Preparation and Characterization of Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys

(composed of 4.0% Cr, 4.5% Mo, 1.0% V, 0.8% C and balance Fe) ... gel synthesis, chemical vapor deposition, chemical reduction and laser ... bis(ethyl...
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Chapter 15

Preparation and Characterization of Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys 1




Kenneth E. Gonsalves , S. P. Rangarajan , C. C. Law , C. R. Feng , Gan-Moog Chow , and A. Garcia-Ruiz Downloaded by STANFORD UNIV GREEN LIBR on October 14, 2012 | Publication Date: March 12, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0622.ch015




Institute of Materials Science and Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 Pratt & Whitney, United Technologies Corporation, East Hartford, CT 06108 Division of Materials Science and Engineering and Laboratory for Molecular Interfacial Interactions, Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Naval Research Laboratory, Code 6930, 4555 Overlook Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20375-5348 2



Two approaches for the synthesis of nanostructured M50 type steel (composed of 4.0% Cr, 4.5% Mo, 1.0% V, 0.8% C and balance Fe) powders and their consolidation are reported in this chapter. One approach involved the sonochemical decomposition of organometallic precursors; and the other involved the reduction of the metal halides with lithium triethyl borohydride followed by vaccum sublimation of the powders to remove lithium chloride. The as-synthesized powders are amorphous by X-ray diffraction (XRD) but the peaks corresponding to bcc α-Fe are observed in the compacts. The morphology and composition of the powders synthesized by both techniques, as well as the compacts, were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hardness, density, particle size and impurity contents were also determined for the compacts. In addition, pure nanosized iron particles obtained by the ultrasound decompositon of iron pentacarbonyl were consolidated and the properties of the latter were studied. Nanophase materials in which the average grain size, phases or crystallites are in the nanometer regime have recently been the focus of intense research effort (1-3). This interest has developed due to their superior properties compared to conventional materials which have particle sizes on the order of a micron (4-5). Nanostructured materials have traditionally been prepared by a variety of techniques which include physical methods such as gas-phase condensation, metal evaporation, spray pyrolysis, laser ablation and plasma synthesis (6-12). Chemical methods to synthesize such materials have frequently been used due to the better control of the stoichiometry in the end-product, the molecular level mixing of the constituent phases and the feasibility of low cost bulk production of these materials. Various chemical 5

Permanent address: UPIICSA-COFAA, IPN. Té 950 Esq. Résina. 08400 Mexico, D.F. and from Instituto de Fisica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 20-364, CP. 01000 Mexico, D.F., Mexico 0097-6156/96/0622-0220$15.00/0 © 1996 American Chemical Society

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys

methods commonly used for the preparation of nanostructured materials include solgel synthesis, chemical vapor deposition, chemical reduction and laser pyrolysis (1318). Nanocrystalline materials are being studied for applications in structural materials due to their enhanced hardness and wear resistance compared to conventional structural materials composed of micron sized particles (19-20). Iron-based alloys are industrially important materials and M50 steel (composed of 4.0% Cr, 4.5% M o , 1.0% V , 0.8% C and balance Fe (in weight %)) due to its good resistance to wear and rolling contact fatigue is extensively used in the aircraft industry as main-shaft bearings in gas-turbine engines (21-22). Conventional hardened M50 consists of a body centered tetragonal martensite phase and a dispersion of carbide particles (2325), some of which are several microns in diameter. These large particles often act as fatigue crack initiation sites and are detrimental to the end-product. In contrast, nanostructured steel would not have such a coarse microstructure and would be expected to exhibit superior mechanical properties. In this chapter are presented, two different liquid phase chemical synthesis methods for the preparation of M50 steel and iron nano-powders. Also, the compaction of these powders into a consolidated sample and a structural and morphological study of the powders and compacts is described here. One synthetic methodology involves the ultrasound assisted decomposition (26-28) of organometallic precursors and the other involves the use of a reducing agent to produce the fine particles from the elemental halides. In addition, the ultrasound-assisted synthesis of pure iron nanopowders, its compaction and the physical properties are reported. Experimental Chemicals and Instrumentation. A l l manipulations for the preparation the powders were performed in the dry-box or by Schlenck line techniques. For the sonochemical reaction, the reactants, iron pentacarbonyl, Fe(CO)5; bis(ethylbenzene)chromium, Cr(Et C6H6- )2 (where χ = 0-4) and cyclopentadienyl molybdenum tricarbonyl, CpMo(CO)3; were purchased from Strem Chemicals, Inc. In addition, a surfactant (polyoxyethylene sorbitan trioleate) that was added to the sonochemical reaction was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. For the chemical reduction method, FeCl3, M0CI3, VCI3 C r C ^ and lithium triethylborohydride were purchased from Aldrich Chemicals. The solvents decalin, tetrahydrofuran (THF) and methanol were distilled over CaH2 and degassed by bubbling argon through them for at least 5h. Ultrasonic treatment was done by means of a high intensity ultrasonic probe (Sonic and Materials, model VC-600, 0.5 in Ti horn, 20 kHz, 100 W c n r ) . X-ray powder diffraction data for the as-synthesised powders and the consolidated sample was collected on a Norelco/Phillips diffractometer using CuKa radiation (λ = 1.5418 Â). Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) were taken on a Cambridge (Mark 250) electron microscope fitted with an x-ray analyzer. The hardness of the sample was measured on a Clark microhardness tester (DMH-2) interfaced with a Compaq computer and software. Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) were taken on a JEOL 200CX electron microscope with an accelerating voltage of 200 K V . x



