Prelude to Atomic Energy - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Prelude to Atomic Energy T h e y ' r e moving mountains i n South Africa. W i t h the aid of AMBERLITE® ion exchange resins, sparsely distributed u r a n i u m is being selectively extracted from clay residues of gold m i n i n g . I n C a n a d a , on the Colorado Plateau, and i n many other parts of the world, AMBERLITE resins are also easing the u r a n i u m refiner's j o b . T h e recovery of u r a n i u m is j u s t one of the ways in which AMBERLITE ion exchange resins can serve in hydrometallurgy. T h o r i u m a n d r a r e earth elements can b e recovered from complex ores. R h e n i u m ,

relative of p l a t i n u m , can b e salvaged from refinery flue dusts. D i l u t e wastes from the conventional processing of cobalt a n d nickel can be scavenged for additional quantities of the metals. Even gold c a n be obtained from ores previously considered uneconomical to work. I o n exchange, of course, is not restricted to h y d r o metallurgy. W h e r e v e r ions in solution must be removed or replaced, ion exchange m a y provide the answer. T h e question is: w h a t c a n AMBERLITE ion exchange resins d o for you?