Preparation and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ... - ACS Publications

(38) D. S. McCiure, Solid State Phys., 9, 399 (1959). ... Jpn., 9, 753, 766 (1954). ...... (43) H. D. Johnson, 11, V. T. Brice, G. L. Brubaker. and S...
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Preparation and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Stereochemically Nonrigid Anions B4H9-, B5H12-, B6H1 I-, and B7H12- Improved Syntheses of B5H11 and R. J. Remmel, H. D. Johnson, 11, I. S. Jaworiwsky, and S. G . Shore* Contributionfrom the Evans Laboratory of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 4321 0. Received January 27, 1975

Abstract: Using KH or NH3 as a deprotonating agent, B4H9- is prepared on a practical basis from B4Hlo. Addition of BH, to B4H9-, B ~ H B -and , B6H9- results in polyhedral expansion, yielding BsH12-, B6Hj I-, and B7H12-. The BsH12- ion is the only known binary hydride species that is a member of the newly recognized class of hypho boranes. Variable temperature boron-1 1 and proton N M R spectra are presented and discussed in terms of dynamic properties of the anions and their static structures. Syntheses of BsHll and B6Hl2 in 60-70% yield are achieved by addition of liquid HCI to BsH12- and B6HlI-. Relative Bronsted acidities of B4Hlo and B6H12 are established by proton competition reactions.

Although the Bronsted acidity of B10H14 was first demResults and Discussion onstrated in 1956,' leading to the prediction2 that lower Reactions of Tetraborane(l0). At -78O deprotonation of boron hydrides could also function as Bronsted acids, it was B4Hlo in ether solvents can occur according to the following not until 1967 that definitive evidence for the Bronsted reaction. The B4H9- ion is formed in essentially quantitaacidity of a lower boron hydride, B5H9,3a-Cwas offered. tive ~ i e l d . ~ ~ . ~ Over the past several years evidence has been accumulated which shows that many of the lower boron hydrides can B4Hlo M L M + B4H9- L H (1) function as monoprotic Bronsted acids with a bridging hydrogen serving as the proton s o ~ r c e . Each ~ - ~ of the resultwhere M L = KH,4d NaH,l0 and LiCH3.5 W e have found ing conjugate bases possesses a boron-boron bond which is the reaction to be very sensitive to solvent, deprotonating susceptible to insertion of an electrophillic r e a g e ~ ~ t . ~ ~agent, * ~ - ~and concentration of reactants. The cleanest reacThus deprotonation of B4H10, B5H9, and yields contions were consistently obtained in dimethyl ether using pojugate bases to which the electrophile BH3 can be added, tassium hydride as the deprotonating agent with concentraresulting in polyhedral expansion of the boron frameworks tions of reactants being a t least 1 M . Solutions of KB4H9 in to give the new anions B5H12-, B ~ H I I -and , B7H12-. ether solvents are colorless and appear to be stable for periIn the present article we consider the acidities of B4H10 ods of several months a t -78'. At room temperature the soand B6H12 and provide detailed boron-] 1 and proton N M R lutions indicate decomposition after 30-40 min. A white, spectra of the anions B4H9-, BsH12-, and B6Hll-, and unidentified solid precipitates and new, unidentified resoB7H12-, which allow consideration of static and dynamic nances appear in the boron-1 1 N M R spectrum, but B4H9forms. Detailed procedures are provided for good yield synis still visible in the boron-1 1 N M R spectrum even after the theses of BsHll from B5H12- and B6H12 from B6H11-. Obsolution has been at room temperature for 12-14 hr. Ether servations and procedures which were not discussed in desolutions of LiB4H9 give evidence for much more rapid detail in earlier communications4d~7b are fully presented herecomposition than those of KB4H9 under equivalent condiin. tions.


Remmel, Johnson, Jaworiwsky, Shore




Syntheses of B5Hl1 and B6H12

5396 Table 1. NMR Data for KB,H, 100-MHz 'Ha -16"


,12.73 ,,'A 1.7 1 9.58