Powder Synthesis. Two synthetic approaches to produce M50 type steel nanopowders are outlined in Scheme 1. Due to the repeated segregation of vanadium in the M50 powders produced in earlier experiments by using either V(CO)6 or CpV(CO)4 as a vanadium precursor during ultrasound decomposition, vanadium has been excluded in the following reported sonochemical synthesis of M50 type steel, however efforts are currently in progress to remedy this segregation.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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Chemical Reduction |

Fe(CO) + CrtEtxCeHe.Jz + CpMcHCOfc 5

Sonication Decalin solvent 6h, R. T.

FeCI +

+ CrCI + VCI + LiBEt H (reducing agent) 3





stir for 48h, thf solvent

Remove solvent by Vacuum Distillation

Coat powders with mineral oil before compaction

Remove solvent by stripping in vacuum

Wash powders with methanol and thf, dry In vacuum


Heat powders (650 °C) In vacuum (10" torr) to remove LICI by-product

Scheme 1. Schematic of the synthetic methodology.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys

Sonochemical Synthesis of M50 Type Steel Nanopowders. A dispersion of 15g (0.0765 mol) of Fe(CO) , 0.66g of Cr(Et C H -x)2, 0.75g (0.0015 mol) of CpMo(CO)3 and 1.0 g of polyoxyethylene sorbitan trioleate (surfactant) in dry decalin was sonicated at 50% amplitude for 7h at room temperature in a sonochemical reactor fitted with a condenser and gas inlet and outlet tubes connected to a mercury bubbler. The color of the solution turned dark and then black within a few minutes and this reaction mixture was sonicated until the formation of shiny metallic particles was observed on the walls of the reaction vessel. The sonication was then stopped and the decalin solvent was removed from the reaction flask via vacuum distillation. Fine black powder (Yield: 4.448g) remained at the bottom of the reactor, which was then isolated, transferred to a vial and coated with mineral oil before the compaction. 5

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Chemical Reduction Method for the Synthesis of M50 Type Steel Nanopowders. To a suspension of 10g FeCb, 0.5g M 0 C I 3 , 0.445g C r C b and 0.11 l g VCI3 in 100 mL thf, 202.98 mL of 1.0M lithium triethyl borohydride in THF was added slowly while stirring at room temperature by a liquid addition runnel in the dry-box. Slow effervescence was observed for a few minutes. After the reaction was stirred in the glove box for 48h at room temperature, a black suspension was formed. The solvent (THF) was removed from the reaction flask by vacuum distillation and the black powders were washed with «100 mL of distilled degassed methanol till no further bubbling was observed. The fine black solid was washed again with 50 mL of thf and dried under vacuum. The lithium chloride by-product was removed from the above solid by vacuum sublimation in a tube furnace at 650 °C/10 torr. The yield of the powders after the sublimation was 3.382g. -4

