbus 1, O. Papers on Wheeler, chairman; Packaging protective coatings: two (see_Division of Industrial a n d copies 250-\vord abstract to Engineering C h e m i s t r y ) ; plas­ secretary; three copies tics group general papers; paint mamiseript to C. ~R. Bragand varnish group general don, Tnterchemical Corp., papers. 'Mon.-Thurs. 432 West 45th St., New York City 10. Papers on resins and plastics: two copies 200-word abstract to secretary; three copies manuscript to M. M. Renfrew, Du Pont Co., 626 Schuyler Ave., Arlington, N. J. One copy of manuscript should be especially prepared for preprint booklet; write secretary for details. Adsorption Techniques in the Pe­ Symposia papers: four copies troleum Industry, R. F . Marsch100-\vord abstract and four ner, Standard Oil Co., Whiting, copies manuscript to chairInd., chairman (with Divisions men by M a y 15. General of Analytical and Micro, Indus­ papers: four copies 100trial and Engineering, and Phys­ word abstract and four ical and Inorganic Chemistry); copies manuscript to secreChemical Nomenclature, S. S. tary by June 1. Kurtz, Sun Oil Co., Norwood, Pa., chairman (with Divisions of Chemical Education, Chemi­ cal Literature, and Organic Chemistry) ; High Polymer Forum (see Division of Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemis­ try); general papers. M o n . Thurs. Structure of Amphoteric Oxides Two copies 200-word abstract; (with Division of Collosd Chem­ manuscript or 1000-word abistry); Acid-base reactions in stract (will be returned if reOrganic Chemistry; Critical quest and stamped, adPhenomena; Concentrated Elec­ dressed envelope are entrolytes and Fused Salts; closed with transmittal). Superoxides and Suboxides; Ad­ No paper will be accepted sorption Techniques in the Peunless a n author expects to troleum Industry (see Division be present. of Petroleum Chemistry); High Polymer Forum (see Division of Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry); general papers. Mon.-Fri. High Polymer Forum (see Divi­ Three copies 250-word absion of Paint, Varnish, and Plas­ stract; three copies manutics Chemistry) ; general papers. script. Wed.-Fri._ Analytical Methods in Carbo­ Four copies 250-word abstract; hydrate Chemistry; Carbohy­ three copies manuscript. drate Metabolism (see Division of Biological Chemistry); gene­ ral papers. Tues.-Thurs. Actual Methods of Treating In­ Six copies 350-word abstract by July\ 11; m a y request dustrial Waste Waters, Roy F. manuscript. Weston, chairman (with Divi­ sion of Industrial and Engineer­ ing Chemistry) ; general papers. Mon-Wcd.


» » »




Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. William A. Pardee, Gulf Research and Development Co., P. O. Box 2038, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. Medicinal Chemistry. Glenn E. Ullyot, Smith, Kline & French Co.. Laboratories, 1530 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia 23, Pa. Organic Chemistry. Ralph W. Bost, Department of Chemistry, Box 1109,. University of North Carolina, ChapelHill, N. C. Paint, Varnish, and Plastics Chemistry. Ε. Ε . McSweeney, Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 King Ave., Columbus 1, Ohio. Petroleum Chemistry. C. G. Kirkbride, Houdrjr Process Corp. of Pennsyl­ vania, Box 427, Marcus Hook, Pa. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. Mil­ ton Burton, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Rubber Chemistry. Charles R. Haynes, Binney and Smith Co., 41 East 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Y. Sugar Chemistry. James M. Brown, Re­ vere Sugar Refinery, 333 Medford St., Charlestown, Mass. Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Chem­ istry. T. E. Larson, State Water Sur­ vey, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Abstracts of Papers Abstracts should accompany all titles when sent to the secretaries of the various divisions. Requirements are given in accompanying table. In the case of multiple authorship, the name of the author who is expected to present the paper should be underlined or otherwise indicated. Please note and observe the various deadlines indicated. All abstracts must be in the hands of the divisional secre­ taries bj' July 15 in order to facilitate prompt distribution of sets of abstracts by the News Service. Divisional Meeting Rooms Divisional meeting rooms will be equipped with a standard lantern-slide projector, screen, blackboard, pointer, chalk, and a reading desk with light. An attempt will be made to furnish motionpicture and other special projectors upon the request and at the expense of divi­ sions or individuals if notice is sent to the Washington office before Aug. 1.

News Service The ACS News Service will operate a press room in Atlantic City. Authors of papers will confer a great service and promote the efficiency of publicity work by sending special synopses, abstracts, and other informa­ tion of public interest to James H. Stack, Managing Editor, ACS New« Service, 60 I W L 42nd St.. New York 17, Ν. Υ.



