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Jun 9, 1995 - Electrokinetics is an emerging soil remediation technology. ... responsible for developing remediation and waste management technologies...
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Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on March 15, 2018 | Publication Date: November 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0607.ch003

Preliminary Results from the Investigation of Thermal Effects in Electrokinetic Soil Remediation T. R. Krause and B. Tarman Chemical Technology Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, I L 60439-4837 Electrokinetics is an emerging soil remediation technology. Contaminants are extracted from the soil as a result of a complex set of phenomena that occur when an electric gradient is imposed across a soil-water system. The primary phenomena include electroosmosis, electromigration, and electrophoresis. Secondary phenomena, such as changes in solubility or speciation of various chemical components, may occur as a result of electrically induced changes in the chemical environment of the system. Numerous factors, such as temperature, may affect each of these phenomena and, consequently, the overall process efficiency. We have begun an investigation of thermal effects in the extraction of potassium dichromate from kaolinite soils under conditions of constant saturation and dewatering. Preliminary results suggest that increasing the soil temperature from 21 to 55 °C may decrease the processing time under saturated conditions. However, increasing the soil temperature under dewatering conditions causes soil cracking, which reduces the overall process efficiency.

Soils contaminated with heavy metals and organic compounds is a major environmental concern at the Department of Energy - Defense Production (DOE-DP) facilities. For example, soils contaminated with chromium can be found at Sandia National Laboratory, with mercury at the Oak Ridge Reservation, and with process waste, including TRUs, strontium, and cesium, from leaking storage tanks at the Hanford Site. The Office of Technology Development (OTD) within D O E is responsible for developing remediation and waste management technologies to resolve or minimize the environmental impact of these contaminated soils. One remediation technology which has received considerable attention is electrokinetic remediation. "Electrokinetic remediation" occurs when several transport phenomena collectively promote contaminant migration in a soil-groundwater system as a result of an applied electric gradient between electrodes embedded in the soil subsurface. These phenomena include electroosmosis, electromigration, and electrophoresis. Electroosmosis is the flow of groundwater. Electromigration and electrophoresis 0097-6156/95/0607-0021$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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describe the movement of charged species, ions or colloidal particles, respectively, relative to the fluid phase. Decontamination of a site results from the controlled transport of a contaminant either by convective forces due to electroosmosis or by transport mechanisms due to electromigration or electrophoresis from the contaminated region to a collection region. For metal species, generally, electromigration is the dominant force (1). At the molecular level, a complex and interrelated set of chemical and physical phenomena are observed during electrokinetic processing. The phenomena effecting the contaminant(s) to be removed include convective and diffusional transport processes, sorption from the soil, and chemical reactions resulting in changes in the compound or, in the cases of metal ions, changes in oxidation state and/or ligand coordination sphere. In addition, changes occur in the chemical and physical properties of the soil-water interface and the effect of the biological properties of the soil play a significant role in the efficiency of the electrokinetic process. The overall efficiency of the transport processes will depend on many factors, including the ion concentration, the hydration of ions and charged particles, the mobility of the ions and charged particles, the viscosity of the groundwater, the dielectric constant of the medium, and the temperature (2). The electrokinetic phenomena, in particular, electroosmosis was first observed by Reuss in 1808 (3). The initial application of this phenomena was electroosmotic dewatering and hence, stabilizing, soils and sludges to permit construction of building foundations, earth-filled dams, airport runways, and railroad right-of-ways (4). In 1980, Segall and co-workers (5) reported the detection of high concentration of metals and organic compounds in water electroosmotically drained from a sludge. Since then a considerable amount of experimental and theoretical work aimed at developing this technology has been performed in academic research laboratories (1,6-19) government laboratories (20-21), and industrial laboratories (22-23). In the United States, current field applications of electrokinetic remediation has been limited to an EPA-sponsored demonstration (24). In Europe, a Dutch firm, Geokinetics has performed several fieldscale attempts to remediate heavy metals from saturated soils (22). Heating of soil during electrokinetic remediation can result from two mechanisms: intentional heating of the soil using technologies such as imbedded heating elements or radio-frequency heating or unavoidable heating as a result of resistive heating due to high current/voltages during processing. Currently, there is little information available in the literature discussing the effect of temperature in electrokinetics processing. Winterkorn (25) investigated the effect of resistive heating of the soil during electrokinetic processing. He suggested that a thermal gradient term must be included with the hydraulic and electroosmotic gradients to predict the electroosmosis flow to account for resistive heating of the soil. Tarman (26) investigated thermal heating to enhance the recovery of chlorinated hydrocarbons from various fine-grained soils. Due to the complex interrelationship between transport properties, sorption processes, and chemical reactions, which may occur during electrokinetic processing, it is very difficult to predict a priori how increases in the process temperature will effect the overall electrokinetic process efficiency (10). As a consequence, most research is conducted under low current/voltage conditions to minimize resistive heating of the soil.

Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on March 15, 2018 | Publication Date: November 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0607.ch003



Thermal Effects in Electrokinetic Soil Remediation


Thermal effects on electrokinetic remediation of chromate-laden kaolinite under conditions of both constant saturation and dewatering were investigated. Although considerable academic research has been conducted on fundamental processes that occur during electrokinetic remediation under conditions of constant soil saturation, there have been limited research under dewatering conditions. However, since a number of potential sites that are a candidate for application of this technology are located in arid region, a significant amount of research conducted within DOE has focussed on electrokinetic processing under unsaturated conditions (20-21). Experimental Chromate-laden soil samples were prepared by mixing an equivalent weight of a 1000-ppm chromium solution (0.0096 M K C r 0 ) with kaolinite (Thiele Kaolin Co.). The slurry was mechanically mixed to a uniform consistency. The slurry was loaded into the sample cell, an acrylic tube 3.5 cm ID and 8.5 cm long. The slurry was then consolidated to drain excess water by applying pressure in incremental steps of 3-5 psi up to a total pressure of 30-40 psi over a 24-h period (18). After consolidation, two porous stones were glued with a silicon-based epoxy to each end of the sample cell to hold the soil in place. The sample cell was placed in the electrokinetics test apparatus provided by Lehigh University shown in Figure 1 for processing. Using this procedure, samples could be consistently prepared samples with an initial degree of saturation ranging from 90-100%, indicating nearly all of the pore volume contains water, and a chromium concentration in the range of 0.04-0.06 wt% (based on the dry weight of soil). A number of baseline samples containing no chromium were prepared by a similar procedure. Electrokinetics processing conditions was investigated in "open" and "closed" systems (4). In the open-system, water reservoirs were provided at both the anode and cathode electrodes to replace water loss due to electroosmosis and maintain the saturation level of the soil at 85-100% during processing. In the closed-system, no water reservoirs were provided and the soil was allowed to dewater, as a result of electroosmosis (i.e., the saturation level continuously decreased). Electrokinetics processing was conducted at a constant d.c. voltage of 30 v. (Kenmore Model PD110-3D or PD110-5D Power Supplies). Small graphite electrodes, approximately 0.25 in. (0.64 cm) long and 0.06 in. (0.15 cm) in diameter, were inserted into the soil at various locations to measure intermediate voltage drops along the length of the cell. Current and voltage measurements were made periodically using a Fluke Model 8060A True RMS Multimeter. In the open system, the electrodes were constructed from four graphite rods, approximately 2.25 in. (5.72 cm) long and 0.25 in. (0.64 cm) in diameter, which were glued together. The electrodes were submersed in the water reservoirs. In the closed system, the porous stones, which served to hold the soil samples in the test cell, served as the electrodes. Electrical connections were made by gluing a lead wire from the power supply to the surface of the porous stone using a conductive carbon cement (Neubauer Chemikalien). Experiments performed at elevated temperatures, 42 and 55 °C, were conducted by wrapping the cells with heating tapes. Temperature was measured at three locations 2



Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

15.25 cm

y y y y y| oOIl

s * s ss

/ * / s / \ S S \ Ν
K - 3.8 cm

s s s s * s s s r s s s * s s

y / y y >T—_ * \ \ \ s \ ι οΛ:ι



Allen bolt

auxiliary electrode

electrode • porous stone

• end plate . power connection water connection

Figure 1. Electrokinetic cell provided by Lehigh University. Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.