Sonochemical Synthesis of Iron Nanopowders. A dispersion of 15g (0.076 mol) of Fe(CO)s in dry decalin was sonicated at 50% amplitude for 6h at room temperature in a sonochemical reactor as described previously. The color of the solution turned dark and then black within a few minutes and this reaction mixture was sonicated till the formation of shiny metallic particles was observed on the walls of the reaction vessel. The sonication was then stopped and the decalin solvent was removed from the reaction flask via vacuum distillation. The black powders (Yield: 3.88lg) at the bottom of the reactor was then isolated, transferred to a vial and coated with mineral oil before the compaction. Consolidation. The powders were transferred to a cylindrical steel die with a 17.7 mm diameter cavity in the dry-box (see Scheme Π) and the die was filled with powder to a height of 32 mm after manually tapping and pressing in the dry-box. The filled die was then wrapped in a nickel foil and transferred to a vacuum hot press for consolidation. Prior to compaction, the powders were treated in a hydrogen retort (to maintain the carbon content in the powder to less than 1 weight %) for 2h at 420 °C with a hydrogen flow rate of 20 standard cubic foot per hour (SCFH). Consolidation of the powders was done by using a vacuum hot press (VHP) custom designed by Centorr as per Pratt & Whitney specifications. The powders were compressed at 275 MPaat700 °Cfor2h. Results and Discussion Precursor Characteristics. The precursors used in the sonochemical synthesis were chosen due to their ability to readily decompose to produce metallic clusters, as well as their cost and commercial availability. For example, Fe(CO)5 is a liquid that can readily decompose at its boiling point to Fe clusters (29-30). The chromium and molybdenum precursors were chosen for similar reasons. In the case of the chem

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


High Purity H



1. Transfer Powder to H Retort 3. Transfer H Treated Powder to Compaction Die 4. Enclose Die in Ni Container


10 Torr Purified Argon

y Glovebox


2. Hydrbgen Reduction of Powder

Consolidate Powder in Vacuum Hot Press

High Purity Ar + 4% H

20 °C to 1100 °C 10-5 Ton-

Vacuum Hot Press

Scheme 2. Schematic of the consolidation process.

Retort Furnace


ο o o oi


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Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys


-ical reduction technique, the halides are the most attractive precursors due to their low cost and commercial availability. Sonochemically Produced M50 Type Steel. The morphology and microstructure of the M50 steel powders produced by the ultrasound assisted decomposition of the metal-organic precursors were examined by S E M and T E M microscopy. The S E M micrograph of the as-synthesized powders at 4400X magnification shown in Figure 1 indicates that the powders have a porous coral like microstructure usually observed for nano-powders produced by ultrasound decomposition (31-32). In the energy dispersive analysis by X-ray (EDAX) spectrum of the as-synthesized powder (Figure 2), the peaks corresponding to Fe, Cr and M o are observed. The T E M (Figure 3) at 118,500X magnification showed that the particles were agglomerated and were composed of smaller particles. The X R D analysis indicated that the as-synthesised powders are amorphous as shown in Figure 4. However the consolidated sample displayed sharp crystalline peaks (Figure 5) which were assigned to ot-Fe as confirmed by refinements of the diffraction patterns using the Rietveld method (33). The average particle size calculated from X-ray line broadening analysis was 25 nm. Figure 6 shows a S E M micrograph of the compacted M50 steel specimen. By comparing the Figure 6 (SEM micrograph) with the corresponding E D A X spectra (Figures 7(a)-(d)) the compact shows a uniform microstructure with scattered Cr-rich precipitations. The specimen is 100% dense. The carbon and oxygen content of the consolidated specimen was found to be 0.54% and 4.1% respectively. In Figure 8(a) and (b) is shown a bright field and dark field T E M micrograph respectively of the matrix in the consolidated sample. It appears that there is a distribution in grain size, and the range varies between 5 to 70 nm. T E M micrographs obtained by tilting the sample (+5° to -5°) in the same region confirmed that the microstructural contrast observed in Figure 8(a) is mainly due to orientation effects of oc-Fe crystallites, altough phase separation between the matrix and the precipitates could also contribute to this effect. The electron diffraction (Figure 8(c)) of the matrix showed a spotty diffraction pattern corresponding to the oc-Fe bcc phase. Figures 8(d) and 8(e) show the bright field and dark field T E M micrographs of the precipitate, respectively. They indicate a very fine precipitate with diameters averaging «10 nm. The electron diffraction pattern of the precipitate (Figure 8(f)) indicated that it had a CF8 structure with the best fit corresponding to the M 0 2 C phase. M50 Steel Produced by Chemical Reduction. Nanopowders of M50 steel produced by the chemical reduction technique were characterized by S E M / E D A X . The S E M of the powders showed a similar porous coral-like morphology as shown in Figure 1 for powders synthesized by the sonochemical method. In Figures 9(a) and (b) is shown the E D A X spectrum of the powders before and after the vacuum heat treatment at 650 °C. It indicates that the lithium chloride by-product has been successfully removed by vacuum sublimation. The average particle size, calculated from X-ray line broadening analysis was 34 nm. Current efforts are under way to compact these powders and to study their structural and physical properties. Sonochemically Prepared Nanostructured Iron. The consolidated iron pellet had a homogenous microstructure as confirmed by S E M taken at 100X magnification (Figure 10) and it had a density of 100%. The carbon and oxygen contents were determined to be 0.05% and 1.1% respectively. In the X R D spectra the major peaks were assigned to the oc-Fe phase and line broadening analysis revealed the average crystallite size in the consolidated specimen to be «40 nm.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Figure 1. S E M micrograph of the sonochemically synthesized M50 steel powders.