With the exception of business meet­ ings, all technical sessions of all divisions are ordinarily open to all persons who are registered at the meeting. Member1727

ship m a division is an indication of 3'our interest in the work which it is doing, and a contribution to its success. Mem­ bers of divisions are granted a reduced rate on the purchase of sets of abstracts, and many divisions offer additional con­ cessions. Members of the Society may become members of one or more divisions upon request to the divisional secretary and payment of small annual dues. The list of divisions is given herewith, and a list of annual dues was published in C&EN on Oct. 18, p. 3132. Facilities for joining divisions will also be available at the abstracts sales desk during the meeting.



Hotel Rates Map key 29 1 19 8-9 30 20 25 24 11 32 28 1A 4 26 5 18 Map Key 13A


Convention Hall The Society will maintain an Em­ ployment Clearing House to provide the facilities necessary for bringing together employers and members and paid stu­ dent affiliates seeking new contacts. Ob­ viously, all who wish to use the E C H must be registered and in attendance at the meeting. Because a large attendance is expected in Atlantic City, the more elaborate Clearing House system, employed prior to the divided meeting in 1948 and the

6 12A 22 23 12 28A 4A 15 16 7 17 13 3 Γ9Α 21 10 14 31

Rooms w i t h B a t h Double Single $9.00--14.00 $6.0O- -11.OO 6 . 00--10.00 6 . 0 0 4.0O5.00-12.00 4 . 0 0 -- 7 . 0 0 8.00--14.00 6 . 0 0 - -10.OO

Boardwalk Hotels Ambassador Apollo Breakers Brighton ChalfonteHaddon H a l Chelsea Claridge Dennis MarlboroughBlenheim Mayflower New Belmont President Ritz-Carlton St. Charles Seaside She'tburne Strand Traymore Avenue Hotels Boseobel Clarendon Colton M a n o r Columbus Crillon* Eastbourne Flanders Fox M a n o r Holmhurst Jefferson Kentucky Lafayette Lexington Madison MonticeLIo Morton Perm-Atlantic Runnymede Senator Sterling Villa D ' E s t é

6.00- -10.00 5 . 2 5 -- 6 . 7 5 6.00- -14.0O 6.00- - 8 . 0 0

8.00--18.00 6 . 7 5 --15.00 9.00--17.00 9.00--16.00

Two Rooms. Bath Between F o u r Persons $ 1 6 00- - 2 5 . 0 0 1 3 00- - 1 4 . 0 0 1 0 00- - 2 0 . 0 0 22.00

Room and Parlor §20.00-26.00

1 5 001 8 00- - 2 4 . 0 0

17 9 . 0 O -- 1 6 . 0 0 14 7.00--12.00 13 6.00--10.00 8.00--14.00 20 9.00--14.00 14 7.00--14.00 8.00--12.00 9 . 0 O -- 1 8 . 0 0 18 9 . 0 O -- 1 2 . 0 0 8.00--18.00 Two Rooms, Bath Between Rooms with B a t h Four Persons Double Sin g l e 8.O012.00-14.00 12.007.O05 .00-6.00 7.O0- 1 2 . 0 0 5 00- -9.00 10.00 7.50- 8.00 14.00-16.00 7.00- 9.00 5 0012.00-20.00 6.O0- 1 0 . 0 0 5 00- -8.00 14.007.O0- 8 . 0 0 12.00-20.00 7.O0- 10.00 6 0010.006.00- 7.00 3 5018.008.00- 10.00 5 00-6.00 12.00-14.00 6.50-- 8 . 5 0 6 oo14.00-18.00 7.00- 10.00 4 50-6.00 11.00-14.00 7.0012.00-14.00 7.O0- 10.00 5 00- -7.00 7.006.00- 10.00 4 00- -7.50 16.00-18.00 7.00--12.00 4 50- -7.00 12.00-14.00 6.00-- 7 . 0 0 4 .00--5.00 13.00-14.00 8.00- 9.00 5 .00-6.00

6.00- -10.OO 5.00- - 6 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 - - 5.0O 5.00- -10.00 6.00- 8.0O 5.0O- -12.00 5.00- - 9.0O 6.00- -16.0O 4 . 5 0 -- 6 . 0 0 6.00- -14.00

18.00-28.00 20.00-34.00 21.00-28.50 30.00-31.00 27.0027.00-36.00

00- - 2 4 . 0 0 00- - 1 8 . 0 0 00- - 1 6 . 0 0

13.00-24.00 25.00-30.00

0000- - 1 8 . 0 0

26.0000- - 2 0 . 0 0


Rooms without Bath Double Single

2.00-2.50 4.003.00-4.00

5.00-6.00 6.005.00-8.0Î' 4.004.00-6.00 4.00-5.00 7.00-8.00 4.50-6.50

3.00-3.50 4.004.00-6.00 3.00-



3.00-4.00 3.00-4.50

5.00-6.00 5.00-7.00

3.00 2.00-3.00

4.00-5.00 4 . 0 0 - 5 . Of-

° Rate includes breakfast.