10 cm


• gas expulsion port

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on March 15, 2018 | Publication Date: November 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0607.ch003

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on March 15, 2018 | Publication Date: November 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0607.ch003



Thermal Effects in Electrokinetic Soil Remediation


using chromel-alumel thermocouples inserted into the soil. The thermocouple located at the midpoint between the anode and cathode served as the reference thermocouple for a Omega Temperature Controller (Model CN320) that controlled the power supplied to the heating tapes. The samples were heated to the desired temperature and allowed to equilibrate for approximately 30-60 min. before the voltage was applied. During a typical experiment, the temperature varied by about 1-2 °C across the cell. In the open system, the water in the reservoirs was maintained at ambient temperature, 21 °C. In open-system processing, small alliquots were periodically removed from the cathode and anode reservoirs. In closed-system processing, small soil samples were recovered after processing. Quantitative analysis of these alliquots and the soil samples for chromium was performed by the Analytic Chemistry Laboratory. Ioncoupled plasma spectroscopy was used on liquid samples. A modification of standard EPA methods (Series 3000 Methods) were used on soil samples for chromium determination. No determination of chromium speciation was attempted during these initial tests. Results and Discussion Open system. Open system experiments were conducted at three temperatures, 21, 42, and 55 °C, for a period of 7 hours. Three samples were processed at each temperature to indicate the reproducibility of the results. Since chromium is in an anionic form, either C r 0 or C r 0 , under conditions generated by the electrokinetic processing, it will migrate due to the potential difference towards the anode. Electromigration is the predominant transport process. Increasing the processing temperature above ambient conditions (21 °C) resulted in an increase in the total amount of chromium accumulation in the anode electrode reservoir during the 7 hour tests, as illustrated in Figure 2. During the first 1-2 hours, rate of accumulation of chromium did not appear to vary with temperature. However, after this initial 2 hour period, the rate of accumulation of chromium did increase with increasing process temperatures, although there was no difference observed in the rate of accumulation at the above ambient temperatures (42 and 55 °C) investigated. A small amount of chromium did accumulate in the cathode chamber either due to convective transportation by the groundwater or to diffusion caused by concentration gradients. As shown in Figure 3, the amount of chromium accumulated in the cathode increases with increasing process temperature. Based on the concentration of chromium in the anode chamber, approximately 20% of the chromium initially present in the soil sample was recovered at 21 °C over a 7 hour period. Approximately 35% of the chromium initially present in the soil was recovered at 42 and 55 °C over the same time period. No attempt was made to recover any more chromium. The volumetric flow rate of water into the anode and out of the soil at the cathode were measured. In general, the total volume of water transported across the soil sample increased with increasing temperature, as shown in Figure 4. At the highest temperature investigated, 55 °C, the amount of water entering and leaving the soil sample are approximately equal. However, this amounted to only about 10-15% 2



Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.






Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on March 15, 2018 | Publication Date: November 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0607.ch003





Time, min

Figure 2. Concentration of chromium that accumulated in the anode chamber at 21, 42, and 55 °C using the open system. Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.


21"C 1.5 -•-

42 °C

-Α-· 55 o









Time, min

Figure 3. Concentration of chromium that accumulated in the cathode chamber at 21, 42, and 55 °C using the open system.

Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Thermal Effects in Electrokinetic Soil Remediation


of the total volume of water initially present in the soil. Thus, although there is a net imbalance of flow across the samples at lower temperatures, the small amount of flow, (less than 5% of the initial volume of water present in the soil) and the short processing times did not result in a significant change in the degree of saturation of the soil. Similar observations were observed using blank samples, which contained no chromium, under similar processing conditions. Another system parameter that was measured was the current. The current did not appear to be a function of the temperature as illustrated in Figure 5. As discussed earlier, these experiments were performed at a constant d.c. voltage of 30 v. maintained between the two electrodes. Most of the voltage drop, > 80-90%, was across the soil samples. In general, chromium electromigration was the dominant transport mechanism. Transport processes, such as convective transport and diffusional processes did not substantially retard the electromigration of chromium. This observation is consistent with results obtained for chromium removal from kaolinite (18) and sand (21) at ambient temperatures. Increasing the process temperature above ambient temperature did increase the rate of chromium removal from the soil by nearly a factor of two. Not enough experiments were conducted to determine the effect of temperature at lower initial chromium concentrations and/or saturation conditions below 100% in the open system. Closed system. A series of experiments were conducted under dewatering conditions at the same three temperatures investigated in the open system, 21, 42, and 55 °C. Three separate samples were prepared for each temperature, and processed for 3, 7, or 24 hours. The reproducibility of the results was determined by comparing measured parameters, such as voltage drops and current, of different samples for similar processing times (e.g. the first three hours of processing time of the 7- and 24-h experiments compared to the entire 3-h experiment). The chromate-laden kaolinite samples were prepared as already described for uniformity. However, water reservoirs were not utilized. The porous stones, which are in direct contact with the soil, served as the cathode and anode. During this operation, dewatering of the kaolinite samples occurred due to electroosmosis, thermally-induced stress dewatering, and evaporation. Chromate and water were allowed to flow from the soil through the porous stones and into a collection basin. No attempt was made to quantify the chromate or the water extracted from the samples. Only the initial and final chromium concentrations of the soil samples were measured. Based on the analytical results, the amount of chromium removed ranged from approximately 50% of the initial chromium concentration at 55 °C to >80% at 42 °C for samples processed for 3 h. As shown in Figure 6, the chromium concentration is greatest in the vicinity of the anode for all samples at all temperatures investigated. Chromium concentrations in the vicinity of the cathode were significantly below the initial chromium concentrations. As in the open system, this observation is consistent with the electromigration of the negatively-charged chromate moiety towards the anode, opposite the electroosmotic flow of water towards the cathode. The amount of chromium present near the center of the test cell was found to increase with increasing temperature.

Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on March 15, 2018 | Publication Date: November 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0607.ch003





Time, min

Figure 4. Volumetric flow of groundwater into the cathode chamber at 21, 42, and 55 °C under saturated conditions using the open system.







Time, min

Figure 5. Observed current for a constant d.c. voltage of 30 v. at 21, 42, and 55 °C under saturated conditions using the open system.

Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Thermal Effects in Electrokinetic Soil Remediation






Figure 6. Chromium concentration profile versus relative distance from anode after 3 h at at 21, 42, and 55 °C using the closed system. Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.

Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on March 15, 2018 | Publication Date: November 9, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0607.ch003



Chromate-laden water was observed to drain from both the anode and cathode regions of samples during the time required to heat the samples to 42 and 55 °C. Qualitatively, the amount of water that drained from the samples increased with increasing processing temperature. During this period, no electric gradient was applied to the soil system, suggesting that thermally-induced dewatering occurred. As anticipated, the percent loss of water increases with both increasing temperature and duration of the experiment, as shown in Table I. No attempts were made to distinguish between water loss due to electroosmosis and thermal effects, such as evaporation or thermally-induced stresses (27). Our observation that the ability to move chromate anions decreases as the soil dewaters is consistent with an investigation of the electrokinetic transport of chloride anions in sand conducted at the University of Manchester which observed that it became more difficult to move chloride anions in sand as the water content decreases (2). Previous results for chromate and dye removal from sand suggests that the maxim electromigration velocity can be maintained for moisture contents well below total saturation before a decrease in mobility is observed (28).

Table I. Degree of Saturation (Percent) of Kaolinite Samples after Various Processing Times as a Function of Temperature for a Closed System Percent Saturation of Kaolinite Samples 24 h


3h Temp(°C)




















100 94.6

73.5 60.4

102 97.8

60.5 31.9

Cracks, due to soil shrinkage, developed in all cases for experiments conducted at elevated temperatures for 24-h periods. In fact, the cracking, hence shrinking, of the soil samples was so severe for the experiment conducted at 55 °C, that the current decreased by three orders of magnitude. Cracking causes a discontinuity of the pathways for contaminant transport. As pointed out by Casagrande, shrinkage will continue to the plastic limit, and depending on the applied voltage, to the shrinkage limit. Once this limit is reached, electroosmosis (and hence, electrokinetics remediation) will stop (29). As a consequence, electrokinetics remediation under dewatering conditions for kaolinite soils will be difficult, especially as the degree of saturation decreases. Conclusions In summary, due to the limited number of experiments performed, no concrete conclusions can be derived. However, based on a number of observations, some

Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Thermal Effects in Electrokinetic Soil Remediation


suggestions can be made to assist or provide guidance for future work in this area and in electrokinetics processing in general. The primary observations are as follows: (1) Increased processing temperature could result in shorter time for site remediation under saturated conditions. (2) Significant loss of groundwater during closed system operations could hinder the transport of metal species through the soil resulting in a potential redistribution of the contaminants but not necessarily decontamination of the site. (3) Thermally-induced dewatering could cause migration of contaminants along thermal gradients, which may or may not coincide with electric gradients (initial expansion of contamination could actually be observed as the processing temperature increases). Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the following individuals: Dr. Sibel Pamucku of Lehigh University for providing the electrokinetics test cells; and Dean Bass, Doris Huff, Edmund Huff, and Florence Smith of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory at Argonne National Laboratory. This work was supported by the U . S. Department of Energy, Office of Technology Development, under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38.

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Tedder;Pohland; Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management V ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.