VKa 1.00 F8:200


3.00 CP8:0



6.00 Cnts:0


8.00 K«V:8.45



Figure 2. E D A X spectrum of the sonochemically synthesized M50 steel powders.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys

Figure 3. T E M micrograph of the sonochemically synthesized M50 steel powders.





4Θ.ΘΘ 5Θ.ΘΘ 68.ΘΘ 70·90 2 - Theta C degrees 1


Figure 4. X-ray diffraction spectrum of the sonochemically synthesized M50 steel powders.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




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4Θ.ΘΘ 5Θ·θθ 6Θ.ΘΘ 7Θ.ΘΘ 2 - Thêta C d e g r e e s 1


Figure 5. X-ray diffraction spectrum of the M50 type consolidated steel specimen showing the major peaks due to oc-Fe.

Figure 6. S E M micrograph of consolidated M50 steel sample.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Nanophose Iron and Ferrous Alloys




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•^rrrfT! 0.000 20

RMS 6490






VFS = 40Θ6






• Λ 0.000 31

Ή 1J


VFS = 2048



RREfl 1

Figure 7. E D A X spectrum of (a) commercial M50 steel standard (b) Spot 1 in Figure 6 (c) Spot 2 in Figure 6 and (d) Spot 3 in Figure 6.

Continued on next page

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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I j

j j


M 0






ûuΓ "

X 1



VFS « 2048









1 j

; !




















\k \


1 i j :


1j !










y . - . ^ v . U / i W i J l 0.000 32






Figure 7. Continued

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys


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Figure 8. T E M micrographs of the consolidated M50 steel specimen: (a) Bright field image of the matrix (b) Dark field image of the matrix (c) Diffraction pattern of the matrix (d) Bright field image of the precipitate (e) Dark field image of the precipitate and (f) Diffraction pattern of the precipitate and the matrix

Continued on next page

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Figure 8. Continued

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys

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Figure 8. Continued

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




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MoLa 1.00


CrKa VKa _ CrKb


3.00 CP3:0





FeKb 7.00


8.00 KeV:7.06








F8 : 2 0 0



3.00 CPS:0



8.00 Cnts:0


8.00 K#V : 5.00

Figure 9. E D A X spectrum of (a) M50 steel powders produced by chemical reduction method before the vacuum sublimation and (b) After the vacuum sublimation at 650 °C/l(r torr. 4

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Nanophase Iron and Ferrous Alloys


Figure 10. S E M micrograph of the pure consolidated iron sample.

Hardness. The nanostructured M50 compact had a hardness of 69 Rockwell C (RC) as compared to a hardness of 58-62 RC for conventional, commercial M50 steel. The hardness of the consolidated iron sample was 37 R C as compared to that of conventional micron sized iron compacts (4-5 RC). Since the nanostructured iron has a hardness approximately seven times that of the conventional, iron, it is therefore reasonable to argue that the marginally higher hardness in the case of the M50 compact results from the iron matrix rather than from the precipitate. Conclusions Two new techniques have been developed for the synthesis of pure nanostructured iron and a M50 type nanophase steel specimen. T E M analysis of the compacted specimen indicated the crystallite size to be between 5-70 nm with random orientation of the Fe crystallites. The iron compact had a highly homogenous microstructure and low carbon and oxygen contents. It also exhibited high hardness, probably due to the ultra-fine microstructure as compared to conventional consolidated iron. Further investigations will be focussed on obtaining the exact stoichiometric ratio of the commercial M50 alloy, reducing the oxygen contamination in the compacts and examining the scale-up feasibility for production of these alloys. Acknowledgments Funding under grant ONR N00014-94-0579 is gratefully acknowledged and we thank C O N A C Y T for the support of Dr. A . Garcia-Ruiz as a visiting scientist to the University of Connecticut. G M C would like to thank the support of the Office of Naval Research.

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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RECEIVED December 29, 1995

In Nanotechnology; Chow, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.