(Please* type, or print in pencil)


16 Central Pier Atlantic City, N . J. Please make hotel reservations as indicated : 1st choice:


2nd choice:


3rd choice:

Hotel Rooms with bath for

(Note: If the hotel of first choice is unable to accept the reservation the Housing Committee will endeavor to comply with your second or third choice in the order n a m e d . Indicate whether price or location is more important on second choice. Price Q Location I [')

persons 0

([^double; •

. Combinations (two rooms, b a t h between) for

twin bed) persons;

rate $

to S

per room. per suite.

rate $

to $

Rooms with parlor for


rate $

to S

per suite.

Rooms without b a t h for


rate $

. . . . to $

per room











H O T E L S WILL H O L D RESERVATIONS F O R O N L Y T H R E E HOURS A F T E R ARRIVAL T I M E G I V E N . YOU WILL RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION D I R E C T L Y FROM THE HOTEL ACCEPTING T H E RESERVATION. Please print or type the names and addresses of all occupants, including the person making t h e reservations: NAME




Signature Mailing Address. City

α N O T E : Single rooms are scarce; if no single rooms are available, please check here if you wish the bureau to arrange for a twin-bedded room to be shared with some other registrant.! - )






most recent smaller undivided session in San Francisco, will be used. Beginning Sunday at 2:00 P.M. candidates for employment will file record? in the Clearing House on forms which provide space for a photograph, persona) data, and information regarding education and experience. The records will be maintained in classified files and indexed under all fields of training and experience. Monday at 8:00 A.M. the Clearing House will open to employers. Appointments for interviews will be made at the request of employers at the times they specify. Private interview booths will be assigned for such conferences. Candidates for Employment By action of the Board of Director»., one Employment Clearing House is open only t o members and paid student affiliates of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETT

registered and attending the meeting

Advance registration is helpful. The forms will be available after June 15 from the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,

1155 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Please state specifically that the forms are required jor the Atlantic City meeting. Those who wish to speed up their "check-in" should send completed forms to Washington by Wednesday, Sept. 7. Registrants will be required to sign an agreement to consult the bulletin board twice daily—(1) between 1:00 and 2:00 P.M. and (2) between 6:00 and 6:15 P.M. or 8:00 and 8:15 A.M. Records can not be inspected by employers until after the arrival of the registrant. Those who do not file vitae in advance by mail may fill out thf= forms after arrival in Atlantic City. Employers By action of the Board of Directors, all employers' representatives who wish

Copolymer Corp. Completes Conversion to Cold Rubber A S T A F F REPORT

C^HEMISTS and chemical engineers once again have outdone nature in creating better products for modern man's use. The latest instance of this was made clearly evident a t the recent open house program sponsored by the Copolymer Corp. and the Phillips Petroleum Co. at the former's plant in Baton Rouge, La. The occasion commemorated the 100% conversion of the plant to "cold rubber/* éo-called because the .polymerization of r-he butadiene and styrene is carried oui at 41° F. instead of 122° F. as in the -rtandard GR-S process. This new type of rubber which the Copolymer Corp. began producing in February 1948 and is now turning out at the rate of 30,000 tons annually has greatly improved abrasion resistance and cracking characteristics. When compounded with improved carbon black and used for tire treads an increase of about* SÙ9O in mileage is obtained. Despite the additional cost of refrigeration the total cost of the new rubber is as low as standard GR-S because of cheaper materials used in the polymerization recipe and greater process efficiency. It is likely that further decreases in cost will be effected. The definite achievement of these results ensures the continuance of the American synthetic rubber industry The success of cold rubber from both a Drocess and product standpoint has idrastically revived interest among tire makers, and conversion of the country'*3 flynthetic capacity is being pushed.

I n discussing the development of cold rubber, W. B . Reynolds, supervisor of synthetic rubber development, Phillip? Petroleum Co., pointed out at the Baton Rouge open house that the basic idea of cold rubber is not veiy new. As far back as World War I it was known that low temperatures produced better polymers. I t was not until 1943, however, that serious studies were begun to develop commercial processes. Among the factors responsible for the final rapid development of cold rubber,



2 7,

N O . 24



13, 1 9 4 9

to use t h e facilities of the Employment Clearing House must b e registered at the meeting:. They are to agree that no placement charges will be made and that registrants will be advised a t time of first contact of geographic location of work, name o:f employer, and nature of position. I t is expected that employers who have been regular users of the Employment Clearing House will b e pleased to learn that the full service, complete with interview scheduling by the ECH staff, will be provided. Those who have never visited a n ACS Clearing House will find a uniqize employment aid of distinct value.



The final program of the meeting will be printed in the Aug. 15 issue of C&EN. ALDEN EL EMBRI

Executive Secretary accordin-g to Dr. Reynolds was the development of the MDN-ferricyanidf polymerization system. M D N [2-(4metlioxy-benzenediazomercaptan) naphthalene], a "speed up" chemical, was introduced into t h e polymerization work ai the University of Cincinnati. Làtei chemists at tlie University of Minnesota discovered that this new chemical, wheD